Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (NSW : 1860 - 1870), Saturday 11 May 1867, page 2

Randwick Autumn Meeting, 1867


Aa lovely a day as evor dawned over Randwick Race Course since its first establishment, was that final one of last week, on which tho Legor was run, nnd all tho gloomy forebodings which so long a bout of wet weather had given birth to, wcro dispelled when tho " early village cock" had six times done his matutinal salutation, and a bright sun and comparatively unclouded sky pro-claimed a racing morning. A proportionate amount of oxcitemenb was soon manifest among our sport-loving citizens, and from nn early hour down to the time fixed for tito great ovont of tho day, tho road to the course presonted its usual animated appearance, fcoth in regard to tho numbers ?wending their way thither, md tho variety of vohicle and stood omployod in thoir conveyance. Tho ground, generally speaking, was much less moist and muddy than might havo been reasonably predicted, and the course itself was, for racing purposes, apparently in unexceptionable condition. Iiis Excellency's absence from Sydney provontod his appearance on the Stand, but Lady Young and suite, and a large instalment of tho most distinguished amongst tho community wore present.

Not only was tho Grand Stand well aid fashionably filled, but, so also were the Derby, and tho elegant new St. Leger Stand, the latter of which is a great ornament lo tho course, both in respect to what it gives and what it takes away, i.e., an Handsome and commodious point of view for spectators, combined with roomy bars for ro froshmont beneath, in exchange for the unsightly, uncom-fortable, and, in bad weather, anything hit waterproof booths of the olden time. With tho exception, porhups, of "just at tho finish," the patrons of tho St. Leger Stand have quito as good as, if nota better viowof tho running than, those on the Grand Stand, and at a much more moderate tariff. Several olhor improvements are notice-able, and reflect tho utmost credit on the enterprise and judgment of the A. J. C., in so adding to the natural ad-vantages of our groat metropolitan trysting ground as to mako it equal, if not superior, to any in tho Australian Colonies. Among those may bo mentioned tho clearing away of the low brushwood and rough boulders which used to give such a wild uncivilised appearance to tho centre of tho course, and which hnvo now boen levelled, and planted over a very considerable extent with grass, producing a much more picturesque appearance When this alteration has boon completed, tho " green sward" of Randwick will be no misnomor, and will bear favourable comparison with many of the racing grounds of tho old country. Tho groat improvement already oflectod in this particular was gonerally acknowledged, and tho effects of light and shado thrown across tho "now-mado oarth " as clouds or sunshino held sway, had a most pic-turesque and refreshing appearance. Another improve-ment worthy of record is, an improved system of tele-graphy, by which tho numbers of tho winning horses aro made more clearly perceptible to crorybody present than horctoforo. Thoy can bo soon all over tho ground, and their aid, added to that afforded by the neat and handy Raco Books issued from tho Caxton Printing Press, enablo tho most distant from tho post to "spot" tho placed horses almost simultaneously with their passing tho Judge's Stand, tho least possible delay occurring in displaying tho required information.

Besides the numbers congregated on tho three stand

thero was a goodly array of four nnd two-wheeled vehicles, equestrians, &c., collected on the outside of tho ring, while tho name of those who preferred the lovol of mother earth, and the trifling expenditure of " only ono shilling," was "Legion." In fact tho attendance on this first day could not have fallen far short of 8000 persons, among whom tho utmost good humour and good-fellow-ship prevailed, albeit, a largo proportion of those present must havo found themselves " out of their reckoning " in pecuniary mutters when " tho numbera wcro up." The German Band, as usual, contributed most effectively to tho harmony of tho meeting, and tho accustomed pur-veyors of al fresco amusomcnts had abundant scopo for their " invocations to call fools (and wiso mon) into a circle." Tho Three Card and Jierceille gontry were, un-happily, not conspicuous by thoir absenoo, and evidently reaped plentiful harvests out of tho rich seil of human credulity, which always seoras moro than usually fertilo and verdant at Race Meetings. Theso constituted almost tho only exceptions, however, to tho generally satisfac-tory accompaniments of tho day't pleasure. Though tho

caterers at tho various hostelries could havo been no losers by thoir speculation, thoro vas very little, if any, intoxication npparont among tho vait assemblage Host O'Brien and his army of malo and itmalo returners wore kept busily omployed all day, and il is to bo hoped he was fully reimbursed for tho loss which must hnvo boon entailed upon him by tho previous postponement of tho meeting; though, by tho way, if "Charit) bo its own reward " lie must havo boon, to some extent, already re-compensed by tho thanks of tho little orphans at tho asylum, of whom he so kindly thought as she fittest re-cipients of his otherwiso wastod " coinraisserint." It is satisfactory to ndd, not only that tho ofilcbnt arrange monts of tho polico prevented tho possibility of any acci-dent or even inconvenience to tho crowd, but that the good conduct of that crowd rendered thoir duties, in any other rospect, o sinocuro. Ono remarkable fact is worthy of note-tho proverbial " dog " did not mako his appear-ance on the courso during tho meeting, nor, aa a conse-quence, his accompanying "Bobby."

Whether tho heat of tho solar roys neting on tho plentiful moisture, induced by recent rains, generated an unusual amount of steam or not, it is no; within our province to discover, but tho result of tho day's sports wa9 an almost unprecedented "boiling ovorof pots," not ono favourito succeeding in realising the hopes founded on him or her as tho case might bo, and in nore than ono ease, a more outsider carried off tho laureh. AVo may mako atv exception to this statement in favour of Fish-hook, who started on prolty evon terms with Tho Barb in public opinion, but, ovon in thia race, nobody could have anticipated such a position for Blair Athol at tho finish ns he obtained. Of Tho Barb's discomfiture wc will discourse further on-suffice to say that his so thorough defeat acted liko a thunderbolt on all present and, Uko nil fortune's favourites, ho speedily found himself cs unduly lowered in publio estimation by this ono lapsus, as ho wns previously somowlmt inordinately ele-vated. Sic transit gloria mundi, and that poor littlo Barb was sick, "nobody can deny," for of all tho horses who walked past tho s'and before tho start, tho least fit looking among tho crowd was tho far fnmed hero of tho yellow and black, while Fishhook looked ovoryineha winner. Tho oxcitemont during thia raco was most intense, and Fishhook's partisans mado " tho welkin" ring with acclamations at tho triumph of thoir favorite. In a racing point of view, tho running in all the contests was splendid, and notwithstanding that thoro wcro several annoying falao starts, when tho nags did get away thoy got away well together. Tho manner in which "Old Brummy" pulled of tho Publi-cans' Stakes from Rains worth was a " caution to snakes"

