Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Wednesday 18 May 1892, page 2

(50th rezr of Publication.) With which is ncorporated liht fortlIund lirro r. -0 Publihcd cevery Moundy, Wednesday, an Friday Evenino ... ... r ---WEI;)NIEN DAY, MAY 18, 1852. IHtcis.-To.day the annual meeting of the Portland ]acing Club takes place, The general entrie3 Sre excoptionally good; for years past the minor erents have rot filled so well. In addition the hcrses engaged are above the average, and as the weather is as fine as could be desired a day's excellent sport may be confidently predicted. The first rico starts at 12 30. The Portland Band will be in attendance with new music.

'oLICE CounT.-An individual named John Molloy was arrested this morning by Constable Smedley, on a charge of having assaulted one O'Brien at Ballarat, on the 15th of last month. The accused was brought before Messrs. T. W. Smith and W. Gough, J.'eP., at the Police Court this morning and remanded. TutE RUssIAN Jews.--On our fourth page will be found a reprint of an appeal issued by the authorities of the Jewish Synagogue in Ballarat on behalf of their co-religionists in Ballarat. Mr,. Iosen. bloom, of Ieywood, in an introductory niote requests us to publish the appesl, and we are only 'oo happy to render any assistance to the cause. The lines of these unforunttate people have truly fallen in unpleasant-if so mild a world can be used to express the cruelty of their po.i. bton-places, and any little that the people of the district can do to alleviate their misfortunes we are quite sure will be done gladly, '~lAna s.-The Superintendent of our Local Asylum and Hospital desires us to convey his very sincere thanks to IMrs. Trangmar for her very bind and valuable gift of eight yearly volumes of "The Leisure Hour," two volumes of the" Sun day at Ilome," and six months of "'The Illustrated London News," which will undoubtedly afford much pleasure to the inmates of the institution. Thanks are also tendered to Mr. Jones for his thought. Ful gift of wearing apparel at this season of the year. The liberal gifts of apples and pears sent to the institution, by Mesdames Trangmar and Drewitt have been highly appreciated by the old men and all concerned. WEA.rttER.-Yesterday the weather looked very unpromising for a good day on the morrow, and several times the question was mooted as to whether it would not be advisable to postpone the race meeting. It was felt, however, that it would be premature to do this until the day of the meeting broke, for given fine weather overhead and there was nothing to put any serious obstacle in the way of a successful meet. The Portland course ihas the advantage over others on which the formation is of a different character in that within certain limits rain doesit more good than harm. About I p.m. the weather showed signs of breaking, and the evening was as fine as could be wished. To.day the weather is good. BArTERY CO3zPETITIro.-The Port Fairy Garette says:-On Saturday after. noon last, an artillery competition was completed at the local battery for prizes supplied by the Department. Four teams, under the charge of Sergeants Avery, Chapman, Stoley, and Campbell, respectively, took part, the result placing them in the order named, Thb umpires were Major Kell, and Captains Stanley and Harrison, and the scoring was as follows:-Sergeant Avery's team, first prize of £5f-14 points for tu'nout, 21 for drill, 14 for firing ; total 49. Ser. geant Chapman's team, second prize, of £3--1 points for turn out, 18 for drill, 14 for firing; total, 4i (4 paints to be deducted for oveortime). Sergeant Stoley's team-15 points for turnout, 18 for drill, 7 for firing; total 40. Sergeant Camp bell's team-13 points for turnout, 22 for drill, 0 for firing; total, 35 (4 points to be deducted for over-time). Mal O'RELL.-Mr. Panl Ilonet, who is now lecturing in Melbourne, is credited with explaining that the reason why the sun never sets on the posessions of the biggest landowner in the world (John Doll) is "because the sum cannot trust the rascal. He credits ce cher John with tenacity, a cool head, and a thick skin, and regards him' as a compound of the lion, the mule, and the octopus. He is an earnest worshipper of Mammon and Jehovah, and sends missionaries and Bibies to the uttermost parts of the earth, where, in the long run, the natives get the Bibles and John Bull gets the land. REronTao CIIANGE.