Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), Wednesday 16 March 1887, page 3

General News.

— ^»'— ? The Fremantte Town Hall was handed over to the Town Council by the contractor, Mr. E. Keane, on Saturday week. ~The names of Mr. Laffan and Mr. F. J. Roberts have been added to the roll of registered medical practitioners for this Colony.

The London lead market is reported (Feb. 4) to be flat— English pig being quoted at £12 17s. 6d. and Spanish soft at MIZ 12s. 6d, The appointment of Mr. W. L. Owen, C.E., as Resident Engineer for the North District, rice the late Mr. A. Morris, deceased, has been gazetted.

To-morrow, the 17th inst., S. Patrick's Day, has been proclaimed a Bank holiday in Perth, Fremantte, York and Albany by His Excellency the Governor. Our telegrams from London to-day announce another terrible accident in, France through the explosien of melanite, experiments with which were being made by the military authorities et Belfort (or Befort), a fortified town in the department of Haate-Sadne. Six soldiers were killed outright and many others severely injured. The following sates of West Australian wools are noted in a late catalogue: — Ex Natal: 4 bales scoured combing, G over JSD, Is. 4$d. ; 3 bales scoured, ditto, Is. 3Jd. ; 1 bate scoured necks, ditto, Is. 2id- ; 1 bate scoured skin, ditto. Is. 3d. ; 11 bales grease fleece, M, GJo. ; 1 bate grease locks, ditto, 4{d. ; 1 bale grease Iambs, ditto, 8d.

The New Bishop of Melbourne (Dr. Field Flowers Goe) left London for his diocese on the 17th of February, by the Orient steamer Oroya, which should reach her destination in the course of a few days. Tbe Bishop of Perth, who took part in the service of the consecration of Dr. Goe, last month, embarked March 11 by the EJkLS. Borne, which will be due at Albany April 19. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to forward to Staff-Commander Coghlan, R.N., a letter formally thanking him and the officers under his command for the able, zealous and obliging manner ia which they have always carried oat their important duties. In reply StaffCommander Coghlan has, on behalf of his officers and himself, gracefully acknowledged the compliment. His Excellency the Governor has received a circular despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, stating that the Lords of the Admiralty have agreed to place annually at the disposal of the Secretary of State, on behalf of the sons of Families settled in the principal Colonies, three nominations ' for Engineer studentships in Her Majesty's Dockyards. Particulars can be ascertained upon application to the Colonial Secretary. On Thursday evening last the many frirads of Mr. W. BL James invited that gentleman to a dinner, previous to his departure for England. The banquet was held at the Governor Broome Hotel, anil about forty persons sat down at the table. The catering was all that could be desired, the wines excellent, and the few speeches made were short and to the point. The company separated fct a late hour, after having enjoyed a most pleasant evening. ?

It may not be generally known that the surgeon of the Qlfated ship Kapunda was Dr. Bentham, who arrived at Fcemantte lastyearin medical charge of the emigrants who came out in the Helena Mena, and had only recently returned to England when be embarked on his fatal voyage. It seems the doctor did not wish to join the Kapunda, as he required rest, but as be was a man ef great geniality and experience he was pressed by the authorities at the office of the Crown Agents to go out again and yielded. A correspondent, writing from Fremantte, says:— In Messrs. T. & H. Carter & Co.'s store is exhibited a large vine leader or stem, two years old, very thickly laden with grapes, weighing quite 60 pounds. The fruit was grown by Mr. John Snook, and is an example of what the apparently sterile soil of Fremantte is capable of producing. A quantity of onions from the same garden are the largest and finest I have seen in the colony and entirely disprove the notion that Fremantte is but a heap of worthless sand. An announcement appears in our advertising columas from the Fremantte Club requesting applications for the position of Secretary to that institution. This has been brought about, we team, owing to the