Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Thursday 4 October 1934, page 3

Borough Council. TUESDAY, - OCTOBER 2, 1934. Present--The Mayor. Crs. Pumpa, Hill, Patterson, F. and G. Wiltshire, Hedditch and Murrell. Correspondence. Froni V. Lighltbody, Tarragal, stating that he had swing gates now ready for erecting, in lieu of slip panels, for the convenience of the piublic, giving access to Crown lands. Ho gave the conditions under which theland Was hold byhim. .If he had unintentionally trespassed on public preserves, to merit such a severe re primnnd, he had the consolation of knowing that he had "given' more freely than he had received."-Cr. F. Wiltshire. moved that the letter be received.-Cr. Hedditch : Why bring the Borough Council in ? The town clerk . said the Council wrote regarding the gates to the De. partment.-Cr. .. . Wiltshire : IIe says he had them ready. Who's to do the work-the Council or Light body -The Mayor : -We needn't worry about that.-Cr. HIedditch: " We inspected the reserve and did worry about it. We should now' see the thing through.-The town clerk said the-letter enquiring about the gates and if there was any ob jection to t notice board being er ected at. the reserve had been writ ten on May' 28th.-Cr. Patterson seconded the motion.-Cr. Hedditch Where are the gates going to be put ? It's not the duty of the Bor ough to direct. The land is under the.jurisdiction of the Shire.-Cr. Pumpa said the reserve belonged to the State.-Cr. Hedditch : Very well, if it's of such importance I move that the Shire be asked to remove all the swing gates to the reserve and leave it accessible to the public by putting the road in good order.-The Mayor :Hold on a minute. When at letter comes to the town clerk it i:. already received, and when we re ceive it, it is filed. There is no need for the Council to receive it at all.-Cr. Patterson : I'm not going to be" dragged into a private argu ment.-Cr. Hedditch : It's a public road and not a private matter-one for the whole State. If the reserve i is so popular, the gates should be :removed.-Cr. Murrell seconded Cr. : Hedditch's motion.-Cr. Hill : I'm ,not conversant with the subject, and * would like to be excuscd from vot ing.-The Mayor : You can't do that. ' -Cr. Pumpa : I'm not clear, either. The reserve might have to be fenced t and the State would come in then. -Cr. Patterson : I'll vote, against, as I'm not clear on the point.-The Mayor said he would also oppose the motion, which, if carried, would mean that all landowners would have to fence their properties which was not necessary.-The motion was lost, orly Crs. Ilcdditch and Murrell vot ing in favor. From liarold Smith; W. J. Dent, and eight other ratepayers of West Portland, asking that steps be taken to have dlrain cleaned-running from Mrs. Kerr's, on the Shire boundary, ito the swampl at the back of Mr. H: Stuchbery's property.-The town cleric said this was a drainage area in the early cldays.-The Mayor : We should approach the Public Works Department.-The town clerk stated that they disowned any liability. The Mayor : Who owns the land ? The town clerk : It's a reservation. The position taken by the Council up to the present is that those af fected by the flooding should form a Drainage Trust. Then all would be called upon to contribute to a fund to keep the drain open. It is ra ther complicated, however, because the bulk of the water comes frbm the Shire as far as ten miles up. It is diflicult to form a Trust in the two municipalities under those con ditions. It's a serious matter to some, while others don't care much. The area is flooded even with a mod crate rainfall. If the Public Works Committee inspected, they would have a better idea of the position.--C. Hedditch said it was a pity to see good land going to waste owing to flooding. The diffi culty w: " to get the landowners un animous.- Some people paid up .to £40 and £50 a year in rates, and if it was within the law, the Council should strain a point to assist.-Cr. Pumlpa moved that the matter be re ferred to the Public Works Commit tee.