Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (NSW : 1860 - 1870), Saturday 1 May 1869, page 2


Thoro ¡a little Turf Talk this week, and our roaders must bo content with tho full account of the races, and yearling sale.

Next Thursday will oloso the Produce Stakes, and " other youngsters races for yearlings of tho present season

ond as the success of tho A.J.C. Mcotingsof tho next two years very much doponds on a good entry for these events wo would remind breeders not to let tho time slip, or - . forgot that 4 p.m. noxt Thursday ii tho time.

Gentlemen wanting a hors o will have a good chanco of ¿"'buying at Mr Kiss's salo at tho Bazaar, on Monday, * when a number of thoroughbreds will bo olTored.

Hnthor a bit of a novelty has been provided for. tho sportsmen of Hartley on Monday noxt, in tho shape of sorao races, in which only ladic? aro to take part, as jockoys, tho fair riders to be residents of tho district of .Hartloy. Our correspondent informs us that there aro to bo three ladies' saddles run for, the first is a neat turn out, the gift of John Lucas, Esq., M.F. the ontrance for -^vcacli race to bo freo, and tho distanco for caoh raco, to bo

v beats, onco round tho Hartloy racecourse, tho winner of

any ono raco will not bo allowod to start for another.

Wo must do our correspondent "Nomo" tho justice . of calling attention to his "tips" on tho races of the

present meeting ; which will bo found, by roforonce to ..tho papers of the last fortnight, much nearer tho mark : ; than nny others that wo linvo seen. Nemo's information

.. is ovidently dori red from sound judgment and good infor-


Pegasus gives tho following " tip" for tho races of to-day:



Randwick Autumn Meeting.

PATRON :-His Excellency the night Uonorablo tho Earl of

Belmore PRESIDENT :-The Hon. E. Deas Thomson. CB , ftc, i>c. VICE-PRESIDENT : Alfred Chcokc. Esq. JUDGE: John Lackey, Esq. STARTER:-S. C.Burt. Esq. TREASURER:

-Buchan Thomson, Esq, CLERK OK THE COURSE ;-W. G., Ifenfrey, Esq. IIANDICAITEIIB ¡-John Lackey, Esq. ; A. ihompson, Esq. ; S. C. Brown, Esq.

Whatover may hnvo been tho expectations entertained, and however inviting tho bill of faro, certain it is that tho attendance of visitors on tho first day of tho races foll far short of what tho Leger contest IIUB brought together in previous yeats; and this is tho moro to. bo wondered at, seeing that on tho present occasion, tho Leger itself as well as tho Champagne Stakes caused moro speculation than is usual. For somo timo past, ever sinco " Tho Earl" commenced to improvo on his Spring form, ho has boca considered very dangorous for this convincing three-year-old raco of tho Autumn; Avalunohe, had lots of friends 'who quietly "popped it ? on" after Homebush : tho Melbourne division spoko

coufidcnlly of "My Dream," ifshe came for it j and Tho Dorby winner was a oousidornblo party to bo quito able to repeat tho conj*. During all this timo, one heard little of Coquctlo sho had' so miserably dis-appointed her party in tho Dorby, and afterwards when Mr Lee declared to win with her in tho Produco Stakes, , that sho was believed to have quito gone off from her two year-old oxcellonco, and to bo altogether unworthy of .... confidence in public, howovor flattering her privato trials

.-might bo. So things wont on until " tho Vunity Filly"

-.did a good thing a few days boforo tho meeting, when . she came prominently into notico, and"was- backed to

wina lot of monoy ; whilo Tho. Earl" continued at tho top of tho troo of favoritism'among, tho-New South Wales division. ThorMelbourno-filly had acareo boen 1 any time nmong'us, when sho pulled up lame, and

thenceforth was out of tho fight ; and tho night beforo '.,i¿the. race Tho Earl stood at 3 to 2. Tho Duko at 3 to ],

ami GOO to 100 was taken about Coquette. Meantime, ^Barbarian was a great pot for tho Champagne ; Moselle

. had grown out of favour; Charon and Mnsoniello lind

-fow admirers ; and Lamplighter shared almost evenly tho -?' honor of precodenco with the big brother of tho Barb.

-,On Saturday's other rnccs thoro was Uttlo or no specu-

lation, when wo closed our weokly labors on Friday < night.

Saturday morning brought with it tho scratching of "My Dream" at half-past nino; and tho confidence of tho Earl's frionds was increased to almost a certainty, although both Mr Leo's fillies woro looked upon as dangerous. Thoro woro plentiful whispers that "Tho 'Duke" was to pull it off; especially as it was thought '.-that if his stable didn't think well of him, Joo Kean

.would havo boon givon up to pilot ono of Mr Leo's. ..However, nil surmises and whispers ara of very little : value in such mattors, and so thoy proved on tho present

- occasion. There was Uttlo or no chango in tho Cham '-pngno hotting, Barbarian and Lamplighter keeping still .->.. thoprido of placo ; and excopt that Durkio was looked upon ?/\as a "moral" for tho Trini Stako?, and Warrior ditto '?.for tho Publicans, tho othor rnces wero not romnrkod . '"upon. Early in tho forenoon tho streets woro thoir

-usual appearance of bustlo nmong tho busBes and cabs ; 1 but although tho Jell ns plied vigorously their trade wc

could not fail to notico a marvellous fulling off ir. tho numbor of thoir "constituents." Omnibuses in plenty wont out to Randwick almost empty and returned in tho '^nftornoon on tho same unprofiiublo "lay," ond "tho ' ' road" ns wo went out about noon augured not a good

doy, whatever tho night might prove, for tho lessees. : Somehow there wus n lacie of that briskness among tho . citirons which had been almost universal beforo on : asimilar occasions ; nnd among tho citizons it must havo (w been, for tho city was, ns full, if not fuller, of strangers .i--»ns over wo have seen ' it for somo time. Racing men

:wero hero from all qunrtors ; as why, ind cod, should -.thoy not bo, seeing that nt no previous meeting has thcro .' boen more, if as much, interest attaching to tho races. . .. And hero wo feel bound to Bay a word about tho Rand . wick road, which might havo been got into a much /.r;'bettor stnto in limo for tho meeting. Wo saw, and know ?::-Jof, plentiful " etiekings-up" and that thcro woro not vimoVo, is duo to tho stnunohucss of horses and lightness if - loads, rothor than to tho goodness of tho "pormanant

woy" ns .is to bo. This, howover, will surely bo ? romodied by tho timo Lamplighter and Barbarian como

to run for "Tho Blue Riband"in the Spring. Arrived . at tho oourso, wo found avery thing in apple pio order, as

is usual within and without tho precincts of tho Grand Stand. Feoplo who aro not accustomed to go to Rand-wick fail to oonceiro tho troublo that must bo taken, "botwocu meetings, to keep everything looking nico and ..v frosh. Tho ground is now beautiful, only liable to bo .^slightly nffectcd by weathor ; and if on this oecasion it

- was soapy in somo ports, that is no fault of tho A. J. O.

lloBt O'Brien of Tattorsall's catered in his woll

. remembered oxcollcnt stylo for tho frequenters of tho Grand Stand ; and we think little fault could bo found, (though tho dispensers of good things at tho counter wore {notas fairy-like, or OB pleasant to look upon, in somo (instances, ns wo havo noticed itt other days, but this is {possibly n fulling oft'in the right direction. Eatables i¿' 'nnd drinkables wero plentiful and good; mid everybody , praised tho provedorc. Tho Dorby Stand was in tho iî-Jliands of Mr John Sullivan of tho Princo of Wales, who 4 *i well-trent ed his patrons; and the Six Loger Booths "'ji^wore worthy of all patronago ¡ with Mr Tom Bowman,

*?JBO well known by Randwick halitufs, to BIIOW tho way I--"iltow to do it. Everything in t'.ia Enclosuro nnd