present Secretary, Mr. Hughes, having leased the Emerald Isle Hotel, which ia abont to be thoroughly renovated and equipped with the most modern improvements of the day. Judging from the state ef efficiency Mr. Hughes has placed the fremantte Club, which undoubtedly owes its present highly satisfactory condition to his efforts, we can predict for the old Emerald Isle that successful future which its central position and extensive accommodation demand. A curious little story was told me (writes the London correspondent of the Sheffield Independent) illustrative of the snobbishness of London society and of the real kindness of heart in the family of the Prince of Wales. There is in London, an American dentist who is very skilful in his profession, and amongst other people has attended the Princess of Wales. He was invited to one of the minniJ garden parties at Marlborough House, and met there nearly 60 of his patients. They cut him to a man. Soon after he found himself face to face with the Prince and Princess, and they, at once gave him the most cordial reception and shook him warmly by the hand. At once every one of the 50 patients pressed up to tbe lucky dentist, and shook bands witliequal warmth. In our issue containing the intimation of the death, on Thursday, of one of the most prominent preachers our generation has seen — Henry Ward Beecher— it seems not inappropriate that we should give the words of the 'good-bye' to England addressed by hi''»lf and his wife on leaving its shores for New York. He said, 'And now we bid farewell to dear old England, to bonnie Scotland, that we have loved from our earliest childhood, to rugged, quaint, delightful, homelike Wales, to their rich green fields, their steep, rocky moontain sides, with 'sunny glades aad gentle slopes between,' and the generous, hospitable people whose memory will now be doubly dear to ua We gladly turn our faces homeward, but the gladness is tempered with a little more heartache thanis com-fortable at leaving so much that is dear and most loveabte. We are indebted to this charming country and the dear friends we have found here for four months of great pleasure and happiness, and in saying ferewell we leave sincere and loyal love behind, and from our heart we pray, ' God bless the British Ides.' ' At the Fremantte Police Court on Friday, before Mr. £. Fairbairn, E.S., John Lee was charged with loitering about town without any visible means of support; he said he was a cigar maker bat could not get any work and was dismissed with a caution.— John Sheppard, charged with driving a horse and trap through the streete without lights, said he was leading the horse, bat the Beach said it made no difference and fined him 5s., and costs 8s. 6d. — William Stone, also charged with driving without lights, was fined in the same amount. — The Municipal Supervisor applied for the return of cost of summonses, &c, 5s., in the case of Edwd. Marsh, against u-bom an information had been laid f«r allowing ahorse to wander about the streete; it appeared the summons had not been served, tWe bailiff not being able to find each a person, but the magistrate ordered the case to stand over, remarking that more care should be exercised by the poundkeeper, otherwise he would be called upon to pay expenses. — Geo. Dennis, charged with druukenaea), was dismissed with a caution. ? Geo. fieeve, summoned foe driving without lights, did not appear, but P.C. Koch having proved the offence a fine of Ss. and costs was inflicted.

Messrs. Parker and Parker, as well as Mr. James Lapsley, have been appointed vendors of internal revenue stamps. As at present arranged His Excellency the Governor and Lady Broome will leave Eottnest Island and return to Government House, Perth, on Monday, the 21st instant. Thursday next, the 17th inst, S. Patrick's Day, has been proclaimed a Bank holiday in Perth, Fremantte. York and Albany by bis Excellency the Governor. The total of the land revenue received this year up to test Monday week amounts to £49,52C 0s. 2d. The amount received from this KWiroe of revenue laat year was £17,?2*7 15s. &L Last Saturday aiaeteen y«ars ago HJJ.H. the Duke of Edinburgh was shot in the back at Clontarf, near Sydney, N.S.W., by O'FarreU, who subsequently expiated his crime on the gallows.