as poor Artemus Ward used to express himself, and fairly earned for him tho palm. Blair Athol and Bylong made Fishhook's triumph ovor tho Barb no certainty of his own ultiniato viotory, both pressing him gamely to tho finish, and another lino contest was furnished in tho Trial Stakes by Emerald and Gunilda, tho former" only winning by a baro head, after a moat exciting neok-and nock strugglo. Wo will now proceed to giro tho parti ticulnrs of tho day's racing, with a compliment for tho efficient manner in which tho various officials of tho meeting fulfilled thoir onerous duties. With the excep-tion of tho unhorsing of Old Englond's jockey in tho Leger, not a singlo accident or contretemps occurred in connection with tho day's running.

At a fow mintos before ono tho saddling boll rang for tho Trial Stakes, for which fivo put in an appearance, tho only absenteo^boingjSmuggler, Gunilda, who stripped woll, was mado tho favourite at six to four on tho strength of hor Homebush performances, whilo Emerald, who mado his dehnt in this race, was strongly fancied at a point or two longer price; Tattorsall's nnd Emperor being noxfc in demand, whilo Tho Rip was friendless, save a fow who always stick to tho yellow and blaok. Tho raco however lay entirely botweon tho two favourites, and after a slash-ing sot to, tho judgo's colt landed the-stake by a head, Emporor running third, nnd Tho Rip acting ns whipper in. Soven two year olds then stripped for tho Chara pagno Stakes, Littlo Fish being made a hot favourito nt six to four on him, Regina, Firoworks, Camilla and Van derdacken being tho only others backed. After some dei ty at tho post a false start took placo, in Which tho favourito and Regina mn quito homo ; this caused further delay, and when the flag did drop Firoworks, who was in front, immediately took up tho running and won ensily by two lcngths,|tlic]rarourito ; who got tho worst of tho start, rsn through his horses but could nover catch Fireworks and finished second threo lengths ahead of the good looking, but little fancied Glencoe, who was third. An interval of an hour and a quarter then took place before tho

great event of tho day, tho St. Leger, which brought out

six of the niuo coloured on tho card, tho absentees being Springbok, Blondin, and tho colt by Artaxerxes out of Moonshine. After somo slight delay ut tho post tho fing fall to a pretty good start ; I' isliliook at ouco rushed oil' with the lead, and Old England bolted off the courso and dropped his jockey on to u sandhill after going a fow strides, Tho Barb challenged Fishhook and tho two raced head and head round tho turn, up tho straight and past thc stand at a fearful pace, tho others following in a clustor thirty lengths off; Bylong being whipped, when thoy had gone haifa mile, lo keep with tho otho». At

the Rooka turn, the awful pace had told ita talo, and to tho astonishment of nearly .'every body, Stanley hud to raise his whip to tho favourite, who strugglod under whip and spur all along tho far sido .tho oourso till at the Derby turn ho was hopelessly beaton, and Fishhook, who had come back considerably to his horses, was loft with tho lead until collared by Blair Athol in the straight running ; at tho distance the brown colt had tho beat of it, but tho son of Fisherman ran tho gamest, and answer-ing to every stroke of the whip, won finally by a neck, Bylong getting third, tito favourito a bad fourth, and Sir John last. A field of eight then put in an appearance for tho Publicans' Stakes, and the unbeaten Hainsworth was made tho favourito on tho strength of his Homebush running. After a rory eloao and fast run race however, ho was unable to tire out old Birmingham, who won after an exciting strugglo by a neck. Six then went to the post for the Doncaster Handicap, and after ono break away, Sir Solomon came away from the jump and won onsily by a couplo of lengths, Lady Kingston, who was tho favourito, getting second, Tattersall's whipping in. Tho following is the detailed accouut of tho running.

First Baco.-Tho {Autumn) TBIAL STAKES of 4 sov

each, with 40 sov nddod ; for horses which havo not won a prize oxcoeding 50 sors in value up to time of entrance ; li milo.

Mr CbaafTo nsb o Emerald, 3 yrs, "st 131b .Bould 1

O'Malley'sb fGunllda, 3 yrs, 7st lllbs.Davis 2 T. Jones's b g Emperor, aged, Ost llb .AVood 3 E. Do Mestre's b o Tattersall's, 4 yrs, Sst 121b.Morrison 4 J. Tait's ch g The Hip, 4 yrs, 8st Dib .Stanley 5 Betting : fi to 4 agst Gunilda, 5 to 3 ngst Emornld, 7 to 2 agst Tattersall's, 5 to 1 agst Emporor, and 10 to 1 agst Tho Bip. A good start was offected, Emerald show-ing in front at first, but down tho back of the courso tho others closed him, with the oxcoption of Tho Bip, who began to tail off. Coming round the Derby turn, Gun-ilda got to tho front and led up to tho distance, where Emerald challenged her, nnd a desperate race home en-sued between them, tho colt finally winning by a head, Emporor was third, throe lengths behind Mr O'Malley's filly, and Tattersall's was fourth as fur behind him, whilo Tho Bip brought up the rear somo BÍS or oight lengths off. Time, 2min. 24isec.

Soeond Race.-The (Australian) CHAMPAGNE STAKES

of 20 sov each, li ft, or 5 only if declared by tho 2nd January, 18G7 ; for 2 yrs, colts, 8st lOlbs, and fillies, 8at 81bs ; the ownor of the second horse to euro his stakes, and tho winner to givo 2 dozen of Champagne to tho Committee i fire furlongs. Entries closed with

37 subs.

