Hobart Town Gazette and Southern Reporter (Tas. : 1816 - 1821), Saturday 22 March 1817, page 1

Hobart Town ;


Average price of Articles bought to Hobart Town this Morning.

Wheat 10s. per bushel ; potatoes 12s. per cwt. fowls 5s. per couple ; eggs 2s. 6d per doz. butter 6d per lb.

Sitting Magistrate for the ensuing Week


Assize of Bread for the coming Week

Wheaten 9d. or 4lbs. of Wheat-Household 7d. or 3lbs. of Wheat.

SHIP NEWS.—Yesterday evening arrived from England, which she left the 17th of November, the ship Harriett, Captain JONES, having on board 45 Passengers; among which are, Mrs. JE-MOTT, and child; Mr. LORD, and Family, son of Mr. James Lord, of Elizabeth-street; several Settlers ; and five Gentlemen, who are come out as Missionaries.— She touched only at Rio de Janerio on her passage, where she remained three weeks.

On Monday last returned to Port the brig Sophia, Capt. KELLY, from Port Davey and Macquarie Harbour, with a valuable cargo of

Pine.- Passenger, MR. AYERS, who we are rejoiced to state is some-what recovered from his long and severe fit of illness. We under stand he is to sail again for the same Port to-morrow morning.

The arrival of the Harriott brings us the pleasing intelligence of Admiral Lord Exmouth having checked the prrgrcis of the aigerincs


Wc Copy the following ExtrA& from A Letter joft received by A Corjrcfpondent here from his Friend in London :«-%* 1 he long c*>n tinentAl wAr, And the VArjety of politiCAÍ circumftAcicca, hAve te* duced the commerce of this country to A very low ebb,- I he de* preffiorrintrÁde/Arid gcftcrAl dtílrefs, perhAps were never knowra JagrcAt.'r-TherAge for etntgrAtion h Almoft uopfccedeiited«~-4ome no "doubt to retrieve theif néÂriy extîAuftcd fortune*-at hera to feek uh^t employment which thgy cAnnot ob:Am in their owfî country«**

The following most interesting despatches from Admiral Lord Exmouth, upon a complete victory of the tyrant of Algies^ p?e> fume will he highly gratifying to Reidets :



Captain Brisbane, of His Majesty's Ship Queen Charlotte, arrived

at this Office lafl- Night wi.h the following Dr fpaîchc* from Ad« mirai Lord Exmouth, G. C% B. addrefled to J, W. Clinker, MIK

Queen Charlotte, Algiers Bay, Aug. 28, 1816. Sir - In all the vicissitudes of a long life of public service, no cir-cumstance has ever produced on my mind inch impreffiona « i grati-tude and py as the event of ycilctday. To have been OAC of the humble inftruments, in the hands of Divine Providence^ foi bringing to realon a ferocious government, and deftrcying f *r ever the intuf« forable and horrid iyftcm of Chnftian il a vet y, c*n ru v-t ce*fe to be a fource of delight and heartfelt comfort to cvetv individual tippy enough to be employed in tr. I may, I hoi e, be prrmittrd. undtr fuch imprefíions, to offer my fincere corgraiulattons to thtit Lotd fhips on the complete luccefs which attcnoed the gallant effnnj t f his Majefty's ficet in their attack upon the A^g eu ot xefterdav ; and the happy refuk produced from it on this d*y by the hgnatuie of


Thus has a provoked war of two days exigence been attended by à complete viôory, and ciofed hy a renewed peace f r Sî.giaod and her ally » the king of the Netherlands, on conduiors d;itatco in the firmnefs and wifdom of his Majefty's govetrmctttt and con m nJed by the vigour of their mcafures*

My ihanls are jufHy due for the honour ard c^rfiience h;s Ma jelly's mimfteis have been p^eafedto ?cocfe on mv zt«l on tilt» high-ly important occafion. The means wfre by them in de adrq-ive to my own wifhes* tnâ the rapidity of their meafures fpeak for th.-m felves. Not more than one hundred dsys fines, I left Alg** *s wish the Britiih Seer, usifufpicious and ignorant of the a*r* cHes wbit^ h «d been commuted at Bona j that fleet on its ai rival it* ïi ¿I nd wat tieceffarily diíbmded, and another with proportioned iciouice«: cre-ated and equipped | and atthongh impeded in us preguéis by caima end adverie winds* h.-i poured the vengeanceot an ii.iulred tMUün, in chaftifine the cruelties ot a ¿eroncus çovcintarnt wi*h a ptompfi* lüde beyond ex am pie, and highy hon« ur^ble tu the nan nal cUar aiter, eager to refent oppreiE »n or cruelty, whenever pf ¿lifed tspon thoie tmder their protea ion.

Woula to Cod that in the attainment of this tbjeft I had not ¿eeply to lament the federe lois: cf io many galant eföccrs a eui men : they have profufely b*ed in a conteil *h eft his been pee u uily nur« fced by proofs of fuch d-votco beroi I m as would ruufe every i*obIc feeling, did Í dare indulge in telatmg them»

Their loidihips w?U already have been informed, hi his Mayfly's ii ¿Op Jâfper* of my prcceeaings up to the 24th inUam» on which day 1 broke ground from Gibraltar* after a vtxatiousdetention by a foul windy of frur d&ys.

The fi'ctjCumpíete in su its points* wi?h the adds*ion 6' five gun» hosts fi*« ted at Gibraltar» departed m ti? h-gheS fptrirs* and wuh the moft f*vjurafaîeproipcâ ot reaching the pott of their deftinanon in three days 1 but an await wind dtftroved the expeftation < i an caily arnv«!, which was the more arxiouflv looked for by m\felf* in confeque^ce oí hearing, the dayl íaücd horn Gibraltar, that a laige army had been aflembied, and thai ve»y confi;*erabie additional worKs were throwing ups not only on bo?h fi.f.ks of ihe city, but alfo immediately about the entrarce of the mole; from this Ï was apprehenfive th^t my intention of making that point my principal object of attack had been discovered to the dey by the same means he had heard of the expedition* This intelligence was, on the fol-lowing night, gteatiy confirmed by ihe Prometheus« wh:ch Î had defpatched to Aig^era fomc time before, to ende, your to get aw;-y rhe confuL Captain Dafhwood had with difficulty fucceeded ra bringing away$ dsiguif d in mi¿íhipman,$ uniform, his wite and daughter^ leaving a bogt to bring off their infant child, coming dowa in a baiket with the furgeon* who thought he hid com poled it» but

[The remainder of thefe defpatches are neccflanly refcrved for next tveek's Gazetie? owing lo the corfiacd (late of our type*]

THE LATE BATTLE.- The Algerines, it would seem, have been much undervalued as to their ikillin gunnery :. ihe lateaâion againft them, our readers will be iurprifed to hear, was the blood* eil which has been fought of late ycatsf in companion to the numbers employed» In this attack there appears to have been fivs fail ot the line and five frigates engaged* the crews of which may be computed at about ¿000 mea ¡ of whom sa8 were killed9 and 69Q wounded« To*

tal 818.

If the Dutch frigates were added, they may be taken at about 1,500 of whom 13 were killed, and 32 wounded; so that the totals would be, of 6,500 men, 141 killed, and 722 wounded. Total 863. Our readers will see that the proportion, therefore, of the killed and wounded in this action exceeds the proportion in any of our former