We have received a number of papors published by Dr. J. Forbes Watson relative to the establishment of what he terms 'The So-called 'Imperial Institute,'' which we shall review upon another occasion. Only one case occupied the attention' of the City Bench on Saturday last, when a pauper, named George Richardson, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment with haid labour for vagrancy. It was officially notified in the last issue of the Government Gazette that Mr. E. Wynne has been transferred from the Bailway department, to act as fourth cleric in the Postal and Telegraph department. Messrs. A. Forrest & Co. report having sold, on account of Messrs. Hamerstey & Simms, the junction station (situated in the Gascoyne district) with 4,600 sheep, and plant ata satisfactory price, to Mr. S. J. Phillips, of the Irwin. Upon the conclusion of the Brigade Parade, held upon the New Recreation Ground last Wednesday evening, the Guildford corps (numbering sixty men) was taken by Capt. Gardner to the Boyal Hotel, where he regaled them with a substantial hot supper at his own expense. A boy named Bates had a very narrow escape from a severe, if not a fatal, accident on Friday. A heavily-loaded dray was being drawn along Howick-steeet, and just as it came opposite the Convent the ted, in endeavouring to cross the road, slipped and fell right in front of one of the wheels. Fortunately the driver perceived what had occurred, and was able to stop the horse before the child's body was crushed under the wheeL A Fremantte correspondent says: — I notice that the Government are breaking np the road between the South Jetty platform in the direction of the old Custom House, for the purpose, it is said, of laying down iron tails. It does not appear, however, that the sanction of the Corporation has been obtained, yet be it remembered that the ratepayers have paid large sums of money to make this road, and it is only proper they should insist upon their rights being respected, and the Council should not hesitate to enforce thiB. We have seen the engine that was smashed some time since in the York railway cutting. It has been reconstructed by the Works department at Fremantte. A tender unowattached, which considerably increases its water-carrying capacity, it being able to hold sufficient to takea train as far as York without stopping. The vacuum break has also been added, with lubricator, cow and spark catchers. There is of course a great deal of new work done, which has been turned out in a most highly creditable manner by the department, under the superintendence of Mr. W. Mather, who is certainly a most energetic servant ef the Government. The cost of the work was estimated at £2000, white the actual cost has only been about .£750. Captain Mathias, of the basque Hampshire, who has made himself very popular in this Colony, gave a [tarty on board bis vessel on Friday evening, to which he invited a number of frionds. The vessel was decsrated with bunting and brilliantly lighted with fancy lamps. There were also a number of mottoes very neatly executed, the prineipal one being, ' Health, Wealth, and Prosperity to AIL' The captain sent his gig and cutter, in charge of the officers of the ship, to the wharf for the invited guests, to convey them on board, when, after they had partaken of a most sumptuous dinner, Jhawntr commenced at 7 '30 p.m., which was kept up till midnight, when the company were invited to a display of rockets and other fireworks. A very rieasant evening having been spent the healths of the captain and officers were proposed with musical honours and most enthusiastically drunk in bumpers ; after which the guests took their departure, highly delighted with tbe pleasure of their trip- ? The Brigade Parade held test week on the new Recreation Ground was a genuine success. The weather was delightful, aad the full moon enabled the large body of spectators to watch the various manoeuvres with ease. The attendance of the Volunteers was good, as will be seen from the following parade report : — Authorised Total on strength, parade. Head-Quarters Staff 2 2 M. a V. corps ... 130 99 F. B. V. corps ... 120 87 G. B. V. corps ... 