Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Friday 17 August 1894, page 4

PUBLIC NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN PORTLAND FOR Drapery IS THE New Lead Cash Drapery Warehouse, JULIA STREET, PORTLAND. NO FANCY PRICES QUOTED. Customers can rely upon getting the BEST VALUE FOR THEIR = MONEY By spending it at the NEW LEAD, Julia Street. NOTE.-j- O OLD ST ioC'" EVERYTHING NEW AND CLEAN OF THE BEST QUALITY. Before Spending Elsewhere, Call and See for Yourselves that I. A.. CAREY. CAN SELL AS CHEAP, YES, IN FACT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN PORTLAND. NOTE THE ADDRESS : I.. A. CARE ' CASH DRAPERY WAREHOUSE, JULIA STREET, PORTLAND. THE CHEAPEST STORES IN TOWN. CAMPBELL & SONS, Grocers, Ironmongers. and General Merchants, 'laRrve owa. ý3a 1e Groceries, Ironmongery, Crockery, silasewate, Brushware, Tinware, Paperhangming Paiuits, OilN, Bedateads and Belding, Guns and Ammunition, Pumps, Piping, Tents&Tarpaulins, Building Materials.Timber, \Vindows, Doors,Ridging, Spouting,&c. Prime Butter Cheese and Bacon received from the best Dairiesa. Families waited on for orders, and goods deli.red to all parts of the town and aeburbs. Snecial Values in Teas, Sugars, Fencing Wire, Galvanised Iron, Rabbit Ketting Wu.lanl, ks Crnsaks, anud Farm Duppolie of Ev?Ir Dce'rdnptinn. Country Orders have always our particular attention, are promptly despatched, and Delivered Free at the Portland Railway Station. WE SUPPLY AT LOWEST LRATES s Flour Bran, Pollard, Potatoes, Chaff. Oats, Wheat, Barley, Peas, Rye and Clovers, Cockesfoot, Rye Grass and other Seeds; alsc BorsacsT and AOaICULTUIL&L Ixe UixeTe oCall kinds-Chaffcnt'trs, Horse Works, Ploughs,Harrows,&o C.A.MPB-I.L A TND SONLS Are Cash Purchasers o all Colonial Produce. WATTLE E?BRE We are the Largest Buyers of in the Market, and give THE HIGHEST PRICES. WOOL Received f?, Shipment for Bale in Melbourne or London, and Liberal Cash Advances bMade. SUUBPS? INS We give Higher Prices for than most buyers, and can do with any qnant;,y. Consignments- Invited. NOA8 OnE I Argyle House, Julia Street, Portland. NOTA BENE. YISITORaS TO POTLRTND AND THE RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN & DISTRICT GENERALLY SHOULD BEAR IN MlND THAT wI. Ttessinger & Go's IS THE Best smd leapest Store In Town. ( THE ADDRESS IS PERCY-STREET, PORTLAND

J. J. K. MILLS, SOLICITOR, AS :decided to attend at HEYWOOD E V E R Y ALTERNATE FIRIDAY, commencing on the 25th inst., and may'be consuited at any time after 11.30 at Mr. J. Hanlon's Heywood. WANTED KNOWN. LADIES' FRENCII SAFETY I'ILLS. Something quite new. Restore regularity, any cause arisang, when all other remedies fail. Box posted, 5S; extra safety, 2os. Write: PROFES. SOP. IAUTMONT, 280 Nicholson St., Fitzroy. co?s' Itation Free. &trict Secrecy.

A. RIZZO, WATCIHMAKER, MANUFACTURING. 'JEWELLER AND DIAMOND B?TTER (LATE OF GAUNTS' MELBOURNE.) Has commenced business in premises in Percy Street, ?Prtland, (OrrosiTe Missls, Osfousxn BRos Awardedj First Order of Merit at Many Exhibitions. Designs of any Description Carried Out. Repairs in All Branches Exec CHArGE8 MODELATE.