Woighiugrooni looked clean and nico, and tho business

)f tho courae was conduoted upon right proper prinoiplca ia it pretty gèuorally ià. The Stewards wero at their post, determined to do their duty, as tho event proved. Mr Lackey was Judge, and moro need not bo said to show that the decisions gave all satisfaction. Air S. O. Burt had undertaken tho starting," having been particularly asked to do so, and to say he was successful would give him aa well as tho publie only a small Mea of our truthfulness. Howevor, wo aro well aware of tho almost impossibility of any man making first-rate starts until ho has tho jockeys woll in order,- and to change the starter at every meeting is not tho way to ever secure a good ono. On this point wo claim the privilege of doing what wo have always hitherto done-rcsorving our criticism until tho ond of tho four .day». .Mr' Henfrey has always been a beau ideal Clerk of tho Course, and played well tho part on Saturday. Tho race for Tho Doncaster, with four within a length at tho finish tolls its own tale for tho handicapper?, and tho weighing room officials performed their arduous and often thankless duties in a way to disarm anything liko ndvorso criticism. Tho Race Books, from tho Caxton Printing Oflico, gave all requisito information ; and having said this much, wo havo given all credit everywhere. Thcro is ono matter, however, to which no may allude, wherein some littlo amendment ia necessary ; and this is tho arrange-ment for occupation of tho Reporters' Gallery. This great convenience was instituted in order to givo mern I bera of tho Press facilitiea for giving good reports of

great races ; and the object would be gained wera the occupants conflnod to reporters. This is not tho caso at present, and wo do not think tho Committee aro aware of it, otherwieo an alteration would bo made. On Satur-day tho gallery was occupied during almost every raco by more than ono gentleman who required to givo no report, and who could havo onjoyed tho race just as well from any other position on tho Stand ; while- tho repre-sentatives of newspapers, really ncoding to havo a good report, wore denied tho privilege of being two at a time in tho gallery, through not being provided with tho ncceaeary tickets. Having had some littlo ozperionco of these matters, we may bo permitted to say that it re-quires Uvo to give a correct report of tho running of a largo field of horeca. The public look to us to givo them a fair and true account of how horses run-horse owners object to us if we misstate tho doings of their naga -and wo aro quito sure tho members of tho Jockey Club do not wish our review of their doings to be made at hazard, or from hearsay, in preference to tho credenco of'our ownoyes. At present it would be impossible for reporting members of tho Press to uso tho gallery with advantage, in conacquenco of so much of it being taken up by other members 10/10 do not report.

Now for tho sport, after this slight dealing with gen-eralities. Thcro wcro seven nags in the paddock for tho opening race of tho meeting, Tho Trial Stakes ; and Darkie had even monoy on him. Mr Ivory sent both bia nagB ; but Grey Momus, who stripped in fine form, was a bettor favorito than Hercules. Tho latter only cankered after tho others, and nover showed in tho race. Tho groy ran gamely and well, and judging from tho shouts on thc Stand, must havo had a good chance, as they came up the straight ; but tho Darkie was moro than a match for him, and Holmes opened tho ball by fetch-ing tho Yelverton three-year old homo a couple of lengths in front. Orville was in front for some distance ; but when Darkie and tho groy wont up at tho bushes, it waa all up with him, and the others wero not good enough to interfere. They wcro a fino lot of two-yoar olds that stripped for tho Champagne ; but Charon was only seen alter tho raco-being saddled over at tho tan, and kept near tho starting post. Ho wasn't quito lit, and is not nearly so nico as Lamplighter. Everybody having an

idea that tho Demon's brother was better than The Fop, tho latter was not much thought about ; but ho ran excellently well, and as was the case last yoar, quito upset stable oscula-tions. Gcorgo Thompson went vory noir pu'ling off a good double event. Mr Cox's filly did Driscoll immonse credit, and will do well for her family yet ; but Moscllo waa "oil';" Mansaniello is not liko a two year-old winnor; and Juanita waa not up to the "form." They didn't havo a good start any more than in tho Trial Stakes field ; for Lamplighter was getting woll into his swing when tho rest wero standing still; and so ho obtained a great advantage. Tho black colt looked well until halfway up tho straight, and then gare in to Lamplighter, who was hard run to tho post by Tho Fop. Tho Leger fetched out eight, Tho li arl being, of course, tho favourite, though Mr Lee's fillies ran him hard in tho betting. Tho pace was slow, the timo bad, and Tho Earl ought to havo run better in hts splendid condition. Coquottc nobly retrieved her credit by win-ning in capital stylo; .but tho thrco-ycar-old running tells tia that wo havo only a moderate lot of colts of that ago. Tho running that Avalancho made and tho diffi-culty- they had in catching her shows plainly enough that sho ia a right down good filly. Deception and Orville declined putting in an appcaranco for tho Pub cans' Stakes, and Warrior had no difficulty in carrying his 5J1Ü3 extra, and cantered all the way in front 3 though Driscoll let Sir William como nearly nlongsido him on tho far eido of tho course. Thcro was ono of the nastiost

possible disputes over tho Doncnstor Handicap, ending in the fining and suspension of Stanley nnd Colloy, and tho disqualification of tho horsos they rode-Falcon and Circassian,-a contretemps which all must rcgrot after suoh a splendid race. As they carno up tho distance all eyes wore on Tippler, who was finishing in froriti on~'tlio insido running,' with Slondin. following homo a "good second to him ; . but just as they passed tho post Falcon and Circassian came up right under the judgo's box, and tho decision wa«, Falcon first, Tippler second, Circassian third, and Blondin fourth. Colloy thon protested against Stanley for crossing and striking him, and tho stownrds, nftor hearing tho ovidenco, gavo tho-raco to Tippler, placing Blondin second, disqualifying Falcon and Circassian, fining Stanley £20, with suspension till after tho September Meeting, and Colley half tho monoy, with suspension till tho closo of tho presont Meeting. Wo learn that thoso two jockeys had been at enmity, and during tho early part of tho doy had nonrly got to fighting; and in tho race Colloy struck Stanley with the whip, whereupon Stanloy chased and flogged him up tho straight, finishing along the very outside, closo under tho judgo's box. Tho fault waa a serious one. and tho pun-ishment baa been heavy j but unfortunately tho sovcrity of tho visitation falla on Mr Tait and tho backers of tho yollow and black. Tho former loses tho stake and Stan-ley's services ; and the latter havo to bo satisfied with strango riders on some mounts that would havo been entrusted to Stanley, who knows tho horses so thoroughly. This event wound up tho day's sport, and tho people started for homo as quietly aa they-had spent tho after-noon. Quietnoss was certainly tho rule ; for, as wo havo always to obsorvo at Randwick, tho police had littlo to j do beyond dislodging a few gamblers. His Excollonoy

and suite arrived belara., tho first race; bul his coming did not cauao a cheer io burst forth ; and such a recep-tion by tho class who frequent tho onclosuro of our Metropolitan Grand Stand ia anything but good to seo.

Tho following ia a resume of tho doy's races :


First Race.-Tho (^iilitnui) TRIAL STAKES of i sov each, with

40 sov added, for all horses which havo not won n prize excocding CO sov lu valno up to time of outrance ; li milo.

Mr O. iiiiUhvln's b g Darkle, by Yelverton-lllack Hess, 3 yrs,

7stlSlbs.Holmes 1 T. Ivory's gr g Grey Mourns, 6 yrs, 0 yrs, Sst 131bg...J. Kean 2 Chaafe ns ch c Stockwell, 3 yrs, "st lülbs.Ray il T. Ivory's hr g Slr Hercules, 4 yrs, Sst Olbs.Bennett 0 W. R. Templeton's b f Portia, a yrs, "st 111b.Cook 0 F. R. L. Rossi's b g Orvillo, 6 yrs, ca.rlcd Ost 211«.. Loggatt 0 T. Leggatt's hr g Jibboom, flyrs, hy l'ontlflciiil

Belling : Even on Darkie, 3 to I ngst Groy Mo nm 9, 4¡ to 1 en eli ngst Stockwell and Sir Hercules.

Thcro was ono fulso start, and then a good deal of difficulty in getting them away, and when they did go, it was with a very struggling start. Tho first to show in ndranco wero Orville and Jibboom, and theso two made t>lny nt their best paco round tho turn by tho rocks to Ciitls's turn, whore Jibboom. hud left tho command to Orville, who went on with tho running along tho fur side. Rising tho limit by tho tan side, Darkio, who had lain oil', began to improvo his position, followed by Groy Momus, tito pair hoing second mid third at tho Champion corner ; ?iud Sir llórenles, who hud never bcou on terms with his horses, was by this timo quito out of tho rnco. Thoy ran thus to tho bushos, whoro Darkie deprived Orvillo of his load, Mr Rossi's horse being passed also by the groy who wont on in closo waiting on tho favourito, and so tho loading division rounded into tho straight, when Grey Momus seemed to havo tho Darkio safe, Holmes having to " rido" latter to keep his placo. Neither secured any substantial advantago until tho Leger Stand was passed, where " old Sam" set-to with his horse and landed tho favourito a good winnor by two lengths, after a very gamo struggle on tho part of tho groy. Stock-well rushed up insido tho distance and secured tho third placo j Orvillo was fourth, and tho others nover in tho race ; Sir Hercules bringing up tho roar. Timo, 2 min.

10 sec.

Second Racc.-Tlio (JiislinKrtu) CHAMPAGNE STAKES of 20

soy each, h ft, or 5 only If declared by tho 1st April, for 2 yrs colts, Sst lOlbs, andantes, Sst «bs. Tho owner of tho second horse to savo his stake, and tho winnor to givo two doxen of champagne to tho committco ¡ Uve furlongs. Entries closed with

38 subscribers.