80 60 . As soon as the various corps arrived on the ground they marched past the staff in excellent order. The Commandant (Major Phillimore) and Major Sutherland then inspected the ranks, after which various batallion movements were executed, followed by manual firing and bayonet exercise. To these succeeded an advance in review order, a movement which was so creditably performed that both the Commandant and Major Sutherland warmly complimented tbe men upon their success. The Volunteers then 'formed three sides of a square, when Miss Phillimore presented Priv. Gregg with a prize (a gold watch) be had won in a shooting match held test December. The three corps left the ground at a few minutes before ten o'clock. A copy of a handbill, which is duly issued from this office giving a precis of the contents of each issue of the Daily Nswe, seems to have fallen into our City contemporary's hands, and has evidently excited that insignificant journal to a fit of perfect childish irrational fnry. In the handbill in question we say that the Daily News enjoys a circulation more than treble that of any other daily paper in Western Australia, an assertion which has goaded our contemporary into a state of temporary insanity. Otherwise, how could the proudly self-styled organ of culture and refinement in this Colony have condescended to speak as follows : — ' We take this opportunity of branding the assertion as an absolute, direct and unqualified falsehood.' After in^nlging in some flowers of rhetoric, each as ' wilful mendataty,' &c, our selfpresumed courteous contemporary bravely challenges us ' to take the usual and proper stops' to relieve ourselves ** from this most grievous accusation' ! We treat oar contemporary's frantic ravings as they deserve — with utter contempt ; though, at the same time, we must frankly acknowledge they have afforded us unbounded amusement. ' Take steps,' forsooth ! to ' relieve' ourselves of Bucb a ' most grievous accusation,' indeed! We fight pot with mere shadows, and we would remind our contemporary that it has no corporeal personality upon which condign chastisement can be inflicted, any more than it has a, reputation to be damaged. For our part we shall not degrade ourselves to oar contemporary's low level by fceepmg it company on its favourite ground — the lists of slang. But if literary controversy in this Colony is to degenerate into mere journalistic vituperation, we shall in the name of common sense and as being ourselves unequal to fho task send direct to Billingsgate for a champion worthy of ouroppcaent's bodkin, and thereby secure something racy and idiomatic in the etyle oar contemporary vainly tries to exeeL

! The Supreme Court sat in banco I this morning. For the third day in succession there -was a dean sheet at the Fretnantle Police Court on Firday morning. The only place at which rain is officially recorded as having fallen, since Monday morning, is Israelite Bay, where '01 point vi an inch has been registered. A footpath is being laid down between St. George's Terrace and the central approach to the General P«et Office, and not before It was wanted: f A public ball will be held in the Town Hall next Thursday night under the aus-r piciesof the Union Cricket Club, who will slay a inalcU ou the Esplanade the same day. ? ; The following notice was posted, .for general information, at the Central Telegraph Office yesterday. — 'Defective working on Eucla line since 8 a.m., business may be delayed.' We would remind all lovers of music: that Gilbert & Sollivan'8 charming opera! 'Patience' will be given in the Town, Hall, under the direction of Mrs. Westwood, this evening. We have been requested to notify that the ticket list in Mr. Strickland's sweep on the Perth Handicap is being rapidly filled op, and those desirous of securing a chance should do so. Jarrah still continues to appear among [he quotations ia the market reports received from Mauritius. For jarrah, the price quoted is Bs. 1-90 to Ks. 1-75 per Mibic foot ; jarrah shingles, Bs. 0'15 to Us. )1G. The following persons have been authorised to witness contracts of aboriginal latives :— Lance-Sergt. Farley, GuOdf ord ; Lance-CorpL Hackett, Gingin ; A. £. Pries, Bosselton ; and Algernon Cuf ton, Bunbury. The Albion Hotel has changed hands, ind last Saturday evening the new proprietary invited a number of friends to a jripe supper, in order to celebrate the event. Phe viands and wines supplied were of such jualties as to redound to the credit of th* new proprietors, and the guests passed a rery enjoyable evening. Among the attractions in the City daring the forthcoming race meet of the W. A. furf Club a public ball, under the auspices -f the Union Cricket Club, will take place in the Town Hall in the evening of Thurslay next — race day, as particularised in )ur advertising columns. : A serious accident happened last Thurslay on the road between Northam and the local racecourse. A lad was riding to \he course, when a vehicle came into violent iollisioa with bis horse. The off-side shaft struck the unfortunate animal on the right side of the breast, completely tearing away the off shoulder from the body. The horse bad, as a matter of course, to be destroyed -n the spot. The building in William-street situated -pposite the Freemasons' Hotel