Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), Monday 13 October 1856, page 2

DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. IMMIGRANTS BY THE GENERAL HEWITT. -The single females from this vessel were landed last Saturday. They are spoken of as a suitable class of immigrants; and much praise is given to the Surgeon Super-intendant for the creditable manner in which he has brought them out. They have been open to hire at the Depot since Saturday last. The average scale of wages is quoted at from £30 to £35 for single men; £40 to £45 for married couples, and £16 to £25 for female domestic servants. MUTINY ON THE HIGH SEAS - Two of the seamen belonging to the "General Hewitt, '' immigrant ship", were brought up at the Police Office on Saturday last, on a charge of mutiny on the high seas, and assaulting the captain. 'The case was re-manded to Tuesday next.

REFUSING DUTY.-.Ten of the seamen of the immigrant ship, "General Hewitt," were charged at the Police Office last Saturday with refusing to perform duty on board. These were Francis Williams, James Goodridge, Samuel Brown, Daniel Miller, William Harvey, George Phillips, Antony Gasper, John Parry, Frederic Howson, August Pergand. This case was remanded to Tuesday next. NEW PUBLICATION.- We have received a copy of a pamphlet entitled The settle-ment of John Batman in Port Phillip" published by George Slater', Bourke-street, Melbourne. 'This pamphlet should be in the lands of every one desirous of an acquaintance with the early settlement of Port Phillip. Copies may be had at the Guardian Office. THE JOURNAL OF AUSTRALASIA.—We have to acknowledge receipt of the Sep-tember and October numbers of this very promising periodical. These two numbers fully sustain the character of pleasing variety and general interest and informa-tion, earned by their predecessors. Copies may be had at the Guardian Office. THE NEWS LETTER OF AUSTRALASIA. -This sheet well carries out a good idea. In the numbers of September and October we observe increased excellence. The spirited publishers of this and the Journal of Australasia is George Slater, 94 Bourke street, Melbourne. Copies may be had at the Guardian Office. INSOLVENCY CIRCULAR.—We have to acknowledge receipt of the October sheet of the Insolvency Circular, published by Messrs. Grundy and Cooke. It furnishes a great deal of useful, statistical, and per-sonal information in the Insolvency line. DUNDAS AND FOLLETT.— CONTESTED ELECTION.— It was generally understood in town that Mr. Ebden was to contest the Election with Mr Griffith, it appears, how-ever, as will be seen from our report else where, that Mr. J. Wilson, of Timms, Wilson and Co., has been brought forward for Dundas and Follett, in opposition to Mr. Griffith. DECEASE.—We have the melancholy duty of announcing the decease of Mr. Leadbetter of the Bank of Australasia in this town. The deceased was up the country on leave of absence for his health; took cold on, Thursday last and died on Saturday. Mr. Leadbetter was much esteemed in this town. JOHNATHON WILD—A sporting youth at Muntham, who wears this ominous ap-plication, took it into his head to go duck shooting the other evening. At the first shot two came down, to w--. Johnathan and the gun, and the ducks were consid-erably alarmed. R. PARKER.—"You're a great sheep" said King Bungary to the ho-y-s-t-l--r who bu--t his m---- at Koroit " I am not a sheep! I'm a ram"!. "Then you should get your horns p--ed "' ! said the King. "I've no horns. I am of the white laced breed." "But if you had a halter round your neck," said King Bungary "your lace would be whiter still." CAN'ISa SAoACITY.