Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), Friday 19 September 1856, page 2

DOM1ESTIC INTELLI G ENCI. se Ac IDi ET.\V We regret to have to ro- g port thlt )Mir. Barrow, the cngineer of tho in Dii.trict Road 3Board, lhs. met with an re accident which might have been even ti more serious than it is.. While in the act of mountin. his horse, the animal shied and bolted, and IMr. Barrow, whose fbot was in the stiiruip, was dragged along some distance before hIe coull extricate t1 his f ot. Mr. 13arrow is now lying at Mr. V Camneron's, at the Doxn:. tl Tni ELECTION.- H. C. E. Childers, Esql, and D . A. ughes, Esq., candidates I for the representation of this town in the , Legis!ativ. Asscthbly, arrived by the Lady tl ir.l, and have cornmienced active procoo lings towairds securing their election % Air Childrcs I'had a imeetiag with his corn- o miittee list evening Tlhe political programinme which 3Mr Childers announced was received as of a very liberal character. We hear rumors of more than one other can- e didate coining forward for the town, but, ( however that may be, we believe, there I canl be no doufit about Mr Cailders' tri- s umnphant return. 'T'Hi S'rti::TS. -We\V would call atten- t tiia to thodangerous state of the streets I of this town. They are cert.ainly disgrat e- , ful to the Municipal authorities, and almost iamnpassable after a few hours ruin. Tradespeople are called upon to pay at heavy rate, whilst the. streets are in such a knee-deep state of mud, that it is almost impossible for customers to enter their shops. Goon NI.ws. -We hear the lovers of Terps chol l in this town and district are on thel qui tiir at prospect of ai little enjoyment. Rumour states that the mnembets for the Western Province intend celebrating their triumph by a succession of a grand balls, and we can only add tha:tt no amusement could bhe more desirable, particularly ft, this dull season, andl h.lpe that the spirited members by such gallantry may secure to themselves manly such trimin phls. JLaon, Tunstr.-There is to be seeon in this district an enormous turnip, hreown Sat a Station on the Glenelg, near Caster

tor. The weirhit of this vegetable curl-. osity is 43 lbs without tops a;id roots. iTh turnip is of the swede kind. LI:t.ONso AsD NIELBOUIln RA.ILWAY. This company invites tenders for the erection of a -oods' warehouse and terminus and a road-side station, near the iugi'et IIotel. Intormintion will ib., -ite: at t.he Engineer's Odtice. 'h'be .... i?:-t be sent in on or betore the ic .3' in-:tiiat. i,'elfy Adteertis.er. iCirlIANtN AI .wAYs.-Teni'le. -ire invited frotm pi:u ties willi to supply rails. chfirs, s.mal !-tenins a:nd machiznerA for the ablove railwda\s, accordiing to sicec.ficatis whin v bie seeli on aippil a tion to the E:l,:ilner in C'ief. Meljbonr.l iThe tendelrs nt-t he endorsed ' Teunder for perm:anent way mtaterials, .1c." They will be receiv-ed up to I" o'clock, on the 2Jth instant, if addressed to the Secretary, from whom all infora.ation may be obtained..Aid.L Rlu.stouc.-A private letter from Melbourne, on Sat'uday, states :-"i A rumour is prevalent of the hfilure of a firm of some standing, in Warruambool. I am not at liberty to mention particulars at present, but if report is to be credited, the liabilities of the firm allude.l to are of serious amount. Some of our monied men have posted off in great haste to ascertain the position of affairs.- Geelong Adiertixer. IBAimunooL HIILLS C?:.TurntI.-T-his Cemetery was solemnly consecriated on 'Thursday last, the 11th inst., by the Lord Bishop of Melbourne. The Rev. Mr. Croxton commenced the servito by readingthe chapter in Genesis, rei?ting to Abraham purchasing the burial ground from the Children of lIeth. The procession then imoveil from the School House, heade.d by the trustees of thle Cemetery, and walked slowly around the portion of the land allotted to the Church of England, the Bishop leading the services by reading the appointed psalms. Afterwards the Bishop addressed the ssetnbly on the unceitainty of hIuman life, and the need of being always prepared for the great change, and after the Apostolic benediction the meeting separated.-Ibid.