has now been fitted up by Mr. Rosevear as a public bath-house, in which people will be able to indulge in the luxury of either a cold or hot, shower, plunge, or douche bath, as required.. We hope that the enterprise Mr. Rosevear has exhibited will ensure the leneroos patronage of the citizens at large. At the FremantJe Police Court on Monday, before Mr. Fairbairn, J. Moran, charged with Irankenness, admitted the offence and was lined Ss., or 7 days. James Creamer, charged with vagrancy, was cautioned and lismiseed. Mary Dutton, olios Heap, charged with drunkenness and with breaking a pail, gaol property. White under urest, was fined 403. and ordered to pay the ralue of the pail, or in default one month. It is notified that bis Honor the Acting Chief Justice has been pleased to appoint Greorge Bulten, of Melbourne, Victoria, and Augustus Sanfard Boe, of Boebourne, Western Australia, solicitors, commissioners to administer oaths and to take and receive affidavits, declarations, &c., to be used in the Supreme Court of Western Australia; also to take acknowledgments if deeds executed by married women. During the month of November last the sum of .£1201 17s. was paid into the Colonial Treasury in respect of licenses to remove guano from Houtman's Abrolhos, namely, £490 15s., license for the barque DUock, to remove not more than 755 tons ; £388 Is., license for the barque Electra, to remove not more than 597 tonsj and 6323 Is., license for the barque Miako, licensed to remove net more than 497 tons. Ml these cargoes will be taken direct to Sambarg. At a few minutes past one o'clock on Monlay afternoon an accident occurred at the xrcner of Wellington-street and Macktestoaet. A licensed eab was being driven through the City, when the herse stumbled, fell, and overthrew the vehicle. The result was a general smash, and Mr. Uacklin (of Fremantte) who occupied a seat in the cab at the time, was so severely wounded by the broken window-glass as bo necessitate his immediate removal to the Hospital. A ''Mfa''g of tbe Committee of the W. &.. Turf Club was held test Saturday evening, when the tender of Mr. J. Stuart (of the Governor Broome Hotel) was accepted For the right of holding the booth on the ground and supplying refreshments to the DCcupantB of the Grand Stand at the next race meeting, to be held on Thmsday next. The amount offered was £41, thereby under-buying Mr. J. Dearden's offer by anlv a few shillings. Ten pounds was offered for the right of collecting the gatemoney, bnt tbe committee decided to keep that in their own hands ; and a similar course was adopted with reference to th* running of the totalizator. The Johnston Memorial Sunday School children's picnic at Bayswater on Wednesday was a great success. The children were assembled at the school-room and started for the Bailway Station at 8-5 a.m. and were all safely seated in the carriages by 6-25 and took their departure at 8-50. The railway arranf^''0'^' were carried out exceedingly welL and the children and parents, numbering qaite 1,000, were conveyed to and from Bayswater without tiie slightest accident. All thoroughly enjoyed themselves, thankB to the unremitting attention of the teachers and Mr. Weame, who took a very prominent position in carrying out the day's arrangements. The Adelaide Steamship Company's steamer Otway, on ber present voyage to Wyndhiim, has performed excellent running up to and away from Cossack. The synopsis of the voyaging is thus : Left FremanUeat 11.30 a.m. on Sunday, 6th inst., arrived at Geraldton at 8 a.m. of tbe 7th, left at 3 p.m. same day, arrived Carnarvon 8 ajn. on the 9th, coaled there from the Bittern and discharged cargo, left at noon on the 10th and arrived at Aehburton at noon on the 11th, left at noon of the 12th and arrived CosBack at 9.30 a.m. on the 13th, went info the Creek, discharged, and sailed for Derby at 2 p.m. yesterday, the 14th. The Otway should be heard of atCossackagainontbeSlst, if not a day or two earlier. Gilbert and Sullivan's widely known aesthetic opera 'Patience' will be produced, for the first time in. Western Australia in its entirety, both in Perth and at yy»ma.nfr]to, during fch.2 course of the approaching Easter season, for the benefit of the W. A. Cricket Association. The opera will be placed on the stage with all proper scenic adjunefce, while the dresses for the performers have been ordered from Melbourne. The cast is a very strong one, and the principals will be supported by a chorus of at least thirty voices. The performances in Peith wfll take place at St. George's Hall on Wednesday and Thnrsday nights, the 13th and l*th April next; and the opera will be produced at Fremantte, in the Oddfellows* HalL on the following Friday evening.

