Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), Saturday 25 September 1858, page 5



During the week, Mr. W. O Little has been practising horse-training with perfect success. Yesterday, two (icantilt.l Mood colts, the pro peity of Mr. Turner, were tamed Mr. Little ii-timatea his iuiertion to continue the practice Mr. Ferguson, the only authorised Barey, an-ived bv the Black Svrau and alv- will com

nienco giving instiu.tinn. Mr. lu'rguson is hiiiiM-K a pupil aDd countryman of the cele brated Uaiey and has been practising with great bucc. sin Melbourne to|whieh plac-r, — indeed to Australia— lie has the honor of being the introducer of ' the secret,' Mr. Litile being Ml Ferguson's pupil. Mr. F---RU«-m'« agent has pone to Holiart Town i-r make arrangements for his conmicncing there, and Mr. FeraiiMin will commence lo give les sons in Lsunce&ton on lite 1st October. Sale of m»nd Homes —We note the fol lowing fiom BeU'n Lite in Sydney in reference to All. L Colien'ii sale of raee'and other stock, of Mr. W. Brown's.—' We beg to dW at tention to Ihe advertisement appealing in our jou-nal of to day, announcing an extensive (?«le ol blood, racing, and brood stock, by Mr. Iiewis Cohen, at L'U'iccpton, on the 20h Oc tober. The catalogue embrai ch, amongft other T«smani«n '.tuil celebiitica, tho noted mnra M.VBtery, nhosi perform. anceB warrant herbuing denignated a ' fiver,' and we shouln much like to «eo the competition for her possession result in favor of N. 6. Wales. The racing marcs Iris, Flying Childer*. and Twil-gh«,-lhe brooi murpn, Lidy fianiilion, Her R -yat Highness, and Brunette ; and the Bullion*, tho Swede, Flying Dutchman ««d Wiathury comprise the stock to bo rahmitted to the hammer, all of which are well worthy the consideiaiion of the spoiling and breeding gentry in this colony. Thn £1000 Match Sweepstakes and Hurdle IUcc.— At a public meeting, held at the Plough Inn, on Thursday evening, it was determined tint flfmr ihe Grand Matnh on Fiiday next, ihe lnt October, that III' follow ing race* should be stalled, viz , a twecp oiakes of five sovereigns each, heals, two mile*, Tavern Plate weights, and a Uil'dla Uice Sweepstakes, --f 6' sovs., twice round the Launccslon course — open (o hows thataever ran in tho hurdle racs or tteqta chase. Post eutiy. The £1000 Match.— Mystery and Fleur de Lis have arrived in town; they lioth look I well, and in prime condition for tin contest. Mybtery stands at her owner'* stables, and \lv. Kearneys Flour de Lis in most excel lently accommodated at Mr. II. D, Parrs comfortable and well-futnished training stables at the Royal Hotel. Resisting and Assaulting So.b-Inspe?tor Coulter and D. C. L»mbeit.— On Wudnesday lust, Sub Impoclor Coulter, accompanied by O. C. Lumtieit, wi'nt to tho residence of Edwatd Stokes, in B.ithurst-fticot, to execute a search wan ant which hid been issued by the Commissioner of Innilvent E-'latO', on the in tiimntion of the assignee to the eUate uf John Miller, cf Patten in'* Plains. The warrant nuthoiised tlie seizure ol aceitain hori-e, de scribed in it, which was lately the property of Miller, hut tianrfeired to Stokes in a way not Mtisfacto y to Miller's crcdilon. Ml Coulter found that the home, be »'» in search of, «R» in tho stable which »-.» licUe I, and S:okes ru fuwd to open it, sivvariiig le would klioot «nj oil's who alteinpied til«uuli the hone. The Suti-In-pector pioducd his warrant, and told Stiikcs he must, ol course, oxe lite it byeeiz Ihe horse. Ho tlirn i'ld Ltmlien to open the door, and Lambert was in the act of doing bo by knocking olf iho staple, when Stokes raided a pick handle with which ho had been turning up a mash for the hoise, «nd would ceitainly have smashed Lamberl'a head with it. had the Sul- Inspector not waidud off the Mow, which even then graced Lambert's shoulder. After much leHBt ance, the police officers exceeded in tecu

