Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), Monday 19 December 1859, page 3

Wanted. IANrED, a strong Lad, accustomed to hlorsesC, Apply to Dn. GRIER. W ANTED, by the undersigned, a Married Man to take charge of a flock of Sheep within a paddock. He will be required to keep the enclosure free of thistles, and the fencing in repair. JOIN COLDHAM. Grassdale, Nov. 28th, 1839. Ter ders. BENEVOLENT ASYLUM. SEPr.uATE TENDERs. A RE invited for whitewashing and coloring rooms at the Benevolcucnt sylun. Also fir Painting. Particulars to be learned on application to the Superintendent. l'enders to be sent in to the Secretary on or bheore Saturday 24t1h I)cc. A. CASTLE, Secretary. Business Notices. W 0 0 L. riHE underigned is a Purchaser of Wool ; or . will lakel liberal advances on the same consigned to Messrs. P. W. Flower and Co,, LOldott. THOMAS MUST. Portlitlr, 17th October, 1859. F L O U I. HIE undersignea have for Sale, a Large supply of Best Adelaide Flour. W. COLLIE and CO. TO PARTIES FURNISHING. JUST unpacked and on Sale, a choice assortment ot first-class English made Furniture : comprising Pedestal Sideboards 1.oo, telescope and dressing Tables Mahogany, dining-room and parlour Chairs, in hair cloth Chests Drawers lDrawing-room Suite, in walnut and damask Dressing-glasses Vnashstands Framed Enlgravings Iron Bedsteads hair, straw and coir Mattrasscs Also, Galvanized I rotan Spouting Sheet and white Lead Oils, Turlps Lift and force Pumps Meat Safes AspFlendid stock of Paper-Hangings, cheap Sheet and crown Glass, all sizes, &c. T. W. JOHNSTONE, Julia-street. Portland, 7th Nov., 1859. lVliscellaneous. BENEVOLENT ,ASYLUM, TI1IE Annual Public Meeting of the lente. volent Society will be held at the Council Chamber, on Thursday next, 22nd inst., at half-past seven o'clock, for the purpose of electing the Oflice Bearers for the ensina year. A, CASTLE Secretary. 55 c~rc>tr~

Business Not ices LOTTIAIY f LOTTERY !f TunAT FOR CISInruMAs. ON Christmas Eve, E. Ilolmes, Confeetioner, Gawler-strect, will dispose of the undermentioncd Christmas Cakes by lottery. Value £25, to he raised by 100 subscription tickets, 5s. cach. £ s. Grand prize, Cake, value ... 5 0 5 prizes, Cakes, value £1 each 5 0 10 ,, l]s. ,, 5 0 10 ,, 7s. 6d. ,, 3 15 5 ,, s. ,, 1 5 32 ,, 2s. Gd. ,, 4 0 £25 D. MI. Cameron. Wholesale and Retail Stores, Lonsdale-street, Hamilton. IN TIlE INSOLVeNT ESTATE or TIIOMAS BILSTON, INNKEEPER, lHEYWOOD. N OTICE.--The above Estate being sequestrated, all Debts due to the same, must be paid to II. S. SuiAw, Esq., Official Assignee, or to his authorized Agent. JAMIES GREIG. Portland, 18th Dec., 1859. yale bp auction. IN TIIE INSOLVENT ESTATE OF Thomas IJilston, of Ileywood. llss1su. CROUCu & FETHERS Are instructed by H. S. Shaw, Esq., Official Assignee, to Sell by Public Auction, at the (Gawler-street Mart, on Saturday, 24th Dec., at nooll. rFIIE WHOLE OF THE STOCK-INTRADE, (removed to Portland for convenience of sale): consisting of A GENEI,\I ASSORTMENT OF BMEICIIANDISE. Terms cash.