Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Thursday 25 June 1914, page 15




VIENNA. June 2Í. ;

Telegrams from Durazzo indicate that both the Government troops and 'the rebels have broken the armistice which

was granted to the rebels at the instance

of Prince William.

The rebels have protested against Prenk ; Bibdoda's forces marching against the in-surgents and bombarding and burning the

villages, and the Government have replied that owing to telegraphic interruption they were unable to notify Prenk Bidboda

of the armistice.


DURAZZO, June 24.

The Government troops have been de-

feated in the south, near the River Semeni. Tiley lost one gun and a quick firer. Tlie insurgents have captured El Bassan, with the garrison, including. two officers, and they are now marching 0n

Valona, which is defenceless. The popu-

lation are fleeing.


PARIS, June 24.

The Rome correspondent of the "Temps" states that Essad Pasha, the

Albanian Minister for the Interior, who was arrested and deported a few weeks ago, has suddenly disappeared. It is sup-posed he is secretly returning to Albania.

The special correspondent of the Lon-don ''Daily Telegraph" early on May 20 reported from Durazzo:-"During the last few days the conflicts between Essad Pasha's followers and his opponents have become fiercer, a state of affairs that has,,

caused apprehension in Durazzo and the neighborhood. The commanders of both

the Austrian and the Italian warships stationed before Durazzo undertook com-mon action in landing detachments of sailors for the protection and safety of the Prince and his family. These men have not taken any action as yet. The Italian Government are also keeping ia torpedo-boat flotilla in readiness. Essad

Pasha was taken on board one of the,. Austrian warships. Essad's reputation has now been destroyed, and it need no longer be feared that he will disturb Albania or contrive the Mpret's fall. ' Essad Pasha wished to obtain the Crown of Albania, and the peasants' revolt as well as Arif Hikmet's actions were his work. His further fate will be deter-mined later.