Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Friday 27 October 1916, page 12



STIRLING EAST, October 26.-For several weeks there have been dangerous ruts in the Mount Barker road. It is wonderful that serious accidents have not occurred. Recently the holes have been so deep as to be exceedingly perilous to vehicular traffic. The Stirling council would not recognise any responsibility to repair them because it is a Government road. Two old-age pensioners, both of whom are over 80 years of age, fearing serious results, without payment of any kind, procured metal and blinding and filled up two of the worst holes. One of these fine

old men on Saturday last repaired a danger spot at Stirling West. Tlie other unsafe place,, at Strung East, a little below the Church of Christ, was made safe by the second octogenarian on Monday. These grand old man deserve the warmest thanks of the travelling public. As-sistance in the second case was given by a well known resident, who brought along his horse and


MAYFIELD, October Jo.-A successful evening was held at-Mr. Rasheed's residence. There was a J.-iTge attendance. The proceeds amounted to &i, and will be denated tn Bed Cross anJ sr-hoo) fund«. The dancing-room tra« tastefully decorated The programme wa«:-Overture, Mi«. M. Bci«l; ' Laughing song,',* scholl ehildrcn; "Sing na a Ming of Australia," Mi«« .Al. Reid; Dutrli nong i??/. ,,ttlc ,",,'*(*r»n* "Queen of the earth," Mr. Mitchell: step élance. Miss Lindt Rashecd; artion song, 'Australia's naval cadets," six boys; recita-tion, "Sani.- Hans and the mouse." Master .No*] Bas teed: sonsr, "Some heart« will be jevful," en-coré, "Alliât do you think of Australia now," Miss M: lîcid; song, "Fncle's em the battlefield," Mt** Linda Rashecd. Dancing followed until the we" hours. Mr. V. Erwin and M. Cronin carried out the duties of M.'s C. Supper was provided, and Mr. J. Haren moved a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Rasheed for the enjoyable evening srunt "."!> .to M*-« K- "'ci'" for the items given by til» children. .Arr. J. Trat era seconded, and Afr. Ba-hced. on behalf of his wife and Mi*» Reid, responded.

MYPOLONGA, October 23.-Anae Bat* wa» celenratcd here on Saturday. A capital programme oi morts wat presented on the Recreati an Ground». rh» weather was fatorablc, and a large crowd assembled. The «ccrotarv (Mr. Mark it.-i.Mior) and the committee have reason to li* proud of the effort- The ret amount raised was *>*20 1/10. whirh is to be hand-d to the Murrav Bridge Red Cress Society. Mr. C. V. Subbci* was «tarter and Mr. Cowan fudge of the horv cients. Ro»iilts.-Handicap Trot-A. .Tones, B. .lerne«. Melin Race-A. «"chnlz. A". Cavie. Maiden Hack Race-M Man.lestolT. H. LieiHt.

Horse over Hurelles-H. Liebelt. U .Shcrlie. Best Ladt- Ridr on Best Action Pony-Miss Mobbs, Mus« Manglcttoff. Plough Horse Raee-A.-Jones, V L41.7"*,'0-"*''' I"pn^r"ov«3'-. Hnnlles-H. Langi-;-, A. Schultz.- AA'nlkv Trot- find Gallop-P. .lone«. 'í;v.;'<;''íl"-j'-'' T»Hir.«r¡a.W. Batter, A .GrcenthieMs.

_»''*.* *?*'*"'*?-a»'den Plate -0, Macwkoviak. .*-hcffle-M:llanrtitiip-MrXamara. .T. Bath, r-iameio R-e»»~R. 11-v, Jk. Schultz. Jump-AV. luxter. J. Bath. Stepping (he Distance-S. Hanns. Sack Race-R. Day. lh-op-kiek Football-\". Cati*:. Hots' Hieb Jump-). Cameron. Lad'ts' l Bare-Al. Alanirlestoff. 0. Collis, Dinner "-nil

afternoen ton were provide«! bv the lae'ies, and a cool drink anil siveet stall ivis conducted trv Mr. ami Mr«. AV. K. Xole«.. In the evening n dance supper wa* held in-(.lark's Hall. Mr. K, RaHiman» waslM.f'.. and Mr. MeXajKara.itipplicil : *_. i . . ' . -;

YORKETOWN, *Octob«r! 25.-TOe mnplier of

Cirl«!.ims toreéis sent from southern Yorke Peninsula to the men at the front «re-Yorke-town, MO; parcels weighing «00 lb.; Edithburgh, 59 paresis, 411 lb.; Alinlaton, 105 pireels. «W3 lb.; Stansbury, 07 parcels, 316 Ib.: Warooka, 8 parcel«, ,">( lb.

DELAMERE,- October, 25.-A 'slight earthquake shook ".waa experienced; her*. Shortly'.befoic midnicht on .Afondij-. * * , ", * » .

FOREST BANGE, October -I.-The annual meet-ing of the Bed Cross Soeietv wa? held vevtcrdav. The secretary Oír«- H. Oildleott) rend the balance-sheet for the te-r, which showed a satisfactory margin. AVhen Sirs. Caldicott wa« pitt in office twelvemonths ago the funds in hand amounted to 5,', and since then fund« re-ceived fnm virions sources amrrint to a little oter £33.- ,.The circle has still a'large quan-tity qt «rood« on band, ami over ti' In money., The' work is progressing splendid"»-.

