Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Thursday 6 June 1929, page 2

P. LEARMONTH AND CO. LTD Auctioneers and Valuers, Stock, Station and Financial Agents. HAMILTON, CASTERTON, AND JULIA ST., P OR T LA" N D. STOCiC SALES:- `Hiywood, Co nda, Digby, Dergholm and, Myathe State:Loane Loane negotiated at Lowest Rates. Representatives and Agencies:Portland-Mr. W. C. Hedditch. Casterton-Mr. F. W. Cope. Merino-Mr. James henry. Willura-Mr. C. 'Dayley. Mt. Gambler-Mr II. C. Campbell Hleywood-Mr. F. 1I. Moore. Condah-Mr. R. McKeneic. Eduehopo and Apsley.-Mr, F. Hinckley. Digby.-Mr, J. Mabbitt. Penshurst.-Mr. C. C. McPherson. MR.. HAROLD LEARMONTHI, Sworn Valuator for Thirteen Counties :in the State o' Victoria. AGENTS- FOR:The Ballarat Banking Co. Ltd. The Union Trustees Company of Australia Ltd. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. P. and O. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. A. E. SMITH CO (A. E. SMITH, Auctioneer and (Sworn Valuer.) STOCK AND PROPERTY SALESMEN. FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE AGENTS, CASTEEPTON; Property, Stock and Clearing Sales conducted in all parts of the State. Trust Monies to lend-Special Attention given to the Negotiation of Loans on Broad Acres. AGENTS FOR:-A. M. P' Society. Strachun, Muray and Shannon Ltd., Woolbrokers, Geelong. New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd. Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance Win. Cooper and Nephews, Ltd. -Sheep Dip. J. L. WYATTAND CO. AUCTIONEER, LAND STOCK & GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, Bentinck Street, P ORTL A N D Auction Sales conducted in any part of the State. We have a list of very fine farnms anhtlimouse properties for Private Sale, of which Intending buyers would be well advised to inspect blefore making a plurchase. AGUNTS FORThe Trustees, Executors and Agency Company Lttd., of 412 Collins Street, Melbourne. The General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance "Corporation, Ltd., 21 Queen Street, Melbourne. The State Accident Insurance Oflice, (Guaranteed by the Governnment.) II. V. McKay Sunshine Popular Machinery. CAMPBELL AND MALSEED (II. G. Campbell, P. T. R. Malneed) STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, MT. GAMBIER & DARTMOOR & DISTRICTS.' Agents for Bennett and Fisher, Ltd., Adelaids. Denny., Lascelles Ltd., Geelong, and Co-Operative Insurance Co. Ltd. Any Business entrusted to us will be promptly and personally attendtled to. Phone 2283, Mt. Gambler. Phone 10D, Dartmnoor.

Church Services. --o-SCOTS CHURCH.SUNDAY SUNDAY NEXT. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. REV. W. II. McMEIlKIN.

ST. STEPHEN'§ CHURCH. SUNDAY NEXT. Second Sundhy After Trinity. *8ain., II.C. Matins at 11 it.m. 7 p.m., Evensong. Narrawong at 3 p.m.

WESLEY CHURCH. SUNDAY NEXT. Portland at 11 naon.. Portland at 7l pln.. B*olwdrra ut 8 p.m. REV. JUDKINS. Gorn iiiat 3 Pi.J1. EV . R. TO!.

SBAPTIST CHURCH. SUNDAY NEXT. _ 11 a.1nt "Bahptism-tho Badge of Discipleshz " -= 7p.m., "The Scriptural Order : Repenta nce, Faith, Baptism." Preancher-REV. W. O. WARD. -! A Wurmn Welcome to AIL

S LARGE CRAPES. Delivered ; 12/- Lnrge Case, //0 Half Case, 3/0 Quarter Case. fling V. Jennings, Carrier, Portland (Phone 14.)