Mr P. J. Keighran's b c Fireworks, 8st 10lb .. ..Driscoll 1

C. B. Fisher's br o Littlo Fish Sst 101b.Morrison 2 Dlnes's ch c Gloncoo, Sst lost.Ramsay 3 O' Baldwin's ch t Camilla, 8st 81b .Holmes 4 AV. Town's b f Regina, Sst 81b .Kavanagh fi A. Bowman's ra c Atlas, Sst lOlbs.Donnelly 0 J. Eales jun's br c Vnndorden, 3st lOst .Thompson 7

Betting : C to 4 on Littlo lush, 4 to 1 each agst Fire-works and Camilla, 6 to 1 each agst Begina and Vnnder

deckon and 10 to 1 each agst Atlas and Gloncoo. I

Somo time was lost by tho unwillingness of tho young- | sters to come together, and ono false start took place, in which all wero pulled up but Little Fish and Begins, who carno past the stand, tho illly being stopped opposite tho Derby Stand, and Littlo Fish at the Bocks. YVhon tho start did take place, Firoworks was well in front, and, making tho most of it, came on his best paco and won easily by two lengths, Little Fish who did not got well off, getting second, threo lengths behind ; Gloncoo was third, two lengths beforo Camilla, who in turn beat Regina about a length, two lengths behind her ; Atlas finished about haifa longth beforo Vanderdeoken. Time, lmin, 5isec.

Third Baco.-The (Australian) ST. LE GEB STAKES, of

30 sov each, h. ft., (10 sor only if declared by tho 1st Thursday after tho Autumn Meoting, 18G6) ; for 3 yrs, colts, 8st 101b ; fillies, 8st 51b ; tho second to ro cciro CO sor out of tho stakes ; lj milo. Entries closed with 35 sub.

Mr C. B. Fisher's b c Fishhook,'8st 101b.Morrison 1

T. Ivory's b c Blair Athol, 8st 101b .Bishop 2 J. Leo's ch c Bylong, Sst 101b.Kean 3 J. Tait's bl c Tho Barb, Sst 101b.Stanley 4 Judgo Chooke's bro Slr John, 8st 101b .Driscoll fi J. Eales jun's b^c Old England, Sst 101b.Thompson 0

Betting : 5 to 4 on Tho Barb, 7 to 4 agst Fishhook, 5 to 1 against Bylong, 100 to 15 Sir John, and 10 to 1 each against Old England and Blair Athol.

After sovoral attempts a good start was effected, Fish-hook immediately took up tho running closely followed by Tho Barb, Old England bolting off tho courso, nnd dismissing his jockey. Coming round tho turn The Barb collared Fishhook, and tho two coming right nwny from tho others, ran a most desperato neck and neck race past tho stand, Bylong, Sir John, and Blair Athol in a cluster about thirty lengths behind tho two cracks, tho riderless Old England following them. At tho Rocks turn tho sovority of tho paco told on tho favourito, who was in trouble, and, despito a plentiful uso of whip and spur along tho fnr side of tho courso, gradually foll bnok, and at tho Derby lum was passed by Bylong nnd Blair Athol, Fishhook, on whom tho pneo lind also told, having then a lead of not moro thnn two lengths. On fairly entoring the straight, Blair Athol, full of running, came out and challenged Fishhook, and amidst thc most vociferous shouts of "Fishhook," "Blair Athol," headed him opposito tho St. Leger Stand, but tho gumo son of Fisherman answering to evory stroko of tho whip, reach-ed him again about twenty lengths from homo, and the brown colt not responding when called on for a final effort, tho whito and blue spota won by a neck ; Bylong who ran very gnmoly all through tho roce finished third, fourth lengths off, about six lengths bofore tho favourito, whilo Sir John brought up the rear, about threo lengths from him. Timo' 3min 18 sec.

Fourth Race.-THE PUBLICANS' STAKES, of 7 sov

each, with 70 sor added, for horses which have not won a prize exceeding 100 sov in value up to tho time of entrance ; a winner of such a prizo thereafter to carry 51b extra j Maidens at starting allowed Sib; 1$ milo ; second horse 14 sov out of tho prizo.

Mr C.. K. Waldron's b g Birmingham, nged. Dst 31b.Donelly 1

O'Malley's ns ch h Rainsworth, 6 yrs, Ost 31b.Dowling 2 J. Ealos's jun., ch f Satenolln, 4 yrs, Sst 101b.Thompson 3 «. Marsdon's gr h Albert, 0 yrs, Ost Ulb.Hutton 0 E. de Mestre's ch g Steersman, aged, Ost 3lh.Morrison 0 AV. Town's b f Ludia, 4 yrs, 8st 101b.Kavanagh 0 O'Baldwin's ro f Alexandra, 4 yrs, Sst Sib.Holmes 0 Dr L. L. Smith's ch f Lancashire Witch, 2 yrs, 4st 121b (carried

5stlllb).Bennott 0

Betting : 7 to 4 ngst Bainsworth, 9 to 4 agst. Birming-ham, 5 to 1 each agst Satanclla, Steersman, Ludia, and

Lancashire Witch.

After two attorapts, in which Lancashire Witch showed conspicuously, tho flag foll to a rory fair start. Alexandra was tho first¡to showinfront,|butwhonfuirly inthostniight, Albert passed her, and held the lead past tho stand ; at tho turu Bainsworth carno out, got a clear lead of two lengths, and made strong running along tho back of the course, round tho Derby turn, and half way up tho straight running, when Birmingham who had been gradually creeping up, closed with him, nnd won after a Blushing rnco by a neck. Sntanclla was third, threo lengths off, and Steersman and Lancashire Witch next, about as far behind him. Time 3 min. 18£ seo.


each, h ft ; entrance foo only if declared by 12th April, with 50 sor added j for all horses j 1 milo ; second horeo 10 sov from tho prizo ; woights on tho 30th March ; a winnor of nny handicap thereafter to carry 71b extra.

Dr Bowkor's b g Sir Solomon, 0 yrs.ïSst 121b..Dowling 1 Mr E. Lee's b f Lady Kingston, 3 yrs. Sst.George 2

J. Onus's b h Fusileer; aged, Sst 41b.Kean 3 ASr. Town's b g Exile, 4 yrs, Sst 01b.Kavanagh 4 J.Anderson's ch m Stranger, fi yrs, "st 111b.>GritIlu fi E. do Mestro's b o Tattersalls, 4 yrs, Sst 01b.Morrison 0 Betting : 7 to 4 ngst Lady Kingston, 7 to 2 ugst Fusileer, 5 to 1 each agst Sir Solomon and Stranger, and 10 to 1 each agst Exilo nnd Tattersall's.