PETER-SBIRF. October 34.-The Loarme of Loval AA'omen completed to-day packing Christmas boxes for the soldiers and sailors on actite sert ice. One hundred and «evr.nty were dispatched, and 30 were sent privately throogb

the ' same channel. '

WALLAROO, October 24-The Wallaroo branch

of the Cheer-up Society is doing valuable work. The hon. secretary is Miss H. Davies. When the present new wheat siding is ready the wheat now stacked inland and much at various outports in the gulf is to be brought to Wallaroo for re-stacking. This will give employment to many wharf hands for some time. The men are making good progess with the work. The plans for the two extra class rooms at the public school have arrived, and tenders are to be called for the work at an early date. The Rev. Samuel Forsyth, the

popular Methodist minister, of Wallaroo, who has been appointed chaplain for the trip of a troop-ship, was given a public farewell in the Town Hall on Monday evening. The mayor - (Mr. T E. Ashton) presided over a large audience, and complimented Mr. Forsyth on his appointment. Addresses were also delivered by the Rev. D. Morgan, of Lloyd Memorial Church, Conncillor Clark, Mr. J. Malcolm, Mr. H. May, Dr. W. H. Harbison. Mr. .S. H. Davey, and Mr. P. M. Sulli-van. Items were rendered by Mesdames Martin Lawson, Miss O. Harman. Messrs May and Lawson. Dr. W. H. Harbison presented Mr. Forsyth with a fountain pen from the tennis club, and the mayor handed him a parcel from the Cheer-up Society, also an extra military packet from Miss F. Snodgrass. The Rev. S. Forsyth was born in County Tyrone, Ireland; his father was a farmer, and supported a wife and six child-ren from the produce grown on 20 acres of land. He was at the age of 15 years apprenticed to the drapery trade, and he left home for Australia when 20 years old. He lived with his uncle in Brisbane for four months, and then went to Melbourne, where he secured a situation at the emporium of Messrs. Foy & Gibson. After re-maining with that firm for twelve months he sailed for New Zealand, and obtained a situation in Wellington. On his return tn Australia he entered the Hope Lodge Missionary Training Col-lege, Belair, Later he took np evangelistic work and then entered the Methodist ministry in 1907. The first year he was engaged in evangelistic work, and was appointed to Cross-roads, near Moonta Here he spent two years, and did splen-did work, after which he was stationed at Central street, South Broken Hill, and after three years' good work at the silver city, came to Wallaroo, where for 2½ years he has labored, and the po-sition of the Wallaroo Church to-day owes much to the excellent effort of one of the most popular ministers that have filled the Methodist pulpit here. He is deservedly esteemed by all.

AVALI.AROO, October 24.-The distri-t officer- of the Ancient Order of Foresters E. A- Nelson. D.O.. and Bro. O. Brnnell, D.S.) visited Wallirjo on Tuesday and attended the lodge mooting in the o.enlr;:. Tliet- were afterwards entertained at a social held in the Skating Bint .Hall. Bro. Nel-son, D.C.R.. presided. Speeches were delivered hv Messrs. II. t-tronzman, Xeison, Brunell, .1. Hawke* T. .1. Kelly, and Thomas John, and the Atator (Mr. T. Ashton). Durine the visit the vete-ran -ecrctary of the local lorige (3ro. .To'in Hawt-oä) was congratulated on his elevation ta district offlc-? -(beadle), and the hope expressed he wrule bo elected D.C.B. in due course. Bro. Hawkes liasr filled the office of secretary of the IJO.I1 lod.e for about 40 tears. The visit of t'ne district officers was made pleasant by the <*ourt.-sy and attention showed to them by the iecrcUry, who devoted his time in shjwiru: them over tno ?places of interest.-A large gathering of oiurob folk assembled at the Methodist Church on Tues-day nignt to bid fariwcl! to the R*.. Samuel For-syth, who has been appointed ehapUin in H.M. forces. Mr. W. >". E1Î3M presided. Représenta-nt e*s of all the (»htirenes were nrewr.t in largo numbers. Tito chairman expressed the regret felt at the departure of Mr. and Mrs Forsyth. Got* wishes were al?« ppoken by Pastor Clive Taylor (Churra of Christi, the Revs. Du id Morgan (Con-gregational), .1. M. Forsvth (Pr-sbvtcrian), and Alilfon Trtsize (yadina Methodist Circuit), irt'utaut Hopper iSi'.tation Army), Messrs. J. Willi. (Tickera), and .(Tordon {Ctitrn Hill), and the Mav->r of Wallaroo (Mr. Ashton). Présentât¡.-.r« were made to the guests. The church choir ren-dered fflce«. and other item» were contribute»! by lf¡.-<cí O. Harman. Mesdanics E. W. Po^r.t. 5. 75. Murrin. Messrs. H. May, J. Lawson, and J. S.

AVhi**on. '

BLYTH. «Vtoher 25.-Mr. F. B. Turner, mana-ger «si the Bank of Adelaide, is on leave, and Afr. C. Bischoff is temporarily in rhsrirc. -On T-tesdav l/cionant .Rankine and Recruit-ing Sergeant Good again attended at- the lira! hall for th»'purpo«< of enrollimr. eligible men. Onlv iwo pro-ented themselves, and they wore declared fit by Dr. A.- A". Hillier.

.».WAN REACH. October 25.- A well-attendfl .meeting was h-ld on Wednesday to form n ramnuttee in eonnpeticn with Repatriation Dav on 'Deeimber 15 Officers elected:-President, Mr. A. "Patt'.n; vi'-e-presidents. Me=srî. n.irtleu, Roger», and A. 0. Prosser.: committee, Ole««r». Orant. .T. II Prosser, P. Zimmermann, R. .1. Wall, R. Wil-son. F. Nagel. 'J. C>. Schulz, and E. G. Butler: jo'nr iecr^'farics. Messrs. -A,. AVoolfonl and M. Brown. The reridctits are enthusiastically ttkmg tbti matter up. and undoubtedly tite efforts of the committee will meet with success.