-The Casetrton News has the following:-- "The Gleneig Inn is, we are informed, about to change Lhands, Mr. T: J. Burt having disposed of it to Mr. Leake, of Portland, who will take possession on let July. The sum to be paid amounts to £3000, tke property sold including besides the hotel the house renterd by Mrs. Qoin, Mr. Northoott's shop, and Mr, T. Cawker's stables. An additional sum will have to be paid for the furniture and stock which have yet to be valued. MIany will regret that owing to the change Mr. Butt with his family intend leaving Casterton and residing .robably in the vicinty of Geelong. lie has notas yet decided as to whether or not he will again enter busoiness. For many years Br. Burt has been host of the OGlenelg Inn and during that time he suceeded in making himself generally popular with all with whom he came into contact, and we are certain that many good wishes as to hts future happiness in life will go.with him from Casterton. With Mr. Burt's successor, Mr. Leake, the people of the disrrict are well soa quainted. Prior to going to Porland, some 'years ago Mr. Leake carried on business at MIrmon, and there as else where in the district he was well likedol andrespected. lie was for some time a members of the Glenelg Shire Council, and his many friends will be glad to see him back amongst them. Mr. Leake, we understand, has disposed of his business in Portland. We predict a prosperous time for Mr. Leake in Casterton," \ithl regard to the reference to MIr. Leake hav ingdisposed of his business hero, we understand that nothing has yet been de tinitely settled. The Echuca correspondent to the Argus wires:-A case of snakebite occur-red at Gunbower on Saturday, which is interesting in the light of the recent correspondence in The Argus. A man named Frank Cameron, a fisherman, was bitten by a black snake, st about half-past 1 o'clock in the afternoon, above the ankle. He killed the snake and walked into Gunbower township, four miles dis tant, arriving in an exhausted condition. A nobbler of brandy was given him, and the wound scarified and sucked. He was driven into Echuca, a distant of 25 miles, abont three or four tsblespoonfuls of brandy and water having been adminis-tered to him on the journey. He was taken in hand by Dr. Fowler and Dr. Eakins, and was almost comatose. Strychnine was injected at intervals until its effects were apparent. Cameron was then removed to the hospital, and, though to-day he appears somewhat dull and stupid, he seems to have got over the effects of the bite.

ItECEIVDi. - From Messrs. Young husband and Co. we have received a neat I business card issued by that, firm of wool, o tallow, skin, &o., brokers. The front of I1 the card is occupied with a picture in- p troducing a number of the fauna of i Australio, and on the other side, among ather things, are some valuable hints on b the preparation of skins for market. We t have also received from the Government b Statist Volume 2 of the "Victorian Year Book" for 1890-91. The volume, besides containing several statistical tables, deals with interchange, Lhw, Grime, Production, Defences, Social Co. S dition. It also has several appendices 7 dealing with Australian statistics, tariffs, dildura, Consus tables Chinese in Australia, &c., BAND APPArr.L.-We remind all slaies v who are taking an interest in the proposal I o'. the Portland Band to hold a baziar on c a small scale in about three months tite Ie that a meeting will ba held to-morrow d afternon at 3.30 pm. for the purpose of c taking steps to get the affair afloat. We trust there will be a substantial response on the part of the ladies to the request a of the band. s IH.MJ,S. RorALIsT.--It appears probable r that at an early data we will have another visit from Her Malesty's Ship Royalist. A resident of this town, Mr. Kinchel,r informs us that he was in Hobart some I few weeks since, and there were several war ships laying at the place. Among 7 these was the Royalist, and Mr.Kinchela got into conversation with the quarter. master of that vessel, who informed him that after a little further stay in Hobart d they were to proceed to Sydney, and after that were under orders to come to Port. land and lay here for a week. lThe Royal. ist, it will be remembered, was at this port on the occasion of the Governor's t visit, and Captain Burke and his officers f made many friends during their short s stay in Portland. f FanuT AND FLOWER5.-In our business columns Messrs. G. Brunning and Sons, of the famous St. Kilda Nurseries, give a few particalars of their specialties for the season, and a perusal will show that i there are quite a number of them. Fruit growers will find something to interest them also, and if farther particulars are required a catalogue may be had free on application. K.tusr,-We direct the attention of agriculturists and others to an advertise ment elsewhere relating to a fertiliser known as Kainitor German potash salt. This manure is said to contain certain properties necessary for most crops, and a glance through the testimonials certainly conveys a satisfactory impression. Kainit is extensively used in America and other places and will most probably receive a lihberal patronage in this colony. The Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales speaks very highly of the fertiliser, and we advise all requiring a manure to apply either to Mi. .ames It, Woods, the local agent, or Messrs. Jules Renard and Go., the general agents, Melbourne for pamph lets and particulars. A STRANGE RABBIT.