Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), Wednesday 7 April 1858, page 3

Miscellaneous Indian News*

The Judicial Commissioner of the Punjab has ordered that etriet search should be made for all the Sikh sepoys who have served in the mutinous Hindoostanee regiments. Wherever found they are to be arrested. A reward of 30 rupees has been offered for every sepoy so arrested. It is impossible to estimate the amount of mischief that one escaped mutineer may do. The district in which he lived

would soon lose even me appearance ot respect ior Europeans. He would be a nucleus round which all the disaffected would gather, and by his tales of the indignities that Europeans had been made to endure he would gradually undermine all authority. A correspondent of the Englishman mentions that an expedition under the command of Lieutenant Wilcox was recently sent ont from Julpigorie to apprehend one Kurruck Singh, who lodged and fed the Dacca mutineers. The expedition left Julpigorie on the 29th of December for Kurruck Sing's residence, a place about 23 miles off. In the the heat of the day tbe detachment were halted. During the halt, three of the sepoys composing the expedition were discovered to be missing. It was at once surmised that they had gone to ghe the alarm. The march was continued, and as was anticipated, it was found on arrival that Kurruck Singh had obtained information of the approach of the detachment, and had fled. The house was. however, fired, and a few valuables and some three or four elephants were captured. The throe missing men were discovered in a tope of trees close by the bouse of Kurruck Singh, and were arrested. They were sentenced to death by a Drum Head Court Martial, and were blown away from the guns in front of the regiment on the 2nd of January. One of the three was a Havildar, the others were sepoys belonging to the 73rd. The Dewan of the Nnwab of Futtehghur has been seized and hanged.. It is reported 'that before his execution he was well flogged by the sailors of the Naval Brigade. It was the Nuwab who blew away from;guns four Europeans, three of them ladies. Onr readers will remember their names, they were Mr and Mrs Birch, Mrs Eckford, and Mrs Defontaiue. A correspondent of the EngUslanan thus defines the terms ' Ladies' and ' Women' as applied to the female survivors of the Lucknow garrison, ' The women at Lucknow were those who refused to wash for the officers, except at an exorbitant price. The ladies, those who washed not only for their own husbands and relations, but for their defenders generally.' We congratulate tbe garrison on having at last found a man able to put an end to the littlemindedness that would if permitted tarnish even their glory. We have received some half dozen letters referring to disputes inside the garrison. We shall publish none of them. If the garrison cannot perceive that any display of private feeling weakens the honour they ought to receive from all Englishmen, we can. The three hundred at Thermopylae doubtless trod on one another's toes and talked scandal while dressing their hair. Their conduct seems none the less heroic because the historian forgot those puerilities. Friday, January 15 — The following copy of a service message from the Commissioner of Nagpore has been received by the Secretary to the Government of India. The message is dated the 10th of January: — 'Sumbulpore has been relieved, and the road between that place and Boepore lias been opened. Captain Wood with a squadron of tbe Nagpore Irregular Cavalry reached Sumbulpore from Nagpore on the 29th of December. The next morning at 3 A.M., he proceeded against a party of the rebels with a force consisting of 73 of Nagpore Irregular Cavalry, 150 of the 40th Madras NX and 50 of the Ramghur Infantry. At daybreak, the Cavalry being in advance surprised the rebels 500 to 600 in number, encamped in a gorse land, and immediately charged them, Captain Wood killing 3 men with his own hand. The Infantry coming up, the rebels were put to Sight, 53 were killed, and a number of matchlocks and other weapons fell into our hands' On our side Captain Wood was slightly wounded in the shoulder by an arrow, and 9 others, including Dr. Windows were also wounded by arrows. Soonder Raj, who was said to be in the encampments escaped, but three leaders of importance including a brother of Soonder Raj were killed. The Nagpore Cavalry acquitted themselves beautifully. The reinforcement of the 40th Madras N.I. from Cuttack had not arrived. Sumbulpore was thus first relieved from hence. In consequence of this promptitude Soonder Raj's men are already disheartened.' The Andaman islander brought over by the Plato is to be sent back forthwith. He is, it has been stated very HL The story given in the Phoenix of the capture of this man is wholly inaccurate. The Committee were most anxious to conciliate the natives of Interview island. Seeing some of them in canoes they rowed towards them, and offered them beads, and other presents. The natives unable to comprehend a policy of conciliation paid for the beads with a shower of spears. Dr Heatucote was struck through the thigh, a sailor's hand was nailed to the thwarts, and other parties in the boat were wounded. It became necessary to h're, and one man, the wretch brought to Calcutta, was seized. So anxious were tbe Committee to refrain from giving any cause ef irritation that they stopped the pursuit. We fail, we confess, to understand the maudlin sympathy with these islanders. They are not a grade higher than Australian aborigines, and lire by mudering shipwreck Europeans.