? . ? . f Last week the Hon. J. Arthur Wright, accompanied by Capt EosseU (Harbour Master at Fre mantle), proceeded to. Albany. Mails for Derby, viS. intermediate pMts, trill be made up at tbe General Poet pffiee at 1 p-m. on Tuesday next, the 22nd inst., ' for transmission by tbe as. Perth. The only place in tbe Colony at which a fall o\ rain has been officially recorded, since Saturday morning,, is the Vasse, where -05 points of an inch have fallen. ? 'tl — ?'??--Mails for Wyndham, vi£ Adelaide, will be made up at tbe General Post Offirf on Friday next, the 18th inst, at 10 a.m., for transmission by the overland mail to Albany. . W. Sardovek has just received a new stock of Lawn Mowers, Lawn Sprinklsn, Garden Syringes, Pruning Knives and Shears, Spades and Garden Hoes .of mU descriptions. — Advt. By reference to one of the jjiliijgt|gg|ii which appear fri oar advertising columns it will be seen that ti* thorough-bred haree ' Young Pees' is to he raffled at a very moderate reserved price. As next Thursday has been proclaimed A Bank holiday aH tile Government *^*»«ap will be closed on that day. with the except;ion of the Postal and Telegraph departments, which will be open at «n a Sunday. The civic authoritiarftave at last tafcen between William-street and BartaCK«ReL Mr. A. E: Webster, Kr. D. Walker, jand Mr. Scleater, are passenger* from London bo Albany by theinooming B.MjS.'Ballaiat. By tbe BJLS. Borne, leaving London March 11, the following passengers are boosed for Albany :— The Bishop of Perth, Mr. O. L. Haines, Mr. Barker; and Mr. A. A. Nichols. Messrs. See Woh & Co. rogues* ins to irawthe attention of ?nr readers togtjftar announcement notifying that *£m|of Sue works will take place, on (the Dew uauiii Ground, under their direction, this evening, at 7-90 o'clock, to witness which the public are cordially invited. A correspondent writes to ne as ffoHews 1 — :t When a person gees to the Trtegiapb Office to send a message be is supplied with the official form free of cost But if the nature of his business renders it desiriblcr for him to obtain a book of telegraph, forms, be ieeharged a shilling tor St. In the other AutfraSau Colonies such ibopSB are supplied to Ae public gratis, and I tall bo see why the same CKttse should not be adopted in this province.' mmbs. It is sometimes unfortunate ^^^^Sg^ sons to bear the same gnrnVjiKgojaflOHy if they both belong to fl^MpMIM a. few days ago Dr. WflHam Kenny leftthe Colony for England, and an enooeou* impression has got abroad that the pissem?er was Dr. Daniel Kelly, of Howick-street. Such, however, is not .the case, as Dr. D. Kenny mf onus as that he has not. the remotest intention of quitting the land of bis adoption. : The steamer' Franklin Baited from Port Adelaide for Albany last Wednesday. The following is » list of berkmsseng^'t-^ Messrs. Boothy, Hayes, Dalyl M^Bdomtf^ Carson, Beasley, Bobinson, HawD/Locke, Sullivan, Pringle, Pettat, West, Ins, Bliss, Wilson, Edwards, Lawson, Christie, Joins, Hastie, TornbulL Savory, and Brown, Mesdames Urn*, Kerr, Barttey, Crocks. Iris, Jones and three children, Bohan and two children. Misses Cum** -«). .fisher, and Venn, «'»«i ir««t«m Birch (2).; .and forty-four in the steerage. At the Fremantie Police Court vesterday morning, before Mr. D. K. Congdon, J.P., Wm. Morrison, charged/ with being drunk a.nd disorderly condnct,?was eejgtj tejgfBon for seren days. William Gceen sjrdl^--ei with behaving in a aMrihyhftWni . The police informed the Bench it'witwe accused's 30th appearance. Green promised if let off to keep away from drink. He was then dismissed with a caution. John Lee, charged with stealing a watch and other property from one Jno. Wallace, was, at the request of the police, remanded Tor 8 days. Thomas Greenwood, admitted the charge of inebriation, and was fined 10s. w 14 days. ? :; The Black Swan Christy Minstwisgwe. an entertainment at the, OddfeUoiri^mB' m Wednesday. It was very fairly patronised, but the performance was not quite up bo the average of representations of the land seen previously at the Port of Fremantie ; however, it appeared to be a success. Amongst the various conundrums -rf the evening the following local hit appeared :— ' Why are the swans on the EownHall tower unlike the Black Swan Minstrels P Because the Black .fptri Minstrels are useful and ornamental, ani Ihe swans on the Town Hall are neither ane nor the ether.' Another death, the third within the Bourse of the last twelve months, occurred at the Perth Convent at a quarter to four o'clock last Wednesday . morning, when Sister Mary Patrick entered into her rest. The deceased bad been* aHinz Jfor gome time past, the ? cause of'- ler- death being phthisis. A -requiem MaBs'^was offered up in the Catholic Ontiipdrnl on Thursday ^noming for the repose of ber souL the celebrant being the Bight Bev. Bishop Gibney, D.D., aswsted by the Bev. Frs. Bourke, O'&eily, P. J. Gibney, Brereton, Long and Treacy. The funeral service followed, and tte remains of the late sister were interred within the boundaries of the Convent grounds. ,.