Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), Monday 5 December 1864, page 2

gdable t? dllt, Bu.Lne SoczETY.-The monthly committee meeting of the Bible Society, will be held on Thursday evening next, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Percy-street. We understand the Rev. Mr. Ttclker is in the neighbourhoodand it might be as well for the committee at its nmeting to consider tile propriety of asking that gentleman to, visit Portland as on previous occasions. BENEVOLENT ASYLUf1.-- lr. \V. Cooper ncknowledges receipt through the Collector, Mr. II. 1Jeauvais, of the tfllowing sums in nid of the Institute:-A and D. ,l cEchlernl, £2 2s.; W. McPherson, £2,; Mc's liotel, 10. Gd. D'truHERIxs. - It is aflirmed, on good authlority, that three children in. the fimily of Mr. I. Iloskins, Bridgewater, are now suffering from dipitheria. ACCIDENT.-A rather serious accident lihppened to Mir. Hector Mcl)ougall, of Branxholme, on Thursday last in the Nine Mile Forest on his wuy front lleywood to Portland for supplies. Endeavouring to get into the dray his left foot got entangled in the wheel, and before he was relieved the leg from the knee downward was seriously bruised. He was conveyed to Hogan's Tasmanian Hotel, and medical assistance called in. We are happy to say that no dapgerous consequences are apprehended.

ATTEMPTeD 1NCESDIAR:SM.-A most diabolical attempt was made on Saturday last, about half-past ten p.m., to fire the premises of M1r. Ilenry Smith, livery stables, Percy-street. One of the men engaged in the stables about the hour stated saw a light in the hay loit, and supposing it to be a brother workman called out his name, but on receiving no answer went routnd and inside at the entrance door leading to the hay loft he found a candle burning amongst the litter, hay and straw, on the ground floor -and against the wood work of the partition a part of which was slightly charred. A few minutes more and nothing could have saved the premises as the hay loft and stables are all connected. \\ithin about two or three yards of the place in which the candle was found is a low fenceone or two of the panels or palings of which are removed and through which aperture any one disposed to fire the premises could easily slip, but irrespective of the aperture named, there is nothing in the height of the fence to prevent any evil disposed person from getting over and firing the premises. The candle which is of a peculiar character and not such as ever used ill Smitth's premises, is now in the hands of the police-and it is to be hoped that no effort will be wanting to discover the ruflian, who made such a daring attempt to fire a place, almost as combustible as a match box, and where from twelve to twenty horses are usually in the stalls. We would suggest a reward for the discovery of the incendiaryand there is no doubt the Governmeunt would supplcinent the amount. PoRTLAND IIEADING ASSOCIATION.-On .Monilay evening last, parts of' the play of L" ichard the 111 " was rt ad to a tolerable audience. This evening, tie readings are rolm " Men who have risen," and selectionis from Byron. Fla?.-Between eight and nine o'clock last night, an extensive fire was burning in the direction of Narrawong. LATic NEws.--Greville and Bird's tele. gram, dated Deceuhier the 2nd, auys :--Thi Criekavon Eat station, East WVisisnera district, withl 22,000 sheep and a pre-el?ptive right ot 640 icres, was sold to Guthrie, of Sitniett and Guthrie, Geelong, at 30s G6l per head. BRISBANIs.-There was an extensive fire to-day, the loss sustained by which is estimnated at £00,000. Fifty shops and housnes were burnt down, including the Uilttin Bank and the Ilank of New South \\'uls. Assembly agreed to M'Lellan's motion for a return showing the number of apilications by pastoral tenants tinder the Land . Act, 1862, for permission to fence in their runs, specifying those granted, retu.ed, &c. GoLD. ?x Trie CaVes OTWAY lIANoss.