ring both Stakes and thfi hone, lie was brought up et the police offieeon Tbuisday, when (he foregoing fads were deposed to by Suli-lnspcctor Coulter Blokes did not attempt to lefutu any portion of the btntement, but seemed lo bo strongly under the impression that he had only perlbniied his duty in iho affair, no', pel haps as well as lie wished, but at all events as well as he was able. He seemed verv much hurt at the conduct, of the police, but looked confidonily to the police magis trate fur redress. The leaultno doubt disap pointed him, us Mr. Ounn explained to him that Ihe police weie bound in the perform ance of their duly, to execute tho wairant of a magistrate, who was tho person responsible if it was illegally inued, and it had been f,und neces-ary to give the police tlie protection of the law luoideito prevent those who differed from them in opini n from knocking their brains out, or maiming them when in the ote cution of their duty. Stokes s»id ho didn't undcittand much about the law, hut he thought no one had any businosn with W« norm but himself. TheVoliw Magistral t explained that that was a question to be decided eluewlier.' is a legal manner, and not by such forcible ar (.uiiH'.nts applied to the lioad at Ihe one pro duced in court ; as the Sub-Impcctor woo his uniform, and produced the wan ant under which he acted. Stokes mual have known tb»t ll w«» his duly as a good( citizen to delivuijup the horse; as hu had however taken K- differ ent a course, and only for the promptitude ol U e Siib-Iti'pecU'r, in waidiiig off the blow, might havo lieen standing theio claigi'd with murder, or an attempt to murder, he (the po lice m«g'ttr*le) would older him lo |-«y a tine of£fi fur assaulting constables in Ihe execu :io»orihe\rduty,andln default of ininitdi ate payment to be impiieoned and kept to bard laborer two months. The fine Wa» paid.

Criminal Sittings PiMtpnned. — The supreme couit criminal siiiingti, ndvertisid by Uawtt n'Hices. to comm-iuce at Gatlslidi nil tlin 30Hi instmi', nnd at LtuiiroK'nn nn thi- 7fh Oe to'cr. Ihvo heen pvtpmd, in cillBcquenc f the inilitposltion of iho Snli.'itur General. Thi! pirliunie'iM'V duties uf tlm .4itnimiy pinvent him fro-n ooiiducioe tin croun |irc-eeiiiijii«, cinsequcntly thono jutoi-. buinmiini'd will not be requited lo atlvul until further uo lie. T«hc Can) of yonr Dogs —Tho owner* of all dc-ciiptinns of dngs, from the cur to tho mastiff, and whether irgislcud or un roRist.reH, if they vabm thuir canine properly, had butter nee that tin')' keep il under proper control or it will undLubtcdly bo uiisain^ if ? Mowed to pcrambiiliite tho ft'eett alotio. We consider ihil warniog uigvu'ly liewaniry al present, as an ofRcer Iks loan specially ap piintal lo S'i-Kt all v«g«lwid doua win) mi idle and diso dcily, Imvu no vifiblv iwiam or subnihteiwe, who cinuot give a good account -if themselves or point nut their owners. Several dogs, some of respectable appearance, and others who evidently had seen better days, were apprehended yesterday, on eome or all of the above charges, and committed to their gaol, opposite the. other gaol in Patteiaon street. The course of the Uw in th sir case will he very rapid, for if not reprieved bv their real owner*, or adopted by new ones, who are prepared to pay the penalties incurred, the death-warrants of aucli offenders, twenty-four hours after arrest, wilt be ?ign-*d by the pre siding justice at the Police Office, and execu tion will follow. The Rhecp Staaler.