-Seconded by Cr. Hedditchi and carried. From P. Hodge, applying for per mission to erect scaffolding in front of' Victoiria Bank.-Granted. From Sultan Araziz, asking for permission to use his camels on the south beach for the purpose of giv ing rides to the children and adults commencing on 10th November and continuing until the end of Febru ary, for which privilege he was pre pared to pay a small fee weekly. Credentials were enclosed.-Cr. F. Wiltshire moved that the 'writer be informed that his request for the south beach could not be acceded to, but that permission would be given to use the north shore as previously. -Carried. Fronui secretary P. & A. Society, asking that surface water from the show arena he removed by means of drains dug as deeply as practicable, with a viewo to filling 'same with clinker that they may act as agri cultural drains in the future. Also asking that Water Trusut be ap 'proached with a view to connecting ,Itnty Park' with the town water supply.-The Centenary Celebritions Company forwarded a similar re quest.-The letter re the drains was referred 'to the 'Public Works Com mittee.-In regard to the request to supply water to the reserve, the town' clerk said the Society was un der a misapprehension. 'The Trust did not lay any water on, but those concerned must 'put' in an application to carry .out the wolrk ther.'selies. Referredl to Public Works Committee. From secretary, Centenary Cele brations Company. asking that addi tional lighting be provided at Henty Park, also that Council anirange for the wiring ansd erscing' of electric festooning on po~ts in the various

streets.-The town clerk said that Mr. Bachelor could not undertake the work, as he had too much on hand already.-Cr. Pumpa moved that ex tra hands be employed to do the work, under Mr. Bachelor's supei'vi sion, the Centenary Company to bear the cost.-Seconded by Cr. Hedditch: and carried.-As regards the light ing of lHenty Park, Cr. Pumpa said if they did the work more rent should v be charged.-Referred to Public Works Committee. From Portland Racing Club, ap plying for permission to conduct a publican's booth on racecourse on. d Monday, November 19th, the date of the Centenary race meeting.-Cr, Hedditch moved, and Cr. Patterison reconded, that the application be agranted.-Cr. F. Wiltshire : Has there ever been a booth before ? r Ce. Hedditch: They've never been without one.-Cr. Hill : Have we let the course to the race club, end at what price ?-The town clerk : They have been granted the use of the ground, the charges to be fixed later.-Cr. Hill: Supposing we fix it at £50, where are we going to get to ?-The Mayor : There are very few racecourses which do not have a booth.-The motion was carried, Cr. F. Wiltshire voting. against. From caretaker Centenary camp . ing area, reporting fees collected to date, £82/16/6.-Received. From tcrasurer, reporting-Mun icipal fund (dr.). £923/13/6 ; gas account (dr.), £650/14/ :; electric light (cr.), £2152/16/11.-Received. From Centenary Celebrations Co. enclosing first working programme which Brigadier-General Jess had re requested to be forwarded.-The town clerk said that the Railways D)epartment were to be approachedi to undertake the catering on Novem ber 111th, and several gas stoves foe cooking would be necessary.-On the motion of Crs. Pumpa and Pat-: terson, it was decided to instal the stoves. From came, asking permission to elect seating accommodation on the foreshore.-Dealt with. t From Shire of Portland, stating that joint work on boundary road abutting Browning street had been placed on the esticnmtes.-Received. e From Centenary Celebrations e Council (Melbourne), asking Council to make arrangements for distribu tion of Centenary medals to all non 1 scholars within its boundaries. The cost would be 2.d. per _ medal.-Names to be sought by ad vertisement. From District representative Shell Co., Hlamilton, applying for permission to erect signs at Max Campbell's and HI-. Kittle's carages. -Cr. Hedditch said it was not de sirable to allow outside firms to plaster the town with huge signs ; if they granted one permission, then I others would want the same conces .,ion. It was right that local peo pie should be entitled to erect signs, but it was a different thing with out sidcer.