-The following report which appears in the Arlus, must crush, all hopes on the part of our \Varrnatsbool neighbours of gold in the Cape Otway ranges. It is not in mortals to cotmmand success, all we can say under the disappointment is that the efforts of the people of WVarrnambool deserved better:--"T'he hopes at one time entertained of the discovery of a payable gold field in the Cape Otway Hanges are now gone down to zero. Once more has the Geological Survey Depalrtment of the Goverunentt decided against the probability of such a thing. The opinion of the best of its.oflicers has always been opposed to the notion. During the past nine months, a geological survey party, in the charge of Mr. Charles Wilkinson, have been engaged in the examination of the Cape Otway Ranges, with special reference to the probable existence of workable gold or coal-fields, and the general results thereof have been put before the public in two reports from Mr. \\ilkinson. Since then Mr. A. RI. C. Selwyn, the Government director of mining anrd geological surveys, has visited Mr. Wilkinson, and, with that gentleman, visited thle principal points referred to in his reports. From this tour Mr. Selwyn has just returned, and now confirms the correctness and accuracy of Mr. Wilkinson's observations. In the year 1858 lie, after a careful examination of the rocks exposed on tile coast, froln near the Barwoti Heads to Apollo Bay, considered the evidence then obtained slufticient to justify him in expressing a very decided opinion against the probabiliy of remunerative gold-tields ever being found in the Cape Otway district. Again, in 1859," when thie claims of that district came before the board appointed to distribute the Parliamentary grant for prospecting for new gold-fields, he reiterated that opinion, and pointed out the uselessness of expending money in a search for gold in a district entirely occupied by rocks of Mesozoic age. During the last tour Mr. Selwyn has traversed the ranges from Birregurra (twenty-eight miles from Geelong on the Colac road) to Apollo Bay, a distance of about forty miles. He has also carefully examiw:d the coast from Apollo Bay, to Cape Otway and Moonlight Read, and thence to W\Vrrnambool. This examination, coupled with the excellent descriptions M r. Wilkinson's extended observations enabled hilm to give of' other portions of tile district, proved to his (Mr. Selwyn's) sati-faction that the whole ofat it was occupied, as lie had conjectured, by rocks similar to those so well seen on the coast east of Apollo Bay, and he remained fully confirmed in his previously formed opinion, that no rsemunerative goldfield wouli ever be tbtntd there. This remark, applies to every po-tion of country situated south of a line drawn from Geelong west to tihe Gleneilg, near Dartmioor. 'The prospects of a workable coal seat were, i hLis opinion, equally unfavou able. ,t any existed they woull, in his opinion, almost certriinly be cropping out either on somne pIortiitn ot thIe coast between P'oint Rloadkniglht and Moonlight lledl, a distanice ofat over sixty miles, throughout which an enormous thickness of strota is exposed in naturlt sections, or in some of tit rilurnerous deep cutting ravines indt rive'r charnpl.l that hiave now been cureifully exnaminted by Mr. Wilkinson, andt by which the country is traversed in all directions. Mr. Sel.wyin haS seen the goull fouindt by Mr. Mleek in. somie holes sunk on the Gellibrand. Th'tt a tbw spiecks of light gold tnighit rewarld monthls. t careful prositectittg is, in his view, wat hlie should expect, but it does tiot in ally way alter hlis utinion. JonaEa I)UTIFis.--We have from. the Riverine Herald another instance of tile inconvenicsee and delay caused by tile collec-. tion of tile border duties. Our contemiporary says:-" A case, containinig : quantity of the drug known as pain-killer, was seized ont a dray with loading for Mir. Desailly's station, ty tile custom house officers at Mosatma on, 'IThursday. T''he case, it apipears, was marked sundries, and so enteredl in the waybill. It appears that tile carrier rendered himtselft' liable to a colliscation of the whole of hisl loading, as well as of his waggon, and team, for not having all particulars in his waybill. As, howiever, he aippeared to have been acting front igtorance, and not from any desire to defrauid the revenue, the full penalty was not inflicted. Consigners.andd agents should be careful that full particulars are given in way-bills."