FOR SALE. FARM WAGGON, 4in. tyrees, 1Sin. axle. In perfect order.. Apply this office. . FOR SALE. KYKYU GRASS. From South,Africa -f gkeat feeding value and relslehed by all classes of . Stock.: Proved to be a.n 'eeellent grass for, sandy land and grows freely on the inner side of-the coastal hummocks. Per Sugar .Bang, containing about 500 roots, £1 each. Twenty only available. ApplyL. BUCKLAND,.Narrawong. Narrawong. TO TOMATO GROWERS. .FOR SALE. 23 Acres of Land, 1 mile from P.O;, known as BARSLEY PARK, with 4-Roomed Ilouse, to be repaired if arranged. Price and particulars fromH. ALLEN,Palmer Palmer Street. STAR THEATRE, PORTLAND, MONDAY, 17th JUNE, 1929. Return Visit of the ROYAL BLIND ENTERTAINERS Ini a Programme whlich will include the following popular Artists:The Famous Royal Blind Orchestra (sa oftenI heardl through 3LO) ; Alf and Ron Broadway (in their new offering, The Royal Mannikins) The Harmony Four (always at plea. sure to hear); Albert Harris, bril liant young vocalist; Jack Byrns, I the fidgety banjoist and concert bass; Charles Bennett, concert tenor and pinnist Reginald Hill, cornet soloist andt jazz specialist; Woods and Fane, in new comedy offerings,. POPULAR PRICES. NO TAX. Box Plan nlow open tit Air. G. M. Osbourne's, Julia Street. The Comipany will appear at HEYWOOD an TUESDAY, JUNE 18th. PORTLAND HISTORICAL COMMITTEE. A MEETING will be held in the Town Ilall on THURSDAY, thi JUNE, at 8 pa.m. NOEL LEAIIIMONTH, IIon. Sec. BACK TO PORTLAND. A GENERAL MEETING will be held in the Town Hall on MONDAY, JUNE 17th, at 8 p.na. J. L. WYATT, Secretary. GIRL GUIDES' ASSOCIATION. The ANNUAL MEEITING of the Portlandl Branch of the above will ibe held oni MONDAY, 10th inlst., at 8 p1.nl., it tile Guide Roomn, Julia St. A. DIMOND, lIon. Sec. BOY SCOUTS. "Coming of Age." NEXT''' TUESDAY, JUNE 1lthl, 1:0211 Free Library I-oll. Five Hundred, and Dancing. P.H.E.S. EX-STUDENTS' ASSN. The. ANNUAL MEETING of the iabbve will ie held in the school oni 'TUESDAY, JUNE 11th, at 7.30 p.mn. SYLVIA ERIREY,) Joinit I'. I. CLARKE, )IIon. Sees. G R LOCAL LAND BOARD. IThe following applientions will be considered by Local Landai Boanrd, to lie held at lih. Court IHouse, 'Portland, on 'lIIURSI)AY, the 13th SJUNE, 11121), at 10 o'clock:Parish of 'lTuragnl, ailotaient (i, section 14, J. C. Attwood : Parishl of Mouzic, nllotment 38, section I, S. J. Overall ; 410 acres, .1. W. A. Jolhnstone. 'To show ciause aiilnst forfeittare -.ins. W'righLt, llotnient 17, section I 13, 'Parish of I'iPortliand. 11. S. WILLIAMS, Land Oflker. Hlaiiilton. 4/0/211. WESTERN DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCE & INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given thiat the Fiftieth Half-Yearly General Meet. ing of the aaliivemeneationaeal Comiunaiy will be lielil on WEDNESDAY, the 21th day of Juiie, 19211, at Io o'cloclc in the forenoon, alt the Towna IHLall, Warrnamnool. Business a To receive thie Stnteaiant ., of Ac. couints aanaa lDirectors' andau Aualltorn' Reliorts for thle yeaar enditlig 10th April, 11120. To Elect Auditors. Gceinerl Busalaness2. By Order aof the Doard B. W. OSDORNE, Ociieral Illianiager. Football_ Football Saturday Next June 8. Portland v Coletaine. jIANLON l'ARK. ;. . Leaaguo Umpire Engaiged ibilJ'&S#fION GOunts, 1/fl , Lad lel, 1/-; School Chllalren, Free, Geame and See n Gaiodd Gam MR PATTERSON, Ron Sec. pulg pulig pu01a05 10 souZV I ) i aU i pusolog Joy~Sa3DVIIIIIVO ASY

HERE IS THE FIRST OF A SERIES OF FOUR SPECIAL PROGRAMS For SATURDAY Release during JUNE at the STAR. SA-TURDAY NEXT. CORINNE' GRIFFITH, wvith James Ford, Edmund Lowe, Huntlev Gordon, Kathryn .Carvei, Louise Fazenda, Sam Hardy, and Lee Miourni, in-. -. R ". "OUTCAST." One of "Photoplay's.Best Pictures of the Month for January last. Froh the story by Hubert Henry Davies. "Photoplay" says : "Corinne Grilith is excellent in a daring, well-directed and interesting drama" Also ETHEL RALSTON, with Rich rd Arlen' and. Ford Sterling, in -"FIGURES DON .'T LIE." "Photoplay" says:-"A .thing of Charm and a Lyric of Laughter. You'll' enjoy it." And of intercst to Footballers and othersi-"With the "Lender" :in~ Portland, 1928'" will be screened. See the Footballers and School Chil dren of last year once again. Both Pietures approved by the censor on condition that childreun over G years and under 16 shall not be admitted. Ordinary Prices. WATCH FOR THESE MIGHTY STAR SPECIALS:"The Last Command" (Emil Jannings). "Dawn"" (The story of Edith Cavill) "Moran of the Marines" (Richard Dix). "The Crash" (Milton Sills):. ARE YOU RECORDING YOUR VOTES EACH WEEK FOR TIE STAR: FOOTBALL MEDAlr? - THE STAR - STILL - . EADS -