--On Saturday morning when Mr. John Kirkwood, of Buckley's Swamp, went to look after his rabbit traps, he was rather surprised to find in one of them an eagle hawk which had been caught by one toe. The bird pulled the trap, as well as the wire by which it was held, out of the ground and flew into a tree; but the weight of the trap, etc., was too much to be supported by one leg, and the hawk was forced to descend to mother earth again, when it was soon secured. Mr. Kirkwood brought his captive to Hamilton and gave it to Mr. R. S. Bree, who keeps it chained up in the garden, a terror to all evil-disposed birds. This eaglehawk is a fine specimen of its species, measuring four feet from tip to tip of its wings; but its owner is rather doubtful whether the bill for its board will not exceed the damage which it is supposed to prevent other birds doing, it having already consumed a leg of mutton during Sunday.- Spectator. ELECTOn RIGHOTs.--Those who are not already enrolled on the list of non ratepaying electors should not neglect to tpake steps to have their names on the supplementary lists, which must be done before the first of June, LICE.sE APPRaoED.- W. R. Skene, 7 oacres, parish of Glenaulin. Mns. EaItLy CoLLER., licensee of the Prince of Wales Hotel at IIHamilton, was on Monday fined £2 for suffering Alex. ander McCrossen, a drunken person, to be on her licensed premises. PAbY.ra F.?u.iLY.--'he Portland public are to be favored with a musical treat on the 24th and 25th of the present month. No doubt many, if not all, of our readers hare heard of the clever Payne Family, of Ballarat. Some have seen them, and next week all will have an opportunity of doing so. The family give an entertainment that is popular wherever they go. In their own words they "do not aim at placing before the public a repertloire of high.olasa prodnotions, their programmes consisting of the most popular music of the day, being specially compiled to suit all classes. They prefer the popular to the clasatcal, but admit the latter, while they give predominace to the former," The Payno Family are vocalists, violinists, pianistes, and bellringers, and are extremely cleover exponents of each of these branches of the musical art. One portion at least of Her Majesty's Birthday will be made enjoyable to Portland people. BUTTrri FAccTOnY AT HIAMILTOS.-A meeting was held in the Town Hall on Saturday to take steps to establish a batter factory in lamilton. The mayor of the town (Mr. D. Laidlaw) occupied the chair, and there were nearly 100 per. sons present, comprising pastoralists, fLrmers, and dairymen. Great interest was shown in the proceedings, and a large executive comulittee was appointed to further the project, This committee met some time afterwards, and appointed a number of sub.committees to oanrass the town, and arrange for the establishment of creameries all roun' the district to supply the proposed factory. Theques. tion of the preparation of a prospectus for a company was also coos'dered, and a report will be made to a filtre meeting. It is expected that the movcrent will be a great success Tus, thunderstorm of which we had a taste on Monday appears to hare been general. A man was killed by lightning at Winslow. 1lailstones larger than pigeon's eggs fell at D)nolly, and a lot of damage was done to busiuness places,

PoosTPoNED.-Elsowhere it is announced that the concert to have been held this revning in aid of the funds of the Port. land Union Jack Football Club has been postponed indefinitely. After bespeak-. Tog the night those who had the matter in hand might have carried it through, as but for their expressed intention an ea. tertainment in aid of another olject would have been held. FunTHEn COLLAPSE,-We are informed that the State school yesterday showed still further signs of collapse, notwith standir.g that the western gables, which previously went, had been shored up. This time the northern gable was going, and the eastern one threatened to follow suit. Mr. Hlessel immediately on the discovery dismissed the children, as he would not take the responsibility of keeping them in the school under the circumstances, and communiated with the Board of Advice, Mr. Henry, correspon. dent of the Board, at once wired to the Secretary for Education, and instructions were received to have the two affected gables propped up. Now we presume some serious attention will be paid to the school, and it would appear that extensive repairs will be required. Goons Tua~i OFr.-A further change has been made in connection with the running of the trains on the Portland line. The down goods train which at present runs from Ararat for Portland at 7.30 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, returning on Tuesdays,'hhurst: days and Saturdays, has been cancelled. In future a train will leave for Hamilton daily at 8.30 a.m., and wi'l return at 1.10 p.m, Exocustoss.