-No reserve. TO STOREKEEPERS AND OTHERS. ,IPORTANT SAILE OF DRAPERY AND 02'tER GOODS. CROUCH & FETHERS Have been instructed to Sell by Public Auiction, without reserve, on Wednesday, the 21st December and following days, commencing at 11 o'clock, at the Stores of Jolln Browning, Esq., who is retiring from business. rlIIE whole of his present Stock : consisting ofFrench Merino.Coburg Coburg cloth Gala Plaid Fancy Dresses Muslins iHuckaback Towelling Cotton-union and linen tick Muslin and lace Collars Hlabit Shirts Bonnet Ribbons Plain satin and sarsnet ribbon Plain coloured Silks and Satins Tissue, Cashmere and Paisley S bawls Mantles. Hosiery h aberdashery M1en's and ovy's Clothing Regatta and other Shirts Black Hfats Men's and boy's Caps SHardware Cutlery Stationecry Books Glassware -Earthenware Coffee and Sugar Mills Weights and Scales Weighing Machines Raisins Currents Mustard Sauces Pickles Spices Confectionery, &c., &c., Also, I pair 18 in. globes 1 Electric Machine Galvanised Iron G(alvanised tiles Building Materials Cedar Portable Bath LIouse, with 400 gallons zinc liued Tank Portable Powder Magazine S&c., Re., &c., SALE OF IHORSES, IIOUSEIIOLI) FRNITIIIE, &cRe., &c., MOUNT GAM1IHl1tR. In consequence of the Run being resumed by Governlment, Messrs. Brodribb and Carter have given instructions to M R. W. A. CROUCH To Sell by Publie Auction, without reserve, on the Station, near Mount Gambier, on Thursday, 12th Jaunuary: 1860 : TlE whole of theirBrood MaresCarriage Carriage Hlorse Stock Hlorses, &c. Together witlh The Ilousehold Furniture e&c., &c., &c. Amongst the Horses are Zcphyr, Lucy, Peter Finn, blood biv Sir Peter.; Creeping Janc, bIy Baron, Ciamerton, Mare, the mother of Cossack, (hlaucus, etc. ; Game Leg, and the well-known three-parts bredl Arai Mare Tinker withi Sportsnlau, toals at foot and in foal to the samne horse ; RIory O'More, Joe Banks, andl Sportsman ; Stock---one, two, three, anid five years old, together withl useful Carriage andt Stock Ilorses, &c, Thle Furniture includesT''elescope 'TableExscellent Exscellent Plaiu Sideboard Easy Chairs American cane-seate md Iid )rawing-roomn ChaIirs lted-room Fturniture I lndsomc (.hina 'l'ea-Service l'lain Dimner service (not unpacked) Anld mnany other articles too lnunlerous to mention. Sale to conllence ll t 12 o'clock inoon precisely.

Ienty, Learmonth anti Coat:a RIEGULAR STEAM COMMUNICATIOT BETWEEN PORTLAND .IND MELBOURNE Calling at the iunernediate I'ort The S. . ". LADY BIRD,." P. GEnIG, Coarrs-ader, WIll sail finom Portenud. every L'riday, at 8 o'clock a. nm.; and from Melbourne, every Tuesday or 2 o'clock p.m.(weather permitting) For Freight or Pasige, A pply to IIENTY, LEAIIMONTH & CO. Agents. TO LOAD FOR LONDON DIRECT. >r+_ HIII IE Al, Clipper-ship, **lA'NCE.S ITfNTY, A. Cuanxcoss, Commander, expected to arrive at Portland in November, and will have timnediate despatch. For freight of Wool or Passage, Apply toHENTY, LEARMI'?ONTh & CO. Portland, 7th Nov., 185J. EX "FRANCES lE NTY," (Expected about Ist December). 500 cases Geneva 50 hhds. and 10 barrels No. 3 Bass' Ale 30 barrels Cmupbelion Whiskey 56 cases Islay ,, 125 ,, Pale Brandy 100 ,, Alsopp's Pale Ale 400 ,, Byass' 1.75 ,, Porter 150 ,, Amontillado Sherry 20 ,, Ginger Wine 350 boxes Belmont Sperm and Neva Candles. 