Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Saturday 29 January 1853, page 3



(F)-jm the }>rilhh Bunder, Ort "In)

Trm Wool Trade, London, TnrasnAr.

The imports of wool into London dnnn,r the j week to Thursday last- were 9,524 bale", of

which 20j9 were" from Vaia Diemen'* Land, [ I 1,756 from Algoa Bay and the Cape. 2.314

from Tort Phillip,.2,145 from Sydney, 636 from J Adelaide, and the rest from Germany,. Turkey, Bombay, etc. The market is quiet. The larg«« additions recntly to our colonial an ¡vals will materially increase the choice afforded.

Foreign Wool Trade, Leeds, October 8.Bot!i foreign and culonial wooli have been in less-demand during the-past week. Prices ro-amin fiim af recent nutations.

English Wool Market, Leeds, October 8.There Tins been move done in sales of wool this week, and last week's pikes are fully maintained,, with an upward t'-iidcney.

Doncaster Wool Mauset, Saturday.-The conclu.Ung wool market for the present year was held to-dav. Very little was .shown, b-ing dealers' lots fruin Lincolnshire. There were few buyers, and scarcely any alteration in value from summer prices, <-x"ept locks and cotts, which were dearer. Prices very firm for all


Liverpool Wo »l- Market, October 7.- j Moro enquiry for wool, and a good business doing at full price«. The imports of the past week are 30 bales Naples, 65 Constantinople, 50 Malta, 100 Mohair, 1379 East India, 34 Buenos Ayres, 16S2 Alpaca, anJ 232 Lisbon.

The same papei qn.-tesihe prie of tallow :For produce of 1S4j. 37s. 6d.; for 1950, 38s. Öd.; for 1851, 38s. Cd.; for 1852,42s. 9d.

, [From a previous "Empire."]

By the emigrant ship Ann Milne, which arrived at Portland on the 1st instant, after a pas«ige of eighty-three days from Gravesend, we have so nae items of intelligence of the early part of October, which will help to render more perfect our former summary.

A general meeting of the shareholders and diiectors of the New Zealand Company was held on the 7th October, " for the purpose of re-ceiving and considering a statement setting forth the present p sition of the undertaking i ti reference to the Co.onial Government, at home and the Ciinterbuiy Association, and nl-o to ¿¿'ermine the b^l means of meeting the lia-bilities due by the Company on account of the Cante:bury Association in December next." According to the report, the New Zealand Com-pany is involved ni legal pioroedings against the Cuiierbuiy Associ ilion, the latter having "repudi ited'" its liabilities to the company, on the ground that '-the Cjmpany has taken from the public obj.-cts for which sums advanced to it u,.i!or Parham >;kiv authuity were CM-Ii^ively intended and has applied to other purposes a considerable portion of such advances." Tho Company are also in litigation wah four gent!emen, who had becume individual.y guarantors for certain payments to the company by the Canter» bniy Asseciatiojion the 31st December, 1851, but who fur the sam j reason as above had repudiated their debt. Tho names are Lord Lyttelton, Richard Cavendish, John Si neon, E. G. N akefield, guaranteeing £3,750 each. The Company had made no dividend f'i»r the last nine yeais, but their ulfjiis seem, to rcquiro that a fnriher call should soon be made on the shareholders. The recent act of Parliament in reference to New Zealand left the New Zealand Legislative Council, when appointed, at full liberty if they should see fit to bell land at 2s. 6,1. linacre; which had tli3 effe-ct of stopping the sale ot laud by tho Company at £3 an acre. Altogether the affair» of the Company appeared to be» in a moat unprospeious state ; however, after a con-siderable opposition, the report Was adopted, and ordered to be circulated ; it being under-stood that the position of the Company now rested in the hands of her Al ijesly's Govern-

ment. '

The Lord Mayor of London had received a communication from Mr. Secretary Walpole intimating that the remains of the Duke of Wel-lington would be publicly interred in the Cathe-dra! Church of St. Pani with al! solemnities usual on su-h occasions. The Oou:i. of Common Conn-ell of the city of Londji) had unanimously resolved that the corporatif n of London should take part in the public luneralof his Grace, and it was also determined to erect a monument in Guüdhall to perpetúate his memory.

At Lythain, a watering place about twelve miles from Preston, a melancholy accident had

occiiri'e-d. A ¡ife-bjat was upset, and out of. eleven wlu were in lier at thu time, eight were


Another life-boat wiïs also upset in the Menai Straits.- fortunately timely assistance saved those who were in her. Both theso boats are described as " Beeehing's Prize Lite boats."

A most Ci-lensivo conflagration had happened in Spitaltields. Property- to the value of several thousand pounds was destroyed.

Persia. - Constantinople, September 23.Erzeroom post has brought letters to the 9th instant from this city, and to the 28th August from Tabreez. On the 15th of August an at- tempt to assassinate the Shah of Persia had taken place at Teheran. The Shah, accompanied by his Prime Minister and by a numerous suite, had quitted that day K.asri Millak on a hunting excursion, and had reached the skirt of a wood neir Maveranda, when six ill-dressed Persians, with petitions, approached the Shah, who at once drew in the reins of his horse, and took the papers held out to him. It is usual in Persia, on similar excursions, for the Sovereign to pro-ceed alone, and keep his Ministers and attend-ants at a distance of several hundred yards, and when he stops they do likewise. The peti-tioners were of the sect of Babi, and, after de-livering their papers, two seized the bridle of his horse, and the other four surrounded the Shah, and loudly, and with menacing gesture, de-manded redress for the insult done to their re-ligion by having put their chief to death. The Shah courageously ordered them off, but before his suite came up, two of the fanatic, ruffians drew their pistols and fired at him, two balls of which took effect; the first wounded him in the mouth, and the second slightly grazed his thigh. Immediately after this attempt they took to their heels, hotly pursued by the attendants. Three contrived to escape in the wood, one was cut, down hythe Multez'm or Rikiab, and the other two were seized and conveyed to Teheran

for the purpose of obtaining a clue to the con-spiracy. The Shah's wounds were so slight that the next day he proceeded in grand pomp to the mosque, in order to offer his thanks-giving for his miraculous escape. On his re-turn to the palace, the Ministers and the Rus-sian and English Ambassadors, and the Charge d' Affairs of the Porte, in full costume, congratulated him. Public rejoicings also took place, and the city of Teheran was illumi-nated at night. On the 16th August, intelli-gence had been received of the seizure of three assassins who had effected their escape, and concealed themselves in the wood. They were discovered in a well, and were drawn out and cut to pieces, according to tho orders given by

the Prime Minister