Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), Wednesday 25 April 1883, page 3

General News. ? A ?

3Tr. Bandell has been appointed trustee in the bankrupt estate of Messrs. Thomp son, Sendey & Co. Our imports from New South Wales last year amounted to JE5/JS0; they consisted entirely of coaL The Rev. Mr. Worth and his family were passengers to Melbourne by the R.M.S. liosetta, which left Albany on the 12th instant.

The following is a list of the passengers who were booked to Albany by the the mail coach last Saturday : — Mr. R. King, Hiss Vincent, Detective Ward and prisoner Beaumont, and Mr. Geo. Shenton. That fine block of property situated at the corner of Murray and Pier Streets, for many years owned by Mr. H. S. Ranford, of Boraning, Williams River, has been pur chased by Messrs. Smith & Co., for £1,000. The latest reports from Adelaide quote the price of superfine flour at .£12 12e. 6d. for Hart's, .£12 10s. for Dunn's, and £12 2s. for Cowan's ; bran, Is. 3Jd- to Is. 4d. ; pol lard, le. 5d- to Is. 6d. ; oats, 2s. 9d. to 3s. per busheL We understand that the enterprising firm of Messrs. Carter & Co., FremanUe, have purchased from the trustees of the late Mr. Anthony Cornish the block of property upon which their business has been carried on since their establishment at the Port, about twenty-five years ago, for the sum of £3,000. We draw the attention of the authorities to a letter which appears in another colouin wherein it is pointed out that the citizens would enjoy a great convenience if the shipping-signals at Fremantle were record ed at the Telegraph Offico. The request, is certainly a very reasonably one, and we think it should be complied with. It is rumoured that the vacant lieutenancy in the Artillery Volunteers, consequent on the promotion of Lieut. Haynes to the com mand of the Battery, will bo conferred upon Mr. S. H. Wright, of the General Poet Office staff. Mr. Wright is said io be a most efficient drill and to be very popular among the members of the corps. At Jarrahdale, a few days ago, a poor fellow named John Hurley was so severely crushed between two logs that he had to be sent to the Perth Hospital, where lie died on Friday. Hurley was 58 years of age, and was a member of the Jarrahdale Timber Company's Accident Fund, by which the expenses incident to his sickness and funeral will be defrayed. During a shower a man carrying a very wet umbrella entered an hotel to pay a call to some one up stairs. After placing' bis umbrella where it might drain, he wrote upon a piece of paper and pinned to it the sentence: ' N.B. This umbrella belongs to a man who strikes a 2501b. blow. Back in fifteer minutes.' He went his way upstairs, and after an absence of fifteen minutes returned, to find his umbrelia gone, and in its place a note reading: * P.S. Umbrella taken by a man who walks ten miles an hour. Won't be back at alL' The last periodical report of Mr. Dale, the Inspector of Charitable Institutions, is very much of the same character as all previous reports of that officer, and shows that these institutions are carried on in a mornim- that should inspire the confidence of the pnblic — it would be a serious matter for regret were it otherwise. The total number of inmates in these refuges, embracing the whole of the orphanages and the Native and Half ^Caste Mission, is 227, in cluding five infant boys at the Perth P. Orphanage; and of this number only 39 are supported by private funds. The collections in S. George's Cathedral for the year ended March 31 last amounted to £300 2s. 6d., or very nearly £6 each Sunday ; pew -rente produced, for the same period, £264 lie. 3d., and rent, cemetery fees, and special receipts, £73 Is. ; — the total income being £637 15s. The total ex penditure for sf lanes and all contingencies amounted to £702 Os. lid., the excess of disbursements being met by a balance of £64 5s. lid. carried forward from the previ ous year. Goods traffic on the Eastern Railway has at length received a little attention, from the authorities. Last week a txainload of sandalwood was sent through to Fremantle from Guildford, and later on a special freight train was despatched fron- the Perth Station to Subiaco with jarrah timber, to the order of Messrs. Smith & Co., who are about to make extensive additions to the Roman Catholic Orphanage. The timber was brought up from Rockingham by one of Messrs. Randell, Knight & Co.'s steamers. The Government invite tenders for the following : — Cleaning and overhauling harbor buoys at Albany and Irwin, April 27; supply of castor, colza, and kerosene oil for Eastern Railway for one year. May 2 ; renting refreshment-room, Perth railway station. May 2 ; adding to, renewing, and repairing Geraldton jetty, May 28; erecting gu.jds-sli.ed at Albany, May 14; and for various works at Roebourne and Cossack — erection of residency and police-quarters, bonded store, post-office, and tidewaitei's quarters — May 1. The intelligence brought down from Beagle Bay by the barque Honor is unim portant, beyond the fact that matters were Droceeding very satisfactorily at the various stations ; feed and water for stock were in abundance, and the natives, becoming reconciled to the new order of things, were cheerfully falling into the ways of