BOOK CASES, Cedar Chest of Drawers, Tables, Couches, Kitchen Chairs, Suite, Seaongrass Lounge, Small Tables, Cupboards, Oak Cot, and Armchairs. Malcolm's SccondHand Shop, Paet'cy Street. PIANO, Organ, Gramaphone and Records, Violin and Case. At Mal. conlm's Second Irand Shop, Percy St. SEWING MACHINES, Preserving Pans, Boilers, Cream Cans, Flower Pots, Clothes Ilorse, Small set Platform Scales, Stove, Gas Griller, Gas Irons and Rings. Malcolm's .Second 1hand Shop, Percy Street. VACANCIES FOR BOARDERS, with private family. Also ROOMS TO LET. Apply this oflice, VACANCIES FOR BOARDERS.Apply Mrs. McIntosh, "Claremont," Julia Street. WANTED.-Double BED-ROOM, with use of Dining Room and convenionces.. Particulars to "Ajax," C/o this oflice. IT'S THE "CROWN," THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN. CROWN PICTURES SATURDAY NEXT. Big Special Programme. M.G.M. News, the Spotlight of the World. New Zealand Scenic. Comedy, "Their Purple Moment" (Laurel andl Hardy) Metro-Goldwyn presentst EDN ESS PREFERRED co-starring LEW CODY AILEEN PRINGLE llcItrv9OIUpylflyef -directerd byHobart Hobart Henley The story of i virile auth s*, *ho tries to follow his own formula for making love. - Laughs ? Y',nI1 Never Stolp, Usual Prices. Llook'your Sent at Toye's. :d. extra for Booking. 1'. To Clear "Off-colour" Teeth OW dull, dingy, "off-.color" teeth are restored to daziling whiteness in a new way. Ugly ;teeth soon iwill disappear, this Way. Leadin 'dentists urgeit wiely. Fote it protects the teeth mnd firms tender It works by, removing a dilgy film that forms on ' your teeth, ' id dulls them by abssorbingsdiscolorations from Food, amoking, etc. ..* Old-type dentlfrico failed to re mo it succesofully. That's why Ibruashing thus far failed you.. ; ., ;. " ; jB3eneatih it are the teeth yoti'ehv in others. Remuve It, for your own sake. One's whole. appearance, changes as clear, white teethyiome. : 'The namne is Pepss ,dent. Thousan d: :'Sold eeerj~ltlrr e es liwo .dxi,. : Lou)

SAM. B. BAGLEY. Stock and Share Broker, Mtember of the Stock Exchange of Melbourne. 408-410 COLLINS STREET, MELB. Agents Throughout Australasiu, New, Zealand, Africa, The E st, and London. Cable Address-QUITCLAIM. Exchange, Melbourne. Telegraphic Addreas:-" Baley," Tl'clephone-Central 874. Bankers : THIE UNION BANK 01' AUST.

PFamous "Bersllan' Felts, Latest bshapes At JOHN CAMPBELL'S PIONEER HOUSE.

Brielol Floor Cloth sad LIEol*wi8 IElER a MbOUd, sa N A .d a Ordpr 0t JOHN CAMPBELL'S PIONzER HOUSE. PORTLAND,

MIOHEE (e BIG inter - ale Now ON AT 1OF : C*AtI N DE £L*S IWSEE SALE -CIRCULARS FOR PRICES ons-- -c:sessia PIONEES201782'

All "SILVER KING" Golf Bs3l 3/. at Pioneer H se Sports DC

FOR PRIVATE SALE. WE have for Private Sale severol compact Villa Resideonces, n good positions, at Reasonable Prices. Also Several Choice BUILDING SITES, the Best now available. Also FARMS AND ORCHARD LAND' 209 Acres, with rich bluaci flt, highly suitable for Tomato Growvino offer will be considered I als to Acres of Timbered Countra clot good town, will be sold cheap nd( on Terms, Further particulars from J. L. WYATT and CO.