Mr "NV. Pearson's br c Lamplighter, by Fern-man-Gaslight.,

.H. Davis 1

Jno. Loo's b oThoFop,by Slr Hercules-Vanlty,.Thompson 2 C. B. Fisher's bro Charon, by Ferryman-Juliet..Morrisson 8 Ooo. Leo's br or bl c Barbarian, by Slr Hercules-Young

Gulnare.j. Kean 0 W. Craig's b ç, Massanlcllo by Ferryman-Marchioness.-;...

.......Cnrtor 0

Jno. Tait's b,c, by New Warrior-Ido, by Vanguard-Io ...

................................i..................Stanley 0

Mr E. K. Cox's b f Queen Bee, by Yattendon-Bee in a Bonnet

. .'..F. Martlneer ( Vf. Forrester's ch f Moselle, by Cossack- Crucifix...Ramsay ( Jno. M. M'Quadc's b f Juanita, by Now Warrior-Sanco

? box by Cossack... ...Uolmes C

Betting: 2 to 1 eaoh agst Barbarian and Lamplighter, the former for choice ¡ 4 to 1 agst Oharon, 5 to 1 agst


Tho eight that saddled in the paddock joined Charon at tho Uro furlong posi within a little of tho appointed time, but they woro not sent on their journey beforo taroo falso starts (caused chiefly by Barbarian not com-ing up to his horses) had been made. Tho start WOB fat from a good one, for Davis had his colt at a good canter, coming out of the sand; and so, when tho flag fell, Lamplighter was at onca seen to have tho best of thc start,' with Charon second, and tho black colt third-thc race appearing to lie among these throe as they ran alonf the bottom of the course past the bushes. Hero Bar barian went up to tho Gaslight colt and seemed to have the raco in hand as he oame striding round tho turn inte tho straight, looking to havo quito tho best of it from tin Stand. Tho two favorites raced together until half waj up tho straight without muoh apparent adrantngo; bul when thc distance was gained tho big black colt cont' pounded, leaving Lamplighter alono in front, and hi galloping on, won after a good raco cloverly by a shorl length ; Tho Fop, who finished with great gameness came with a rush up tho half distance and ran homo t good Bccond, without quite reaching tho winner ; Clmror beat Barbarian for third place, Moselle was fifth, ant close to her were tho Ida colt and Queen Boo side bj sido, the last of all being J aanita. Time, 1 min 7 4-10thi see. Valuo of the atokos after deducting second mono; and winners own stake, £355.

Tldrd Race.-Tho (yliulraii'aii) ST. LEGER STAKES of SO so'

cadi, h ft, for 3 yrs, colts, Sst 101b ; fillies, 8st 01b. Th* secont horso to reçoive 00 sov out of the stakes. 1} mlle. Entrañe

closed with 44 subs.

Mr John Lee's b f Coquette, by Slr Hercules-Vanity. .Thompson : Tait's oh c Tho Earl, by Whalcbono-Warwick's dam ....

I . Stanley I

J. Lee's oh f Avalanche, by Kingston-Topsy.Colley ! E. Cobcrofts b c Sailor Boy, by Premier.Ramsay ' E. K. Cox's ch c Rawdon, by Little John-Lucilia. .Bennet 1 A. Thompson's b o The Duko, by Kingston-Blue Bonnet

...... J. Kean i C. B. Fisher's br f Tho Ragpicker, by Fisherman-Juliet..

..A. Davis I E. DcHestrc's b o Marksman, by Archer-Cinderella. . .DonneUy i

Betting: 3 to 2 agst The Earl, 3 to 1 agst Tho Buke 4 to 1 each agst Coquette and Avalanche, 6 to IO to ] agst tho others.

Thero wero threo falso starts, without anything run ning very far; and then-Avalanche jumped off at such t paco as Boon loft tho field fully a hundred yards bobine hers Bagpiekor and The Earl heading tho remainder They came thus into tho straight, tho leader gaining or her followors at every stride, until they ran past thi stand, oftor going half a milo, whoro tho favorito wai second, Bawden third, and "Bags." fourth, Mnrksmai some lengths behind everything, and ovidontly withou1 a chance. As tho lot swept round tho gate turn pasl tho rocks and round by Outts's, there was little or nc ohnngo in tho order of running ; but going down tho fat sido tho Duke drew away from tho rearmost division ant joined Tho Ear), tho pair beginning to visibly lessen tin gap between them and tho filly. Half a milo from homi Mr Thompson's colt hold second placo ; but in passing tho bushes, tho yellow jacket of Tho Earl was seen cleat of everything; ond "Tho Earl wins" was thus earlj ro.-irod lustily from tho stand. Rounding tho turn foi homo tho Duke cried peccavi, and Coquette, who, aftoi having tho worst of not a very good start, hod boot patiently waited with in tho roar of all oxcopt Marksman ran into his place, waiting on tho favorite. This pail landed in tho straight within a length or. two o Avalanche ; and from thence tho trio had tho raco tc themselves; every inch of tho last quarter of a mili being gamely contested until tho Leger Stand, when Avalancho was disposed of and "Tho Earl"! "Tin Earl" ! was tho cry, as his many backors fancied ho wai going to land it. At tho lower corner of tho cnclosuri however, Thompson went to work in earnest witl Coquette, and tho long despised " Vanity Filly' answering with great gameness, landed tho Lcgor of 'O' by a length. Tho Earl was two Iongths in front o Avalancho, and Tho Buko was fourth. Tho rost no persevered with. Timo, 3 min 22 sees and fotir-tonths Votuo of tho sínicos,' after deducting second money one' winner's stake, £690.


COQUETTE, a bay filly with white blaze down tho faoo was bred by Mr John Leo, at Bylong, in 18G5. Sho ii by Sir Hercules, from Vanity by Marquis, from Bcssj Bedlam by Sir Charles, from Young Moonshino by Emi grant, from Old Moonshine by Theorem, from Oornolii by Grasshopper, from Manto by Soothsayer; and is timi half sister to Lady Kingston and own sistor to Tho Fop At tho Randwick Autumn Meeting, 1868 Coquette wat not placed for tho Clmmptigno Stakes, 5 furlongs, wot by FonoIIa. At tho samo meeting, won tho Sires Produce Slakes, I milo, in a canter, beating Kaizor, Zouave, Blab' ber, Avalancho, Province Roso (now Portia), Fenelia, Barometer, and Ragpicker. Same meeting, carrying 8.10 won easily, tho Nursery Handicap", J milo, beating Kaizor, 8st 31b, (second) ; Rngpickcr, 8st llb, (third) ; Zouave, 8st 31b ; Barometer, 8st 2lb ; Avalanches, 8st 21b ; Sweet-meat,'7st Gib j ; A},* 7at ;41b ; . Lady,- 7st. 4lb j Rowden, -6st61b, and Barwon, test .6^;! .-At tho- Randwick Spring Meeting, 1868,'was not placed for the Derby, l's milo, won by The Duke, Ragpicker, second, The Earl third. Sama meeting, was not placed for the Marcs' Produce Stakes, won by Burbcllo. Mr Leo doclarcd to win with Coquette. At tho Randwick Autumn Meeting. 1869, won cloverly tho St. Lcgor Stakoss 1$ milo, boating The Karl (second), Avalancho (third), Tho Duko, Rawdon, Ragpiokor, Mnrksman, and Sailor Boy.

Fourth Race.-Tho PU IILICAN'S STAKES of 7 sov each, with 70

sov added, for horses which havo not won a prizo exceeding 10C sov in valuo up to timo of cntranco: n. winner of such a prize thereafter to carry Bibs extra. Maidens nt siartlng allowed Slbs. 1} milo. Second horso l l sov out of tho prizo.

Mr L. Uhde's b g Warrior, by Now Warrior-Annlo Laurie,

0 yrs, Dst Sib (Incl. Slbs extra).Driscoll 1 A. Town's br c Slr William, 3 yrs, by Torragon-Lady

Mar}', 7s lilli.Holmes 2 Betting, Nominal, at odds on Warrior.

Driscoll cantered in front from end to cud, tho moderato Sir William novor being oblo to moko Warrior extend himsolf. Timo, 3 min 26£ secs.

Fifth Raco.-Tho DONCASTER HANDICAP of 5 sov each, h ft

entrance foo only if declared by 10th April, with 60 sov added ¡ for nil horsos; 1 milo; socond horso 10 sov from tho prize; weights on tho 0th April, a winner of any handicap thereafter to carry Tibs extra. 1 milo.

Mr W. II Kent's b g TIpplor, by Australian, 0 yrs, 7st 81b

.n. Lowis 1 H. Fishor's bl h Blondín, 0 yrs, 7st 101b.S. Davis 2 J. Tait's bl o The Italian, 4 yrs, Ost Sib Ashworth A. Town's br c Orlando. 4 yrs, 8st Holmes

J. Drlscoll's br g Albany, C yrs, 7st 6H> Bonnott

T. Ivory's br g Sir Hercules, 4 yrs, 7st Bib Brown

H. Fisher's br f Rngpickcr, 3 yrs, Ost lílb Hondorson A. Bowman's gr m Maritana, 0 yrs, Ost lOIb Tyler

Chnafe ns br h Emerald, 6 yrs, Ost 01b (car. Ost Sib) Pago J. Tait's ch g Falcon, nged, Sst 71b Stanley (distanced)

W. Winch's br h Circassian, 6 yrs, 7st 101b Colloy (distanced) Betting : 2 to 1 agst Albany, 3 to 1 each Mnritnnn and Italian. 3 to 1 Ragpicker, 5 to 1 Tipplor. 0 to 1 Falcon.

