Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Thursday 20 November 1930, page 3

Borough Council. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 38, 1930. The usual fortnightly meeting of the Biorough Council was held as above, wlhe there were presentThe Mayor (Cr. F. Marshall), Crs. Wyatt, Hill, Walpole, Wilson, Pumpa, ilogll, and Anderson. Correspondence. Froma Norman McIntyre, applying i:-t have registration of the boarding<'lhouse, "Claremont," in Julia street, ilransferred to Janet Kosch.-ReSferred to health inspector. Friom Department of Lands and Survey, stating that the appointment of MIessrs. A. J. Taylor, A. E. Taylor aid A. II. Wilson as at committee of SmanagemeIont of the race club reserve Swas duly notified in the Government Gazette. A statement of receipts a. nd expenditure covering the period of three years should be furiished, together with definite informition as .to the use that is being made of the 'reserve.-Inforination to - be sup,', plied.--From --From E.. E. Bond, M.L.A., stating that the Minister had agreed to a holiday for Henty Day, November 19th,-Mr. Bond to be thanked'for his promptitude. p irom E. Kermode, acknowledgi ng Council's letter expressing apprec lation of anything he had done in connection with the repairs to' the' deep water pier.-Received. .. From R. J. Westlake, applying for permission to erect a garage on allotment near Baptist Church, V and Senclosing specifications.--Referred to Public Works Committee, eiwith' power to act. ' . . '' From G. E. Errey, submitting plans; and specifications for verandah tobce erected -at Mrs. Ilurd'st promises in SBentinck street.-Approved... : Fromn Council of Benev.oleit SoScieties, stating that a public, appeal would be made during November arid 'part of December for the relief .of distressed persons, and soliciting coSoperation.-Cr. Wyatt moved that the letter be received; stating their time was fully occupied looking after' local uioeniployed.-Carried. .'" From Department of befence, peri Mr. J. McNeill, M.H.R., staling that Sit was impracticable for :.the .'AlbaL tross to call at Portland bn Novemnber 19th us requested.-Received. I:; .From Forests Commissionl bringI lng under notice campaign';i for the prevention of bush fires.-Refe'red to Shire Council. From Mr. McNeill, M.IH.ni sting lie expected to finalise maitters next week in connectiowith? i i the remuission of duty oni gas engine.s Re * eived. From M. L. L McLeiiin !i sd Soii thlanking Council for e'pressions iof sympathy in their recent sad'bereaveoctnet.-heeived. Iromn First Portland,- Troop :Boy. SScouts, thanking Coun'cilT fdrpoenliss.lon to lay down concrete ' cricket pitch in Fawkner Park, cand i xpreissing appreciatioli of th ::'iftiof hcreenings for same.-n Riceived. 9 From Deparitment "ofV' ^ Public ,',Works, ier ir. Bondc M;.A. ;'with regard to the proportion of local men . to be employed at thePortland' jtty Sworks, stating that as far: as poss ible 60 per cent. of the iiien employed would be resident in the district. On account of the :shortage of tihnber, it was necessary to stand some of the Portland men'down until further material came' to hand. i.Since the work commenced twelve men from Melbourne had been employed, as against 5) local men, 20 of wh6m had a second turn and live ,a third turn, so that the interests of the local nme had, up to the present, been well looked after.-Received. From Clifford Wii. Tucker and L. Westlake, applying for petrol pump licenses.-Granted. 'Fromn Watt and Co., stating that during their occupancy of the petrol store in Richmond street they would conform to the conditions as laid -down by Council.-Received.' S Tender." ," Supply of 400 yards spails.-E. Fugger, .6/. per *yard ; :T.< Parker, ;:/11l T. J. Wilson, 6/. ;.V. Jennings tl/-.--Lowest accepted.: ' : Supply of 250 yards spalls.--T. J. Wilson, 8/3 ; T. ParKer, V. Jerinings, aand E. Fugger, each 7/-.-On the names being placed in the hat, T. Parker secured the contract. Fencing Coroniation Triangle.Only one tender--that of D. J. Wilson-was received.-Cr. Pumpa thought they might refer the matter to the Public Works -Oommittee with a view to finding a cheaper mteans of doing the work.-The town clerk suid il had been decided to Iplace the reserve .in proper order, seeing that it would be cared for without further expenSe to the Council, and he nnd the curator had worked on those lines.-Cr. Wyatt : Can we afford it ? There will be no revenue for the roads if we're not c-areful.-Cr. Pumpa said he was not re"lecting on the town clerk, but simply thought that some cheaper way of doing the work could be found.The IMayor : If we provide the ma-' teriel aud do it by day labor will it IS cheaper ?-The towni clerk : Yes, but why not call fresh tenders, and If they are no lower then we can go to the other extreme.-On the motion of Crs. Hlill and Wilson, fresh tenders to be called. Repork. The Mayor reported as under:Cra. 1Hill, Ilogan, Walpole and myself "iet oni the 8th inst and, togotheir ith MIr. Niaylor, discussed matters in onnecction with the electric power house, etc. We arranged with Mr. Naylor to have the end gables furothr strgegthened with the addition *of timber struts from the apex of the gable at eech end to the first prlnciplI, With continuous tie beam .upoll 'Ollar eiiamn of the principals right hroughout the building. We auth