xne iommanaer-in-i ;met according to report is about to make for Agra. It is certain that the Commissariat authorities both at Agra and Meerut, have received orders to prepare for tbe reception of 8000 men, The residents at Agra have many of them left the fort Some of them reside in thatched cottages immediately below the wall, and others are living nearly two miles away. The houses in Agra are undergoing repair. The Bareilly rebels have at last mustered conrage to attack the Nynee Tal troops at Haldiranee. The British troops consisted of some 300 Goorkhas of die 66th and a reinforcement of 290 men recently sent from Nepal The rebels, 2,000 strong, attacked on the 1st January, but were beaten off. They lost 50 in killed, and a great quantity of ammunition. Tne Goorkhas had not a man killed or wounded. A letter from Jubbulpore, dated the 96th of Dec., confirms the report that Nana Sahib with a large body of rebels is about to proceed to S.iugor; Naua Sahib's natural course is towards the Mahratta provinces. The Hindoo Patriot says that he has often wished that the tongues of European ladies should be cut out. He thinks the fine of 15 rupees inflicted on the Bombay butcher for the same wish unjust The Rangoon Chronicle mentions that a detachment of the Pegu Light Infantry, convoying treasure between Thayat Myo and Mendoon, were a short time since attacked by dacoits. In the metie an elephant, carrying some three thousand rupees, was eepaiated from the detachment. The robbers made off with their prize. Mr Peacock introduced into the Legislative Council on Saturday a bill authorising the impressment of men and carts, material and labour, to build barracks and erect other public works, for the health and comfort of the European troops in this country. The bill was introduced at the instigation of Mr Grant, who finds that the. voluntary system will not work. The bill is to continue in force for six months. Those impressed for the public works will receive remuneration at the market rates, but not

