Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), Wednesday 18 July 1860, page 2

Local and Domestic Intelligence

ON Friday, the 6th instant, the half-yearly meeting of the Pensioners' Society took place in; the Boy's School-room, Perth, the Honourable the Commandant in the chair, who, in a clear and succinct manner, explained the several details connected with the accounts of the Society from its establishment in 1855 up to the present time ; and from which it appears that there is a balance to the credit of the fund of £715 19s 2d; that

£22½ ws disbursed in relief to sick members orphans, and widows, and for the interment of deceased men and the deceased wives of pensioners. Loans were also issued within the same period to 115 members, varying in sums from £4 to £8, so that the fund has been doing good work. The first advance towards securing real pro perty has, within these few days, been effected, whereby the fund in this instance alone realizes 15 per cent, per annum profit on the sum invested, and it is in further contemplation, as opportunity offers, to made other investments on landed or other good security, by which means it is an ticipated that the Society will, ere long, be in a position to frame other rules than those now extant for the greater extension of aid to sick aud disabled subscribers, and to made a further pro vision in extreme old age. These are some of the benefits looked forward to, and there is no doubt that, under the fostering protection of its founder, the hopes entertained at its formation will be ultimately crowned with success. A new Committee having been elected for the current half year, the meeting separated, all highly gratified with the information afforded — an information as satisfactory as the most fas tidious might desire. — ? ^ ? Fuom: the Vasse we learn that the weather had long continued tempestuous, much rain had fallen, and the rivers were all very high. The Lochinvar was ready for sea. The Church Bridge is finished, and those over the Sabina and Abba rivers commenced.

? *?- ? The two aborigines, sentenced to death for the murder of a native woman in the Wellington district, were executed outside the gaol on Friday last. One of the poor wretches made loud out cries, the other was quiet. They died without a struggle. ——<>—— A course of lectures on various subjects is in-tended to be delivered in aid of the liquidation of the debt on the Congregational Chapel, Fre-mantle. The subject of the first, on Tuesday evening, 24th inst., will be "John Milton, his Life, Times, and Writings." Mr Rummer has very kindly offered the use of the large room adjoining his hotel for these lectures. ——<>—— Floue has lately advanced in price, and may now be quoted at £24 for fine. With prices fall ing in the neighbouring Colonies and rising here we must not be surprised ere long to find sufficient margin left to allow importers a profit. It was hoped that when tbe fine weather set in there would be some prospect of finding the cargo-boat Gazelle, and the two missing bodies, but although search has been made, we regret to state that it has proved unsuccessful. The Rev. J. Johnston's lecture on ' Ellis' Ee cent Visits to Madagascar,' delivered at the Mechanics' Institute on Wednesday last, was well attended, and the audience testified in a marked manner their appreciation of the lecturer's efforts to instruct and amuse. ? o ? Feo3I several scurces we learn that Mr Eyre has beeu appointed Governor of this colony, and stated as much last week. Our present Governor has, however, heard nothing about any change, his despatches making no allusion whatever to the matter, at least so it is reported. As his term of office has expired, or is_about to ? expire, it is not unlikely that a gentleman has been ap pointed to relieve hhn when it suits the Home Government to remove him elsewhere. One thing is certain : lie has not- been re-called, as has been rumoured, nor has he yet been positively relieved. The two terms seem to have been confounded. The Governor's relief would be a natural event consequent upon the fulfilment of his period of office, his re-call would be special, and imply dissatisfaction on the part of the authorities. In all probability be will remain here until another post is vacant, and, as economy is the order of tbe day, the chances are in favour of his proceeding direct to his Government instead of returning home. Conjecture is busy fixing the spot to which he will. be removed. New Zealand and one of the West India Islands have been named, but of course all this is mere rumour. Whatever difference of opinion may exist with reference to his policy in this colony, there is no reason to believe that the Imperial Government disapprove of bis measures, but the contrary, and in such a case it is reasonable to suppose that he will receive some other and better appointment than the one he now holds. The next mail will most likely give more certain information on this point. ? : ? O ? The Amelia, coaster, with a fall freight of pas sengers for the Lochinvar, left Fremantle for the Vasse on Friday. The Lochinvar will sail for' Adelaide shortly after the arrival -of the Amelia1

at the date, ^po^ in Oie ^^ yl.^ ^ ^ ^^ M The Lord Ragl^ was to saU for W^^ Aub- |j tralia in July, and .amvjr* .lte-4|990(^BiL TM»!if»S^?l!^V^^H October. She will most probably be thfi Bret ^J WOOi Ship. ??- ? v-_=r ?-~±^-: ';&£%'''. :^:Wl of an exploring expedition, the qljject af which, is )M to connect Mr A. Gregory'^ i^ with theter- |j minus of Mr 5*. ifiregory'i expeoitadn. According J to adviira receivol tiy ^ la^^ - 1 hadbeen brought before the Geogi^nical Society1 'J and was favourably entertainea'Jl|KtJi^ 4m%. | Mr F.. Gregory has offeredvite ieVd-iiSie party. % The colony would have to' supply, 12 horses and 1 eight men, with provisions and forage Jbr six ' I months. We hope ? tnat tlie1 anatter 'will not be auowedtodrop. . ,. _:,,, ,, . , :} oav..jaX5l