Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), Tuesday 2 November 1875, page 2

TABLE TA.L1K. Boouote Couscz..--The fortnightlv etuetiug of thie Portlanid Borough 3 Council, yesterday, at 4 p.m., lapsed I for want of a quorum. A groat a number of the umembnhers are now out of town. Tte next meeting will be held on the 15th inst. PUBLIcATIONs RecitvED.-We are r indebted to Messrs E. Whitehead d: Co., I of Melbourne, fur copy of report of f proceedings ait the dinner of the Cobden SClub, July 11, 1874. ; the Right Hon. W. E. Baxter, M1.P.. in the chair, with report of the committee adopted at the Igeneral meeting on June 4, 1874, and e list of members. The pamphlet consists 1 of 113 pages totned paper, with paper cover, and printed by Messrs Cassell, r Petter, and Galpin, London, Paris, and s New York. The chairman in his openi, ing address said he had letters from the late Mr C, bden, urging himn when entering political life not to forget the iosporrtance of a wise economy, to busbhand the state resources in times of a peace, and so set free the springs of e industry, and lessen the burden of the Speople. T'ile more tlhoroughly to conserve the interests of the Blritish nation, I he held Cobdeni would, if still alive, i applaud the policy which now obtains and prevents Great Britain from the - vain attempt to adjust the balance of power in Europe u3 shown in the wretched result of the treaty of 1815. which provided merely for dynasties without refrencce to nationalities, or the 'vishes of the people. Mr Cobden was desirous that some person should take up the Laind Laws as hie had the Cornm Laws, and he, the chairman, was convinced-" That the aggregation of large properties, especially when situated in different parts of the country, in the bands of one proprietor, is a serious evil and a social danger. Every statute which, directly or indirectly, fosters such a state of things ought to be repealed." The chairman and the gentlemen who followed made excellent speebhes on free trade and protection, and the pamphlet is ceitainly a valuable contaibution to I the literiature on these important subjects. WVe are in recei t of the November number of the Ausralian Jouriial, which has the full conmplementt of tales, essays, poetry, news iotices, but no music, antd this will certainly f be a disappointment to some of the subscribers. Tue 3ELBo UNe RACes. - .The local paltrotns of the Melbourne Cup would do well to notice the alteration In the time of sailing of the s.s. Otway e fiom 7 a.m. to 6 a.m., on Friday next, 5th inst. Those of our country readers .el.o have seen the advertisement all. nIouneing seven as the hour. of departure will be all the better pleased with the I alteration as it will give the chance of ail I hour earlier iin fobson's Bay. From advertisement it will be seen the Rob RIoy, es., will sail for the Cup meeting at 4 s.m. on Moinday next, the 8th inst. CoUrNTY CouRaT.-Saturday next, the 6th inst., is the last day for' the issue of ,smimouses for the next court. T1'ast NewY ARRIVAL.-On Saturday last Mr Littlefield's new schooner was moved from the stocks to the water's edge, and was baptised in the orthodox style by the owner's daughter, Miss Carry, and William Sandry Iladdick. The vessel is 52 feet overall, 14 feet heam, ond 5 feet 8 inches deep; and is 24 tons register. The vessel is intended ,to trade between Rivoli Bay and Adelaide, and we learn that she will carry fromn our port Mr Benjauin Lear as nmaster. The schooner is strongly built, blackwoud frame, with stringybark plaiiking, copper fastened, and the finish shows that the builder, William SaIndry, is fully up to the work. Boat builditng in i'urtland calnnot be regarded as a new industry, but now that it is known what our craftsmen can do in that way, its rapid expansion is probable. The hull of the new aschooner is being now coated I with patent comlposition, anid the launch will take place this evening, or some time to morrow.