After a middling start Muri tann, ..who with Tippler mid Ragpicker got best away, showed first in front; and carno away at a a tailing puce, which soon settled tho pretensions of several, Italian taking up tho position of whippor in, whioh ho kept to tho encl. Along tho tan sido, aa soon os they settled into thoir places, Tippler emerged from tho rear, and cut out tho work in his old stylo to tho Champion corner, whore Ragpicker went in front followed olosoly by Tippler, Circassian, Maritana, and Sir Hercules, in a cluster. At 'ho bushes, Falcon and Blondin passed Ragpickor and Maritana, who wero thenceforth disposed of, and the pair joinod Tippler and Circassian, coming round tho turn into tho straight; tho raco being left among tho four. Half way up tito straight Stanley and Colloy commenced to flog each other, and their horses crossed to tho outer rails, Tippler and Blon-din running a fino raco homo on tho inside, which tho formor won clovorly by a length. Falcon boat Circassian ut tho finish by half a length ; tho judgo placing Falcon first, Tippler second, and Circassian third. Time, 1 min 50ï soc. Colloy then lodged a protest against Stanloy for crossing, or jostling, and striking him, and aftor much crimination and re-crimination, Falcon and Circassian wero disqualified. Stanloy was finad £20, and suspended till tho cud of tho present year. Colley £10 and suspen-ded till the ond of this meeting ; and tho stakos were awarded to Tippler, with Blondin second. Ragpicker, Maritana, and Sir Hercules followed Blondin at long


Tho settling on tho Leger and othor races of Saturday took placo on Monday night, and was a good ono, though Tippler didn't suit tho bookmakers as well os Falcon would have dono. Thero was a good deal of business dono afterwards on the Cup, and other coming ovonts, and Tho Barb stood first favorito at 3 to 1. Tim and Karoola being next at 6 toi, tho Lcgor winner at 8 to 1, and Sir John at 10. Mr Bradburry backed At to win him a good etako, commencing at 1000 to 15, and anding with 100's to 4 ; and 20 to I was thon offered against Al, Stumpy, and " Tho Hill," ponding tho gallops of Tuesday morning.


Thoro havo boon great days in tho racing annals of Now South Wales;, as, for instanco, thoso on whioh Tarragon and Volunteer ran their dead hoot for tho Champion Raco over Flemington, and tho Barb on tho same ground did tho fastest threo milos ever got through out of England ; but the rod letter day of tho old colony's racing calendar will henceforth bo tho ouo on whioh i << Tho Demon " won Iiis third oonsooutiro great bandi

:ap, carrying in thc van a larger weight than ever came homo in front for any similar raco in the morid. \Ve" know not of an instance on record of " ten atono oight " being successfully brought homo ; and wo believe the Barb's performance of Thursday to bo the greatest ex* tant; but before we indulge our weakness by singing aver again the praises of "a Demon," thero are many thingB to notice in connection with tho day's sport, ana our duty must not be neglectod. Thursday morning tra« glorious as to the weather j but tho friends of the lioavy weights had been frightened during tho early part of the week, and a considerable pluvial visitation which with good reason was supposed to maka 'Tho Barb's chances of success worse than it had been ; and the touting division: having, cu usual, succeeded in finding a mare's nest on Tuesday morning, tho favorite receded a point in tho odds. One bookmaker being commissioned to lay off a century, rather rashly offered in the room to lay it to a "pony;" but tho words were hardly out of his mouth when Mr Keighran snapped up the wager, and there was at once a collapse in the four to one arrangement. As usual, thon came about the rumours that Glencoe was tho horse of the stable ; tho knowing people, aa it appoarcd, with two previous cases of the same tiling staring them in tho face, declining to bcliovo that tho chesnut was required lo help The Barb. Thon, Glencoo took tho liberty of stopping in his gallop on Monday morning, opposite Cutts's, much in tho samo stylo as ho once did at Melbourne before doing ono of his good things,-ao that between hopea and fears, and doubts and dangora, things wero, to uso a rather hack-neyed phrase, very unsettled. Of courso there waa no speculation on any other events. Tho Cup monopolised the wholo attention, and, while nineteen people out of twenty said Tho Barb couldn't iain, tho ono who thought ho could do it was mot on all sides by tho sapient re-mark that, " if he did, he was the best horse the colonies ever sato,"-as if ovorybody hadn't found that out long ago. Aa far aa other horses went, they of courae rose in estimation as Tho Barb slightly fell. Tim stood at 5 to 1, Karoola and Coquette about 6 to 1, with Sir John,

whoso owner sent in to baok him on Wednes-

day night, rising rapidly in favor, while A1 had arrived from 100's to 2 to 100'a to 5. When tho Boom broko up on Wednesday night Tho Barb had becomo a trillo moro firm ; for notwithstand-ing very many persona, with whom tho wish was father to the thought, delighted to declaro his winning an impossibility ; still, aa tho time drovr near, the most jealous foes of tho yellow and black (the naroo of these ia logion) didn't fancy it a good thing to stand bad against him. When tho raco booka appeared in tho morning it waa accn that of tho original forty-one, no fewer than twenty-eight still remained in ; Mr Tait's flvo being all

coloured, and the original opinion was that a acoro would. go to tho post. Tho question of who would pilot Glen-coe was generally asked : for it was not until nearly saddling time that it beeamo known to tho public that Morrisaon was to bo entrusted with this critical piece of buainoBS. Tho streets of Sydnoy showed moro lifo and activity than on Saturday, though tho nbsenco of that travelling round with omnibuses, that used to almost make it dangerous to walk abroad, was very pict s nilly felt ; tho City Council having put an end to it, and limited tho number of buses plying each day to sixty-a regulation we havo as yet failed to seo the forco of. Up to tho time of going to tho course no chango in tho bet-ting was perceptible. Nobody Oppenrod " to know any-thing"-nothing had had a bad night; and tho goncrnl question was " can The Barb win it?" The Karoola party woro brimful of confidence ¡ whilo his opponents »'ero equally unflinching in their antagonism ; but those- whoso faith in tba stnblo was unbounded woro

many indeed, considering that thoir champion Jtad never won a race in good company. Our correspondent "Pegasus" has continued regularly to warn tho road ora of Bell against thia Karoola, and as persistently has ho indicated the Barb aa tho absoluto winner. Immediately on tho wciglita appearing wo find him writing aa follows in a former iasue, " Tho Barb is now first favorito, and likely to remain so till settling night"-a prediction which nil must allow to bo fully verified. Whon wo arrived on tho ground just beforo tho first race, wo woro glad to soo a far more numerous attendance than on tho Leger Day ; and it is satisfactory to believe, at nny rate, that tho lessoca of goto and bootha muat have in a great meas uro re-couped thomaelvca for tho other day's shortcomings. Whother or not tho police were moro than usually active against gamblers, one thing ia cer-tain, that thcro never woro so many turn-about tablea seen anywhere before, tho coureo hoing literally covered with thom ¡ and no nmatour speculator could go wrong in finding whatover "littlo gamo" might happen to bo hia weakness. Thoro woro many moro carriagea on tito courso than on Saturday, tho public appearing to tiaro formed a j net appreciation of tho great raco they woro about to bo spectators of. Tho stands wore well filled, tho bootha well,patronised, and, in short, by luncheon timo tho course woro a highly satisfactory aspect. His Excellency Lord Belmoro drovo on to tho ground, and remained till after thc Cup race, tho baud playing "God Save tho Quoon" on lita arrival, and the people cliocring ¡¡tur loudly whon ho departed. Tho oourao was in much better order than on Saturday, tho long grass having boon mown during the interval / and we havo no doubt about ita being at least a couplo of seconds slower than it waa cither last Autumn or in tho

Spring ; therefore tho 3.40of Tho Barb must bo looked upon aa a splendid performanco for him andStutspy and Tim. Tile booka wcro correct and reliable ; the conduct of tho sport generally waa characterised by tho usual energy wo have BO often had to notico on tho part of the Randwick officials, and with tho oxception of a bad start after sovcrol false attempts, for tho Flying Handicap, thoro was in truth nought to complain of. Inspector Reid had a strong body of police on tho ground, who did their duty temperately and well, and whon thcro waa. an obstreperous individual anywhere to be found, ho was vory quickly put whoro he couldn't do anybody much


