Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Thursday 16 November 1922, page 2

Welcome Back to 'Portland . YOUR `WANTS SUPPLIED AT John ýCamp bell's Millinery, cioice & u1p-to-date Show' Roomn (Goods, wellChick""HRobes,, matnd Frocks & Ready-to-Wear Goods HOSIERY SPECIA LISED Cotton, Art Silk aud Wool liose: Black, White, Putty, Grey and Coating. English Make 'n? . Srviceabla :;and' Cheap,, -MEN'S' ME3kRCER Y TENNIS TROUSERS, all wool. TENNIS & DRESS SHIRTS BLAZERS, Ieady to Wear. BESPOKE SUITS & HATS JOHN. CAMPBELL Plonmeer iouse 3h~r- C&V&'k ywV'w a.. i rl K.-,. y...... ? » State Savings Bank of Victoria "THE FARMER'S BANK" CREDIT FONCIER LOANS. ON FARM PROPERTIES Two-Thirds of Valuatlon up to £2000 it 6o% Repayable over 28, years by limlf.yearly Instalments of £4 (Includling Principal and Interest) for acah £100. SPECIAL TERMS FOR RETURIIED SOLDIERS, D'. pendants, Red Cross and Transport Workers IT ~cliour. ets Va.luatie up to £2000 61% Repayobl' ever 29 yeara by Quarterly lnl Is m o en of £1/I1/ OU (cludlig ilnterest and you. b qartrlor s alh £n100. Applicatios Form til a ny SteiSei?ingl Bank, or by writing is IsIpector.Gr?arel HI d. .f.f b: Sta" Siiige .Bank, I~lizabcth St., Melbourne" CGEO. E. EMkRY Inpeceter-General. Imports " ?ost You LESS Money The Portland Store .ety. Ltd. Direct attention to indents reserved by them of High liclseq IH I A n iii1 ?U l?~ II E1l 'I O '9JD They coaon from come' of the Leadloig Mills of the Alti SC.ountry direct ItoI .ur S're* . FIirst.Grede Goode at Special . Pricele. Scoun these Vulu e* ,ar. I.7WIF .(T ILANKETS Size 54 x 72, 320.. "72 x 90. 58/9 .9 . 81. (i,;!; GREY BLANKETS-Size 54 x 72, 30/. 54 x 76, 32/6. St x63 39/6. 81 x 90. 52/ WHITE TWILL .SHEETING--54in. 3/, and ,.11, .72in. 3/11, 80in. 4/1I UNBLEACHED TWILL. SHEET'LNG-L.i4in. 2/9, /2in, // NBLEACHED H.B. IHEETING-51in. 2/11, 701in.?ill, 80in. 3/6 WHITE SHEETS. hemmed, ready for une--70 x 90. 8/11. 80 c. 90 /6 OSMAN SIHEETIS. hemmed ready for useo--70 x 90. 10:9. 80 x 90. 126 PILLOW SLIPS. madre from w0re calico-1i6 ERV[IETTES-1/6. 1/9 and 111 fABLE DAMASKS-Splendid values in White, ,gream and RIed Bordered FRFAR KIT('IIEN TOWELS. Hemnmedrl ready for use--1/4 LACE CURTAINS---Good viriety, frrom 11/9 ASEMENT CLOTHS--Greit variety In all the latest neakae and cnlornts . NOLEUMS.·-ft. wide, and Paaige Linos. 27in, and 36in. e a'. s a?aor a., aoe * '. #

P. Learmonth & Co LIMITED ?.utloneerts and Valuers SToCK, STATION td FINANC AL NTS HAMILTON, CASTERTON. AND J ULIA riTREAT, PORTLAND. STOCK SALES: - He wood, Conodh, Diaby, liergholm cud Mysmyt aonthly. Clearing Sales conducted in any part of the State. Loans Negotiated at lowest rates. Representatives and Agencies:Portland-Mr W. C. Hedditch Gasterton Branch.- Mr. James ienry, Hleywood-Mr F. H. Moore. