Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Friday 21 June 1895, page 2

WORLD OF FASHION. It seems strange that the winter millinery should be largely trimmed with flowers. But this idea is just out of fashion's caprices. Felt hats are made in all colours now, pretty pale tints as well as in the more useful black, brown and grey. If you are only going to have one winter hat, it must be a dark one, which you can trim up with different bits of colour to match your dresses. Remember, no feathers are to be worn flat, they must all stand up from the hats as if they had a quarrel with the felt or straw, or as if, when in black, they represented a hearse. Toques are always useful, and are also much worn. For dressy materials, tweed is much worn. Doctors object strongly to low-cut evening dresses, and some very stylish new party gowns are being made with a yoke of laoe fitted into what is ordinarily the bare necked part of the bodice; also the sleeves are long enough to afford some protection to the arms. Melton cloth is a good autumn or winter material, and is much worn, also a new make of caa.l's hair cloth. A very useful and pretty dress Is made in blue serge in a bright shade of navy. The bodice somewhat over. hangs the deep belt, which is formed of black satin, and buttoned on either side with steel ; a point of lace hangs from the collar band to the vest; the sleeves are of the blouse style, again exhibiting lace at the wrists. The hat is of navy felt lined with velvet, with pink chiffon bows and bands of blue velvet. The neok of the dress Is finished with folded pink chiffon tied in a bow at the back. Small children's dresses are still made to hang from the neck to feet without a belt. A navy blue serge trimmed with rad would be a pretty school dress for a little girl between five and six. The rod can be narrow ribbon slightly fulled around the yoke, the little cape at the top of the sleeve and at the neck and wrists. You can nee narrow braid instead of the ribbon, and white braid if you prefer it to red, but the latter is not as serviceable. Cashmereis a good material for a best dress. It can be made with a silk guimpe of the same shape or of a contrasting colour. Black with a red guimpe, to be worn with red stockings and black shoes, looks well. Make a cloak for a little three-year.old daughter of crimson eider.down flannel; have three capes and edge them with narrow bands of black fur. The hood may be of the same material trimmed with the far.