Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), Tuesday 6 January 1863, page 3

D-I . i:a-B V.. ra. MRO 00* OWN. CmRREiroNDENT.] S2ndSh Js.A 8b3. On Christmas day, the Rev. Dr. Russell conducted worship in St. John's Church, and 'favoured us with a discourse, that cannot fail long to renmain upon the nmiuds ot his audjtors ; toward. the close of his se'rznno he said that he was an udvocate for chuerftil fittivity at this present Beason, but would not have it a sehlisa feasting, ratlhor ,in prepsring for our *own eajoyment, he would have us look around, and if we found in our midst some unable to providle necessary comforts for themselves, we should share our plenty with them in order that all might rejoice alike; and further that if any of us had friends at home requiring help we should think of them also and relieve their wants at this season of joy and gladness. On Friday a friendly game at cricket was played between Digby and Merino, fortune smiled on the latter-and. our. town had to submit to a pretty good beating; the return match is to be played in a day or two .and then perhaps we way have to tell a different tale. Boxing day also witnessed some very good races, the temptation of valuable prizes having induced a large nunmber of horses to put in an appearance; each race was hotly contested and afforded much amausement to a numerous assemblage of townsfolk and visitors. On new years day the school children had their-annual festival and were regaled with unlimited quantities of cakes, tarts, tea, fruit, &c;, kindly provided by several residents of the town and neighborhood; Dr. and Mrs. Russell andl some visitors arrived at 2 o'clock, and the children nothing loath eagerly attacked the good things and kept a dozen ladies actually engaged in supplying their wants; however, appetites fadiled at last and with three hearty cheers for their entertainers, the young peoplo adjourned to the church, where in kind and simple words their much loved Pastor expounded to them their duty to God and their 'nei hbors. The congregation of St. John's have since the opening of the Church been mnuclh indebted to a young lady of the neighborhood for her valued services in conducting the musical portion of the Church worship, and the advent of the New Year was deemed a fitting occasion on which to recognise the obligation, soat the chiose of his remarks to the children, Dr. Russell carne forward and said he had been requested to present Miss Owen with a book as a very slight acknowledgement of her kind attention from Sunday to Sunday, and then begged her acceptance of a superbly bound copy of " Lyra Germanica," beautifully illustrated and bearing a suitable inscription. I have to record the death of Mr. Joseph Price, one of the founders and first Office Bearers of "Court Perseverance" A. O. F. and one of the nmost respectedl of the brethern of the Court; he was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him, and his decease at the commencement of what promised to he a long career of usefulness, has cast a gloom over the town and Ineighbourhood. iHis remaanis were interred this afternoon and were followed to the grave by the brethren of thie Order and a large numnber of sorrowing friends; I)r. Rlussell read our sublime service and addressed the assembly in a few wortl that brought tears into the eyes of all praesent,-words that could not fail to prove highly consoulatory to the bereaved family; at the conclusion of the Epistle the S.C.II. read the Foresters "address at the grave," andI then the body was consigned to its last resting place in "sure and certain hope of the resurrectiona unto eternal life."