Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Saturday 28 February 1920, page 8


This afternoon the Lord Mayor and Ladj Mayoress will entertain at afternoon tea at the 'Lady Mayoress's room at :he Town Hail che interstate prearaen of the party' which has been enquiring into the dried fruit industry.

Iieut.-Col. Tristram James, D.S.O., who has' been staying with his patents at Jeffcott street, North Adelaide, returned to Sydney by Friday's express. Mr. President1 Jethro Brown, of the State Industrial Court, was a passenger to, Melbourne by the express on Friday afternoon. The Chairman of the Ade laide Hospital Board (Mr. W. G. Coombs) left Adelaide by the same train. At the Lister Hail, Adelaide, on Friday nignt, Mr. J. G. Reimann, head teacher of pianoforte at the Elder. ?Conservatorwm, was presented with a wallet of notes in appreciation of his services in the cause of mufic in South Australia. Mr. Reimann, accompanied by his wife and daughter, will shortly leave the State for Europe, for a 12 months' trip. The Lord Mayor (Mr. F B. MouHen). who made the presentation.

and. the Director of the Coneeryatorium (Dr. E. iHarold Davies) reierred iu appre ciative terms to ftlr. Reimann's work. Mr. fl. Oi Sexton read a letter addressed to iJr. Reimann by his students and the com mitte responsible for thV presentation. A delightful programme, comprising musical and vocal items, was contributed to by Misses Mollie Alexander, Hilda Reimann. K.itie Joyce, and Lily Sara, Glesdames Harold Sexton and H. H. Peters, and Mr. Harold Pareona, Mus. Bac. The Rev. F. J. Miles, O.B.E., D.S.O., the ,pastor-elect of the North Adelaide Baptist Church, if expected to arrive by the Friedricheruli on Tuesday. Mr. Miles will go on to Melbourne, but return to Adelaide in time to commence his ministry on Sunday, March 14. Mr. F. W. Rose, who until recently was Acting Deputy Federal Commissioner of Taxation in South Australia, was the guest of honour at a social gathering held at the Co-operative Hall, Adelaide, on Friday night. Mr. Rose was employed in the department from its inception in 1911. He proved a capable officer, and won gene ral esteem. After haying occupied the Deputy Comm-issionersbip in this State he was recently transferred to a similar posi tion in Melbourne. He has now resigned , from the Government service to assume

the managing directorship of the Land1 and Income Tax Agency, Limited, a new local firm. On Friday night he was pre sented with an easy chair from his fellow officers. The Deputy Commissioner (Mr. M. Ke^/lev), who presided over a larse attendance, made the presentation. The social was arranged by Misses D. A. Correll and E. B. Stevens, and Messrs. M. D. Mears. A. T. Hutchinson, L. S. Jackson, and H. C. Burnet An enjoyable programme of entertainment was contri buted to bv Misses Ca9ey, Kook, Shrink field, and Treweneck, and Messrs. Berry, Colyer, Cooke, Hutcninson, Lyon, Mul lins. McOarron. Parham. Pointer, Perkins, and Senior. The entertainment was con ducted by Mr. Mears. Dancing followed. Capt. Thring, of the iRoyal Australian Navy, who is proceeding to England by the P. & O- steamer Bremen, arrived in Adelaide by the Melbourne express on Fri day. He was met by the District Naval Commandant (Commander Bracegirdle). Mt. A. G. Sainsbury, formerly Chief Commissioner of Police of Victoria, died on Friday morning at Vine street, Moonee Ponds, at the age oi 06 years. Members of Chalmers Church con gregation tendered a farewell to their minister (the Rev. (Dr. J. A, Seymour) and Mis. Seymour, at the Y.W.CA. on Friday night, on the evcof their departure for a six months' visit to Canada. Mr. Walter Torode, who pre sided, save Dr. Seymour a substantial wal let, of oank notes, in behalf of the as semblage. Mueie was .provided by the church choir, Messrs. .Harvey, Jame3, Evans, Soble, and Grivell, and Missea Mabel Lawes, Tvy Grivell, and Thelma Martin, A.M.UA.

Mr. Charles Frederick Jahn, 'who died thcB week -ait Wcso street, Bronrpton, a* the age o! 75, arrived at Port Adelaide more than 70 years ago, and ever since that time had lived in the HLndmaiwh dis tract. For a number' of yeare he was em ployed at -bhe Hindmaren Brewery, and later was engaged in 'Phe tram service until itihe adveiw of the electric system. Ho kss an active worker in the Loyal Hindmaiish Lodge, Manchester Unity, I.OjO.'F., and the Hhalfcraan'B Pride, A.OJ1. He 5iafl left a' widow, one son (?Mr. W. JaJin, of Parkside), and four daughters (Mrs. A. D. Virgin, of North Adelaide; Ofrs. W. C. Hann&m, of Largs iBay; Mrs. D. S. Lannam,_ of Kobe; and ?Miss tM. Jahn, of Bromptdn)! A telegram from Sydney on Friday an nounced the arrival at that port of Opl. L. E. De Mole, thei young South 'Austra-lian eng:ocer, «wlo conceived the Idea of a 'tank' as a weapon of war as iong ago as 1912. ..Our Sydney correspondnt aays of him:— 'Despite his ill fortune, Cpl. De Mole retains the hope that he may yet receive some reward for his idea. 'And if I don't get anything it can't be helped,' he said, cheerfully. He added that when he left England the Australian High Com missioner [Mr. Fisher) had taken hia case in hand, and had approaclisd the British authorities with a view to obtaining a spe cial grant, as he had not shared in the dis tribution of the £18,000 awarded in con nection with the invention of the 'tanks.' Gpl.De 'Mole has 'presented the model of h:s tank to the Australian' War Museum, re-fusing the request of the British War Museum for it. The model ?will be ex hibited in Melbourne shortly, and will probably be snown subsequently in the varioia capitals. Cpl. De -Mole intends to remain for a few vreeks in Sydney, ?where his wife is residing.' Mr. Robert Nairn, of Christchurch, New Zealand, who is President of the New Zea land Nurserymen's Association, is visiting South Australia: and met the members

of the local nurserymen's association on Friday afternoon. There was an interest ing interchange of views. Mr. Nairn ex pressed himself as much impressed ov the condition of Adelaide parks and gardens, which, he said, indicated the excellence 'of the work accomplished by the nurserymen of the State. The mil of the late Mr. Colin Suther land, of Elgin, near Bcachport, farmer, has been sworn for probate purposes not to ex ceed £35,200. The estate has been be queathed to the widow and family of tes tator. ? ,