their white brethren and proving highly useful in various capacities. There were no losses among the Honor's sheep on the voyage, but about thirty of them died after they were taken ashore. ' Where are the Police ?' was pertinently asked on more than one occasion during the Volunteer parade on Thursday evening. The Volunteers muster at the rear of of the Police Station for their parades, and yet a constable is never to be found to keep a little order. The other night, whilst the roll was being called, a large number of young scamps took it upon themselves to answer ' here' for a number of absentees, while at other times their noise was so great that the men could not hear their names called out. Perhaps Sub-Inspector Rowe will place a constable on duty at the Volun teer parades for the future. The same remarks apply to the larrikins whilst the Volunteers are holding their drills on the Esplanade. Under the provisions of the Constitution Act of this Colony all objections to- names on the electoral lists must be lodged with the Clerks to the Magistrates before the 24th of this month. A Court of Petty Session will be held at Guildford on May 3, Perth May 9, Fiemastle May 10, Pinjarrah May 15, and Bunbury May 16, for the pur pose of revising the roIL No notice has yet appeared of the assembling of the Court of Revision in the other electoral dis tricts — notably Albany, Geraldton, Bussel ton, York, and Greenough. The law docs not require that these notices should be advertised; but it would seem advisable that the Clerks of the Courts should be in instructed to send them in good time every year for insertion in the Government Gazette. A gazette notice of the 12th instant an nounces that His Excellency the Adminin trator, on the recommendation of the Wandering Roads Board, has been pleased to declare the following road to be a minor road, viz : — Starting from a spot on the road lop-fling from the Perth- Wandering Road to Bannister Bridge, situate t of a mile west from the west boundary of Wil liams Location 1181, and extending in a straight line about four miles in a south south-westerly direction, joining the track in use at present ; then by the said track crossing the Hotham River and passing through Special Occupation Leases 2163, 2191, 2182, and Location 191, and along the south boundary of Williams Location 42, joining the Perth-Albany Road near the seventy-fifth mile post. . Our drapers are now busily engagedin dress ing their show-windows with fashionable newly-arrived winter goods. Mr. W. G. Hear man was first in the field, and has had his new stock open for inspection for about three weeks; Mr. G. Shenton being the nexc to display his goods to the admiring, and even envious, eyes of the feminine portion of the public. At both shops a new material is to be seen called ' nun's cloth,' which is just now all the rage in England, and, judging from its appearance, it will become the favorite dress material here. The fashionable colours for winter wear are light browns, Eoft greys, and dark greens, a»d this attractive-lookine: material can be obtained in any of these colours. Ladies may be interested in learning that sleeves puffed just below the shoulders are obsolete, and that plain, close-fitting ones are now de rigueur. By the last English mail a gentleman in Perth received a letter from Mr. Anthony Hordern, who recently put forward a gigan tic scheme for the construction of railways in this Colony, in which he 6aye : — ' Hav ing received encouragement from your Government, and feeling the importance of so great an undertaking, I decided to make my way to England as quick as possible, so that when your Government comes to an

One of the Czar's fauourite amusements is io play shuttlecock and l-uiticdore with his children. There was no truth in the hasty asser tion contained in the Morning Herald of Monday that Mrs. Howell had euccumbed to itu attack of diphtheria. An inmate of the Mount Eliza Invalid Depot, named Thomas Tolley, aged 49 years, expired at that institution on Tuesday, 17th instant, of heart disease. We understand that an uncle to Ned Kelly, the late renowned Australian bush ranger, is employed on one of the public works of this Colony. The Mayor of Perth (Mr. Shenton) has proceeded on au extended visit to the East ern Colonies. During liis absence the Mayoral chair will i« ailed by Mr. Burt. Mails will be forwarded by the schooner Piouecv to the Gascoyne and the schooner Mary Smith to Cossadi. Both vessels will, it is «£pecw-l. be ready tor sea this morning. So excellent are the prospects of a re markably good harvest in New Zealand that nearly every reaper and binder in the colony has l-een bought up for gathering iu the crops. The new Bishop of Adelaide is described as a charming man. with a pleasant, courteous manner, and a firm, handsome face, having the most healthy viewB on the subject of working with Nonconformists. A discovery of a deposit of gold of won derful richness is reported from Tumber, the most northerly port of Peru, and his torically memorable as the landing-place of Pizarro before his conquest of the country. A pig belonging to a Sheffield cutler tan into the River Don, and the man went in after it; but the pig swam ashore and the unfortunate cutler was