Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), Wednesday 23 September 1885, page 5


? « — ? (From onr own Correspondent.) The genfieuien connected with the disposal of the 'Beaconsfield Estate' might well congratulate themselves upon the success attending their sale of lie large number of lots offered by auction at the Oddfellows' Hall, on Tuesday evening (15th). There was, indeed, a very large audience, the spacious hall being crowded to excess. The auctioneer, Mr. Henry Smith, was in his usual good form, and I am sure fie able manner in which be conducted the auction greatly aided tie satisfactory result. The total amount realized was upwards of .£1060, and I now learn of other syndicates negotiating for similar auctions of blocked land. The arrival of the Flowerdale at Cossack has led the speculators in the purchase of the Bittern to become a little anxious as to the safety of the latter vessel, as she has now been out from Browse Tdajul fully four weeks, though when the Flowerdale parted company only a fortnight prior to her ar

nvai. air possum, au was weu ami everything promising for a good voyage. Before closing my notes, I hope I shall be able to refer to the Bittern's safe arrival at one of the North-west ports, as I am sure one and all would be glad to hear «f the venture having proved a successful one to Messrs. Lilly, Holdsworth & Co., who have gone to considerable expense to turn the matter to account. [We learn that tie Bittern has arrived at Cossack. — Ed.] Another old veteran has passed away in tie person of Sergt. Cunningham, who was known to have been one of tie best conducted members of tie pensioner force here. He expired very, suddenly while ratting down at tea, though I learn that he bad suffered from heart disease for some time prior to his death. Many old -ywni~n1ftg 'oHow&d bis rniiflinn f-n tfiA -rra.n3.

The lightering of tie cargo from tie large steamer Gienmarven was so vigorously carried on, that on Thursday evening the steamer was again in readiness to proceed to sea en route to Hobart. . A very large quantify of railway material has been landed per this vessel, and tie steam crane has been kept continuously at work. The barque West Australian has arrived from Adelaide, after a somewhat favorable passage. The barque Honor, with timber shipped at Rockrhgham, has sailed for S A. The schooner Lotto Fairfield, with Ran^jjwood, has also left for China, and it is expected that as this vessel is an exceptionally smart craft, a quick voyage wfll be ensured for Capt. Bingay. lam sure tie Portonians were glad to observe by the Council report tiat the vote for public works here, including, tie new Post and Telegraph Offices, was passed. As I am informed the design as first submitted to lie Legislature has been greatly amended, it is to be hoped tie building will prove, architecturally, an ornament to the town. We require something better than tie bungalow type, which 1 understand was eo clearly discernable in tie first plan. A few very good horses were brought down from the New Norcia Mission for shipment 'on Mr. Avery's account, per Natal, which vessel, after taking in a tolerably good cargo, left for Singapore, vtt Northwest ports and Kimberley, on Saturday afternoon last. Mr. G. B. Williams has takes tie position -of parser in tie Natal, owing to poor young Taylor's death, which