NATIVE lsNusTir.-Any of our patriotic readers who require or use hobby horses, and who, without much sIlf sacrifice would wish to encourage native industry, should inspect a hobby horse manufactured out of the wreck of the old 'amnwra, by Andrew Smith, car. penter, of this town, and now in the posses. aslo of Mr. C. Crouch, of the firm I'rangmar and Crouch, Percy-street. The visitor after careful exatnnuation will find that the native is as much superior to the imported "lath and plaister " English hobby horse, as Lantern, the winner ol the Melbourne Cup, is to a thirty shilling hack. But a vastly inferior English hobby horse in Melbourne will cost at the least £8 and the carriage and charges here will cost £2 more. Smith, for a greatly superior article, mlanufactured froml the solid block, saddle, bridle, all complete charges but .7, so that the purchaser whilst patriotically encouraging native industry saves £3. If this last itemn does not prove a clincher in the argument, for the encourage. ment of native hobby horses, it is strange -and the Portland people will go further it support of importations and free trade-than either purse or policy would warrant. With such workimen as Stlth, and a willingness ott the part of the general public, in a few years but few of thie more bulky manufactured articles would be imported here either from England, or, the prisons of America. 1LL?utn?us.-The last match of the billiard tournament between Mr. Roberts and Mr. Iladley, was played at the Bendigo Hotel, Sandhlrst, on Saturday, says the Argue, of the 29th ult., latter player receiving 550 points out of 1,000. Roberts scored breaks of 81, 91, 44, and 108 in quick succession, and reached the required 1,000 when Hadley stood at 911. Tile champiotl afterwards played a game of pyramid pool with one hand, and defeated his opponent by nine to six. NEw ENGL.ANO.-The lsiverine Herald of Saturday contains the followitng:-" A party belonging to Mr. llugh Glass passed throughl Echuca yesterday on their way to New Eng. land. 'ltere were five waggons and above forty horses, M,r. Burns and Mr. Mason be, ing in charge. Some gentlemen are already at work in New England attd Queenslat purchasing sheep for Mr. Glass, wvhich the present expedition will bring down to stock some of his extensive back blocks between the Lachlan and Darling. 1)ivso,--One of the most successful feats in tile art of diving was perlbformed at the Geelong Wharf, on Saturday, the 26th ult. " It seems," says tile 1JullaartSlaur, "that the ship Asiatic, of London, loading with wool, lost overboard part of a hydraulic press, and as an only means, tile master engaged a diver fruot Melbourne, who, in consideration of the. sutm of £5,, agreed to recover the lost pro-. perty.. After an unsuccessful effort,, caused, partly by a disarrangement of the air-pumnp, he made a second descent, and succeeded in, slinging the ironwork. The diver had con. siderable trouble its accomplishing his task, as. he had to dig seven feet it thie mud at the. buttoms." FINE UNDER TiHE Scan AcT.-In the Ham-. Pilice Court report of 28th November, in the. Spectator, of the 29th, we find the following:: .1. '. Shiaw v. Robert Younsger.-T'he defendant was summoned for depasturing a flock of 1537 sheep in a scabby state. The defendant admitted that the sheep were diseased, and: did not object to the number sworn to by the. Inspector, except that he thought lambs ought not to be connted, which, had been, the case. The Bench said the act made no exception in the case of lambs, and they therefore had no, alternative but to inflict the penalty of 3s per head, which amounted to £230 Ils., and 5s. costs. The defendant stated that he was a, poor man, and could not pay the fine; he hoped the Bench would grant time for the. payment of the amount in order to allow himl to appeal. The Bench explained that the. defendant, under the act, had no right of appeal, but lie could apply to the Government for a mitigation of the penalty, and to enable. him to. do so, they would suspend execution, for a week. A NEW: BLOClbADU BREAKER.