drowned. Was tfaie a case of the survival of the fittest ? The many friends of Mr. Thomas Smith, builder, whose health has been recently in a very precarious state, will be glad U» hear that his medical adviser. Dr. Scott, has pronounced him to be now in a fair way towards complete recovery. The City Council of Melbourne have re cently formulated rules for the direction of bicycle riders. They are simple, yet stringent, and, somewhat modified, might be easily adapted to our own circumstances. The outgoing English mails will be con veyed to Albany by the steamship Rob Roy. An alteration has been m»A*^ in die time for closing the mails, which stands now as follows: — General Post Office at noon, Guildford at S a.m., and Fremantle at 3 p.m., on Friday next, April 27. At a sale, last month, of Fremantle town lots recently laid out, some good prices were obtained. A block containing lr. lOp. realised £144 ; another, of lr. lip., brought £144 also; one of la. 12p. was knocked down at £96 ; for one of la. 22p. £84 was paid ; and, for one of la. 29p., £144. On Tuesday, 17th inst., no less than 2*15 inches of rain fell in Perth, being the heaviest downpour that has occurred in the City for a Lang time past At the same time 1-15 inches fell in Fiemande, but only, '40 at York, where the welcome moisture was really the most needed. 'Housewife' writes to inform us tf-at her peregrinations about town on Saturday evening, in search of a 'perfect tuba: 'for the morrow's dinner, resulted in her pur chasing 'six very imperfect tabers for six pence — at the rate of one penny each,' and this high price ruling notwithstanding the recent huge importations by the Investiga tor and other vessels. Last Monday the usual prize-giving took place at the High School, when the Head Master, Mr. Beuttier, presented the suc cessful competitors with their rewards of merit. Upon the conclusion of the cere mony the boys dispersed to enjoy their Easter vacation, which will hut until the 18th of May next, when they will re-assemble to resume their scholastic duties. Last Sunday a well-known Bhark-hunter went out upon the river to try to come to conclusion with one of these ocean monsters which have invaded the waters of the Swan. The shark, however, declined nego tiations, and so the sportsman had to re turn home unsuccessful. It seems as if the the brutes scented the danger, and thought best to keep out of the way of the harpoon. In the list of passengers by the a. Rob Roy from Port Walcott appears the name of Mr. R. J. Sholl, the first Government Resident appointed to the North District. Mr. Sholl has, as we have mentioned before, enjoyed only very indifferent health for some time past j we may hope, therefore, that this change may speedily result in the complete re-establishment of his health and strength. Those who have a little spare time on hand and wish for a little diversion to beguile the fleeting hours had better repair to Roe-street any evening between seven and ten o'clock, where they will witness the ' first attempts' of the junior members of the Bycicle Club to mount. A resident of this locality informs that some very amus ing sights are to be witnessed in the ' nounderings' of the young cyclists. There is now on view at the shop of Mr. J. A. Liddelow, pastry-cook and confection er, in Hay-street, a wedding-cake which has been made to the order of one of our shep herd-kings in a north-eastern district, to be used on the occasion of the celebration of the marriage of his eldest daughter. The cake is very artistically mounted, and cer tainly reflects great credit upon the manu facturer. The magisterial district of Roebonrne is declared to be a ?? clean' district, within the manning of the Scab Act, 1882. The total number of sheep now infected or 'suspected' in the colony nmnimta to 5220, of which 1150 are in the Murchison district (M. & D. Ryan), 1020 at Champion Bay (M. Morrissey Mt Erin), 800 on the Lrwin (C. Sims), and 1340 at the Williams; of this latter num. ber 350 belong to M. Brown (Nbombling) and LSOOto W. Lavender (Marling.) The heaviest goods-train that has yet been despatched on the Eastern Railway was sent out of the Forth Station, in the di rection of Fremantle, on Wednesday. The long line of trucks woe loaded entirely with aandalwood and jarrah, and represented a total weight, with the engines, of nearly 150 tons. The locomotive used was one of the small tank-engines, about whose worthless ness bo '»'-*!- discussion was miqnfl a few months ago. These engines are now «faing their work capitally welL The question has been asked whether there will be any public sports in Perth on Foundation-day— the First of June? We are unable to answer this query, but we have ascertained from Mr. D. W. Harwood, who has hitherto taken a very lively interest in promoting such matters, that a small amount of funds remains in hand from the last sports day. This, it is hoped, will be made the nest-egg of a subscription which will be sufficienttoprovideaday*ethorough enjoyment on the occasion. We have lately received a number of complaints with reference to the regulations the Postmaster-Geaer-d has adopted con cerning the transmission by mail of invoices and accounts. In all other parts of the civilized world such documents are dealt with as printed papers and charged for accordingly, while in this Colony alone they are regarded as private letters. Thus a Victorian merchant can send one of his customers in Western Australia his account by post for one penny, while a Perth store keeper is compelled to pay twopence to send a precisely similar one to Geraldton. The only surprise is that the public have put up with the annoyance so patiently and for such a length of lima Perhaps at the next general session of the Legislative Council seme hon. member will interrogate the Hon. the Colonial Secretary upon the subject. The Metropolitan Rifles mustered for parade at the Armoury last Thursday even ing, under Lieut. Sherwood. There was a very good attendance, about 100 men answering to the roll. Sub.