30 tons fine and coarse Salt 1.13 cases Corrugated Iron, sheets, andu guttering 1400 bundles g'encing Wire, assorted, No. 4 to 8 100 barrels Crushed Sugar 100 Camp Ovens 100 boxes London Soap 50 drains Linseed Oil 21 ,, Sperm ,, 50 ,, Colza ,, 10 ,, Spirits of Tar 10 cases Cutty Pipes 6 ,, Sahlmon 5 ,, Sheep Shears, Sorby's 30 barrels Pitch and Tar 5 tons White Lead } ton Red. ,, 20- kegs Ruddle ' 200 barrels Flowers of Sulphur 20 ,, Crystal Soda 20 ,, Vhiting 15 rolls Sheet Lead, 4, 5, 6, and 71b. 60 cases Mustard, Blue and Starch 15 casks Blacking 10 ,, IIuntley and Palmer's Biscuits 5 ,, comnton Tumblers 50 firkins. Irish Butter 5000 26 and 27 inch woolpacks 2 bales Candlewick 10 cases Bacon 151 ,, Oilmen's Stores 50 casks Pearl Barley 20 ,, Oatmeal 10 ,, Split Peas 10 cases Arrowroot 40 ,, Varnish 10 ,, Volckman's Confectionary 6 cases Middlemore's Saddles 2 ,, Guns 10 ,, Sardines 10 casks Saltpetre 20 cases North Wilts Cheese 20 ,, Prime York Hams 6 casks Almonds 20 barrels New (Patras) Currants 20 cases , , T E A. 100 chests superior Congou 50 halt chests ,, 42 ,, ,, very lin 100 , ,, Hyson and II yson. Skin. HENTY, LEAI1-MONTI & CO., Importers. 17th Nov., 1859. W" 0 O L. [HIIE undersigned are pureh:ases oat Wool or 1 other Produce; or will maoke advances on the saun consigned to their friends, Messrs lteed, and Hawley, lbroad ."treet Itildings, London. II1?sTY, Ll,.lMONTI' & CO, Portland, Oot. 17th, 1859. TO THE WOOL GROWERS OF THE PORTLAND BAY DIST'ICT. GENTLEMEN,--We beg to inform you that we are purchasers of WOOL ot this seasons CLIP at rates which we feel certain will be found ceiual to the Prices obtained elsewhere. To those of our tlrinds who wish to try the Melbourne or Ge:long market, we beg to state that we shall he haIppy at all times to afford them every facility in utr power to do so, and at a mnoderate rate of freight and shipping charges, iby the "Ladly Bird" steamer, whose regularity eusures despatch. lParties shipping to the London Market are informed that WVool, consigned to our care will be put alongside any of the clipper ships in llobson's Bay,~ free of any addlitional charge. -IENTY, LEAlcMaON'TII & CO. Portland, 7th Nov., ] 5t. -AGRICUILTUCI-L IMPILI\ENTS. IANSOIMEI'S Patent \Vinnowinug \achines WVilke's 2-horse Plou?.hs 4-Ihorse Thrashin:g :1achicnes Sccd Drills HIarrows, with spare tintt Spades, Foster's long strappled Bluestote for l'ickling wheat U1ENTY, LICAtIMOINTH & CO. I'iisioellaneo o as LAND AT 'IHIIE (GREEN h ILLS, 011 SALE, three allotments 14ND1) at - the Green Ilills, lrantsholt e, being Nos. 3, 7 and 8, costatining 282 Acres. The Land is it the main rosd from Portland to Ihatnilton, is securely fenced with three rails, bounded on two sides with the Condah Swamp anud a Creek, is well suited for agriculture or grazing. There are 31 Ihead Cattle, and 10 lorses, which imay be taken with tile Land, or nlot, ati the option of thle purclhanser. For further partlulara ah pll to li. JOIIN McI SeTOSI, I.tnrobin, Causturtotl, Or to''THOM) AS MUSTI,. l'urdtiad. Wleb loretnheir. I8LI.