--Cr. Patterson agreed, and staled that Cr. HeIldditch had thought the matter out very well.-Cr. Hill moved, and Cr. Pumpa seconded, that the matter he referred to the Building Committee, the mlotion be ing carricd, with Crs. Ileddlitch and Patterson against. From Railways Dcpartment, stat ing that drain complained of on their property would be attended to. Received. From W. J. Williamson, M.L.C., stating that fares for children to the Centenary celebrations had been cut in half and other tickets were also reduced. He notdd that Warrnam bool and Port Fairy vwere Ilot in cluded. The dredge would be in Portland probably within the' next ten days. .As regards the amend ment of the Local Government Act, the necessity for payment of rates for enrolment was still kept and the use of dupllicators retained. Any proposed alnendmcent of vot ing provisions had little chance of success. The Nelson road, from Winnap to Nelson, would ultimately be metalled, but not in time for the Centenary celebrations. The other portion, direct from Portland through to Kentbruck, was not be ing proceeded with at present owing to lack of funds.-The letter was re ceived and it was decided to ask that Warrnambool and Port Fairy be included.-Cr. Ifedditch said he noticed that a reduction of 60 per cent. for Melbourne had been made, whereas in the country it was only 45 per cent., which was unfair-As regards the amendment of the Local Government Act, it was pointed out by Mr. Williamson that the election day was left at the option of the Council-either Thursday or Satur day.-Distribution of medals.-The towh clerk said that Mr. Williamson desired the Council to write to all municipalities asking them to dis tribute the medals on the morning of the 1lth, when a broadcast of the Henty landing would also be given. -Cr. Hill thought the distribution should take place before the 19th. Cr. F. Wiltshire moved, and Cr. Hedditch seconded, that the medals be distributed to all schools' under the jurisdiction of 'the District In spector (Mr.' Richlards) by the' 16th. -Carried.-On the motion of Cr. 1-edditch, seconded by Cr. Murrell, it was further decided that municip alities throughout the State be asked to communicate with the Education Depacrtment, requcesting that the miedals be forwardled to the different hIeadmasters throughout the State for distribution on the mnorning of the 19th November, the desirability. of broadcl'casting the Hlenty landing to be mentioned at the same time. From Railway' Departmcent,' tft ing that the installation of electric light at North Portland would be dealt with in turn when funds were available.-Received. From J. Dent, asking pernission to lay down box drain in front, of his ,remises in Hurd street.-Granted, under usual conditions. Front secretary Civil Ambulance Service, stating they could not .send a motor ambulance to Portland, but refoerred Council to Warrnambool, where there was an up-to-date plant: If it was agreed to pirovide travel ling expenses and accommcodation for men from Melbourne, he would endeavor to got volunteers.' Strong posts were advised along, the main routes.-Enquiries fromn Warrnam Icool to be made. . Fromn Sustenance Branch Depart micnt of Labor, stating that no roev eucnce-producing municippl work could bIe undertaken as work for sus tenanuce.-Reccivcd. Order of the Day. Pursunont to notice given, the Mayor nloved that the resolution of the Council passing by-law 64, re lating to the regulation of traffic, the use oIf ciarbed wire Irojcctions on fences, wr'iting, etc. on footpaths, pInssed on tihe lith September, be con lirnted.-The motion was carried. Reports. I"',rnl clllu'liin lc t f ollows: I bog ti reoilct' (thnt the .'llniincce .onllnl tteo Illl . on IIi1? 2 ith utiL. cLean dealt with 11the followlvig lanttcet's, (Iore eing liresenet t'i's. Wlllllaclonic (I.. Wilt shllire, Icll idit ch.rl I'.. 'lltsi rl'ec , 'Patter ln citacid InynCcif. Cr. lMur'Irel ilnou dlihe ci'or rI" lcI IIcIIig unn voulu1Il unlclns'H t ow Icng to Illunea.