After ono broak away in which Sir Solomon and Stragor raced for nearly haifa milo, tho horses got away well together. Sir Solomon immediately making strong running, follwocd by Stranger and .Lady Kingston; in this order thoy ran for hnlf a mile, whon Stronger cut it, and Sir Solomon coming along, won after a littlo rousing, vory easily by two lengths. Fusileer ns far bohind Lady Kingston ; about threo lengths behind him Exilo was fourth, as far bofore Strangor, who in turn beat Tattersalls by about the samo disatneo. Timo 1 mill 48 i sec.


Notwithstanding, that the great event, par]exceUcncc, of tho meeting, Tho Sydney Gold Cup, was fixed for to-day, and in spito of thc indisputable fact that tho finest field of horses, in a quality point of viow, that oror started on a Kow South Wales Racccourso wcro brought out to contend for tho palm of victory and its substantial' accompaniment, tho attcudanco on tho ground was, comparatively speaking, astonishingly scunty, hoing nat oven as great as that which the Leger attracted on thc previous Saturday, Why or whorcforo it is impossible to guess, unless Tho Darb's discomfiture and subsequent scratching had something to do with it, in diminishing tho interest which his presence in his old form would havo excited among his many admirers. Tho duy was in ovory respect a beautiful one, and tho programmo, inde-pendently of tho Cup, was most nttructire, but still tho pcoplo did not turn out to enjoy eitlior to unything liku tho extent they used to on former occasions. Never-theless all who wcro there must havo been thoroughly gratified with their day's sport, for tho racing through-out tho five events on tho card was first class, and there was no repetition of tho "pot boiling by wholesale' whiuh characterised all tho proceedings of tho proviou' Saturday. Tho arrangements for tho comfort of viss tants wore most ably carried out by tho officials, as horo toforo. We are sorry that the pleasure of the meeting should have been marred by an accident to Tarragon's

jockey, the renowned Higgerson, who fainted through exhaustion and fell off during the run home, (having reduced his weight no less than nineteen pounds in the last ten days,) and was carried off the ground insensible, but we are happy to say that he has sustained no material injury.

The race for the Cup created the most intense excite-ment, and cheer upon cheer resounded on the air as Fishhook gained his brilliant victory. Old Volunteer was also loudly cheered on leaving the paddock and im-mortalised himself by coming in second—at the wrong end—to Tarragon, who was first in that enviable position. We have but few descriptive remarks to offer, for the simple fact that there was nothing to write about beyond what we have already laid before our readers in our preliminary notice of the Leger day. Tho booths wore oxtonsively patronised, Mr O'Brien coming in as usual and deservedly for tho lion's share. The fair sox must;red in strong force, and thoir elegant toilette and porsonal elmrms greatly enhanced tho brilliancy and

animation of tho scone.

For tho first raco, eight out of tho ten oolorod on tho card put in an appearance, and Sir Solomon, on tho strength of his running on tho St. Legor Day, was made first favorite, though Albert, Young Mormon, Lancashire Witch and Hamlet wcro all backed. Tho start was a vory bad one, Hamlet getting off with a strong lead, and, making tho most of it, was never caught and won at tho finish by a nock ; Lancashire Witch being third, close up, and Albert, who was disappointed insido the distanco, a very good fourth. Tho Maiden Plato brought out only six runners out of the original splendid ontry of twenty one ; Corobus, Aloxandra, Blondín, Buccaneor, Seagull, and Lady Mannors Sutton boing struck out at tho last moment. Old England was immediately installed first favorite at two to ono, whilo Hambleton Hill, Sir John, and Lady Kingston all wero backed at a trillo longer prices. Tho two-year-old L. li. made play at a paco which not only left all his rivals in tho rear, but at tho ond of a milo had settled his own protensions, and Hambleton Hill, after a desporato raco with Old England, won by a head. Lady Kingston, despito her five pound ponalty, boing a good third. Tho vnlnnhlo À. J. O. Produco Stakes brought out eight runners, and Orlando, on tho strength of winning his trial, was made first favorite ; Glencoe and Camilla bciug also backed. After somo slight delay caused by the fractiousness of tho youngsters, tho flog dropped to a rather straggling start, Mr O'Malloy's grey filly losing a great deal of ground. Tho raco after tho first quarter of a milo lay between Camilla and Glencoe, and tho colt, running very gamely, won at tho finish by half a length, tho others being spread-eagled all over tho field. At four o'clock fifteen horses saddled for tho Sydney Cup, and we should fancy that, as regards quality, a finer field never went to the post in Australia. Pacha was the first to show, but his appearance did not gain him any friends. Exile then appeared, followed by Tim Whiffler and Tarragon, the latter of whom was greeted by loud and prolonged applause. The Dane, Sappho, and Bulgimbar were next out, then Lady Manners Sutton, then came Fishhook, who was warmly greeted by his supporters. Bylong, and Blair Athol, and Rose of Australia were the next out, followed by Warwick and Volunteer, who was cheered by the followers of the yellow and black. After the preliminary canters had been gone through, the horses went to the post, and were dismissed at the first attempt. The Dane was the first to show in front and held the lead round

the Derby turn the first time, though closely pressed by Pacha who headed him up the straight and led past the stand, old Tarragon bringing up the rear, evidently in hopeless pursuit of the leaders. Along the far side of the course Tim Whiffler went to the front and led at a slashing puce to the Derby turn, where Fishhook came out, and the race was virtually over, as tho Leger crack galloped home an easy winner by three lengths ; the little thought of Rose of Australia coming with a rush at the finish secured the second place as far before Tim Whiffler, the riderless Tarragon bringing up the rear. After tho excitement caused by tho big race, tho Waverly Stakes, for which six cntored, absorbed little attention, Gunilda and Emerald wcro tho most fancied, but thc winner turned up in Phoebe, who it may bo recollected was tho solitary opponent of Tho Barb in tho Maiden Plato at Homebush. Tho following is a detailed account of tho sport.