-Dy all trains, except the express, on the 21st, 23rd and 24th May, tickets will be issued at holiday excursion fares to and from all except suburban stations. These tickets will be available for return till the 30th inst. Liii.-We are informed that yester. day the Public Works Committee paid a visit to Tyers street for the purpose of fixing the site for the lamp that it was decided to erect in the thoroughfare at last meeting of the Council. It was decided by the committee that the lamp should go midway between the two lamps at the corner of Percy and Bentinok streets respectively. The Council will be asked to endorse this recommendation at next meeting. We believe the com. mittee wall also make another very im' portant recommendation, but exactly what it is we are not in a position to say. AccouNis awaited payment at the Local Sub.Treaseaury this morning for II. Linn, Portland Borough Council, J. U. Palothorpe, J, 11. Row, II. Rosenbloom and Co., Thos. Smith, E. T. Satchell, II, UI. Walker, Fred Spencer. Cnose GLuce.-Tho theoretical portion of the annual examination for cross guns was held at the Orderly Room on Thurs. day evening. Seven candidates put in an appearance. The practical part o the examination will take place at a date yet to be fixed, and will consist of gun, gyn, and repositary drill. JUDGE LUTI?E, of Denver, has just had a large responsibility crowded upon him. His wife, Mrs. Josephine Moody Lathe, has been admitted to the bar, and will practice in his court. Ie will have to do some severe mental sweating when he finds it necessary to nonsuit her or to shut her off when shejhas begun to unreel an argument. OBITUARY.--Our readers will hear with regret of the death of Mrs. Semple, which took place at Ballarat on the 14th inst. The deceased was suffering from hydatids some time since, and we presume this disease was the cause of her death. Mrs. Semple was a very old resident of Port-land, and had a large circle of friends in the town and district. Mrs. Semple was formerly the wife of Mr. William Cooper who was for many years proprietor of this paper. Some time after that gentle man's death she was married to Mr. Semple, who succeeded to the editorship of the paper. About fire years ago the family removed to Melbourne, where Mr. Semple died about twelve months since. Mrs. Semple leaves three children, two daughters and a son, all grown up. Accoanorsa to an Argus cablegram the New South \'iales apples just landed from the \Valetta have been sold at from 11s to 12s per case; those shipped by the Wine and Fruit.growers Association of Victoria realised from 10s to 16s per case, Tn late Mr, iA. Wilson, brother.in law to Sir uenry \\Wrixon, died worth £'28,000. Fnoa Port Elliott way, says the South Australian Chronicle, comes a little story of the finding of a rust proof wheat. A farmer noticed a single shoot of wheat growing on Granite Island in a small arevice on the face of a granite boulder. As it was ripe he took the head and thrashed out the grain, which was a re markably fine sample. le planted the seed that winter and gathered in the little crop, which was beautifully clean, while his other crops wets very rusty. For about five years the wheat was sown and strippel, and by this time enough had been secured to plant several acres. This was sown in the cent.re of a large paddock, and at harvest time the plot was conspieuous oen account of its cleanness, being absolutely free from rrst, while the remainder of the crop was badly attacked by thie disease, The same experiment has been tried now several times with the wheat and always with the same results, the heads being long and well filled with a good, plump, sound grain. \hat variety of whept i is the farmer is unable to ascertain, and where it came from originally and how it found its way to Granite Island is a mystery. There is a big demand for the wheat in the district as seed, and the owner disposes of it in large quantities at high prices. A Tvx?sros tradesmen, aged 79, has just married his fourth wife, the bride being 65 years old. CsRTAIuLY the best medicine known is SAsNDE and SOSs'EUOCALYPTI ExrrACT. The its eminent powerful etfects in couchs. colds influenz?s ; the relief is Instantauneos. In serious cases, and accidens of all kirdls, bh they wounds,burns, scaldints bruises,spraips it is the safest remedy-no swellUg-sio in. Sammation. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria, bronchitis, inflammatioe o the langs, swellings, kc.,diarhesa,dtysentry, diseases of the kidneys and nuinary organs. In uses at hospitals and medical clinics all overc the globe; patronised by lis Majesty the King of Italy; crowned with medal and diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Tresat n this approved article, and reject all others -ADYIT