-A splendid steel paddle steamer, called the Colonel Lamb, has left the Mersey for Halifaitx, e route for Wilmington. The vessel is owned in lyiver-. pool by Messrs. Frazer, Trrenholu, and Co., and is one of the fastest steamers. tihat ever. left that port. 'I'ELEG.RAvPIIt.-A, telegram in the Argus; from Adelaide says:-Business very qui;t. Flour, £17 to £20. Bsrtterdemand for wlhet, 7s. Id. to 7s. 2.d. at Port. None offering.. The crops in the plains ore much damaged by the heat. Floodluman, second officer of the Lubra, was drowned on thi passage fromn, Port A ugusta, having fallen overboard at night.. ALLEGED CRUELTY.-The police, at Sand-. hurst, have laid an information against a veterinary surgeon, in Hargreaves-street (Mr.. Bailey), for cruelty to a horse, by keeping: the animal suspended in slings while performing, or attempting to perlorm, the cure. of a broken leg. " Mr. Bailey," remarks the. Advertiser, " has informed our reporter that he is only adopting a method he has seem. practised frequently in England for the cure. of a fractured limb of a horse. How the police will be able to prove cruelty in such a case appears strange. The veterinary surgeon may be only adopting the Shaksperian motto, ---' to be cruel, only to be kind.'" ScAn CASEs.--lt tile I/amilton Spectator. of Saturdiy we find the following --J. F. Shaw u. Cumneron (Nigretta).-Mr. Powell for the defence. This was a prosecution, under the Scab Act for owning scabby sheep. Prosecutor, sworl', said-I asu a sheep in-. spector for the Portland district. On the 22,.ul of November I was out at Kanawalla sand there saw twenty-Four sheep with the brand of thle defimndlan on them. I examnined. on, of thlese sheep, and fpund it tobe infected, with scab. Tile shleep were branded N, which, is the brandl of the Nigretta station. Since, taking out thie sumatnocs I have had reason to, think tlhat there is a Ipossibility of the sheep, having been placed where they were bfound. I was informed that somae. sheep hIad been, taken off thie Nigretta station, and placed among n flock of the Kanawalla station. sheep. I thinik it proper to state this to the. Betnchl. Unler thetsecircumstalnces theBench stutsdl that thiey would not inflict tihe heavy peardty for having scabby sheep on a neigllh-. burirng run, but wohld fine the def,'ndant. three shillings per head for the twenty-four Mr. Stewart of Buochara run was fined £1. for having a few sheepl unbranded. PLtoRo-P?Ne uMov .-'TThe Border WYatch, reports that a good many cattle are said to be dying in tile district at present through this disease. Around t?he Mount it is chiefly fatal amonog working bullocks, and several teartns have met with heavy losses. The same paper states that a very fatal disease has iseen prsvalent on the Mosquito Plains for several weeks back among the'horse. stock, We re-, gret to learn that MIr J. Robertson, has been a heavy loser, several of' his best brood mares having succumbed to the disease..

L>:GISSLATiV ASSEMtsLx.-'The :Irgus, of the 27th ult., has the following respecting the appearince of the Assembly at tile opening on ilonday=-Tbe Legislative Assembly yesterday presented a remarkable appearance. Of the sevenity-one members who took the oaths, tifty-five chose seats to the right of the speaker's chair, and, in consequence, the benches usually assigned to Ministerial supporters were inconveniently crowded, while gentlemlen on the other side of the House could stretch their limbs with ease. Protectionists were to be seen everywhere, save on the benches of the Opposition proper. Some were behind the Treasury bench ; others were in that equivocal region on the Ministerial side below the gangway, places in which were eagerly sought for on this, as they have been oui former occasions, for the reason that there a menmber can worry a Mlinister without being considered an oppoaleut of the Goverlnmeut; but the ultra-protectionists-the elect of the Australasian Reform League-to the number of some seven or eigbt, took up their quarters on the Opposition side, below the gangway, where they were overlooked by Mr. John Moffatt, the solitary occupant of the back bench in that portion of the house. Mr. O'Shanassy had the front Opposition bench all to limself, except in the interval