Morwell Advertiser (Morwell, Vic. : 1888 - 1954), Friday 24 October 1924, page 4

The Better Farming Train DISAPPOINTING 'ARRANGEMENTS 'The Better FairminL, Train after being a whole day at. Mirboo Nirt,, arrived in Morwell at 7 p.m. oil Thursday, last week. The weantller was unfav'orable,'ro:uls had and nig:h, dark, but notwithstanding thise big disadvantages a large gathering of farmers and townspeople, including ladies, awaitoed the arrival of the train, of which a good deal had pieviously been heard. The Morwell folk, were however, doomed to a considerable amount of dis-appointmeat from start to finish. In the first place they were kept waiting from 7 o'clock until after 8 before they were permitted to inspect any part of the train. In the 'next place the train did not pull into the platform, but was shunted off on to a line between passenger platform and the goods-shed, and as it was dark considerable dilliculty was experienced, especially by ladies, in boarding the trucks. Farmers who wished to inspect the stock carried on the trains were further disappointed that no provision was made for such inspection, the trucks in which the stock were being in complete darkness. ' Most of the ladies hurried to see the demonstration in cooking, &c., but after overcoming n uamerous obstacles in getting into the truck, were informed by the lady in charge, that there was nothing to see and no demonstration, and requested all present to leave. The reason given for no demonstration being that the demonstrators were tited after 'a strenuous day at Mirboo North. A few trucks containing much that was interesting were, however, open for inspection, but were so crowded that the exhibits could not be seen to advantage andl very few were able to get information desired. A lecture was given in one of the trucks on tobacco growing, but not half of those present could get in to the truck to hear what was being said. Another lecture dealing with stock was also given under similar conditions. Inspected under favorable conditions the train would undoubtedly prove very interesting and valuable information gained from the experts who travelled with the twain, but under conditions in which Morwell was visited, it was, to say the least, very disappointing. Local lo3idents are naturally at a loss to know how is was the train remained all day at Mirboo North, Maitra, Traralgon, Moe, Warragul and various others places, whilst at Morwell it could only stay a couple of hours. in the dark, and no opportunity given to inspect various sections. A few farmers picked up some valuable hints from Mr Archer on the matter of pig raising. Mir Yuill was also ready to give information with regard to disease in stock, &c. Othere xperts were on the train but the time was so limited and conditions so unfavorable that the best results were a long way off being obtained. Should the train make another trip tiirough Gippsland, it is to be hoped better arrangements ivill be made for its stay at Morivell.