JAMES ?R KEAN, ihook, 'tatlgpaey, and Fancy Goods Dealer, BE.NTINCK ST:, PORTLAND HT7 P much pleasure in tenderin, his best tbhaIks to all H who have T.vored him with their custom during the years he has carried on the above businesi,and has pleaasre in intimating that in order to tgEDUCE HIS STOCK or Books & Fancy Goods has decided to Offer Every Inducement effect a GENERAL CLE iRANCE, so thnee in search of FANCY GOODB .ould not do better than give him a call. The collection of books to select from is one of the most complete in the district, and no hesitation is made in saying that all classos tray be suited. There is on band a Large Namber of Presentation Books, Writing Desks, Portrait Albums, Photo Frames, Work Boxes, Faocy Stationery, Plain Stationery, Account Books, Eolls, all sires Plain Toys, &c, c., Ic Some teally Choice Lines in Prayer Books, Hymnn Books, Church Serviets, Illuminated Texts and other books and cards used In 'hurches and Sunday Schools. Country o.iers will meet with prompt attcrtion. Make no mistakeabout the address: " OUARDIAN' Book, Stationey, and Fancy Goods Depot, BENTINCK ST., POBTLAND To Woodcarters OODCARTER3 and others are notifed tha'. any PERISON removing timber from or earting through theMarctimo paddocks without having tirst obtained permission will be prosecuted. B. S. U.ATHUEON.

Bank of Yan Diemen's Land, Ltd., (IN LIQUIDATION.) Nos. G. H. FITZGERALD, HOS. XVILLIAM HART, Trustees. GRAND LOTTERY SANCTIONED BY :SPECIAL ACT OF PARLIAMENT OF rASMANIA. 57 Vic. No. 2, 1893, 300,000 Shares of £1 each. FIRST PRIZE valued at £25,ooo. SECOND. £22,500. THIRD, zat,oeo FOURTH, £so,ooo ; and 372 others ranging in value from £g.5oo down to £Ioo. Apply early-GEORGE ADAMS, Collins Street, HOBART, TASMANIA. er -GEORGE-ADAMS, Telegraph:Chambers. BRISBANE, QUBENSLAND. Nora.-The Valuation of the above Properties has been been carefully checked and will bear the closest Investigation. FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. MELLIN'S LACTO-GLYCOSE own, arzzftmK: 3'0oon SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR COUNTRIES WHERE FRESH COWS Mi? CANNOT BE OBTAIRED. . ewe Goods arejrirferem.Ats Getrm end keep g ied is sarm t(lalL To k eblainael fr si Drsrgut. ad ite·r . .L CW1o rerf.1_M e 1sOI. 0 ECHAM' PIL L For Bilous Mnd Nesous Disorders, such as Wind an la the Stomach, Sick Hadache, 6iddlassa Fulsess, sad Swellig aftr meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetit, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Blotches on the Skin, Dituabed Sleep, Frightfl Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Stmsation, &c. Tas PasT Dboss WILL arsI ILTIP tr TWINV MINUTIS. This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Boa of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be "WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." BEECHAMS PILLS, take as d*rted, will quickly restore females to c nmplet health. They promptly remove any obstr?tio or iregularity of the system. For a Wunk Stomuch; rImprin & igtio; Dýsoo red Liver; .ey mea taa.;--a few dN?u Vw ll we rsh u s thevital O?rgam; 5tnebrrl the .bs muIs Oawnýssteth.-Iwts Omlastastec; hdnatab bt be .d. ofdaje te.pp e$, ,4sd aeu cthSe s, oeavo or H·ar ·T thre vmvs, raerT.tsu d w, a a h?e. b t mn ]fa" tvtas. o.n ta bet stnabe s .hp, aere ualtly snosea. TheIs mars"bta " admittel by theamled, Is all d.t Daety ad sw of tthe b?t guarantet the Nerves .an D.sllthd is that 1.e'm Pft k? ?. Largee d?d a. Area?t Med.cire i stlse orld Tlul direttos with u ach box.* . * ms. as "a- saesureeas mm saaos, 1 WELLINGTON, SILVERSMITHS' BLACK LEAD SOAP FOR CLEANING 1SEW OAET011 i 8"SO (LimaTE), WVLLUIGTOQ MILLS, Lo?NON