between the taking of the oaths by Sir Francis Murphy and his election as Speaker, when, as a matter of convenience, the suemiber for the Murray Boroughs placed himself beside the member for Kilhnore. Sitting behind the ex-Premier were Mr. N. Levi, Mr. O'Grady, and Mr. Levey. Mr. J. T. Smith, Mr. Edwards, and Mr. Kyte sat on the same benches-below the gangway on the Opposition side--which they occupied last session, and there they had the company, for the tirst time, of AMr. Graham Berry. Mr. Lalor, Mr. Iloward, Mr. D. Moore, Mr. Carpenter, and Mr. M. L. King appeared bebind the Ministry. Mr. llarker and Mr. Greeves took seats below the gangway on the Ministerial side. According to the present disposition of forces, the Ministry have an overwhelming majority. AcCLIMATIsATIno.-By the Saxonia, says the .r.us., of 29th Novcmbcr, a very valuable collection hlas arrived for the Acclimatisation Society, consisting of several birds, and a case of plants, presented by 1-lis Excellency Sir Henry Barkly; two Madagascar sheep (out of six placed on board), by Mr. Weihe, Jun. A number of gouramier were also placed on board, but unfortunately died, in consequence of the inclemency of the weather to the so uthward. LevuuoPfo?-P 4o0IA.-The Hamilton Spec. tator sayu ;--'ThiSs terrible disease is still raging amoslg the stations of this distriqt, and evnq on th.e totwnship tuany ot the milking cows are dying. We were intormed at Pensburst, yesterday,. that some mysterious deaths had taken. place among the horses in that ]orut?iy, but to what they were attributable ?is not known.. PItANoonaEs.-II tle Argous of the 29th Nov., we find the following:-Mr. Wim. Itlazey, of Bridge road, Richmnond, who exbibited the first pianoforte made of colonial wood at the Victorian, lExlhibition of 1801, has recently introdceed a description of wood for the exterior of pianos which has not hitherto been enployed for that purpose. Bllackwood has generally been used, and the pianos made o( that wood have a very handlsome appearance; but the new wood -dogwood-is still more beautiful, being equal in effect to the best English walnut, whlich it closely resembles in general appearance. A visit to Mr. Blazey's workshop on Saturday brought under our notice two. iustrumlents, superior in quality to many of the pianofortes imported from England.. With the exception of the wire, felt, and iron work, the whole of the instruments are formed of colonial products, and even these were prepared by Mr. Blazey from inlmported raw materials, so that the term "colonial manufacture" may be strictly applied to these instruments. Mr. C. . Ilorsley, whose talents as a musician give weight to his opinion, tested the pianos, and pronounced that their tone and touch were unexceptionable. These instruments are mnanufactured, specially for durability in hot climates. Mr. Blazey has been engagised in the manufacture of pianos here for the last three years; and, in addition to supplying a large number for colonial use, lie has also been enabled to lay the foundation of an export trade in these articles, having made one to order for a gentleman at Java. It speaks highly for his enterprise that, unassisted by the capital of a large firm, and working under many difficulties and much opposition, he is able to produce such excellent instrutuents as be has turned out of his manutfactory. ''ELEtRAPIIIC CONNIEXIO N.-''Theo Various Government offices in Melbou;rne, says the Arguz are shortly to be placed in telegraphic coiiexion with each other. 'The olject ill view is to facilitate communication between the different departments. The line will not be worked in union with the Victorian system. As, however, the central telegaph station is taken into the circle, messages cans be transmitted. to any laceu through this ollice. Skilled operators will not necessarily be required at each departtsnslt, as ti?en seclonissi used--WlVeatstuo e's small printinlg applaratus-though a Cslow, is also a very siuspleo affair. 'rie line is now being erected vid Flinders-street, and probably it will be complulted in a fortnight lt. it shioul iU men-s tioned tlhat tie il-ouses of Parliament are illeluded in tile circuit. IHEALES Mo0NUM-ENT.