Fourteen, out of eighteen colorod on tho card, como out for tho Flying Handicap, with which tho day's sport commenced at a quarter past ono ; and Wnrrior, Charon, and Tippler wero mado great favorites, whilo ten to ono was laid plentifully against Blondín and six to one against Dccption. Th cs o two ran a dead heat ; and tho black horse seems to havo very rauoh improved eincoho came np from Melbourne. Mr. Gibbon's maro did moro than wo gavo lier credit for ¡ and vory nearly pullod off tho. good thing. Blondin'B performance Was a particularly good ono j for he was ono of tho last away ; and ho mado up his ground won-derfully in suoli a short distance. Warrior did not Bocm as good as ho waa a month ago, bofore Ilia Goulburn trip ; but at all ovcnls, such short spins aro not exactly his forte. Italian waa drawn, leaving Falcon to ropre sont tho yellow and blaok j but although ho was in a good placo half way up tho straight, he waa novor dnn gorous ¡ a romark which applies also to Darkio. Tip-pler's chanco was completely settled by tho ten pounds ponalty, which plenty of pcoplo said would mako no diflcrenco to him in threo quarters of a milo. Ho would made almost a certainty of it with only hia handicap wright up. It was a splendid raco at tho finish, and did much credit to (ho handicapping; for, malgré tho in dilForcut get-a-way, Ibero woro half a dozen all togothor ot the ont] of tho journey ; and Georgo Thompson just made n dead boat of it on tho post, which was au excel-lent commencement to tho day's sport. Thompson carried six pounds oror weight in tho first heat, which waa much against the maro, as also wore t\\a Jive pounds ho was too heavy in tho deoiding strugglo, which came off after tho last raco of tho day; but thia was almost, if not quito, countcrplacod by tho beautiful bit of riding

he showed in tho dead hoot. For tho Maiden Plato thc Mclbourno filly was an immenso favorite, tho Victorians thinking it was finding monoy to lay four to one on her. When elie carno out abo looked ragged and rough ; but her going could hardly fail tn begot confidence. Tho, (Carl was a very pieturo .of fitness ; and Old Sam waited with him in front all tho way, stalling off a fiflo rush of Carter's in tho last fear strides by a head and neck. It was a terrific boil over ; and tho Mclbourno division of the ring must havo felt a hard knock, both tho first and second carried a soven pound ponalty ; which ought to have brought Claud du Val and Orvillo onjto something like terms with thom ; but this wasn't tho caso ; and the Goulburn horse was last. After lunohoon, half a dozon carno out -for the Sires Produce Stakes, threo of thom belonging to Mr Dines, " Surbiton" and Mameluke, both " dark" ones representing Mr Leo and Mameluke and Bay Regent being tho only tried horses in the half dozon. The squire of Hambleton Hill ropeatcd the coup of two years ago when ho started tbrco and won the raco with Gloncoc, running third with Röbel, aftor declaring to win with Orlando. Tho present winnor "Paradise," ia a croat filly, own sister to Orlando, by Lord of tho Hills, from Mainstay by Poppormint, from Mainbraoo by Sheet Anohor, and hor performanco ia a first-class ono, as sho won ia tho commonest canter by nearly half a distance, in ono socond faster than Coquette did tho samo thing last year ; and two lesa than tho timo of Orlando in 18G7. Mr Loo's colt' ron in a dozen lengths or moro bofore tho Boy Regent and Littlo Dick, who modo a dead hoot on tho post for third place. When tho numbors went up that of Croydon waa put up with tho Regent's as having run tho dead heat; but wo thought this a mistake, no, if Croydon oarried his propor colors, tho oolt must liavo boon Littlo Dick. Croydon was Binn soro, and tho good

looking Mameluke ¡3^ not a raco horse.-~»And-jiow the,, uoto of preparation Bounded for tho groat event ; arid' great was tho oxcitament aa tho partizsna of the different favorites- watched their respectivo toilettes. -Tim and Stumpy didn't show in the paddock, being i saddled,'.and mounted in the boxes in thc Jdckey^Club yard,; The field was reduced to eighteen ; and. Tho Harb remained ti 1 tho fall of the flag first favorite nt not more flinn 3 to 1, in spito of the fondness for Glencoe, in somo quarters. Ibo Demon noror looked, or went hotter, but thcro was an air of anxiety on Ashworth's face that told of tho impor-tance of tho task he had in hand. Tho load of lead ha had to carry was in itself enough to make a jockey anxious; but Jemmy wasequal to tho occasion. Another reason for anxiety consisted in tboro being a stranger on tho queer tempered Glencoe; and tho way in which ho was ridden in tho raco showed how judicious had been Mr Taits choice when ho put Morrison up. Karoola looked very woll, as also did Sir John, quite a picture; and tho confidence in this pair incroascd visibly, when they wore stripped. "Tho Hill" never looked bottor; but wo liked not Bulginbar, and Coquette, looked, as if she hadn't forgot tho Leger, and didn't caro about an-other. Firoworke'was not "Tho Works" of old times; though he looked well and healthy; but Waldoek who rode him, looked as if ho had just como out of a bandbox a perfect pattern to jockeys of how they really ought to dress. In this particular wo must say that Wal-dock, Morrison, and Carter, stand quito at tho heud of their profession. In fact thoro'a nought Uko thom to bo found among tho jockoys of the day. Tho North looked caro worn ond jaded ,. Al, in very good order, and Tho Duke and Avalauohe havo been described on tho Lcgor Day. As for Circassian, he was out of it ; and as for all tho chances they had, all but about six, might as woll havo been in the stable It was an anxious mount when that field of horsos wont round to tho starting post ; for thoro wore nil sorts of rumours, about Tho Barb going to be blocked, and all sort of things. Thero was only a little difficulty boforo they got away ; and Mr Burt was fortunato in making a very satisfactory start. -Tho Duke being tho first to show in front, Coquette, Al, and Fireworks noxt, with a cluster ot their heels, Barb, Gloncoo and the 'Works being in good places, and Tim watching corefally, The Demon. Thoso who doubted Tho Barb's ability must havo boon pretty well satisfied when ho passed tho Stand, lying about fifth or sixth, and pulling Jemmy's Arms »early off; but the shouting there was whon Glonooe went to the front, and Tho Barb followod him into second piuco at the'hill, was boyond all description. The Chestnut did his work along by tho bushes, but at tho turn for homo Tho Barb had said good-byo to them all, and carno full of running, carrying tho big load into tho straight a couple of lengths, Tim being next, and tho race appearing to lie botweon the two and Stumpy. As thoy carno nour the distanco, tho black jackets ranged up, ono on each side, Stumpy and Tim next tho Stewards, and a splen-did struggle ensued, Ashworth sitting steady on his horso; and norer calling upon him, and thu horso laying down to it in grand style, passed the post nearly a length in front, Stumpy beating Tim for second money by a neck ; and Sir John, not a length off, being fourth, threo or lengths clear of anything. How tho rest came in we do not pretend to say ; for tho excitement was so great that nobody could pay at tention to tho beaton horses as they past tho post ¡ nnd from the time Tho Barb went in front the cheors wero absolutely deafoning. Tho timo was 3 minutes 40 seconds ; but what it would havo been had Gloncoo comoon with Tho Barb from tho turn

into tho straight, wo do not pretend to say. Tho field was vory mueh scattered at tho finish, as must of necessity bo tho caso when a race is over, nearly half a milo from home. There wero but four in the raco from tho bushes; and Tho Barb had his horses quito safo, from that point. He showed no distress on reluming to scnlo ; and seemed rather to enjoy tho fun than othorwiso. Tho Barb has run three times for this big handicap of thc A. J. C. Meeting, and has won them all. And it is somowhat rctnarkablo that and Tim Whiffler who ran second to him in tho last Cup and Mc trop, should this limo havo signalised his departure from the turf, by running second and third to him ; showing themselves so good as to moko ono almost regret that

thero should havo been a Barb in their time to toko tho

shine out of theso splendid sons of New Warrior. Tim Whiffler has been six times beforo tho public in theso big races. Horan third to Bylong, third to tho Hook, then won tho Metropolitan, then ran a dead heat for third placo to Tho Barb, with Orlando, then ran second to The Barb, and now third to Tho Barb ; tho lotter wondpr being tho only animal that has always beaten tho great Tim Whiffler. After this few pooplo cared about tho Wavorley Stakes, for which flvo went to tho post, tho witinor boing Durkio, with Sir Horculos nnd Rawdou running a dead heat for second, making tho third dead heat on tho ono day. Just beforo dusk, Blondin and Deception ran oil'tho Flying Handicap, nnd nftor running to tito distanco side by sido, tho horso won cleverly. Tho following is o resume of tho sport :

First Itaco.-Tho FLYING HANDICAP of fi sov each, h ft, en-

trance fco only If declared by 10th April, with 50*QY.otMi!il. for allhorscj: } rollo; weight* on the Stn April, a winner of any handicap thereafter td carry lOlbs extra.'