I EXECUTE ALL KINDS of Blacksmilthing and TWheelwrIghtlng at-the LOWEST RATES, ,Repairs promptly executed. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALITY, CHAP.RLS HOUSEN, Ilenty .treet, - - - Portland. A a guarantee that the whcelwrfighting will be faithfully carried out 1 may crate that all that kind of work is in the hands of Mr. G. bedgwick. TO LET, FURNISHED ROOMS OR FURNISHED HOUSEOPPOSITE the BEACH All information may be obtained at the "GOUAIR)I " OFIICE, Ilnntlrk 'treert Portland. The Great Specific. St. Jacobe Oil Conquers Pain. The Universal Household Remedy foe Pain. A meet Marvellous Health Reeterer. The Woerld Premier Cure for Aehee and Brueelm. The aoknowledged International Rem. edy far Rheumatlm and all other Palnful Ailments. Aetenlehing ouree reported Every Del Thousands of Testimonllae reeeived from orateful Auetrallane. bt. Jacebe 01 promPtly oures Internal Paine. Ahelutelel the Beet Ixternal hemledy before the Public. Its Reputation le World-wide A nreat Suocess wrought out of Pure Merit. Awarded Twelve Gold Mehdal atvarilue International Exhibitions. Beware of Worthles Imltatleo4l Sold throughout Australasia ber Chemists and Storekeepers ST. JACOBS OIL Oures Rheumatism, Lumbage, Solatioa, Neuralgia, Sprain,? Bruises, Strains, Gout, Sore Throat, Soreness or Stlffnms of the Joints or Musoles, Backache, Toothache, Headache, Faceache, Burns, Outs, Scalds, and Abrasions of an kinds. ed Wholesale Agents for VIltorts: e FELTON, GRIMWADE & CO, MELBOURNE.

FOR COLDS, COUCHS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL Throat and Lung DISEASES. As an emergency medicine, a safeguard for children, an ever-ready remedy to be relied upon in eases of colds, coughs croup, whoopin-cough, influenra, and all diseases ot the throat and lungs. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has no equal In pharmacy. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, S Mass., U. S A. gjT"Beware of cheap imitations. The name-Ayer's Cherry PectoralIs prominent on the wrapper, and is blown in the glass of each of our bottles. Ge BRUNNI G AND SIINS, NURSERYMEN & NEW PLANT MERCHANTS, BBG to notify their NEW PLANT & FRUIT TREE CATALOGUE is NOW READY and will be forwardsl GRATIS on application, ST. KILDA NURSERIES. Brighton-road St. Kilda. WINDSOR TELEPHONE ,12 OUR SPECIALITIES For this Season comprise New Cannas. New Roses, New Chrysanthemums. New Pelargomums, and many other New Things. In addition to which we have a very large and varied Stock of Hardy Trees, Shrubs, and Florists; Flowers, by far the LARGEST IN THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES. FRUIT TREE DEPARTMENT. We have a Good Stock of Fruit Trees, dean and healthy. Our APPLES are all WORKED ON BLIGHT-PROOF STOCKS. n Oranges, Lemons. acclirsatised trees. both New Soi:th Wales grown and Victorian. Japanese Perslmons, Asparagus, Rhubarb Seakalc. Pittasporums. and other Ornameatal Shrubs for Garden. Hedges:--Vhite Thorn. 3ox Thorn, etc. Intending purchasors please write for a catalogue, and if visiting Melbourne come out and inspect our stock and judge for yourselves. OUR NURtSRIES Are about 4 mtles from the City, adjening tlhe St. Ertda Tram Terminus. 3d SIDE PROI MELBOU]RNE RIET TO TE wNUiROEY GATES. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PJLLS AND OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Blood, corrst all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, arA are invaluable in all com. plaints incidiital to Female?. THE OINTMENXT is the only aslable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulers. For Bronchitis, Diphther, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rlheumasm, and o all Skii Diseases it u no eql. Sold by the Proprietor, Tsofas IIHonowA, $33, Oxford Street, Leades and by all MIfdicLe Vendors tbreqebg the World. DYEING DYEING!! DYEING,I:! WANTED 1000 SUITS of Clothes to Dye, Clean and Repair Ladies' Dresses from 7s 6d. Reductions in ents' Clothing. Anoass :-J. CARVOLTH, Dyer & Hairdresser, Opposite VsctorIla Iotel. Hamilton. Agent for Portland & District, MR.J. WILION, Hairdresser and Tobaccouist, Julia stree: Portland. IREAKFAST-UIUPPER. EPP S'S ORATIFUL-OOMFORTINo. COCOA lOlLING WATER OR MILK. D. BROWN. PERCY & JULIA STREETS H.E. SAMPSON, nERT3ERTER CORNER OP " HURD & GAWLER' fREETS, * PonTX.A.x.n. Cotmtry Orders Punctually Atuc5lned T. CHATTERBOX for THIS YEAR, BOYS OF E1NGLA.ND, BOYS QU\ARTERLY NMPIFER BOYS CO'MIC JOURNdL. and a lot of other INSTRUCTIV\'E 'ORKS Also. Some nice yet cheap TOYS and IANCY GOODS, suitable for rtonENTS. AT GUARDIAN BOOK DEPOT, PRINTED and Published by JAM.ES T. R. KKA? at the office of the '* Portland GuardiSn Bentinc-street. Portland, is the Colony of IN Victoria, Australia