First Boco.-TUE FLYING HANDICAP of 5 sov onch,

h ft, entronco fee only if declared by 12th April, with 50 sov added, for all horses ; } milo j weights on the 30th March ; a winnor of any handicap tlicrcaftor to carry 101b extra.

MrE. Leo's ch g Hamlet, ngoil, 7st 131b.Kean 1

llowker's b g Slr Solomon, 0 yrs (inc. lolbs extra) Pst Uti

. Dowling 2 L. L. Smith's ch f Lancashire Witch, 2 vrs (ino, 51bs extra)

Oat O h.Fuller 3 G. Mnrsrton's gr h Albert, « yrs. 7st (Uh.Ikonrko 4 C. H. Koberts' b g Young Mormon, (ino. lOlbs extra) 7»t

131b. Mnrtinecr S W. Town's h g Exile, 4 yrs 7st 111b.CartSr 0 J. Anderson's ch m Stranger, ii yrs, 7st llb.Brown 7 Betting: 5 to 2 each ngst Sir Solomon and Albert, 7 to 2 ngst Sir John, 5 to 1 ngst Hamlet.

After ono broak away tho flag fell to a very indifferent start,'; Hamlet, getting a load of thrco or four lengths, came right away, was never headed, and stalling off Sir Solomon at tho Dnish^won by a nock; Lancashire Witch, who had tho outsido running, getting third haifa longth behind Sir Solomon, Albert who was disappointed insido tho distance, finishing as fur behind her, three lengths o IV, Young Mormon was fifth, Exilo sixth as far behind him, Stranger last, beaten six lengths or so. Timo, lmin 21

Second Knee.-Tho METROPOLITAN {Autumn)

MAIDEN PLATE of 200 sov, for all maiden horses (including winners of two yrs stnkcs) at tho timo of entronco; penalties for winning nftcr entrance, onco, 51bs, twico or moro, Vlbs ; 1J milo ; second horso 10 sov from tho Club.

Mr lt. Dines' h c Hambleton Hill. 3 yrs, 7st 121b.Ramsey 1

J. Kales, jun.'s h c Old England, 3 yrs, 7st 121b Thompson 2 33. Leo's b f Lnrty Kingston 3yrs (in. Bib ox.) Sst llb . .Kenn 3 Chantre ns br c Slr John, 3 yrs, 7st 121b .Cartor 4 Ii. I.. Smith's bet. L. 2yrs, (ino 31b ox! Sst 71b_McCabo fl O'brien's b h Claud Duval, fl yrs, Hst 31b.Donnelly 0 Betting s 2 to 1 ngst Old England, 5 to 2 agst Lady Kingston, 4 to 1 each agst Hambledon Hill and Sir John.

After ono attempt tho flag foll to a splendid start, all tho horses being in lino ; L.L. immediately went to tho front, and mado strong running round tho turn and up tho straight, lending several lengths past tho stand, Sir John going second, Hambleton Hill third, Lady Kingston fourth, Old England fifth, and Claudo Duval, out-paced, last. At tho Bocks, L.L. had shot his bolt and Old England carno through his horses, and with Hambleton Hill in attendance, passed Sir John ; tho two thon raced neck und neck round tho course, and Hambleton Hill, ofter a slashing set-to, won on tho post by a hoad. Lady Kingston, who mado a gamo but unsuccessful attempt to overhaul the leaders, was beaten th roo lengths; Sir John was fourth, six lengths from her as far before tho two-year-old, who, in turn, finished thirty lengths beforo Claudo Duval. Time, 3 min 101 8ec.

Third Race.-Tho A.J.C. PRODUOE STAKES of 10 SOT

each, h ft, if declared by 4 p.m. on the 8th March, with 220 sov subscribed by tho owners of the sires, and 100 sov from tho A.J.C, for 2 yrs, 8st 41bs (no allowanco to fillies or goldings) ; ono milo; tho second horso 10, and thc third 5 per cent on the gross amount of tho prizo to bo deducted therefrom. Entries closed

with 43 subs.

Mr lt. DInos"s ch c Gloncoo, Sst 41b.liamsoy 1

O'llaidwlns ch f Camilla, Sst 41h..'.Holmes 2 lt. Dlnes's bl c Tho Hebel, Sst 41b.Smith 3 O'Molley's gr f hy Jack Spring. Amy Ilobsart, Sst 41b

.Waterman 4 lt. Dincs's b c Orlando, Sst 41b.Stanley fl E. DoMestre's ch t Luna, Sst 41b.Kean U Edwin Hill's b e Lord Uronto, Sst llb.Phipp3 7 Edwin Hill's br f Maid of Bronto, Sst 41b.Martinecr 8 Betting: G to 4 ngst Orlando, 3 to 1 ngst Glencoe, 4 to 1 agst Camilla, 6 to 1 ngst any other.

- After some littlo timo cut to waste by tho youngsters, tho flog dropped to a very indifferent start. Camilla immedi-ately rushed to tho front, Glencoe, Tho Rebel, and Orlando following in tho order named, Mr O'Malloy's filly who lost twenty or thirty longths bringing up tho rear. Going round tho far sido tho courso, Orlando at-tempted to go up to tho loaders but did not succeed ; coming into the straight, Gloncoo overhauled Camilla nnd thc raco waa left to tho two, who ran together till opposite tho Stand, when Glencoe, who ran with ex-traordinary gameness, drew away and won by half a length ¡fourlengths oil'Tho Rebol was third, thrco lengths boforo Mr O'Malloy's filly; throojlengths from|hor Orlando was fifth, Luna sixth beaton six lengths from her, ten lengths beforo Lord Bronto, Maid of Bronte last beaten off. Time, 1 min. 52 sec.

Fourth Race.-The SYDNEY CUP (a gold cup, value

150 sov), and 250 sov added to a handicap sweepstakes of 20 sov each; 8 ft, 2 if declared by 1st March; en-trance fee only if by 31st December; for all horses; two miles; second horse 50 sov from the prize; weights on the 20th December ; a winner of any handicap thereafter, 3lbs, of two or more, 51b extra. Entries

closed with 37 subs.

