Alexandra and Yea Standard and Yarck, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express (Vic. : 1908 - 1949), Friday 12 February 1926, page 2

DOMIESTIC ARTS AND MOTIERCRAFT CARS TO VISIT ALEXANDRA. The domestic arts and mothercraft cars of the Better Farming Train will arrive by the ordinary train on Monday next (Feb. 15th), and demonstrations will be given on that day from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and on the following day (Tuesday) at 11 a.m. and 2 to 3 p.m. Women living in the city do not realise how much is made available for them. Just in the next street or a few block's away there is generally a baby health centre, where one may obt.ain the necessary information to keep her children in good health and well-being, and any young girl can enter the schools of domestc art and learn how to keep a house and to dress herself. Until the women's section of the V.F.U. arranged for these special visits by the sesctions of the Better Farming train, the great majority of country women had no possible chance ofobtaining any such knowledge first hand. From an educational l point of view the whole scheme is of inestimable value in assisting the mothers of the State to bring up their chilldren in the way thety should grow. In the domestic-art section much interest is taken in the cookery, and demonstrations are given in plain cooking, invalid cooking, cakes, pastry, jam mrking, preserviug and other bran-hes of the ctltnary art. Lectures are also held in home management and domestic hygiene, and the dress making' demonstrations never tail to arouse interest.