Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), Wednesday 13 February 1856, page 2

Local and Domestic Intelligence.

Green, of the "Cricketer's Arms," has had to appear at the police court, charged with serving on Sunday. The case was dismissed, it being clear that the persons supplied were travellers. These charges, although troublesome to the land-lord, all tell eventually in his favor, and against the police, for both magistrates and juries will, naturally, be inclined to receive with suspicion the evidence of men who prefer charges so hastily.

We have every reason to believe that there will be as good a show of fruit and vegetables at the Horticultural Meeting, on Friday, as can be pro-cured at this season. We have heard of many who intend to contribute, and there is little doubt but that every one will try and do his best to-wards assisting to make a creditable show on the occasion. It is anticipated that there will be a great gathering of the settlers and their families, and that the day will be, to all intents and pur-poses, a holiday to many of our citizens. The Arch-deacon arrived in Perth, on Tuesday, officiated at St. George's Church, on Ash Wed-nesday, and also, preached on Sunday. His ser-mon, in the morning, dwelt upon the necessity of the conjoint operation of laity and clergy in the conduct of church affairs. He intimated that before the time had elapsed for the next arch-deaconal visitation the newly appointed bishop would ar-rive. The reverend gentleman commences his return journey this day, visiting Fremantle and the southern district en-route. We are indebted to Mr. Harding for a Tasma-nian paper of 12th January, from which we have extracted the market prices of the preceding day's date and some items of European intelligence. The local news is without interest. We have heard of one or two horses being sent up from the Southern district to run at the ensu-ing races, and among them "Hunter," winner of the Sussex stakes. Sultana, who succeeded in carrying off the Queen's hundred at former meet-ings will not show on this occasion. Notwithstanding the "dull times" several buildings have been erected in the main street during the past few months. Mr. G. Shenton has, by certain additions to his residence, improv-ed the appearance of his part of the town ; a new store has been built immediately adjoining that of Mrs Williams; additions are in course of construc-tion to the stores of Messrs. Dyett and Farmaner, while the stone foundation of a large store has been commenced on Mr. Cole's allotment. When the buildings in progress are completed St. George's Terrace will present a most respectable appearance.

An accident happened to the son of Lieutenant Grimes, 99th Regiment, a-day or two since, which was not, however, happily of a very serious nature. The boy, a lad of fourteen, was fishing from the stern of the Windsor and fell over board, striking against the ship's boat and cutting severely the lower part of his face. Dr. Rennie, who was on board, sewed up the wound and the young patient is now doing well. Thirteen men of the 99th, who had married without the consent of the commanding officer were permitted to volunteer into the detachment of the 12th, lately arrived. We have been informed that the Steward of the Esmeralda was accidentally drowned some days since, while endeavouring to recover a boat which had drifted from the ship. The inhabitants of Fremantle give a Ball to the officers of the 12th and 99th Regiments. It was to come off at Lodge's Hotel last night. A fire took place at Rottnest a day or two since, when a stack of hay, containing about fifty tons, recently sold to the Commissariat at the rate of £4 per ton, was destroyed, together with the gaol and some other buildings. It appears that some native prisoners had escaped, and hid themselves in the bush. Mr Vincent, in order to dislodge them, set fire to the bush, the wind then blowing from the direction of the houses, but it eventually shifted, and carried the flames towards the build-ings which caught fire, and were ultimately con-sumed. Mr Barlee and Mr Brown left Fremantle for Rottnest yesterday morning, to inquire into the matter, and, until the result is made known, we must only conjecture that there might possibly be some justification for the conduct of Mr Vin-cent, in resorting to so novel a method for secu-ring escaped prisoners. The loss to the Colony is about £500. On Monday evening the inhabitants of Fre-mantle were enlivened by the performance of the Band of the 99th Regt., which Colonel Last had

kindly permitted to come ashore. The whole of Fremantle turned out, and were delighted with the musical treat offered to them. The band, consisting of 25 performers, under the superin-tendence of Mr Martin, the Band-master, played for two hours. The pieces were well selected, and the execution admirable. The Windsor, troop-ship, arrived on Thursday evening, and on the following morning orders were issued for the detachment of the 99th, sta-tioned in this colony, to proceed to Fremantle and embark on Saturday. Notwithstanding the short notice, the men were ready on the jetty, and start-ed by boat for Fremantle, and the relieving de-tachment of the 12th arrived in Perth in the afternoon of the same day. The vessel will not, in all probability, sail until tomorrow, having to take in a supply of water to last as far as St. He-lena. The departure of the 99th is much regret-ted, both officers and men having secured the well wishes of the people among whom they have been so long placed. It was the intention of the towns people to have invited the latter to some public entertainment, and subscriptions were raised for the purpose, but their hurried departure prevented their receiving a compliment so highly deserved. Among the officers, Captain Elliot will long be re-membered, he having more especially identified himself with the colony. During his sojourn at the northward his services were many and valua-ble, and his name will be ever associated with that of the first settlers of the Champion Bay district. As a magistrate he has been most attentive to his duties, and has been an able assistant to the police

magistrate in his endeavors to repress crime. Captain Elliot's services, on a recent occasion, will not be soon forgotten, when (together with Mr. Yule and Lieutenant Crossman, R. E.) he formed one of the famous minority, whose verdict was afterwards confirmed by the Court of Appeal. The officers of the 99th have always been for-ward in promoting the public amusements of a place where, unfortunately, they are but few, and our Turf club, especially, found in Colonel Reeves (its founder) and in Captain Elliot, most valuable auxiliaries. We look forward with confidence for the news of the future movements of this regi-ment, well-knowing that it will be of a nature which will gratify us all. We wish them a speedy and prosperous voyage.