Mr C. B. Fisher's b c Fishhook, 3 yrs, 6st 10lb..............Davis 1

J. Eales' jun. b f Rose of Australia, 4 yrs, 6st 9lb car. 7st

3lb..............................................................Thompson 2 E. de Mestre's b c Tim Whiffler, 4 yrs, 7st 4lb.........Carter 3 E. Lee's gr f Sappho, 4 yrs, 6st 7lb (car. 6st 9lb)....George 4 W. Town's b h Tarragon, aged. 9st 12lb..............Higgerson 0 T. Rutledge's br h Yattendon. 3 yrs, 9st 91b............Driscoll 0 J. Tait's br h Volunteer, aged, 9st 5lb...................Ashworth 0 J. Tait's ch g Warwick, 6 yrs, 8st 2lb......................Stanley 0 P. J. Keighran's b g Exile, aged, 8st .................. Chiffney 0 J. de Clouett's ro g Pacha, aged, 7st 9lb.................Colley 0 A. Bowman's b c Bulglimbar, 4 yrs, 7st 7lb.........Holmes 0 C. B. Fisher's br c The Dane, 4 yrs, 7st 7lb...........Griffin 0 E. Lee's ch c Bylong, 3 yrs, 7st.............................Moore 0 L. L. Smith's b f Lady Manners Sutton, 3 yrs, 6st 6lb...Fuller 0 T. Ivory's b c Blair Athol, 3 yrs, 6st 5lb................Bennett 0

'Bettings 5 to 2 agst Fishhook, 5 to 1 agst Tim Whiffler, 8 to 1 agst Bulgimbar, 10 to 1 each agst Tarragon, and Blair Athol, 100 to 8 agst Volunteer 100 to 6 agst Rose of Australia 25 to 1 each agst Exile, Bylong, Yattendon, and The Dane, 100 to 3 each agst Lady Manners Sutton, and Sappho, and 50 to 1 each agst Pacha and Warwick.

At the first attempt a very good start was effected. The blue jacket of the Dane was the first to show in front, the others following in a cluster for some little distance. At the bend, Pacha went up to the Dane, and the two raced together round the turn into the straight, Fish-hook, Bulgimbar, and Tim Whiffler, being in close attendance. Coming up the straight, Pacha got to the

front, and led at a merry pace past the stand, Bulgimbar, The Dane, Fishhook, and Tim Whiffler at his heels about three lengths before the ruck, Volunteer and Tarra-gon bringing up the rear. At the Rocks, Pacha was beat,

and Tim Whiffler went to the fore; opposite the stand Bulgimbar went up to Tim and the two raced together to the bend, when Bulgimbar was in trouble, and beat a speedy retreat, leaving Tim with the lead, with the Fishhook and Sappho close behind him. Coming into the straight, Fishhook went up to Tim, and after racing a few strides quitted him, and the race was over, as the gallant son of Fisherman came away, and won easily by three lengths. Rose of Australia, who passed Tim Whiffler, coming up the straight, was second, three lengths before him, and he was four or five lengths ahead of Sappho, fourth; Blair Athol was fifth two lengths behind her, a neck in front of Yattendon, sixth three or four lengths behind him came Bulgimbar and The Dane who headed tho ruck. Tarragon, whose jockey, Higger-son, had fainted from exhaustion and fallen off, when endeavouring to go through his horses at the Derby turn, brought up the rear. Time, 3 min 41½ sec.

Fifth Race.-The WAVERLY STAKES of 6 sov cadi'

with GO sor addod, for horses thnt havo not won a prizo oxcecding 30 sor in raluo up to tho timo of en-trance j winners thereafter of such a pmo to carry 51b extra; li milo; second horso 12 sov Out of the prizo.

Mr E. Loo's ch f Phoebe, 3 yrs, 7st 121b.Coller 1

W. Town's b g Gratis, 3yra, 7st 111b.Carter » Cliaufe ns br c Emerald, 3 yrs, (ino. Sib ex,) Sst sib] "

(. ¿oulilf i

A. Bowman's br m Wonga Wonga.agod Ost llb... .Donellr 4 O'Malley'a b f Gunilda, 3 yrs, (Ino. filbs ex.) Sit sib

J. Tait's ch gTho Rip,' 4yri,'8ÍróÍb'\T.\\\\\"!V..".SuSw o

Betting : G to 4 agst Gunilda, 2 to 1 agst Emerald 3 to 1 agst Phcobo, 5 to 1 agst any other. '

At tho fall of the flag Phoebe rushed to tho front, fol. lowed by The Bip, Gratis, Emerald, Wonga Wonga and Gunilda in tho order named, until they passed tho Rock) when Gunilda went through her horses and challen»<si tho leader, but was neror able to catch her, and at "the Derby turn retired ; when fairly in tho straight ¿metala and Gratis who had boon gradually creoping up, made their efforts but norer could get on terms with Mr Leo's filly, who carno on and won rnther easily by thres longths. Gratis beat Emerald half a length for second place, Wonga Wonga was fourth, threo longths off, two lengths beforo Gunilda who was fifth, a doxen lengths before the Rip. Time, 2min. 25isoc.


The attendance this day, as is usual on the off day, was not near so good as on either the St. Leger or the Cup day, and the difference was plainly visible by the appear-ance of the Stands and Saddling Paddock; still there was a good number of people present, and the racing was very interesting. The first race on the cards was the All Aged Stakes, for which Little Fish was made the favorite. Rose of Australia and Yattendon being next in demand. As the jockey engaged to ride Little Fish did not arrive in time, Davis had to be put up, which made the two-year-old carry seventeen pounds over weight. When the flag dropped Yattendon rushed to the front, was never headed, and won in a canter by three lengths. Fivo carno to tho post for tho Prinoo of Wales Stakes, Hamlet and Codes being nbout equal favorites but tho raco lay entirely between tho latter and Albert Codes winning at tho finish rather easily by two longths. Tho Bruie Stakes, though it brought out only four runners, created somo excitomont, as tho second horso in tho St. Leger, Blair Athol, had to meet tnree other three-year-olds; ho was mado!first favorite, Old England being next in demand. Old England took the lead at starting, and hold it throughout, though pressed vory hard by tho favorite, and won nt last by n length, Eight sported silk (for tho City Handicap, Tim Whiffler on tho strength of his Cup running boing mado a hoi favorite, aud ho justified tho confidence of his hackers bj winning in a canter. Lady Manners Sutton being second and Sappho third. Fivo put in un appearance for tbs Scurry Stakes, old Raroy with Ashworth up, boirig made tho favorito, and tho followers of tho yollow (rad bhu-V, had ot last tho satisfaction of seeing them in tho van at tho finish. Tho following aro tho particulars of thj running :

First Race.-The ALL-AGED STAKES of 10 sov each,

with 100 sov added ; 1 mile; second horse 20 sov from the prize.