occurred eomewbst suddenly at Mr. Moots? s residence on Friday last. The Bob Boy, with a good complement of passengers and Colonial mails, ex P. & Osteamer, arrived here on Thursday last and continues her voyage to Geraldfon on Tuesday morning (to-morrow). I would here remind your readers -of tie fact of the change in tie mail tune table, which will take effect -on tie departure of fie outgoing English mail on Oct. 10th. The mails for Europe closing every alternate Saturday evening in lieu of Friday afternoon. On Wednesday afternoon last me ' Sons of Temperance* attended Divine worship, after which they formed a procession and marched down tie principal stieete, following tie strains of tie Volunteer Band. Jn the evening a concert, lmflfy tie auspices of this flourishing lodge, took place at tie Oddfellows' Hall, and passed off most enjoyably. The Bev. V. Roberts presided, and a fairly good programme was gene through by various lady and gentlemen amateurs, while Mrs. Sendey presided at the piano, playing- the accompanimente with her usual marked efficiency. We have another member of the long robe amongst up, in the person of Mr. Haynes, who arrived per last steamer from Sydney, and who will, I am informed, join Mr. Malcolm Stevens in his practice here. A new firm, under the style of Symon, Hammond and Hubbard, is about to be started at the premises known as 'The Hall of Commerce', which were formerly in the possession of the late Mr. H. J. Saw. The new firm are going in most extensively as general merchants, and particularly so as ironmongers. The advent of these gentlemen is certainly a sign of the times. The more tie merrier, I say ! The whole of the members of the Enrolled Guard left per train on Saturday last, for tie purpose of being present at parade at tie Government House Gardens, in accordance with His Excellency'E expressed wish. There is much sympathy evinced among tie very many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, (who only very recently arrived in the Colony) owing to the sad loss they hare ust sustained by the death of their eon Srnest. The poor young fellow bad, during his term of office in the tm. Natal, been a general favorite with all on board, and, out of respect for tie bereaved fondly, bunting, on all the vessels in harbor, was half-mast during Friday and Saturday last. The funeral cortege moved from the residence of Mr. W. D. Moore at 11 o'clock on that (Saturday) morning. On Tuesday, to-morrow, evening slecture will be delivered by tie Rev. G. A. Barmer, on 'Chas. Dickens.* This will take place in tie Literary Institute. The proceeds will be devoted to the funds of that institution. The .entertainment will be interspersed with music, as many of our amateurs have offered to take part, and altogether a very enjoyable evening is anticipated for the many who will, no doubt, be in attendance. The barque Raven, after an excellent run from Port Adelaide ef only seventeen days, arrived on Thursday last. Mr. Stanley, tie manager of the Opera Company, at once landed, and arranged for their first appearance with 'Pinafore' on Monday (this) erenThe Otway will leave for Cambridge Golf, via all North-west ports and Derby, on Friday morning next. It is expected that this smart steamer will overtake the Natal at Kimberley, notwithstanding the Na&d's prior departure of six days. The very extensive warehouse buildings now being erected for Messrs. J. &, W. Bateman are nearing completion, and will add much to the already commodious premises belonging to tbat enterprising firm. Very rapid strides of progress are being contamed in the erection of our Town Hall, and the carrying out of tie contract, so for, is highly satisfactory to the Corporation, and a credit to the contractor.

tax. lanasay, tor many years an officer m tie Imperial service, who fills the position of Foreman of Works at the ConvictEstablishment, is very seriously 9L fie has been confined to his bed for sometime past. On Wednesday evening, the members of tie Volunteer Corps will make a roll muster, and proceed to Perth per train to attend the parade notified for that date, when, also, they will take part in the presentation ceremony which has been arranged te take place in connection with Major Sutherand's departure from the Colony, and winch

has necessitated that gentleman's severance from the corps. The gallant Major's services will be much missed by all who take any interest in the Volunteer movement, and more particularly go by the members of the Fremantle companies, in the success of which Major Satfaerland has identified himself for a number of years past. The Colonial Secretary, Mrs. Fraser and family ace, for the present, residing at tie Port at the Governor's marine residence. The South Australian, after a most excellent voyage from the Colonies, arrived on ' Monday morning. There was a good num| ber of saloon and steerage passengers, besides a very large cargo. Some fine stock for Mr. Eeane and others were also landed from the 'South' in splendid condition. This smart steamer has made the run from Port Adelaide, including all stoppages, in six days, having left tie Semaphore on the 15th. Mr. Bingay, a gentleman who has only very recently arrived here, has decided npon remaining in tie Colony and practicing in hie profession, which is tiat of a dentist, and there is every prospect of Mr. Bingay doing a very Indicative business in tbat particular line, having already been fortunate in securing a number of patients, all of whom, I learn, axe highly FwrMfcfl with the results of bis skilled operations. It is evident, from Hue eaccessfol practice already obtained, tiwt this gentieman is a thorough master of bis profession, bo bis sojourn among us will be an acquisition to the community. By the South Australian a gentleman in tie medical profession has come amongst us. I refer to Dr. Matthftwe, who it is hoped, wQl see sufficient inducement to remain here. It is obvious that we have plenty of room for another medico, and probably by such an addition tie foes of those who have enjoyed a monopoly for so many years may be considerably reduced. So the new arrival in that profession will be quitea benefactor to -the people, and man especially to those in humble circumstances. Dr. Matthews is accompanied by Mrs. Matthews and their daughter. Monday morning.