-? A shepherd at lMuthaam offTering a dog toi gale vouchles; thaut 'hem lica'o .anyt ,img b .t tat up slurd'es.'l,' Na,i~'yg :y ondri i. he- collit aee alor hlrnlipe ott Ihe hoitn of a c',ppmer a Jew Co~,Ka D- ,e, (IMunt' mn c'rres poilnldetd) had a visit fronl a real " Ebrew jew " tlI a lot af lewelry the other day wham d sp,~sed of h a triuklet, by ratlhl him self In eveiy case teinig one of Iio imiciun. boere. A set of dice well balanced Witil led wls priodneed. and the Iserael toe losit every throw. As lIe u:eparted .he exclaimed " t think therme be plenty shews ioni the \Vannon., I TUE OutNlrotTNcus--We lihave see the Ilatopulis er water mlitile, att lllllth.llit ll-ep wash frequently Ithib seaon, ''LIs r nlllul seells to hlave Calle illtC exist, nee hlient the emint msl nint-r.' were II tollm fusion, or ntir suafficiettly iaturrd to aiiapt ihe creative iluSences to a di fi Ate oigtn izatiioni. It is tinot well alapiled to anu .phere. and hai viriouls suler?dlities ii its Cnillltrtucti It -for jin.aiace-besi es itsi Oain •lmims, ihicih rumy be usucil, it Ihas talomu Fwhich Tare cIabroii us, eil Its hirdil b'i i, ill every ImIaitiUt er il Il rll'llllbIaI Ct . It ap Pear to i,. to have bea itiell ver) lir.t Itl. habitant of the ean lboineclient to theI liZard lamily and its aitiiint ii had bt'eu long bilore thr flhIil perio, ol g* IgIy Iuad culise linlo iXlt ellCre. It I" ducrs e.;g.s wisth ero t copllol oia i, IJ;'cli. S lIthimai. ailh theu sucklvs Ihe voun : - Contattltt lictte?;d. 1INiSAN rDvE KI'I v.iti±T, - " \\niitedt iby a settler in t:.r W, i. i I, nt hldh' o I .?liiglei. Apply to D ,y 13tter.'" \W hI.e lust re f astlch it a.tVeitISemuitti, ilal hitk that tie advrer er eeds ii slice. ii, bIb ,k- Conituniicatcd. 'lItH l lII T' Y '-'lTt'he Ijimiie tira, i is the most dipie.abie ol ash tvr.aut., id .a .Ihow !i eligioit mt-ikes hiti ignie aboutttil-i. .li1l. I,,, ihis a Crlb ce hifs ILcd.? I md dlm -meal ies e lml I s il rleieedl l; ,tUn a cld -njoy thltaielv -s, auiT couimI . iile hli r. it.l ins hlutii iiL..,**t"i.'"alhi Tiihle-¢ ,'e toil IrnaaIi prmfereid ki. ; aud ibe wi,. I ' i?s un b'.n wIsl, es hIum llh l. thlod| |puma dise. ll e Ivri.y lt ve )Ily b rg:nl. i? i -kes, ci) e pi)' t)t, ui t i. r'a lt fir ever atsvaituge; .i that II vry aihtire-cne is it li. utirce to me, laoni . He c - ll, iei ll.te t it clhreytaisma tutuh ia COW itttnl a lIutup ea itie-r, who ait I 1.1i1irit p (}o..-, jal u cAbrdl s ni's I ?aor. d te o,lt ie.r i hl t hi eo In 'al. nOt seili t1it, thlit mr.- C'Oeunnicltejcl. NItut. :oei.--T'-e N a ,O, u ,sts sc'nit to be etma c d to r: it It gui , and hlit the eirmtyt r 1 th el .ei i,, t-i dcti, t, tPe hintidship it the o )Oiih h:ia .chievu-d | lo.w dwivrtinit4 t *u.t b. t, Fr it tch Ilic.rs to heI r at f ie :eae. 1.:d prjsinis giv n Iuy I'ithh g rls I" uhe u .uos ouf th C tiiet,'" t Ity nave i -t 0 i.posid upn t hit-l, ivc.u, trni thu iiuoe ti y to ittiOp . uip,,t ihe It or hetou.s i 3 " Sukiung ui.ttn re Ily bef. t?v that t|te3 sac ti aifleed the b italt i:,n ii it eehat. h :\ ls:Ar.- rie o hinr HtI J ,,.A ? (jt a i Mr. Ilcuty's itu char at tinutahnm skltituced ii three alaep at the ,heep wash an three i

1!l,;:of llut' t i 's. ';ce t L' · r" ii' :` :11 li'h . lii ":it esAilV and i nl l t t n4.l0ler. iD.,rr-f'-Prt l.hiliip 1a- , ,t 'l .he i is ( i ( l,"g , at ls ~t thi lus' pt 1, , ti,,t f tlm in tln d i ca h It-an k c, tW , il;th:i. d .gs. felse . n1ot , se en? i ' Siheiir nins:ers by nishllt nll i tilhe, CoIlnIlt Sfan. pa.s oceis otnally, it of coursa g-oes . . tie c cd.t of their wilder breihrcn in ih bush. Viiaive.-Hoivever " flash " it may "ie ti ipt, ealr to deSllise virtle, it is is in acret I ontittti d hby tll. \\e have: asa.ciated with .celrs (oiu the 'Iiithan's and hliis on tt:' t 1" 1 i, t, e Ill trene p tillt, of it :u an1 i -iity, aid IIIa)ys f' n tha?t ta I n o ( at -.-'s'Iii1lng virtu tous conduct co TIuu +Lde2 l CtI ul liv Ilte respect of bthi,. S11 11 POLI CE.--lthe iris," p1retil ied 1 its eta',ing thit 'he Auatraliain Police would ul tnatcly degenerate inti an est b lislflltent of prociis servers, anl thait wio i it cal ct ini be a ? Ililitaiy carica ure it tild l t ec,,,e a n,,:i ttty an I tht 1 predi -.to.l has be-.n verified. 