Mr E. de Mestre's br h Yattendon, 5 yrs, 9st 1lb............Driscoll 1

J. Eales' Jun. b f Rose of Australia, 4 yrs, 8st 10lb......Thompson 2 Bowker's b g Slr Solomon, 6 yrs, 9st...........................Dowling 3 C. B. Fisher's b c Little Fish, 2 yrs, 5st 10lb (car. 6st 13lb)

.......................................................................................Davis 4 L. L. Smith's b f Lancashire Witch, 2 yrs, 5st 8lb (car. 5st

10lb).............................................................................M'Cabe 5 Chaaffe ns br c Sir John, 3 yrs, 8st..............................Bould 6

Betting :-7 to 4 agst Little Fish; 2 to 1 agst Yatten-don; 5 to 2 agst the Rose; 10 to 1 agst any other.

After one false start they got well away; Yattendon immediately showing in front, with Sir Solomon next, and Little Fish third. At the five furlong post, Little Fish went up to Sir Solomon, but soon retired again. Coming into the straight, the Rose got on better terms with her horses, but could not get near Yattendon, who

came on and won in a canter by three lengths. The Rose beat Sir Solomon, third, by four lengths, and Little Fish

was fourth, a length behind him; Lancashire Witch was fifth, beaten four or five lengths, and Sir John last, as far from her. Time, 1 min 49 secs.


sov each, with GO sor added, for ult horsos; l$mile¡ second horso 12 sor out of the prizo; tho winner tobi sold by nuction immediately after tho raco for £100; if for £80, allowed 71b ; £70, 121b ; £G0, 101b ; £50, 28lb ; the amount, if any, realised in excess of the ca-tered selling price, to go to tho funds.

Mr T. Ivory's b g Codes, 5 yrs, (£50) 7st....Bennett 1

G. Marsdon'sgrh Albert, Oyrs, (£0"0) 8st llb.Larkins i E. Leo's chg Hamlet, aged, (£00) "st 121U.George 1 F. Jonos's b g Emporor, aged, (£00) 7st 121b (car. Sat 311»)

.-..Wooii I E. de Mestre's ch g Steorsinan, aged, (£100).Driscoll 5 Betting :-2 to 1 each agst Hamlet and Codes; 4 to 1 each agst Albort, Emperor, and Steorsinan.

When tho flag dropped, Albert wont to tho front and led past tho stand by throe clear lengths, Hamlet goin; socond nnd tho othors in a cluster ; Albert continued to load till about half a mile from homo, whon Steersaua carno with a rush, and looked as if ho would run a»sr with tho race fora few Btridcs,,but, shutting up immediately afterwards, Albort again got tho load, which ho main fained to tho distance, when Codes caught him, aol after a show of a race, won rather easily by two lougtlii; Humlot a length and a half behind him ; Emporor »ni Steersman pulling up a bad fourth and fifth. Time, 3 min 2Gfc secs. Tho winner, ontorod for JG50, was bought

in for £G0

Third Raco.-THE {Autumn) BRUIE STAKES of 9sor

oach, h ft, 90 sov nddod, for :t yrs colts, Sst 101b ; (¡Ilia 8st81b; tho winnor of tho (Australian) Derby, Bib, St. Logor, 71b, of both 101b ; tho socond in tho former21b, and tho latter 31b ; in both 41b extra ; li milo ; second horso 18 sor from tho prizo.

Mr J. Enlos, jun nbc Old England, 3 yrs, 8st 101b....Thompson

T. Ivory's br o Blair Athol, 3 yrs, (inc. 31bs ox.) Sst 131b

.,.,.Kcss ! E. Loo's ch f Phoebe, 3 yrs. Sst 81b.nolmes 1 ChaafTe ns b o Emorald, 3yrs,Sst,uI*,i Betting :-5 to 4 ngst Blair Athol ; 2 to 1 agst Oui England ; 5 to 2 agst Phoabo ; 5 to 1 agst Emerald.

After two false starts, Old England rushed to th« front followed by Emorald, Phcobo, and Blair Athol o ,tho order named. At tho back of tho courso EmcraU dropped book, and Phcsbo tried to go up to Oil England, but norer got on terms with him, and fell ba:« entering tho straight ; Blair Athol thon wont up, and » fino raco homo ensued botwoon him and Old England! the lattor running tho gatuost, won by a 'en6l'¡j Phcobo third, beaten four longths ; and Emerald a bal fourth. Time, 2 rain 21J sccs. ,

Fourth, Race.-TUE OlTk* HANDICAP of 10 SOT «ch,

h ft, or ontraneo fee only if doclarod by tho 12th

100 sor nddod ; for all horses ; H milo ; second horn 20 sor from the prizo ; weighs on tho 30th Marchi» . winnor of ney handicap thereafter to carry 51b eitrs,

tho winnor of tho Sydney Cup 3lb additional.