1.--,4 report from mytself stating that atB Inspection of the stone pro IIposed:,_ to-:ie. used in ihtle . itlmllnortul steps lltVilng proved that such vwasi not suitable and pricetr ful contrete jor' i 'ere .then conatdni'ed. with thie .e.it tllat J. Cowatn anti Sui'slu iten ,ieJr lt. £15)1 wtas aecellted." . A tonder fr the supply of pro ducr irecwood ait the electric light works at £45/13/4 by It. Thontaus and Sons was accepted. ia.--.Theo Ilnatter of additiontal gtlle rtot's to meet tile demand for llttml nlttionl dluring Centtenary week Wnts tuft. in the hanlldu orf Mr. ,Batgllhtolr. 4 i--Presontattuin.Q ot Ad"dros?. Iy W'c'etern District Mfunicipalittsc Asso cltiLon' It was -decided to Inform th1. rliassoeiitoni tiat arrangementes woulld beo ltud o,for the presentation of ano udtldos of welcome front the nasocnt tion ,to His Royal hIlghness tile 11:Dul: of Gloutcenter if the association t?t desired. G.-Addlress from theB.orough Con cil.-A utb-committee. consistting of the mayor, Cr. H-Iedditchl myself tnnl the town clerlc._wvts formedl to aittenld to'-thls matter. '(i.--It was further ?agreled to Iltave. the matter of an atddress to 1-11t Ex collency the State Governor, in the hands "of the sante ronnlmittee. 7--Strong Posts.-lt was resol\'led to inform tile councils formintg the Western District Municipal' AssoRtin tlori tnhat if such desired it arrange Itlents:.wotl ?be mildo to aillot sitel: for 'strong posts along the roulto tra verned' by the Duke on Noveomberl 19 tiext. i.-ilenty Itemorial.-It was deo u?tdit to thave cement woic rk leianedt itild inscriptionts gold leafed. No rall IIhtgg rottid cOiumn. -J.-Ambutlance Services on Centcn ar'y Day In Streets.-It was decided to obtain the services of a locanl ho pital ambulance, and to write to St. John's Society regarding additionnl selvices: -10.-Applicatlon of Centenary Comlt mittee for space along foresIhore for S?oting.--It was decided to raise no olbjectilon tile erection of scatlihlg plrovided t didl lnot Interfere with iapace required' by the council. Il .--lunardl 'ences.-- t was' re solved to wire the chain fence neanr the site of the ptageant and nlso to (rect a new fence ill Rotunda reserve extending from near jetty towards entrncte in Cliff street. Also to erect ;lnard fence front entritnce ralmp on byech towards lile- of posts extending from cliff to sea nearr golf house. 12.--The matter of arranging onclo stlure and serting accommodation nlear pngeant site was left In the hands of the townc clerck. 13.-SlhtIre of Portland.--Presenta linn of President nnrl Secretary of Shire of Portlnnd to His Royatl High nees,.-'le towvn clerki w:'a requcsted to intimnte to the president lthat ar rt:tgont',entts wIotidd be mnade to pro si'nt himtself ttll :se,'elyar' to Ills IRya:l hllgihness after the presentation of address by borotugh council. 14.--.Glenelg tree.t.--The towtl clerk laLl autholrised to effect repairs &c. to Glienelg street in order to nmeet re tlillrellents of tratlilc on Centellir'y 1".?.-CtrossiHtg over Footltpath into Ifpllce Station.-- t was decided to ot tlin association solicitor's opinion, to lilllillty of Police dlepartmcent'ls te splonnliblllty to keelp stlch In order. The report was wholly adopted. FI ull c1allinrnl as t'ollown:-T-'lie pullic wot.,s - cotanittee ilnspected wtork.ts as untder oni 28th ult. tllere beiltg Ipresent: CI'a. 'Murrell, Patter sot, . lcViltshire, Il. Wiltshire and ntyself, th1e mllayor belng ullttvoldably absent: I.-tInspectionl of the area oil the sottlll of the racecourse uis tllselosed' by tihe dotlnltionl of tile private lntds ldtIJolilIng, was mode and the opinllol wats expr'essecd that It would be pos lllle to malke a traclk into the race coulrso sutith bounldary froI Ntelson irol, but no decislon was recorded. 2.