Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (WA : 1833 - 1847), Saturday 2 March 1833, page 34



Last week we had only room to notice that Jenkins a Private of the 63d. who was speared by the Natives at Clarence, was recovering ; we are happy to add, that he is expected before long to be in a state of convalescence. The particu-lars of the savage attack, are as follows; A party on their way to the Murray had casually put in at Clarence, where Jen-kins was stationed, and requested him to let them have some water. He went

to the well, for the purpose of procuring it, where he had to descend a small lad-der; he had scarcely reached the bottom, when he heard a noise as he described it like the tramping of cavalry, at a short distance from him, and immediately after-wards received two spears in his back and shoulder; he mounted the ladder again with difficulty, and when at the top several more spears were hurled at him, two of which lodged in his side and arm. Thinking it is persuaded, that they had effected their diabolical purpose they hastily retreated. From the manner in which the attack was made, there can be little doubt but this man was singled out as an object of revenge; and when we call to mind, that he was one of those stationed at Carnac to guard the native prisoners, we have no hesitation in af-firming, that some acts of restraint, in the exercise of his duty have rendered him the victim of their displeasure. He perceived the whole of the tribe behind a hill at some distance from him, and, whe-

ther intentionally or not, it is difficult to

determine, but the faces of those engag-ed in this brutal outrage were concealed

so effectually by their hair being drawn over them,

that Jenkins was unable to recognise any of their features. From this as well as many other instan-

ces, we have seen, that an injury once inflicted, upon any of the tribes, never is allowed to pass without retribution, we would therefore caution all those who come in contact with them, to be particu-larly circumspect in their conduct towards them, and to avoid what is termed larking, as such jokes may per chance be misinterpreted. Mr. Norcott we are informed had a narrow escape from that de-termined villian Yagan a few days ago, he happened

to give him more than his share of biscuit, and endeavouring to take it away, when Yagan's ire was aroused, and his spear instantly pointed; this was done in the presence of several persons who restrain-ed him. The reckless daring of this desperado who

sets his life at a pin's fee, has been the subject of general observation, and we firmly believe for the

most trivial offence even with a loaded musket at

his breast, he would take the life of any man who provoked him. He is at the head and front of any mischief ;— it has been suggested that he should be again confined, but this we believe would only leave

an opening for an equally daring successor. The chuckling style in which Yagan gives us to under-

stand the manner in which they effected their escape from Carnac, is highly amusing; but a short time ago, he walked up to the door of the Jail at Fremantle, and after exchanging civilities with his late Keeper, marched off pointing significantly

at the Jail, and then Carnac.