— James Richardson alias Tlinmpion, remanded from Tuesday, was brought up at the P. lice Office on Thutaday, and charpe I with elenliog one sheep the pro perty of of Mr. Unnald Stronach.of Killafa-idy. The prisoner said he had picked it up in a bag. Mr. Stronach proved that a sheep had been mining from hi- flock on Monday, and identified a nkin and head of a sheep as his propeity. Theywcio found by his m n on his farm. The skin exactly fitted the carcase foun'l with the prisoner. Tho rough manner in which the fret he*d and akin had heen taken off, msiio thin the m ire remarkable, as the flesh and rhattered Inmes torn away with the skin, fitted tho paits on the carcau to perfectly, a« t leave no douht whatever that tho two had loi med one and the samo sheep. Mr. Ftrnnach had picvinunl) missed cheep from his flicks. A sheep from a flock lie lung ng lo Mr. It. C. Ounn, grazing in the -a no direction as Mr. Btronacli's wat also stolen on Sunday night nr Monday mo'n'ng, and the police found another skin in the bush, but there is nothing to identify tho prisoner with that theit. lie was brought yp again at the Police OHIee yesterday, when theevidence of the men who found the nkin and head, and the countable who apprehended him was taken, and he was further remanded until Wednesday next. H. T. Courier.— Wo have not received this week's nuinliers of the Courier. Imports and Expoits of Grain and FInur durine the weal ended 18 li instant.— At Ho bart Town— Imports 1850 bushels oats, and 81 ditto bailey. Exports, 200 ditto oats, and S lonsoffliiur. At Lanncnton— Ex|wtts, 3800 bushclB oats ; 4276 wheat, and II tons of flour. No impoit*. Medical. — The hon. sec. of tlm court of me dical exan inert notifies in last Tuenlav'- Ua zcttcp, that the name of Dr. Ludwig Willism Schultzen, was erroneously inserted in the Gazette of the 10th ultimo, a» a logilly qtwli fiud medical practitioner for this colony. Importers License. — An importer's license has been issued to Mr. Lewis Cohen, of Charles street, Launcetttn. Police Department.— District Constable Charles Johnson has been transferred from Franklin to Torquay, and district Constable James Fogarty from Torquay to Franklin from the 1st instant. Jury Lists.— Special courts, of petty sessions will be held at tho police offices in each district on Tuesday file Cth October, for the purpose or correctiiic and allowing the jury list* for tho year 1859, when all objections to those lists will be heard. General Sessions, Liuneeslon. -A court of general sessions will be held at the court house, Launceston, on Monday the 4th October next, for iui n:-6es other than those of criminal juris diction. Death of Blink Bonny.— This famous mare, the grratesl boast nf UiitUh sportsmen, died on Monday, of inflammation of the lungs. Blie was engaged tu tun in the Chester Cup, and li'd l-een for some months a leading ?? favorite.' Blink liomi-'a achievements are known to all poisons. l,a t year the won both the Derby and the Oaks, a feat «lnn»t without parallal in the history of the Turf ; indeed, only on one former occasion hattnch a tiiu ' pli been attained— viz., in 1801, when Eleanor carried oil both the Derby and the Oaks. In ?Ukra alone, Blink Bunny Ust season von up ward* of 10.000 guineas, while her owner, it was repotted, netted double that amount in bets. She was heavily engaged in fiitiuoin ing races, and many enormously n'ch stakes I seemed absolutely ceitain to have ftllen to her had she lived aud retained her old 'form.' Blink Bunny was by Melbourne, out of Quern Mary, snd was bred by Mr. l'Anson in 185t. She derived her name from a s|'l near to where she was dialed, and the precise moaning of her somewhat euphoniotn titln if ' p'etty nrospocl.' Oreat sympathy is expressed for Mr. I'Anson. not only lor the lo-s he has bus tainrd.hut from a knowledgo that exists of ihe f 4idnes», and almott affection with which be regarded thu redoubtable architect of his for tune. Since the couimcn oment of her brief, (hough brilliant, racim; career, in 185S, no leu a sum than £12 763 has been the reward of her extraordinary prowess ? Edinburgh Courant, Hill May. ?