-A meeting of the Heales Monument Committee was hIeld at the Temperance Hall, Russell.street, yesterday afternoon, says tile Age of tle 2ltth tilt. 'ilse secretary having reported the present position of matters, it was unamnimously decided to close the subscription lists on the 31st December; and the secretary was directed to request the several local committees to remit the amount of subscriptions received by themI to the honorary treasurer, lr. Amnbrose liyte, M.L.A.; and to advertise the decisios of the committee in the daily papers. us.uIInalNSG.O-Trhio Pastoral Tilies rsaisiteins that tlhe post-toffice finances dtrive sui in!direct benefit frossm buishr.,,nging. Our contempsorary observes :-" Owing to thils ila security of letters iorwarsed byi mail tou Sydney, it has Iwhcote the usual Iracticea olf gestlemen. asaking ruesittasnces or writing important letters to the stsetrololi's to thirwurd their letters via Melbourne, tIhu.s benefiting the post olffice finances by the higiher ocesl rate of 61. per fils oc. imstesui of 2d. \tW' are inlbrus'dl that local consigsenrs of gsoosl Iron Eingilnd have wvritten to tile It,?tn'ster-General to re-direct their fulureign ll letters via Melbourne, so us not to give hIhI i I. i,.gang the clhailce uof stelding bills of Tua GA1 LER IuIOSTTR.--Trou blhs is thick-. ii esnag round thle foolish rogue wvho played achi a senseless trick on the publio in flisely reporting the discuvery ol Leichards's re

mains,. ile his, in addition to a former charge of larceny oil which tie stooid committed tar trial, been exxanlined ad comlmitted for trial at the Locual Court, Willunlga, tfor a theft commnitted at Cape Jarvis, June, 1863. Tlit SALMON FIsnaERY.--l',te ll'orcester Ilerold states that " the take in the estuary of the Severn contihnues to be enormous, and has never been equalled in living memory. Mr. \Willinuts, of Wollaston, took upwards of halfa ton ofsahlnon at one tide, and upwards of'a ton in thi.t day. Mr. Merrett, of Arlinguham, took fifty fish at one draught of his net and in the neighbourhood of Lydney there are about ?50 men fishing with 'tie lave net,' which is like the landing net, but much larger. Twot mern took seventy-three salimon ill one day ; and for many a miles people have been flocking to the river io buy the fi-h, t which they get at ain Iiusually low price, anil hawk abut the colluntry for sale. It ii believed that if it had not been for the fheilities afforded by railways, the price of the fish would have been fabulously low." GOVERNMENT ADVERTISING,-The Sydney correspondent of the L'lthurst Tumes, in writing on the loss sustained by the country through the Governlument not advertising, I says:-"In the event of' ar Cowper resuming the premnier.lhip, solme, change may take place for the better in the finaucial condition of the country, and especially in the revenue to bo derived frori the public lands of the colony ; for no doubt can lie entertained of the fthact that by the prsimolllnious 'lenny wise and Ipound fiolish' policy of the present Administration, the land revenue has dimilnished t most ruinou-lv. The withdrawal of all ad1 vertisements froill the journals of. the interior li has evidently been the causecause of the great tfalling off in this respect. In saving a few hlundr,,ds in idverti'ing, the coliony has lost thlousandls in the siles of public lands, and there is no doubt this would be onet of the first nleasures that Mr Cowper's Governlment would effect a change in." t Nearly every journal in the colony produces I examples of tihe non-attendanlce of buyers at Government land sales. AnlOlg,-t the roost Sgli riag itlstances, we may again mention the sale of townl lots at Iledbalnk, a fortnlight n since, when twenty-nine lots were bought at upset by tile only bu3 er inll ttendance. Huad this luid been placeid in the handls of a private auctioneer, with inftructions to use his own discretion ini respect to advertising, we have no hesitation in sayilng that the GovernStent would have realized three times the r amount the sale alctually prolduced. AN AWKWARDs FIx.