Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), Monday 4 October 1858, page 2

THE MUIlttUMDBIDGEE. The navigation of the Murrumbidgee is an acconmplished fact. The "Albury " ateamer, Captain Calell, arrived here this morning at 9 o'clock. The event took every one by surprise, and although it was stated in tow, last night, that the steamer was at Kiison. very lwbulieved it. In fact I did not mysell until she hove in sight. The excitement then was great: men, women, and children running in all haste iron, all sidetto see the

sight. On stopping at what is, it is to b, hoped, her future whart," (imagine the "Albuiry whart," Gundagai) thre the hearty Engli-h cheers and one cheer more were given, which was enthusiastically taken up by the residents on the south side of the river. Amongst those oni board were Ir and Mlrs. Collins of Kinio, bMr. L. Crowe o Yubtree, and Mr. Boots of Mlundarlow. there were il-o two or three of the aborigihse• of this neighborhood who seemed not a litlu pleased at their new mode of steaming the waters of the Murrumnbidgee. The Albury brought no cargo, this trip being in experimentual one. She retur omorrow, and I hav\ue not heard when Captain' Cadell intends making his next trip up.to Gundugni. IIe says, however, that ther are less obtructions to navigation on this rivet than exist in the Upper Murray. 'lThe pricipal inhabitants of the town and district will entertain Captain Cadell and his ofticers at ia dinner this evening. This is a bright day for Gundagai. Captein Cudell will be the imeans of directi that attention to her which her geogeaph-iL iosition anld her newly developed resource entitle her to occupy amongst the towns of the colony. We are now, in every re>sl,. able to compete with Albury. As these advantuges are already apparent, I need not here allude to the vast benefit to be derived froam this day's work by the colony of South Australia through the energy of Ca ptdi. Cudell; and it is to be hoped that the o0vrlramout of .New South Welles will evenn ow G, thlo'lecessity of at once secukingerte tru e', bfthis part of the country for Sydney by e?, tending the railroad to Gundagai. ,Mr. Norton of this town, had the hoanr two years and a half ago, of naming the boat in which Captain Robinson star.ed frola Gundagsi to survey the Murrumabidgee, the " Ext rineunt," and to day this gentlei a had thue pleasure ofinaking fhst the "Albury. to one of the noble gumn-trees of the Murrumn bidgee at the "Albury wharf," Gundai, on the north hank ofthe river.-Albury Pas?