Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1875 - 1954), Monday 15 December 1947, page 1

Christmas Food For Britain AS still more disturbing reports are being received of the food situation in Britain, with the ominous news that this winter will be the grimmest the British people have yet to face the Red Cross is making a special Christmas effort to send extra food to Britain. It is suggested that all make a special effort to celebrate their own Christmas by making an extra donation of food for Britain. The society is having gift labels printed for this purpose. When donors purchase their own good the:, should buy all extra tin or two for the unfortunate people of Britain. They could then attach these special gift labels (giving the name of the donor and the branch to which they belong), and the Red Cross unit concerned will forward these contr.butions to headquarters for- b'.lk shipment. By means of the label donors will have a direct personal link with the people they are helping. COMMODITIES RECOMMlENDED The following commodities are recommended as being the most useful to Britain: Dried full cream milk, meat, honey, dried fruits, jam, tinned fats, golden syrup (in tins), cheese, boiled sweets, tinned fruits. The dire need for fats in Britain is a matter of deep concern and persons are urged to continue sending all surplus dripping to the C.W.A. It is hoped that all Red Cross units will give this effort their real co-operation, not only during the Christmas season, but In the New Year, arranging their programme at least three months ahead, to ensure that at each meeting a specific appeal is made for a necessary commodity. An earnest appeal is made to all Red Cross members and the general public to give this plan their real support, and to make this gesture a practical thanksgiving for their own good fortune. Gifts may be left at the Hospital Shop (Manifold street), any Tuesday, where labels may be obtained, of at any of the local grocery shops.