Mr E. do vestro's |b o Tim Whinier. 4 yrs, 7st 71b.. ? ????.?c*ntt

L. L. Smith's b fLady Manners Sutton. 3 yrs, Oat Tib (carbon t

E. Loo's gr nVsäp'p'liö.' 4 yrs! Ort Mb.".'.'.!.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.". ...'¿ín",(" }

J. Tait's ch g Warwick, agod.8st51bs."SÄ i

W. Town's b f Ludia, 4 yrs, Oat 121b., P. J. Keighran's br g Exile, aged, 8st. .. ..Fuller 6

J. Eales' jun. ch f SataneUa, 4 yrs, 7st Ub (car. «^JTO ^ A. Bowman's i)'o Bu'lginibàr,' i" yrs,' 7st nib..'.'*.".. . .Uo.lra'',? Betting .-ISvon on Tim Whiffler; 4 to 1 oaoh »g> Sappho and Bulgimbar; 5 to 1 each agst-Exilo a«

Satunollo. : ,, ....i

At tho' fall of tho flag, Exilo rushed to thooto" followed by Warwick. At tho rocks, Lady Mminer» Sutton and Satnnolln wont to tho front «nd. -."í?* togothor, until Tim Whiffler passed them about na» ' milo from homo; after which ho was uover headed, «»»

won banda down by threo lengths ; Lady Mamu Sutton was second, tlirco lengths before Sappho, who w I wo lengths beforo Warwick, fourth, who was about fo lengths boforo Ludia, after whom cania Exile, Sat nella, and Bulgimbar in tho order named. Timo, 2 m 49¿ secs.

Fifth Babe.-Tho Sci'ititY Si'.ncns of '.!. SOT euch 23 sc

added j forullugus ; li milo; llio winner to bo sold I auotion immediately after tho raco for £20, tl surplus, if any, to go to tho fund. Post entrance, sov ; to close ton minuits previous to advertised tin

of starting.

Ur J. Tait's b g Karoy, aged. Ost. Ashworth

Flchlhousc'a b g George 1st, aged. Dst.Martlneer A. Bowman's br m Wonga Wongu, aged, Dst llb ...Donelly Ct. Marsden'sbg Young Walter, aged. Sst..Dowling MacNamara's b f Ada, 2 yrs, Sst 81b, (carried Ost 131b) .Mooro

Betting : Evon on Barey, 2 to 1 ngst George 1st, an 4 to 1 agst nny other. r

At tho full of the flag, Ada and Young Walter mad tho running till tho Bocks, whore tho two-year-old r( tired, and Young Woltor led along tho far side of th course, till near ¡tho turn, when Goorgo 1st carno ou went to the fore, and led up tho distance, when Ashwort . shook up old Barey, and won easily, by two length:

Vt'oiien Wonga was third, thrco lengths behind Georg 1st, Young AValter a very bad fourth, and Ada last beaten off. Time, 2 min 23 ; soo. Tho winnor outorec for£20, was bought for £00,

Tho following ia tho programmo for to-day's race with tho names of tho probable starters :


First Kaco.-The Borra HANDICAP, of 10 SOTS each fo

acceptor's, h ft. with 100 sovs added for threo years JJ- milo and 240 yards ; weights to bo declared a TATTEESALL'S on tho day after tho Cup Day, a or soon ofter 9 p.m., and non-accoptancos within om hour after such declaration, to tho Secretary, in th< A. J. 0. CLUB ROOM, same plaoe.

. st. lb Enies, jun.'s, b c Old England.- .. 8 1!

.Smith's b I Lady Manners Sutton . 8 !

Leo's b t Lady Kingston. S I Young's b c Commits . 0 1: Second Raco.-Tn« RANDWICK HANDICAP, of 9 soy

each, li ft, or entrance feo only if declared by the 12tl April, with 90 sov ndded, for all horses, 1¿ milo ; socond horso 18 sov from tho prize ; weights on thc 30th March; winner of any handicap thereafter tc carry 71b extra ; tho winnor of the Sydney Cup 61b ; ol tho City Hundicap, 51b ; of both, 91b additional.

Ago st. lb

Mr J. Tait's ch g Warwick.0 0 1

E. rtcMcstro'a b c Tim Whiffler, inc. lOlbs extra.. 4 0 0 A. Bowman's h o Bulgimbar." ..4 8 7 ' W Baldwin's b I Beatrico .4 8 2

J. Eales, jun,, br f Koso of Australia..4 7 13 W. Town's li t Ludia .4 7 8 E. Leo's g m Sappho .4 7 0 E. do Mcstro'a b c Tattcrsall's.4 7 4 L. L. Smith's b f Lady Manners Sutton .. .. 3 7 3 J. Onus's b or br li Fuslleor .4 7 2 Third Race-Tho QUEEN'S PLATH, of 200 sov for all

horses ; 3 miles ; 2 yrs, a feather ; 3 yrs, 7st 2lb ; 4 yrs, 9st21b ; 5 yrs, lOat ; G and aged, lOst 41b ; maros nnd geldings allowed 31bs.

Jir Clinairo ns br cSir.Tohn, 3yrs "

Fisher's b g Fishhook, 3 yrs

Do Mestro's br h Yattendon, 5 yrs -b c Tim Whiffler, 4 yrs Town's b li Tarragon, aged

Matthew's bl g Smuggler, 3 yrs

Eales jun's b c Old England, 3 yrs -ch f Satanclla, 4 yrs

Smith's ch f Lancashire Witch, 2 yrs Bine's b c Hambleton Hill, 3 yrs Ivory's oh c Bylong, 3 yrs

Wnldron's b g Birmingham, aged Tait's hr li Volunteer, nged.

Fourth Race.-Tho NUltSJiUY HANDICAP, of 10 sov

each for acceptors, h ft., 100 sov added, for 2 yrs ; ; milo ; weights declared at TATTERS ALL'S, on the Cup Day, at or soon after 9 p.m. ; and non-ucceptances within ono hour after such declaration to tho Socretnrv in tho A. J. 0. CLUB ROOAI samo placo. Tho win-ner of any raco uftcr declaration of woightB to carry

71b extra.

st. lb.

Mr Keighran's b c Fireworks. 8 12

fisher's h f Silvia.7 12

Dino's bl u Hebel . 7 0

h. L. Smith's bel,. L .. .. ?.7 0

1'. llahlwln's b f Silvortall. 7 8 ¡ Kales, jun., b o Vnnderdocken .7 7

! . De .Mestro's ch f Luna . 7 5

Bowker ns b c Young Slr Solomon . 7 4

Fifth Huco.-The FORCED HANDICAP, of 5 BOV each,

35 sor ndded, for all winnora, oxcopt those of 2 yrs races und scurry stakes, for which and nil beuten horses tho entrunco is optional, but ncceptanco obli-gatory ; entronco for such will closo at time to bo hero after named ; li milo : tho winner to pay 5 guineas

to tho Club.