Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), Friday 5 April 1861, page 2

TO BUILDERtS. %W ANTED. Tenders for Additions to the Boarding School, South Portland. Particulars may be learned at 1he Iron Store. GREAT CLEARING-OUT SALE. .ARRIVAL of 40 cases and bakis of seasonable goods Ex FLEDA. Consisting of Ladies' repp robes and skirts " Yinsey " " fancy striped & checked " " drouguet skirts " winsey steel " " trimred ci lt himtB, new and fashionable A large assortment of Men's and Boys' ready made clothing. Winseys, all wool plaids. calicos, flannels ; a large- assortment of hosiery, haberdashery, etc., etc. T. and J; FINN beg to inform the public thalt they are offering the above goods at a slight advance on English cost. Julia-street, March 13th, 1861 FIRST SBIP1i EN T AUTUMN ANgD WINTER Goods ! Brasch, Salenger & Co. Beg to intimate that they are opening up their Frnsr AnnivAL or A UT U.LV A1ED WIJN2TER P UR OA d AS" ES : Cornmslmo all the newest designs and Fabrics, In Ladies' Dresses & piece Goods, Cloaks, Jackets, French Merinos, Tartans, Repps, Winse) s, Coburgs, Alpacas, Straw and Felt Hlats, Feathers, Ribbons, Hose, Gloves and Trimmings. . MEN'S.CLGTTII G AND UNDER-CLOThIIN G. LADIES'BOOTS & SHOES Corner of PERCY and[ J UL1A-STREE'T S.f 20th March, 1861.