311NinAM--?litlttrn is a tidy I il',. .l , t ile rler i \Viinno1 l ltlr V i tlnt oll. l ,Ibh ut Ihe siz' od an ' u-liish c im lt1y. ii, oilk u I r r t. woutld i u'll isil i three r ti' n,11.m, if caral rYIh'!' llll l it lls Bo hed il + lwere, e iide v ii li e, . Ill wW nlhl ci c : froll) Li , ll l 1. t Y ik. I Ii, s.hlre,, ... Jep lveytj tufih it 4 01-, sa il I eh , cl, i i thonmg-, nud united, they ana?d turi.ist cell sulii " ,llint i. enl ; r , t rile ; h, ; It we Cul lpe that etch frrni.h Is i e piii of ie ,l, they wioulhi satotI ll ait I11iJ it..i sulli ,. io t to rtl h the ni unO . i t o Ih iite hilal, farm a e? ' ,, t sii,3 Ill it. lIlye -e*u a fresh ; I , It|I l , ,? l ill . l: ,m , hl e i , i ita ilin i tipt. and i t so lih.i I,l Shouwin his hell how toi work, aatnsi,,i n ilas e xtt* ir diniii ted il ii, h h ' i t - iii r let y i idiiiritii h i voll?n'r , a 111-r ! , its I Ilth aidly slpet a t lira.ilt e. TI' it, u1 .i uits M.1 t Ill ie ftaiil f trlilo tu he Iir "11 "L ihare lust III (I n lng n. o il he e . r l1a. ,1 " thin iws thie way lie acqui.red th' mi-C-ni rn On ficated. t ilt Ct aio K IN IO te' --1 was iice Iol I,v saiJys tile I olk .nd it tIurn d liy. e'i ian coli hof 'se iitry itirvy. I i.t , i ; the overt for my b.iik bought a bird 'a,,,, ti hold nee l e ii, ini dltesa cu about c ah aipp Ic fi y l-it I r sh °allt A V TitiAN- J hit to, t woo' -t i -keelt r ait .1unttlltitll -erved eargy ,,il col illy in the ~. ish al y 11 ti w I I . r t iieal ttf 'le i s: lwar. uas .rese it nl -?el Yi enl?uL?g liL s aillJ hadl hits LIw less ot troyled iiy a chain 'hoit. His .gIvern it.' i. served hlii 11is it till v l anly oither It tr liped tiup his altn hit lf ht le anl d s a him adrift in h.s old age tio sink or ntl:u ti it an il hit. it a Ie w'l I . ?l A Vuicia 1'ust NAiuite. - et'till .'l theA uslrlriiai ' fi c i ir w s l i ili Ito ,iv respel ts to I i.i. hetI A t.i ri itn I . I Ills was curiout s id,.;,, hOr it : tIe w:sduiml of i, s vage+, :11: Inlliy a ti le i,, poutl., 'lilth l:ore tl rice illli t Iu in the woods tof ,lun tb .u. the h t men are t il " i, us?ed to 1ty Iih y ya . ber lbnot a great liasitr ,hllo ii . f+ Il te clouIls, a d c .lfs for ihlgs i t ... ool, uud ihey , olle. Ie 1de etas .. I t s and those tl,,tt steal: nill I v t idev norve s io le :; o u r c oti n try au d, till "a i+ s . I i t-i itilibtr. fhity ty that fi s I it . fi,,fi an I calniot to ,k uiiolu evil: .,!t Il 1, tow lives re unclcittai theiir I lnlul s It 1r- k ed iitId li thy, ani lili th '.1t, irl.c fit of vice ; but they ntis mlii th i t; all i t will t,k- k ti rhe "f l,,, t, ct" a , them o the i tory etw." M UNrTit.tit - I he ,he p on tlh? rollt Ia" now perei, tly ci an d it is ikel. lie proll pr'etlr wil i Vw ir. id i l t o so . to til' iil ullll tlvllt i -,.'ar t Jd. IiNi ULa it ?tEPtt-ii -C'"'ril1il Cpirotf is oftein loouk J p l ill it e ,n.t-i lar a ba-h tits an ul0 :l. at}l i r w:li ¢, 1i I:, eqitl ily poitto to t1 I tn to ai I .1 i I tr o thtt ill as fit ias rasl 'ill Cit , "r * . ithi r ever.,n J enil l I1Il , u I I. .. . ba'iity lie s uia u l y ,y .1 .. . . I:gs t1, a In i. Ito . l'at rvti ii auvi.c piay uokl.!, it lte . iwV l IlIK,, a,+U L" , " a 1 i le ,".2 ,'y ." gmltle Ieire I till o )ut ?r ', it i ! t', It fin , dr w pt ue iii.i L. r, "'1 I ,a ,a wlillltperino vows u r,-f?r o i it foig Itell ?tilt .i p ,alile 4 . d i. i V . then wil, )oilt , It of L e . o u sure .. , v' rt.tlI,?i v y u t 51 ! . .i1h so h (u,1 is li I;et ,, d , . , I Jcel to h s ait r ,s tl, I ii I I. , t w ,,, II ) i'ran l ,.r .llll. . It i ,, t o i ,.liltdl l , h1. d .jun ai s h, YiI trý, i . , - " .. " i ui t.1," Ily hl il tI. 1 i I it ll vely rellious I? t ir u0 "i e i' ai ,hKts i " 1lilil i il "i V ' t' .i , , . . i Oh tile t i ,110 1 " " + t) -u i lot g." i .[ lik 1g , ail ,lag ,, '. , gillonif the ile,,:Ztd l il. of he ?t , O" nly iluty talillig weil .ou. t i'l fI k . , h buill o 0 r I t t" i rll I iletoilii.:y fil.t r ' l l 0. i c , ,,ys lly ii . y '. i " i l.Viigo t1ed4 wll.t is I , 1 O11.