Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (NSW : 1860 - 1870), Saturday 23 November 1867, page 4

European News.

Doncaster Races furnish tho News par excellence by tho late Mail ; and judging from the account in our files, a moro exciting meeting bas never been held en tho Town Moor. Tho Leger brought out the two great threeyear-olds of the year-Hermit, winner of Tho Derby' and Achievement tho renowned sister to Lord Lyon, who was unfortunate enough not to score a win in the great Ladies' Boco of tho Season ; and in these two the interost of tho roco seems ontircly to have centred. Euch was supported by his or her partizans to the last momont ; the Marquis of,Hastings piling it onto tho Olly in great stakes, in conaequenco of her victory over Vauban at York ; and Captain Machell apparently having equal confidence in the son of Newminster. On the night pre-ceding tho race, Achievement was a bolter favorite titan tho Derby winner j but tho latter regained his position before tho raoe, for which ho started first favorite. Every thing was donato bringThe¡Hermit.homein front, but the filly was toogood ; and in spite of tho fino riding of Oustance, she won without much difficulty, exhibiting powors of staying, which most peoplo doubted ; and ?which her enemies positively denied that sha possessed. .Julius, who was much improved since tho Spring! and

indeed upon all his previous performances, ran tho " oracle" to a head for second place, beating Vauban who was fourth by.threo or four lengths. Achievement has quito proved herself the best maro in the World ; for, on tho last day of tho meeting sho won tho Cup iu a cantor over two miles and five furlongs, carrying soven pounds oxtra, and again beating Hermit, (who had a similar pen-alty, and who ran this timo on two pounds bettor terms with her, than in the Legor ;) besides giving tho Boven pounds away to Tynedale, Goodwood, Strathconan, Bees-wing, Gomorn, nnd Seville, tho last named having won

the 'great Yorkshire Handicap on the first day. Tho Leger winner has been in public twenty-ono times, eight -of which have been at throo years old. Out of her thir-

teen two yoar.old starts, she won eleven races, amount-ing to over ten thousand' pounds,' and this season (ire wins, show a total of over twelve thousand. In tho number of her winning two year old racos, sho is nt pre-sent equal to Lady Elizabeth tilt* great two year old of this season, who up to the latest dates, hud won cloven events, without over sulfuring defeat. She belongs to the Marquis of Hastings ; and is by Trumpeter. .Don-caster Mooting was remorkublo for several strange ns well as interesting features, besides the double contest between Achievement and Hermit. In tho Champagno Stakes, they laid but two to ono against Sir Joseph Hawley's Blue Gown, by Beadsman ; and after being splendidly ridden by Wells ho won by half a length. On coming to scale howover, Wells was found to draw moro than two pounds overweight, without having given tho requisite notice and an objection having been laid agninst him tho raco was given to Virtue who run second, much to the disgust of tho owner, rider, and the backers of tho favorite. Such a careless -style of weighing out, with such a rich stako depending on all being right, would bo unpardonable in young hands, but with such an accomplished Turfito as Sir Joseph, and a jockey of so groat oxperionoe as "Tinoy" Wells, it is hard oven to bclivo that it could occur; Blue

Gown cams out nguiu on tho last day for the Two year old alabea of n century each ; but although they laid 7 to 4 on him ho never showed in tho raco, which fell to tho lot of the Duke of Newcastle, by the instrumentality of n colt rejoicing in tho nnrao of" Pace," who had como out most unexpectedly ns a winner on tho previous day, but was thought to tiaro no chance when such a flyor

as Blue Gown was to tho fore. Tho defeat of Lecturer

in the Queen's Plato, by a colt (uamcless of courso) be-longing to Ilia Lordship of Glasgow, was a good throw in for the fielders, 05 to 40 being laid on Lecturer, and 12 to 1 ngoinst tho winner. ' The crack siro of tho meeting was undoubtedly Stookwcll ; with Achievement, Virtue, and Athena to his credit;'but St. Albans was also well represented, as well os Oatorer, Newminster, and two or throe others.

A novel mntoh was lo have como off at Doncaster, a largo bet of '2000 to .200 having been luid un tho rotative merits of Blair Athol and Sludiutcur, and tho horses were brought to Doncaster to bo shown. Tho bet how

ever was not decided, in consequence of the umpires chosen by the wagering partios not agreeing to a referee ¡ 'and so the question must remain as it waa before. Tho "well known extonsivo breoder Mr Jackson of Fnirflold, was tito layer of tho odds between the two celebrated ' Derby and Leger winners.

Next in importance to Doncestor, and before it in point of time, we hare tho meeting at Baden Baden ; where though there were but few English horses, the celebrated jockeys of England were in great demand. For tho International St. Lcgor, Purtricien, with Ouitanco up, was made a great favorite ; but unfortunately, when coming home with a strong lead, ho ran against a post, both he and his rider coming to grief; without, however doing much injury to either. Tho race was won by Trocadero, ridden by Challoner. The Grand Prix de Bade was won by " Buy Blas," a West Australian three-year-old ; and in this raeo, Patricien was beaten at even weights, and finished second ; whilo Trocadero, tho Leger winner, witli a ponalty of seven pounds finished nowhere Quito the leading features of the Baden Meeting was tho Grand Steoplcbase, over four miles of country, and with gentlemen riders. In this race, some of the most celebrated English amateurs were in the saddle, among whom may be mentioned Colonel Knox and Air Thomas, whoso names are quite like household words to tho readers of the Steeplechase Calendar. Both these gentlemen came to grief, and tho race was won by german horse called " Buszko," ridden by Cóíint Sa'pary.

Tho second class meetings of tho month furnish littlo of sufficient importance to raako special mention of, unless it ba that tho two-year-old, Géant dis Batailles, belongiug to Lord Zetland, out up wretchedly in n race won by La Mousse, at Bichmond, tho long named ono finishing a bad third in a fiold of throe, Donaklbaiii, who won at Doncaster being second. Lord Zetland's colt had been a good deal talked about for The Derby; but over the same courso some colts have been well beaten before


Besides tho news token from our files, wo learn by a I late telegram that tho Cosarewitch was won by Julius

who ran third to Achioromont and Hermit in tho Leger. Tho latest quotation ot odds arrived by tho mail, show him[to have been at]40 to 1 Jfor the great. Newmarket Eaco ; which was not a too long price, considering his handicap weight was eight alone, an impost under which no threeyear-old has won it since Faugh a Ballagh in '44. Last year, Lecturer, now tho crack four-year-old in England won tho Cresarowitch carrying 7st Gibs, many pounds moro than a winning three-year-old had brought home,

since the Baron won it with 7st 01b. The success of | Julius with such a convincing load is an additional proof how difficult it is to of erweight a really good three-yearold, in really good fettle, at tho close of the season. Tho Ccesarowitch Course is twenty-eight yards over two milos and a quarter, a pretty good distance for a three-year-old to stay, carrying eight stone.