Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Thursday 8 December 1932, page 2

JOBS & CHRISTMAS BOXES. Tho festive season is approaching. Can ,you guess, how much Australians will speind-: on Christmas gifts "mai'toys this year ? We are. unable? to"offer: a prize for the correct ainswe??nobod' knows it. We do know, however, that it must he an enormous- sum. If each one of our six millions of people spent only 13/4, the total would be £1,000,000, andwe o.can.safely say that most of us "will spend considerably more anthan 8/4.' .Now, suppose we are all good Australians this year, and buy only Australian-made goods ; that-will mean over £1,000,000 worth of Australian made gifts sold, and if we estimate i quarter of that amount is labor costs, it provides over '£250,000 in wages for our Workers-enough inoney to keep over 1000 families in comnfort for a whole year, or to give a week's work .to ovtr-02,500 men at £4 per week. With unemployment soe prevalent in all parts of the country, and with so many of our fellow Australians dependent upon charity for even the bare necessities of life, you will agree that a moral responsibility rests heavily on all of us to faithfully carry out the "Made in Australia" policy when buying our Christmas gifts and toys, in order that. we may help to give some fellow citizen a job. Our Australian manufacturers now lproduce such a huge assortment of excellent articlcs that it will surely be no diflicult task to select locally made gifts suitable for everybody. Every good gift is said to bless both the receiver and the giver; spread over the Christmas cheer still further this year by conferring some happiiness on a fellow Australian who is out of w6rk.