Fitzroy City Press (Vic. : 1881 - 1920), Thursday 20 October 1898, page 3

FITZROY FOOTBAALL TEAML COMPLIMRNTARY "AT HOME." The Fitzroy Premier football team and , temmittes were en'ertained by the Fitzroy ?ricket Club and snuporters on Wednesday 'venine at the Fitzenv Town Hall. The nrngormme was composed of 14 dances and the mnsic supplied hv Mr. GOodall'e hand was Plmply delichtful. There were about 150 nrepent and everybody seemed to enjoy themseplves At thb interval His Worship the Movor proponed the health of the team an r erv eo'neitic peeceh. Mr. Knockey, presialet of the Pirzrov Cricket Club then presented ton hrhatf of the club and supporters) Mr M. Grace with a very handsome cold medal as a souvenir of attaining the rrand position of champion footballer of Victoria. tr. Grace. in thanking the donors, stated that it gave him very much pleasure to receive the medal; he was pleased for the sake of the club" that he.had played well during the season, and trusted to do een -hetter next year. r. ilicsey presented the ball (suitably inscribed) plaved with in the match, to Captain Sloan, whri stated that it-eae?a pleasant,.i snrprise "nd' woauldaerve as- a very. nece memento of the honor gained. Mr.: T. Banks thereprerented on hehalf of the Fitzrnv ?eothall Clnh, Mfr. Stanley Reid with a very useful travelling comnanion and pair of field glasses. Mr Benke commented on the nrd th. uams receivedt from Eentlemen of the potiriun uf *Mr. Reid in slayin" football. The club was Porrv to lose Mr. Reid, and be was carrying to West Australia their best wishes for his fnture welfare. Mr. Reid made a' very feeling speech in reply, he ttated that he thoroughly loved the-game and although he was donning the clerical robs, he wr.uld still feel an interest in the sport and would always look for Fitzroy's welfare. (Cheers). Mr. W. Park. on behalf of the Fitzrov Fonthall team, thanked the Cricket. Mlob Committee for inaugurating the very pleasant evening as Daneing wan kept up nstil 12 o'clock.