-Lieuts, Dean and Sholl were also present. The men were put through the manual exercise, after which they marched through some of the streets, being unable to manoeuvre on the Esplanade on account of the recent heavy rains. Colonel Angelo was present, and on the return of the corps they joined the Battery of Artillery in the gun-Bhed, where the gallant Colonel explained the nature of the operations he wished to be carried out on the Queen's Birthday. The Colonel's remarks were attentively listened to, after which the Rifles were dismissed. A meeting of the Artillery then took place, at which CapL Haynes made some pro motions, and other business of interest to the Corps was satisfactorily got through. The Battery mustered stronger than they have done for some time past

arrangement, there need be no delay in car ryiug out the work. Hearing that the lawyer of the Queensland Railway Syndi cate was on his way to England, and in tended to place his scheme before the public, it made me more determined to lay before ray Syndicate without delay the pro jwsaLs I had made to your Government, and to prevent disappointment in obtaining so large a sum as would be requited to carry out bo important an undertaking. On ar rival here I immediately catted together my Syndicate and informed them of the pro gress I had tun ile. My friends, consisting of some of the wealthiest merchants in Great Britain, readily agreed to subscribe the necessary capital.' It is with feelings of the deepest regret we hear that Mr. Con. Hayes, of Fremantle, is so seriously ill that no hope whatever of his recovery is entertained by either his friends or his medical advisor. The cause of the complaint — lung disease — which has attacked him is clearly the result of a weakening of the system brought about by over-pressure. Working hard in his em ployer's office all day, where he occupied an onerous and responsible position, Mr. Hayes, iirotead of counteracting the in jurious effects of the sedentary nature of his business by indulging in out-door athletic exercises, devoted all his spare time to the acquisition of knowledge. An ernest student and possessed of abilities of no mean order, he amused him self in reproducing the impressions of life and men in a series of poetical writings which have gained him the honorable name of the' Only Western Australian Poet,' and have also secured the warm approval of the greatest living master of English prose— His Eminence Cardinal Newman — who is himself a sacred poet of no mean order. It is certainly a mournful thought that one who has already won the proud esteem of all who have had the pleasure of know ing him should be cut off in his early man hood, just when he had the prospect of en joying a brilliant career, so that we unite with his numerous friends in hoping, even against hope, that he will yet be spared many years. As diphtheritic soup throats are, unfortu nately, a very prevalent complaint in this Colony at present, we think it is worth while to republish the following clipping from one of our intercolonial files. The suggested course of treatment offers two advantages. In the first place it is easily used, and secondly if it afford no relief it cannot do any injury to the patient. ' In a communication to the Chicago Mledieal Journal Dr. McGfll describes a method of treating diphtheria from which he has se cured far better results than from any other. He uses an ordinary hose, from 2ft. to 6ft long, and about tin. iu diameter. One end of this is placed over the spout of a common fceaAettle, into which baa been put half a gallon of water and half an ounce «f carbolic add ; the kettle is then placed on the stove over a good fire, and when the water reaches the boiling-point the end of the hose is carried uader a blanket thrown over the patient's head. The room must be closed. In a short time the patient will perspire freely. If persevered in at short intervals, the breathing becomes softer, and presently, after a succession of quick, ex pulsive efforts, the patient throws off a coat or tube of false membrane. The acid vapor seems to prevent the reformation of exud ations. Alcohol and sulphate of quinine are used in conjunction with the and for the supporting properties. We may add to this that in Victoria, and also in New Zealand, the use of strong infusions of blue gum leaves in the manner above described has been found very efficacious in cases of diphtheria and croup, even when other means have failed to afford relief.'