receive doable as proposed by Mr Grant a year ago. The Bombay Gazette states that H. M's. 51st are to remain at Bombay. They have been placed at theColaba barracks. These barracks when the 51st arrived in Bombay were occupied by the 72nd Highlanders, who have been ordered np the country. The Englishman states that in the Fort at Fattelighur six. guns were found io position. All the seasoned wood for gun-carriages is reported to have been untouched. An officer of the British force is said to have found a box containing gold and silver ornaments to the amount of Rs. 28,000. The box and ornaments have been delivered up to the constituted authorities. The Hur&ara states that tbe 2nd Dragoons have reached Allahabad. They proceed to Cawnpore at once with the Lancers and Royal Artillery at Allahabad. The Hurkaru mentions that on the 10th of Jan. a large number of carts, camels, and elephants, nnder an escort of 400 men, had reached Cawnpore from he Alunibagh. They had been sent in for provisions. The troops under Outram are said to have dug rifle pits in front of the camp, and from these they greatly annoy the enemy. The rebels are still busily engaged in fortifying positions in Lucknow, and in loopholing and barricading the approaches to the city, it is reported that large numbers of men from the districts lying to the north and west of Cawnpore are crossing into Oude. Detachments of troops are stationed along the road between Cawnpore and Futtehghur. The Englishman affirms that a man has been hanged at Dinapore by mistake. It would appear that two sepoys were arrested and tried. One of them was sentenced to transportation for life, and the other to be hanged. The wrong man was hanged. He seems, however, to have deserved his fate, for be boasted that he had murdered two Europeans. For some time past the Bijnore insurgents have been attempting incursions into the Saharanpore andMozuffornuggur districts. On the 11th of Jan. these rebels were encountered by Captain Boisragon at Moyapore, near the head of the Ganges Canal. Captain Boisragon had a force of only seventy Seikhs and Ghoorkas, ten Europeans, and two guns. With these he defeated the rebels, a thousand strong, killed one hundred of them, and, by opening the Moyapoor dam, drowned a considerable number as they were attempting to make off. A man of rank, supposed to be the Nuwab Ahmedoolla, is reported to have been wounded, and his nephew was killed by Captain Boisragon himself. The Hurkaru has received a letter from Goruckpore. It is affirmed that the Goorkhas will, after a fortnight's halt, join the Commander-in-Chief, and march against Lucknow. The Delhi Gnzette says: — 'Meerza Kochufc, son of the King of Delhi, with the arch-traitor, Wulee Dad Khan, of Malaghur, in the Boolnndshubur district, who were at Forruckabad, guests of the Nuwab Raees, have arrived at Bareilly. As they gave false accounts of the proceedings at Futtehghur, they were received with demonstrations of great joy. But a few hours were sufficient to npset all that their lying reports had occasioned, and Khan Buhadar Khan is now sitting in Bareilly, with two tolahs of opium in bis pocket, and a black ribbon round his neck, in token of his approaching departure to a better world.' The following are the charges upon which the late King of Deihi is arraigned, and the members of the Court assembled for his trial: — President — Brigadier St. G. D. Showers, Bengal army. Members — Lieutenant Colonel M. Dawes, Bengal Artillery; Major F. B, Palmer, H. M. 60th Rules; Major J. P. Redmond, H. M. 61st Foot; Major C. Sawyer, H. M. 6th Carabineers. Government Prosecutor — Major J. F. Harriott, Deputy Judge Advocate General. Copy of charges preferred against Mahomed Bahadoor Shah, ex-King of Delhi. 1st. — For that he, being a pensioner of the British Government in India, did at Delhi, at various times between the 10th of May and 1st October, 1857, encourage, aid, and abet Mohumed Bukt Khan, Subadar of the regiment of artillery, and divers others, non-commissioned officers ana soldiers unknown, of the East India Company's army, in the crimes of mutiny and rebellion against the state. 2nd — For having at Delhi, at various times between the 10th of May and 1st October, 1657, encouraged, aided, and abetted Mirza Mogul, his own son, a subject of the British Government in India, and divers other nnknown inhabitants of Delhi, and of tbe north-west provinces of India,'also subjects of the said British Government, to rebel and wage war against the State. 3rd— For that he, being a subject of the British Government in India, and not regarding the duty of his allegiance, did at Delhi, on the 11th May, 1857, or thereabouts, as a false traitor against the State, proclaim and declare himself the reigning King and Sovereign of India, and did then and there traitorously seize and take unlawful possession of the city of Delhi; and did, moreover, at various times between the 10th of May and 1st of October, 1857, as such false traitor aforesaid, treasonably conspire, consult, and agree with Mirza Mogul, his son, and with Mohumed Bukt Khan, Subadar of the regiment of Artillery, and divers other false traitors unknown, to raise, levy, and make insurrection, rebellion, and war against the State; and farther, to fulfil and perfect his treasonable design of overthrowing and destroying the British Government in India, did assemble armed forces at Delhi, and send them forth to fight and wage war against the said British Government. 4th — For that he at Delhi, on the 16th of May, 1857, or thereabouts, did, within the precincts of the palace at Delhi, feloniously cause and become accessory to the murder of 49 persons, chiefly women and children of European and mixed European descent; and did, moreover, between the 10th of May and 1st of October, 1857, encourage and abet divers soldiers and others in murdering European officers and other English subjects, including women and children, both by giving and promising such murderers service, advancement, and distinction; and further, that he issued orders to different native rulers, having local authority in India, to slay and murder Christians and English people, whenever and wherever found on then* territories; ths whole or any part of such conduct being an heinons offence nnder the provisions of Act 16 of 1857 of the Legislative Council of India.— Friend of India.