--During the height of the thunderstorm which visited Rockampton, says the " Northern Argus," a member of the Leichardt Club was standing in front of the lobby window, watching the furious gusts that broke over the t building, when one more violent than the rest blew the said window from its frame, and pitched it over the head of the astonished spectator, whose head passed through the panes, and the weight of the whole mass brought him on his knees, and I regulahly fixed him in about as awkward a position as can well be imagined. The t dilticulty was to make anyone hear during the battering of the rain and the roaring of the wind, and also ti( draw the head back through the pane of jagged glass without damage. At length, however, this was, I with great caution antd difficulty, accomplished, the gentleman receiving in the retreat, only a slight scratch on tie nose, and a smsall wound on the shoulder, into which some portion of the glass had penetrated. Fooatsrt.--A fruiterer named Nortlhey, residing at Majorca, says the lAge, lost £15, on Montday last, in the most sitgular mantier. It appears, fiomn the Talbot Leader, that, having occasion to be absent front home on the Sunday, Iho concealed £15 in notes, tand some silver in an oven. On Monday mtorning, he lit t fire in the oven, without remembering that the money was concealed there. When the fact flashed across his recollection it was too late to socure tlhe notes, which had been reduced to ashes, but Ihe recovered the silver, which was none the worse excepting being disfigured by the heat. A DISTINGUISHED DISCIPLE OF BANTINoIsar.-A Paris correspondent says that the Emperor Napoleon has tried the Banting system for some time, with ,a very visible result.YAN YAN YEAsN VATER.-Ill the Supreme Court yesterday, says the Argus of the 26th tilt., before the full Court, it was ilecieloll, in the case of 1Fellowes v. the Board of Land and l rorks, that the Yaht Yeun Commlissioners cian charge nlt occupltnt for water whether he uses it or not, if suplly pip 's are laid down to his premie+e. Mr. 1'. II. Fellows not requiring the Yin Yenn watter had given a notice of his intentiont to discontinue the use of it, unad had iemlOved the service-pipe, &c, laid on within his premnises. The colnulissiteelrs contendied that thl slpply was cotmpulsory, and that if they laid on a scrvice so its to brtig at supply to lilly iremises, the occupanlt mlst pay, though he declino to use. The Court held that, thouitsigh English lhgihtition for tihe EnglishI case-generailly that of a private coalpuny, supIlyitig idtlividtuals-fall Ieel aitlojitedl for tihe Victorian case-tthut of ia publito undertiaking iunTder public maniIagemenlt to suipply u publile wantt-witliout thu fullest aid ilost cuiretul aduptatliol beec used, yet tihe languago atI' intention were on the whole sauliieintly clear, and the defetnldaunts' view was thie right one. Tl'tE SAcr.toe Patt.-B?v the Blailck Swan, nwe (A.,rus) lhave TIlasUltliltni papIqers to the 23rd ult. Tilue Hobaurt owset ileircury, of that date, sitys:--"TIie salhiont, or rtlher the il rr, at our briedihig e.talithlsIlent ot the Plenty hitve islow louidl their wilay iuto the large pondtl i'lrelpard for their re;elition below thIi Itclhiug fuloxes, itld are progi'eusittg inI a highly satisfictttory itntitier. Duliiig thelinst fortninh I theiy tave led engerly, anit hiive ereepltiblh iicreusedl in silz, though thiu' growth, up to th l pre'sent ttilte, has not ic!en so ripid ats thifut of tile trout. Eor the trout, a ual'lentlinee lpu n d t, ~cevelltv v y irds lon g , v lir ilg firo i te e a to twelve h'et in withtl, leut ldig into thie roulndl cllitaril?g Ulll, fhus 'Lt'nI conltructl'd. ''Thle uplier lIart of this scrpeUntine piond col- t sists of a series of shallow gravelly rapids, with here andi there a few larger stones. ITheI trout cvitdeutly apptrcci'te the arrttangemtcttt i:made for tlheim, us ill finle weather a few are constantly to be sent dartig off the raIllids to the frindtlly shelter of the larger stones. Miny of them are fromn two to three ihcles in length. As they ilave amiple room, they will he kept where they are till they become spawning fish, which wtll probably be by the autumn of 1866.