Mr H. Fisher's bl h Lord of tho Hills, Byra 7st 101b

.S. Davis t 1 M. Gibbon's br m Deception, hy Corobus, S yrs, "st 51b

(carried 7st 111b)."..Thompson t l W. H. Kent's b g Tlpplor, 5 yrs, Sst Sib (Incl. 101b penalty)

. .F. Murtlncor 3 L. Hilde's b g Warrior, 5 yrs, Sst 121b J. Kean J. Tait's ch g Falcon, aged, 8st 121b Taylor

A. Town's br c Orlando, 4 yrs. Sst (car. 8st 2Jlb) Holmes T. Ivory's br ¡» Sir Hercules, 4 yrs, "st "lb Bennett C. Baldwin's br g Darkie, 3 yrs, "st Atkins

T. Lrggatt's b g Jlbuoom, 5 yrs, 7st 101b Tilly

.' A. Bowman's gr m Maritana, 0 yrs, Cst lilli Wilson

. 0. Baldwin's cit f Hcgalla, 3 yjs, Ost 111b Tyler

; ti. Shocsniith's ch m Maid of Morpeth, -1 yrs, Ost 51b Moora '. H. Fisher's b c Charon, 2 yrs, Cst

H. A. Thompson's ti m Mistake, aged, Ost 51b (car. Gst 81b)

Belting : 3 to 1 agst Warrior, 4 to 1 agst Regalia, 5 to leach agst Falcon and Durkio.

Thcro was a great .deal of delay ot tho post, nnd several false starts wero made, but Darkie when taking his preliminary had a half milo spurt to himself. Tho difficulty at tho post was caused chiefly by so many of tho horses being led ; and Orlando jumped over tho man at his head, doing him very serious injury. Tho start was a bad ono, Orlando and Blondin haring tho worst of it. Tho first away, whon Ute fbi g fell, wore Warrior, Deception, and Charon, who rushed away at a great paco, Mr Gibbon's maro forcing tho running, ' and soon establishing a clear lead. At tho turn, Tippler, Darkie, and Sir Hercules had joined issue, and tho ruck behind them had taken close order, Blondin beginning to look dangerous os thoy carno into tho straight-. A fine raoe homo, ovory foot boing hotly contested, ended in a dead .heat botweon Blondin' and Dccoption, tho lottor juat catching Blondin who had tho best of it at tho Stand, OR tho post. Tippler a capital third, and Darkie fourth, tho rest well up. Timo, 1 min 20 sccs and three-tenths.

Tho deciding heat was run ufter tho last race of the day. Thompson carrying 7 10 and being beaten after a good raco, cleverly, by a length. Time, 1 min 20 secs.

Second Kaco.-Tho METROPOLITAN (,li(<iiHm) MAIDEN

1'i.ATK of 200 sov, for all malden horses (including winnora or two yrs stakes, under a penalty for winning onco Sib twico of moro Sib) nt tho time of entrance, l'cnaltles for winning after entninco. once Bibs, twico or moro Tibs; IJ milo. Second horso

10 sov from tho Club.

Mr J. Tait's ch c Tho Earl, by Wlialoliono-Warwick's dam

3 yrs. Sst 41b (incl 71b penalty) .Holmos 1 Wilson's b f Gasworks, by Fisherman-Gaslight, 3 yrs, Sst

21b (incl. 71b ponalty) .Cartor 2, W. Hull's b h Claud du Val, jun., aged, Ost 01b......Kelly 3 Mr F. R. I,. Rossi's br h Orville, ngod, Ost 01b. ..Stone 0.

Belting: 4 to 1 on Gasworks.

Claud jumped off willi tho lend, Tho Karl lying next,

and Orville last ; and they ran thus into tho straight,' whero Holmes laid tho chesnut in front, and went, on with the running at a very slow pace, which was not mended as they ran round the gato turn past tho rooks, and round Cutls's turn, no change having taken place. Although tho far side, ot tho hill, Gasworks was last,

but at tho hnlf-milo post she went up ou tho outside, tho' paco mantling considerably, and tho favorito and Tho Earl racod along tho bottom of the course, by the bushes to tho turn for home, whero Tho Earl had tho filly in difficulties, and continuing his lead for tho rest of tho joitrnoy, ho won, without being called upon, by half a length, in spite of a good rush, within tho fast few strides, by Gasworks. Claud du Val was a bad third, and Orvillo beaten off. 'l imo, 3min. 23seo.

Third Race.-The A. J. C. (Sires) rilODUCE STAKES, of 10 sov

each, h ft; 2J sov only for thoso whioh dcclarod on tho 7th May 1803, with 220 sov subscribed by tho ownoas of the sires, and 100 sov from tho A. J. C. for 2 yrs, 8st libs (no nllownnco to Milos or geldings.) 1 milo. .«Tho seoond horso 10, and third 0 per cent, on the gross amount of the prize to bu deductod therefrom. Entries closed with 33 subs. -

Mr R. Dino's I) f 1'aradlse, by Lord of the Hills-Mainstay

.....Ramsay 1 John Leo's b o Surbiton, by Kingston-Marchioness

...G. Thompson 2 Chane's ns b o Bay Regent, by Roster-Queen of Trumps

. .Holmes t Dines' b o Uttlo Dick by Lord of tho Hills-Llttlo Queen

.-...5. Dines t Dines' h o Croydon, by Lord of tho Hills-Roqutom..W. Davis - A, Bowman's ch o Mnmoluko, by Spartan-Lady Julia..Bishop vBcttingt 6 to 4 v. Buy Regont ; no other, backed.

V'iWIion tho ling foll, l'nrndiso wont away in front, with Surbiton second, tho rest, oxcopt Croydon, woll np. Tho filly increased her lead along tho bushes, notwithstanding that Mr Leo's colt tried to go up nt tho champion corner, and without being approached, gallopod homo a hundred yards in front of Surbiton, a dozen lengths bohind whom Littlo Dick and tho Judge's colt ran a dead heat for third place. Croydcn never showed in tho race, and Mamcluko, who wns a long last, pulled up at tho post. Time, ltnin. GOseo. Voltio of tho stakes, after doducting second money and winners own stako, J8 _

Fourth Raco.-TIio SYDNEY. Cu».(a gold cup value 160 sov), «nd '

SoO sov, added to a handicap sweopstako o( 20 sov each ; 8 lt . ' If declared by lat March ; entrant» fee only If by SlstCeccmbér- -for all horses, two miles ; second' horse i 60 sov from tho prise.' Weights on tho 21st December. . A winner of any handlcso

therealter 3!bs, of two or more Slbs extra. Entries closed with

41 subs.

Mr J. Tait's bl h Tho Barb, by Slr. Hercules-Young Gulnare

.6 yrs,,10st 81b ..V.Ashworth' 1 E. DoMcstre's b g Stumpy, by New Warrior, aged, Sst.

E. DoSÍes'tro's b h Tim whifltor, by Now Warrior-finder* 2

ella, 0 yrs, lost 21b.«.¿Dbrinelly 3 J. Tait's ch c Glencoe, 4 yrs, Ost 101b .Morrison 0 O. Mylno's li o Fireworks,* yrs, Ost 81b .Waldock 0 A. Bowman's b h Bulpinbar, 0 yrs, Ost .Woods 0 T. King's b h North Australian, Syn, 8st 81hs .. ;.Boss 0

M. Gibbons' li h Hambleton Hill, 6 yrs, Sst 2lbs .Ramsay 0 ' W. Winch s ch g Karoola, 6 yrs, 7st Dibs find. 31b penalty)

ChaaVfe ns br h Sir John, 6 yrs, 7st 21b.Thompson' 0 "

? A. Thompson's b h ThoDuko 3 yrs, 7st .8. Davis 0 "' W. Winch's br h Circassian, by Chevalier-Chalice, 5 yrs

Gst 121b. J. U'Cabé 0 E. Lee's b f Caquette, 3 yrs, Ost 111b..,.IL Lewis 0 E. Leo's ch f Avalanche, 3 yrs, 6st'81bs Sherringham 0 T. Ivory's gr g Grey Momus (late Dagon), 6 yrs, Cst 81bs...

.'. Brown 0 S. Bradbury's bri Al, by Yattendon-Nutcut, 3 yrs, 6st"

... N- Sherringham 0

Bottine: 3 to l ogst Tho Barb, 6 to "1 ugit 'lim Whiffler, 6 to 1 ngst Karoola, 8 to 1 agst Sir John ¡ 8 to 1 agat Coquelte, 15 to 1 agat Groy Momus, 15 toi' agst Stumpy, 20 to 1 agst Fireworks.

