Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), Monday 3 January 1859, page 2

DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. ILLNESS OF CAPT. WARCUS.-A telegram was received in town on Saturday to the effect that Capt. Warcus, of the Elizabeth, the oldest trading master of this port was lying dangerously ill at Melbourne; his life is des-paired of. [Since the above was in type, the melancholy intelligence has arrived of Captain Warcus' death.] CASE OF ASSAULT.--One of the seamen on board the Iris, schooner, now lying in port, was taken in custody yesterday for assaulting his captain. The particulars of the case will appear in our next. MR BONWICK'S LECTURE.-We are re-quested to draw attention to the announce-ment of Mr. Bonwick's lecture this evening, on the Trials of the early colonists. It will be well worthy of attention. ACCIDENT AT THE OLD JETTY.--Yester-day morning about 5 o'clock, as the Admella steamer was leaving the old jetty she ran foul of the chain which secured two of the lighters to their moorings, cutting it asunder. Part of the chain got entangled in the screw of the steamer, and it was found necessary to send down a diver to release it. The two boats got adrift and the floating cask which served to sustain and break the weight of the chain was set loose and has not since been found. ADDRESS TO CHILDREN.--Yesterday after-noon Mr. Bonwick, according to announce-ment, addressed a large assembly of Sunday School children in the Wesleyan Chapel Percy street. The chapel was crowded. The chil-dren seemed greatly interested, and listened with intense and unflagging attention for fully an hour. Mr. Bonwick has certainly a re-markable and a happy manner in discoursing to children, and possesses a power of rivetting and sustaining their attention, enjoyed by few. HOLIDAY SPORTS.--On new years day a large number of our townsfolk assembled on the Flagstaff Hill, where various games were going on during the afternoon. The princi-pal of these was a game of rounders, which was played with much spirit. The Ad-mella steamer however having made her ap-pearance about 4 o'clock several of the play-ers who were among the Harbor Master's crew had to leave, and the game was conse-quently broken up. There was also a game of shinty on the Cricket bluff. HARROW.--We have much to congratulate ourselves upon in this part of the country by a heavy fall of rain on Sunday last t nothing like it has been seen hereabouts for many months past. From Saturday night until Monday at noon, rain fell without interrup tion, in consequence of whichl the flocks got scattered ovelr the runs, and many settlers have found it no easy matter to get right again. The weather.has cleared up agai n, and bids fair to be as hot as ever. Well sink ing and brush fencing is all the order of the day in this part. The "Scab Act" has proved so vague in the working, that those who wish to live by sheep, must protect themselves by fences, assistance from the Government for carrying out their acts for protection and safety has proved worthless. Correspomdemnt, Dec. 24th. ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL, PORTLAND. By our advertising columns, it will be seen that this School will be re-opened on next Monday, January 10th. We learn that previous to the Christmas vacation an examination was held, the result of which gave much satisfaction. The general im provement and advancement of the boy pupils reflected much credit on them and their Teacher, Mr. M. J. Phelan. The needle and net work executed by the female scholars, under Miss. Phelan's instructions was of a very superior description and merits the highest encomiums. THE MUCH NEEDED SCHOOL AT BAL MORAL.- The want of a school on this town ship was an evil which is at last to be obliter ated, through the humane and praiseworthy exertions of It. Officer, Esq., J.P., who has indelttigably gone round among the settlers of the district, and we are glad to be able to state has through his courteous solicitations collected a very handsome sum, which is to be entirely appropriated to the erection of a strong and permanent school house. It is well for the children of 1lil'noral, amounting to about one hundred in number, that a gen tleman has come at a time most opportunely to save them from being brought up in a total stats of ignor.nce.-(Correspondent.)