---Inspectluon of the land at the racetoulse was thleln imade and after disettslion it wits decided that tile eolllllnittoo recolllmetnd that the rear iportlon of tite sttntd be closed up and the frolnt porttion repttirted with the lmateriiinl reimoved fromn the rear lior lit, llirovhled tihat the coulcll witas advised that council funds could he so expelnded. Crs. G. Wiltshlird ind .f. I,'. Vlitshllre, who unsullccessfully monved that the Irlce club be allowed the fr:'e tLe of. tihe ourLse ete., pro idhledt all repairs etc. were Iatld for by the club dissented from thle reront nlendatilon above exilressed. Simllurly your commllittee recom mneltdst that if tlih council call legally explnd its fundls in repalr'lit all In ternal fonces, the worlk of no dolng he carried out bty til coulcell. C's ..r. F.? and C. \Wiltsihhe dicsented alIt frl'onl thllIs recontmlnendttlol. 3.-An Inslicctlonl of Ithe rottld Linine diltelY, djoilnltpg thie ricecollur'se re serve on tlhe' Ctirtlm, togetlher with the ladjltinng I'ahtylrolp 'trtc!,' wnst tthel llr l d e , .ltn d( . .itL thou g hI tl h C emlll n l t t eo conlshliered that Iotth could Ite adel I triimcatble it Ia conmparatl' elYti low cost nIo recomlnllelitltllonl: wals mlado. -Cr. Pumpa said it was thought by thie conmmittee that the best route was from Bonnett's along the old track leading south and thence west orly to the course. The road run- I ning through private property, as previously used, coul be also av ailed of, making twb-way tramc. He moved that the portion men tioned be put in order with susten ance labor.-Cr. F. Wiltshire see onded, and said the track was pre ferable to that leading in from the cometery.-Cr. Hill: Where does it lead to ? The lighthouse or where 7 -Cr. F. Wiltshire: To the race course-The Mayor said it would al so be used as a road to the nero drome.-Cr. Hedditch said if the race club had nIot expressed an opin ion as to the miost suitable track, lhe 'avoidd the road running west from th e m?inetery. Already two-thirds was'made, andt he thought it would be more economical to put this traek in order.-The town clerk said .if that were 'done there would be ,half a milo.to be ntaide by the Shire fuir thor? ohl, nas it was not advisable to go in the south gate andi cross the race courseo.,-Cr. Patterson said the road from the cenotorv would cost a lot of money, and thien there was the possibility of carters removilig sand from it ns hadt been dtone in tihe past. Thie track. suggested would not be one-tenth of thie eost.-C. 1lill : Theo rae club has lapsed for several years, atnd after htis meeting it may not be used again for the next five or ten years. It is money Lthrnwn away.-Cr. Patterson : It will Ieo used for the aerodrome too.-'The

Mayor said the cost would not he great, as the work could be done by saetenanee aIbor.--Thih motion was c[qrried, Cr. IHedditch voting against. -As regards the grandstand and in eriori fenca, this miatter was dIe rred pending a reply from the <solicitors as to whether the Council could spenld munlicipal funds oin the rcsernce or not. 4.--.\IIi I ls"eton of Dutton 11hill" tihowetl hmint ihe late le?ii.? haild lntt arrile ouiit ltofi.conditumn of hli lease so flr aIs diestroying ?l lh noxliiul plitts tVIs r iconcerined, lduring his ten "in'y 1'f the paddoclic andiI. It was d'e ciled to rcolillnlnlnel tlat the resere' he again icall t'd of gorse and offered foro lease by tender, the unemnlloyed mlen being set.to, work upon it.. .M'. Newton's offor to lolo?e \wai not ac cepted. 4I.--Inspectlon or the drain men tioned in lMr. II. Collins'?? ws mande alnd it was docided to recommend lhInt if the residents Interested , reiueste:I the council to put the pipo drain in ticross the footplath at their joint r'c qutest, the work hbe clrried out. We would also: recommend that the Frot path In Palmier street Ie grade1d nlml gravelledl llnd challnnel cleared nut it this spot.-Adopted. 5.--Vo.woulld recommend that the strl.t trees from the erem'n street Junc:tlion with l'erey street lnorthlwards be trimmed.-Adopted.