Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), Wednesday 19 February 1873, page 3

THE LATE JAS. DRUMMOND, ESQ., OF HAWTHORNDEN, TOODYAY. The district mourns. Gloom overspread us all. A grievous calamity has lighted upon us. The Toodyay may be draped in black ; its mainstay has gone. JAMES DRUMMOND, Esq., J.P. and M.L.C., has passed away, suddenly stricken down in the prime of his days, and in the midst of a useful career. In his usual health and vigor on Saturday, the 1st instant, on the Saturday following, at noon, he breathed his last in the bosom of his family and friends. Mr. DRUMMOND'S extraction is generally known. He belonged to one of the oldest and most respected families. His father, who was distinguished as a botanist, came out with SIR JAMES STIRLING ; and, leaving a number of sons and daughters behind, they have established themselves in differ-ent parts of the colony. Mr. JAMES DRUMMOND had for many years been one of our most extensive squatters, and one of our most enterprising farmers. As a large employer of labor, he was deeply interested in the welfare of his servants, and being a man of great good sense and judgement, he

was much sought after for advice in all matters of business. Many a poor man in the Toodyay district owes his first start in life to him, and numbers will long remem-ber the generous hand which was often stretched out to their help. Gradually he rose to eminence. Nigh a score of years he was on the Commission of the Peace, and no mere honor this was to him. Magisterial duties he discharged punetil-iously and faithfully, as anyone acquainted with the Newcastle Court can testify. For qualities such as these, Mr. DRUM-MOND was marked out by the electors of Toodyay as the proper person to represent them in the Provincial Parliament; ac-cordingly, he was twice chosen to fill the high office, and was a member of the Legislative Council when he departed this life. In that capacity, he evinced the same practical and painstaking character that he had done in mere local matters. Though not a brilliant speaker, and taking no great part in the debate, he was yet a most useful, because working, member of Council ; and, what was of vast import-ance to Toodyay, he was an unceasing advocate of what all of us feel we abso-lutely require — a railway to the Eastern districts. But he is gone, and the question is asked on all hands, "Who is to supply his place?" and Echo answers, "Who ?" The funeral obsequies took place on Sunday, the 9th instant, in the presence of a numerous gathering of settlers, and many of all classes of the community. Baptised a Presbyterian, he always leaned to that form of Protestant worship, and having been for years on very intimate terms with the Rev. JAMES INNES, that gentleman was called upon to administer consolation upon his sick-bed, and to officiate at his funeral. The company assembled for service in the spacious draw-ing-room of Hawthornden House, where some 82 persons found accommodation, while many others stood outside. Amid deep stillness the voice of the officiating minister was heard giving out the Hymn : "Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims, "Of all the pious dead," &c. Then followed the reading of the Scrip-tures, and an address, in which Mr. INNES

set forth in feeling terms the great loss which the district and colony had sus-tained ; after which a solemn and very impressive prayer was offered to the Great Disposer of all events, and in which, more especially, the widow and the fatherless children were commended to the Divine care and protection. A procession was then formed to the family burying ground. W. J. Clifton, S. P. Phillips, T. C. Gull, and C. E. Dempster, Esqs., all brother magistrates of the deceased, supported the pall ; and soon the honored remains of our member of Council were consigned to the tomb. Quietly he rests side by side with his father and brother and one of his own dear little ones ; and there we laid him "in good hope of a blessed resurrec-tion to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ." We may add, that Mr. DRUMMOND was assiduously attended to by Dr. Mayhew ; but on congestion of the lungs fairly declaring itself, a medical consultation was deemed desirable. Drs. FERGUSON and GROWSE were telegraphed for, and arri-ved ; but all their united skill was of no avail to arrest the dire disease, and in a few days it accomplished its fell work. Mr. DRUMMOND was 58 years of age, and leaves a widow and seven young children to mourn their great loss. A wide-spread sympathy is felt for his amiable relict, on whom the great burden now devolves of bringing up so many little ones. — Com-municated.

Loss of the Guiding Star. — In a recent issue we gave a paragraph relating to the loss of this vessel on a voyage from Mauri-tius to Sydney. The crew, who, it was mentioned, intended to make for this coast, have been picked up at sea, after suffering great privations. The Straits Times says:— "The boat containing the captain and nine of the crew of the British ship Guiding Star, which was burnt at sea in 94* E., was picked up by the Dutch ship Bastiaan Pot in 102- E and 33- 5 S : these unfortunates had been at sea for nine days in an open boat, with only four pounds of bread, three bottles of lime juice, and three tins of meat, as supplies, so that the wretchedness of their condition may easily be imagined. The Bastiaan Pot had been driven out of her course by strong currents. Had not this seeming misfortune happened the shipwrecked persons would have perished miserably of hunger. The Bastiaan Pot arrived with them at Sourabaya on the 25th November." Raiiwat Subvevs. — Mr. Major, C.E., the contractor for the railway surveys from (iuildford to Tork and from Geraldton to Nbrtbampton, arrived by tha last mail steamer 6mm Hefbonrnti, and readied Perth last week, j