Thero wore some falso attempts, but no very serious: consequences ; and when they did go Tho Buke lcd the' woy, followed olosoly by Coquette, A 1, and Fireworks,

and tho rost all in a ruck at their heels. No changa' could bo discerned among thom as they carno up the' straight until they passed tho Stand, when Circassian was in front, with A 1 alongside of him, going at lier beat paco, Tho Duke lying next, Glencoe with Fireworks outsido of him, woll laid up, 'I bo Barb waiting on them,

about aoveutb, closo up" with whom was Tim Whiffler ¡ . tho favorito pulling double; So the gato turn was rounded, and when they reaohed tho rooks, whero The

Works had lind about enough of it, and Glcncoo went: to tho front, Tho Barb at tho samo time passing a lot cf' already beaton horses, including FiroworkB, and taking', tho fourth placo beforo reaching tho turn at Cutti's.f Along tho fur sido Glencoe wont on with tho command,' Tho favorite going on second up the hill, round the i

champion corner and to the bushes, tho only others ap.1/ pouring to hove a show haifa milo from homo being1

Tim and Stumpy, who wero third and fourth, and on-,, good torms with tho " Domon" when ho took tho lead from Gloncoe, and came into the straight with a clear lead of a length or two, thc chestnut retiring whoa his work was done. As tho Barb carno up tho straight the chooring from tho Stand was suoh as Randwick never heard beforo ; and orios of Tim 1 Stumpy ! resounded from hundreds of t hroats as tho black jackets began to

ovorhaul tho] favorito, and at length reached hit -

quarters. At the distance Sir John, with whom George/ Thompson had quietly bided bia time, came away from':¿ tho muidlo division, and making a groat run, looked for:.-; a moment aa if Ilia Honor waa going to havo a alice of

luck. Tho shouts of Sir John! Sir John! only lasted1 . for n second or two, as Tho Baronet died away in afewt:

strides, and tho finish waa loft to tho black horse, and , j tho two black jackets, Mr.'DeMestre's pair straining'

ovory nerve and muscio, but without -effect, for Aeh>

worth, without over calling on Tho Barb, landed him s :

clevor winnor by a short length ; stumpy beating Tim bj;'

a neck for second place. Sir John finished a gool , fourth, and a couple of lengths separated him from the

foremost of Iiis followers; tho lot, after tho first half;, dozen past tho post, coming homo ot intervals of a' length or two. Timo, 3 min. 40 BOCS. Value of tbs: slakes, after deducting second money and tho winnerV own stake. £696, and tho Cup, value £150.

Fifth Waco-Tho WAVERLEY STAKES of 0 sovs each, with fi):

sov added, for horses that havo not won a prlzo exceeding 20-. sov in value up to thc time of ontranco ; winners thereafter tl such a prize to carry Sib extra, lt mile. Second horse 12 m out of tho prlzo.

Mr C. Baldwin's br g Darkio, 3 yrs 8st llb (Incl. 51bs extra)

..-.Holmes 1 T. Ivory's br g Slr Hercules, 4 yrs, Ost (incl. 61bs extra)

.Bennett I.

Chnafo ns ch c Rawdon, 3 yrs, 7st 131b.Thompson j ' A. Town's br o slr William, 3 yrs, 7st 131b Holmes Botting : liven on Darkio.

Sir Hercules took tho lead, with Sir William and' Darkie following to tho rocks, who Mr Town's colt and Darkio headed Sir Hercules, and so they ran along tbs'

back of tho course, to tho Champion oornor. líete'.-. Darkio and Sir William went to tho front, and Bawden gavo signs of coining. In tho run home Darkio non easily; and a fino raco for second between Sir Herculti and Bawden ended in a dead heat. Time, 2 min. 21 tte,


Tho off day at Randwick usually falls very far «hort in attendance of what the other days havo socn, or trill soo, and yesterday waa no oxception. There is nothing

to writo about, so for. People wcro acareo, but we ha« . often aeon thia before-and quito «uro aro wo that Gale lessees and Boothholdors have done much woree on other Fridays than on this last. Tho All-Aged Stakes

was the first of tho day's events, and for it there eamV:' out four celebrities-Glencoo, Tim Whinier, Tho Worki, : and the Italian. People wonder why Mr Tait camoont.i with Glencoo, instead of Tho Barb ; but that is Mt,. Tait's business, not ours. Glencoo won without trouble.; from Tim Whiffler, and in the fastest mile timo tbataajet : Ima boon dono hero, if not in the whole of Australia. Th« Princo of Waloa Stakes foll to Albany; and Mr Fishet; bought him for a hundred and odd, leaving about t>j: fifty to tho funda. Falcon broke down. Mr Cobcroft'i? colt, with the promising name, did not come up to

pectationa. Tho Nuraory Handicap was a wonderful -: arrangement, Boeing that "Paradiso" waa called opon' to givo weight to Lamplighter,-why, we cannot telL'. but it waa so. Of course, the colt beat the filly, and "tho big brother of Tho Barb" did exactly whatTbi; Barb did in bia day. Enoh of thoso colts was beaten it » Homebush, then in tho'Champagne,'.'and then won th-tj-' Nursory. A strange coincidence, won't it be, if the bi}' brother turns ont to bo a bigger " demon " than tho litth

one? The City Handicap fell to Hambleton Hill, tin.; first turn of luok that Mr Martin Gibbons has had ía¡ sorao timo. Wo should like to soe him have a bigger,| Carnation foll in this race, and her rider, ono of Mri Do Mestro's boys, broke his collar bone*. How tho mú-| hap occurred, no one can say-for tho filly was not ir a crowd, and ovon seemed as though sho was runmej' alono at tho timo sho foll. North Australian surttj. wanta a spoil. We havo already said ho looks aa if ki had boen trained to doath ; and yosterdoy IIÍB opnearasfi fully warranted tho assumption. In tho Corinthian Cc?;

Mr Fowler wont away with Portia, as if ho was going&.\ out everything down ; but Darkio came in tho etraigÜ, -and polished off Mr Templeton's filly hand over fini,'( Mr Rouse had by no moans a nico rider on old " Pig. ;?. The rocea went ¿ff as well as they always do. Mr Bott'.1 was moro successful in his starts than on tho tiro pre-, vious days ; and with this little commencement ire lean; our readers to look over the account of tho races, trA> tho tips for to-day. ¿

Rous Handicap.Avalanoho or The Euri f Randwick.SlrJohn Queen's ríate...Tho Darb

First Race.-Tho ALL-AGED STAKES of 10 sov each, h ft, irita 1«;

sov added ; 1 mlle ; second horso 20 sov from tho prue. . . ?

Mr J. Tait's oh o Glencoo, 4 yrs. 8st 121b.Ashworth -J.

E. DoMcstro's b h Tim Whinier, 0 yrs, Sst 41b.Donndlj ;, J. Tait's bl o The Italian, 4 yrs, Sst 121b.W. Dirli I Mylno'a b c Fireworks, 4 yrs, 8st 121b S. Waldock Betting : Eren on Glencoo, 5 to 2 bar ono.

A good start, Gloncoo and Fireworks getting eon*; what tho best of it. At tho baok of the courso Glencoe pulled baok and Firoworks went on with tho lead will

Tim second and Tho Italian last. Whon tho Iaet tunv; was roached, Glenooo mado his effort and got to to' head of affairs, with Timsooon'd and tho " Works" third.-. Gloncoo led into tho straight with tho Whiffler on ba. quarter. Paaaing tho St. Loger Stand Donnelly dre»! out his wholobono but it was no uso for tho gsmi: ohoatnut oamo homo a rathor cosy winner by helft, length. Tho Italian finished throe lengths from Tffl,

and Firoworks last, about tho some distanco from I«, blaok horse. Timo, 1 mia 46 aoce, tho faatost on retort in tho colony. J Socond Race.-Tho PRINCE OF WALES STAKES of 0 sov ew,

with 00 sov added, for all horses ; 1J milo ; second hone w

out of tho prize. Tho winner to bo sold by auction ImmMiiw ofter tho ruco for £100 ; If for £80, allowed 71 b : £<0. l-'b . "»?.. 101b ; £60,281b. Tho amount if any, realised in excess ol w entered selling prlco, to go to tho fund. , Mr J. Drlscoll's b g Albany, 5 yrs, £60,7st .P'iîirt

T. Ivory's gr g Grey Momus, aged, £60 7st ..... .. J- -"JT"" T. Bradbury's br f Al, 3yrs, £60, 6st 01b.ShcrlnB»0

J. Tatt'sch g Falcon, aged, £0C, 7st 121b

Chaafe ns ch c Stockwell, 3 yrs, £100, 7st l"h,,"

E. Cobcroit's br c ITivmblcbco, 3 yrs, £50, 7»tWb ,

Tho lot got away to a good atart, Rawdon, Falcon "' Al getting awoy in tho ordor named ; but, at tho tun Falcon was taken to tho foro, and led past tho stand *» Al, Groy Momus, Albany and Bawden following

named. Rounding Cutta turn, Groy Momus clisngei placea with Al, and Falcon lcd to tho Trainers Bim whoro Groy.Moraua wont up and took command i» Albnny passed Falcon. When fairly in tho atraig» Albany doprivod "tho Momus" of tho lend, and *« oloarly by two length ; |A1 third, Falcon fourth, Hi«' well fifth aud Tumbloboo lost. Time, 3 min H secs. Third Race.-Tho NURSERY HANDICAP of 10 sov

h ft, or cntrnnco foo only for n°n'ffl. ^icUr» 100 sov added, for 2 yrs ; 3 mlle : welgl ts aeaj^ at Tattersalls on tho Cup Day, at or soon niter ll p.n -. nae ^

acccntoncos WITHIN ono hour alter such dclcarsiioa « acceptances WITHIN ono hour alter sucii <lclLa~" iiinnlr

