Fitzroy City Press (Vic. : 1881 - 1920), Friday 30 March 1906, page 3

FITZ?OY FOOTBALL CLUB. 'The Annual Meeting will be held on Mon?aynext at the .Fitzroy Town Hall, when. Senator lBest," the president,. will open proceedings at 8 o'clock. The report shows a very lourishing state of afliirs. The teamn was again Premiers, this. being' the 1ifth occasion it has occupied that honorable position. The membership row totals 2,650, and,. in passing, we might.. ention that when first Pre-[ niiersu in 1895 the membership was 244, producing £83 12s. 6d. In 1898 the number had fallen; although Premiers, to 143, producing £419 2s. 6d The oneutseasonf, 'vith the charge to. Sunioienes 5/ tieket 4aditting 0.' the stand,-the number! jumped con-, siderably to ?96-£199,'and has gone on 'improving enormously every year, until last year, which is the record,. 2:473 . paid members,, producing £618 5s., a truly 'magnificent income, more than the total receipts for 1895, Fwhich .were £502 10s. 2d. ,The open-ing of the Grand Stand huilt by 'the' Fitzroy Cricket. Club, and fitted up specially as a gymnasium and club room for the football 'players and coumnisttee is dealt with at length; boncluding in the followin terms :"The members of'the Club have every' reason .to he proud of the, improved quarters of the players and officediarersfwhich are now the most conplite' of their kind in Australia." The report announces' that two' or, the :Club's. prominent officials are re-. tirinr-the hon treasurer' (r. A. B. Sloan);?and :the captain (Mr. G. irosnan),, Mr. Sloan has 'been- undoubtedly one o:f the? est supporters: the-Ciilib has had' connected' with it. Many years ago, when' Sloan =played with the Juniors; .the writes warmly recommended him .as; a tar player--. his j-udgment proved correet; and for6 nany. yearisnoi player did more . to worthily uphold 'the honor of Fjtz-i'

roy. As treasurer Mr. Sloan has had the good fortune to, always have an oerfnowing treasury chest, so that he has had no anxious moments in that capacity. Mr. Brosnaii is showinig good -judgiment in' retiring-ami with increasing weight showed a tendency last year to put that weight to use against his opponents. The most consislent players were chosen by their comrades, viz., Messrs. Millis,. Beacham; and L. Barker. Testimonials for 5 years service will be given to Messrs. ?. Sharp; Trotter, Bart-. lett, and Wilkinson. The marriages of Messrs. H. Clarke and- W. McSpeerin were seized upon as suitable occasions- upon, which to present each' with a souvenir of the appreciation in. which they are held by the members. The balance-sheet, as previously stated, is a record one, the receipts for the seasone reach the magnificent total of £1,650, and, with the balance of £210 11s. brought forward, give the total of.£1,866 10s. 4d. The. matches on the groimd produced £237, .but of course- £618 are ob-taintst from members, and a great proportion are probably local. The mnatches off the ground .brought in £320, whilst the Club's share, of the finalS was £269 18s: 'FiOr-sa-r 0ffmfi* ture amounted to £1,5560,- leaving a credit balance of £308 10s. 9d. The principal items of expenditure wereSydney trip £388, Improvements to Club Room and Photos £233, Travelling £193, Training £80, Testimonials £77. Medical, eucalyptus, antdtraining oil £45. We are pleased that at last the Club is paying for its medical services; with such an income there is no reason why nearly all football clubs should want medical aid on the nod. Uniforms and boots ran into £60, whilst training requisites cost £43, cab hire £24, and Insurances anl allowances to-injured players the modest sum of £52. Refreshments run out at about £8 per month, whilst theatre parties and smoke socials cost £42, and material £43. Members- must produce their tickets to gain admission to the meeting.