Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Monday 17 November 1924, page 2

BETTER FAItMING TIRAIN. Following many requests from towns in western Victoria, arrangements have been made by the Rlailways department and the Agricultural department to run the "Better cFarming Train' to the Western District, The train, which returned to Melbourno on Saturday night after its tour of the SouthEastern District, will leave Melbourne for the Western Di)trict qn Deceq3bor let. If the arrangements made are carried out 13 towns will be visited. Since the dairying and the grazing industrics nre the most imuportant ones in the Western portion of the State, the equipment of the train will be similar to thLat now carried, though several of the minor exhibits may be replaced by other exhibits of more Interest to the farmere of the Western District. Te oproposed itinerary of the train is na follows:-Cole, December ; Terang, December 2 Allansford. December 3 ; Warrnnmbool (night), December 3 ; P'enhuret, December 4 ; llranxholme, December 5 ; Heywood, December 6; Portland (night), December 6 ; Hamilton, December 8 ; Koroit, December 9 ; Campordown, December 10; Birregurrn, December 11 ; Moriac, De. comber 1.-At the meeting of the PI. and A. $ociety on Saturday mention was made mf the desir[iillit 'of the trron'o visit from an rdvertisjmg po)nt of view and it was agreed to en-nperisto with distrlct societies, If nececsary, in atraugieg details.