Socrotory in tho A. J. C. Club Room Bamo «lace. Thewan

ANV raco after declaration of weight to

Mr E. Leo's bl 0 Barbarian, 2 yrs, Eat llb

E. Leo's bl 0 uartmrinn, a yrs, esr, JIU .. -

P. J. Keighran's br c Lamplighter, 2 yrs, 8st 11lb..S. Davis

R, Dino's b f Paradiso, 8st l'-llb .<"' Scott ns ch f Moselle, 2 yrs, 7st81b E. Loo's b o Thu Fop, 2 yrs, Bat 71b

T. Ivory's ch Í Lady Elizabeth, 2 yrs Cst 101b

urhufd tu b o Bay Regont, 2 yr« 7at 101b

WirttJ!ro ff» br o Charlton, 2 y ra Oat 121b

? u KMier's br o Charon, 2 yrs, Ssl 41b

, STeh c Buona Vista, 2 yrs, Ost 111b

Iii? Kop was the ilrst to show ia front, with Barbarian

I When (hoy had settled into their places, Buona -ii took' up tho running, and hold it to tho turn, whon ¿uni. Barb went to the fore, wos neror caught, and

bv three lengths, Lamplighter second, Parai ,tD tL¡rl)'and Pop fourth. Time, tmin. 19seo, 5'lOths,

? ii u-Je -Tho CITY HANDICAP of 10 sov each, h ft, or cnV1 «' fee only if declared by tho 10th April ; 100 sov added ; foi ! « h rses . 1J milo 1 second horso 20 sov from tho prise. Weight!

* fk. rib' \nril : a wlnnor oí any handicap tliorcaftcr to carry

ím«¿ tho winner of tlio Sydney Cup'

/ ir iMbMns'i b h Harabloton Hill, 6 yrs, Sst 21b ...Ramsay 1 ? r lindo'* b s Warrior, 6 yrs, 8st 01b .. .Bishop :

'? fWe ns br h Emerald, 6yrs Cst 41b ..:. S ? T Kine's I' b North Australian. S yrs, Ost . t Tait's ch g Warwick, aged, Ost

- i- Baldwin'sTeh f Regalia, 3 yrs, Cst Sib

' A Town's br o Orlando, 4 yrs, 7st 101b

II Fishers bl h Blondin, 5 yrs, 7st 01b " Boiler's b f Carnation, 4 yrs, 7st 81h

At tho fall of tho flag Emerald, Hambleton Hill, and tortU Australian showed in tho von to tho back of the ours' where Carnation bolted into tho bush. Emerald xl thé ruck at a morry paco to the turn for homo, when The Hill" »nd Warrior began to draw on him. Thc rio entered tito rails all in a heap, and a (ino sot-to took I, co all tho way homo, and Bamsay, contending with iislioPi Kon " splendid race by a nock ; Emerald third, io lengths oa; Warwick fourth, Regalia fifth, and

forth Australian sixth.

n* Bset-The CORINTHIAN Cor (valued £60) with a swcop

5 sov «eh. inf all ltnrses. Weltor wolghts ; to bo ridden by :'."iVri»l the A. J. C. 1J mlle. A winner of any raco of tho rites ol .vi .< iv, 71b : 75 sov, 101b ; 100 sovs, 141b ; 160 sovs, 211b ; ÍX) ..iv vid upwards, 281b extra.

¿ IcHin.- : r g Darkie. 3yrs (Incl. 71b) Ost 111b.. ..Mr Benson 1

W '.' lVinpleton's li f Portia, 3yrs, Dst 61b .Mr Fowles ! Ki' Paganini, 5 yrs (incl. 141b ex.) 12st51b

..-....Mr Rouse 3

Porii i, being the quickest on her legs, was first away, Vmir.i second, and Darkie lost. Paganini was out-lined ¡tom tho jump. No alteration took place till they lid reitciu'J tho Derby corner, when Darkio eaow along. ¡dj thi? lîlly» »nd after a »how of a race won rather 5.¡~¡r. Tho rider of Portia rode a good race, and if tho liv wa« rorth her feed she would havo won.

Tl - io'! v ing Is the programme and entries for to-day's races :


Ra-,-.-The ROU3 HANDICAP of 10 sovs oach, h ft, ol eV: les only for non-nccoptors, with 100 sovs » I!-! ; r :t yrs: li milo and 240 yards; weights i, I i <! ! iel ai TATTERSALL'S on tho day after tho Cup Day, ,. n--,--.i ifter 0 p.m., and ncn-accoptanccs WITHIN ONE houi

.«-ii ikebration to tho Secretary, in th» A. J. C. CLUE

r.'i.'M ¡ult place.

' stn

[.,. -,?..!!'-, -.he Tho Earl. 8 IS

\ [lion's b c Tho Duke . 8 2 . i; L '. oh f Avalanoho . :. 8 2

IH r;.|nT's br f Ragploker. 7 ld

C l il li In's ch f Keralla. 7 í A. T'.M-.r» br o Sir Winiam...71

C.v.: : ns ch f Hawdon. 7 1 T.ítolinirv'sbrí Al. 0 10 .1 C.-!..-toft's b c Brnco . 0 C c vi ! I; i-The RANDWICK HANDICAP of 0 sovs each, h ft, ci { .ir .li- - fee only if declared by tho loth April, with 00 so\ lill ;. .;. r ill horses, ;i} milo: second horse 18 sov from the prit.: «vii!.ts on tho Otb April " A winner of any hamilcar to .nirry 71b extra; tho winner of tho Sydney Cop, Qb: i.' tlie'lily Handicap. 61b; of both, 01b additional,

st lb

t G. M j-Inc's b c Fireworks, 4 yrs. 0 12

A ii.i<vi:nn'< b h Bulglnbar, 0 yrs . 0 4

T it'i Ll o Tim Italian, 4 yrs. 0 4 y. Win-hi chg Karoola, fi yrs. 8 10 A Th io l i n's ch h Cossack, 0 yrs.;. ... 8 4

1.1 ii-II hr h Slr John, 5 yrs. 8 O

A lom s lu-s Orlando, 4yrs. 7 IC i Jivi.k. r'; h f Carnation, 4 yrs. 7 IC ¡ w. Wi:,.-li s l r h Circassian, C yrs.«. 7 !

W lt. i.env'.-bgTlpnIor,5yrs. 7 7 ll i i- ;, r j hi h ulondin, ö yrs. 7 0 ll. dhlun's tr m Deception, 6 yr». 7 0

ll H.her'i tn-f Ragpicker, Syn . 0 IC

1 . .'-. li f Coquette, 3yrs. U IC ?M i !iii,Lilli's oh f Regalia, 3yrs. 0 5

A. 1: >, ii '.n'H gr in Maritana, 0 yrs - . 0 4

K I on.ft'ii b c Sailor Boy, 3 yrs . 0 4 |,1-,1 Uir- -The QUEEN'S PLATE of 200 sov for all horses; ! rr-, a t-.-ith-.-r; 3 yrs, 8st 01b: 4 yrs, Ost 71b; C yrs, Ost 131b; i,;.: .at lost ; mares and geldings allowed Sib; Smiles

Inti i.ic -, '. 5.1V. to go to tho second horse.

st lb

i li. IV.McHro's b h Tim Whifllor, 0 yrs. 10 0

A. Hi nilson's ch h Cossack, 0 yrs . 10 0 i'. ii. J. Ru: si's tir h Orvillo, aged . 10 0

Mt's l l h The Barb, 5 yrs . 0 13 T. Kin;-v li h North Australian, 5 yrs . O 13

lui: s eh g Warwick, ngod . 0 ll

Tait's ch o Glencoe. 4yr». 0 7 jtttli I.'ic-.- Tho Two-ycnr-old SELLING PLATE, of 60 sov, w-;:!i :'( nv each, for 2 yrs : colts, Sst 101b ; Hilles, fist 81b. The wm-itrt,. lie sold by auction immediately after tho raco for tV», il for £80, allowod 71b ; £70,191b ; £00, 101b; £60, 281b.

J nih.

r L\ Lee's lir c, by Misty Mora-Vixen, £50.

John Tait's b o Bustle, £50.

II. Kleliard's b o Highflyer, £50. J. Mi-.i;iiade'a br f Juanita, £50.

T. Ivory's hr f Aelilovoinont, £100. R Bk-'s b v Littlo Dick, £70.