orised Mr. Naylor to procure sonme necessary iron rails for 'einforicement of concrete blocks. In connec. Lion with the making of concrete foundations for engines, we would recommend that tenders be called for doing this work, tenderers to supply all necessary mixers and other appliances, and to quote at per day or per cubic yard of concrete. Upon the suggestion of Mr. Naylor, it was resolved to apply for the remission of duty upon machinery, as such was not proourable in the Common. wealth, and' Mr. Naylor received the thanks of the committee for his -recommendation. Mr. McNeill has been written to regarding this matter since the date mentioned.-. We authorised the surveyor to P)ull down the remainder of the old coal shed and build a stable' for gas works horse and shed for.cart with old material. As it is likely that there are many ratepayers desirous of having current supplied to their houses who are resident outside the area proposed to be reticulated, it is very desirable that-such communicate: with the Council at once, -so that their claims- may be inquired into with a view to somei extensions of the mains whilst the other'work is in progress, thus avoiding. the incrieased colt of same if left later. Your committee would therefdre recommend that no: tices requiring applications to .be lodged within a definite period be given in the local papers.-Adopted. General. It was decided, to call apiiplications (returnable' next meeting)/ for lady attendant. at, the- baths; foreshore caretaker. and attendant for, the conveniences:in the'gardens. . ;: Cr.: Pumpa said it was desirable th~st:a caretaker should be appointed fo- the? damping reserve, as he liad known of two car loads being unable to gain admisision and were forced to leave the towi.-The town clerk saic this matter would be attended to forthwith: . The town 'loerk mentioned several extensions which were desired ilt connection" with the electric light, and the matterF was referred Lo the consulting engineer.Cr.: Cr.: Wilson said some timen ago it wwas stated that an officer from the Lands Department would .visit Portland andi inspect the foreshore. This iiiformation 'as imparted when an iip?lication for a kiosk was received,. HIe'asled whlat had been done in.the itatter.?The town clerk: said that Mi,' Bi?iley had intenided visiting the towli', but stress of political business had no':doubt, prevented him.--The Mayor: We. hold 'the foreshore by iiroclatiition.-Cr. Wilson : Well, Whal t ,vas. Mr. Bailey coming for?The town clerk said a section` of -the public asked the Council to erect a kiosk ,for leasing, and the. Departneiiit unidersitood that the Council desired 'the kiosk, but he did tot. think that was : quite (the p?aption. The M"inister had control while he was in lofice of all such matters. -(Cr.: Wilsobn asked if the Council could not mlake a move to encourage inidustries liere. H lie noticed that 'other' municipalities were moving- iii thit :,direction .since -the: high tariff wras imposed.--O The Mayor said already .onquiries had been received, and it wins possible that a big industry would commencei operations at Plbrtland,. involving an expenditure of half a million of money. They could press 'Portland's. claims now that there was ' water and .electrie light."- The town clerk: I'mn afraid you will ,find the pull of the city tqo great. ' Cr. Punipa asked if electric light and gas could be installed in the one house, as there was an imliression in many quarters that this was not per-. missible under, the Act.---The town clerk said he knew of nothing to prevent the two being installed, but he would make enquiries.

: Cr. Hill moved that four trees in Percy street, nmutilaited when the electric light poles, were being erected, be renmoved.--Seconded by the Mayo. and carried, " Cr. 11ill also referred to the-dan-; gerous piles of earth round some poles' in the. same street, and it was decided *to draw the 'engineer's attention':to the matter.-Cr.·Wilson mentioned the dangerous position of the pole at "Greenmount" corner, and the town clerk said this would. be attended to.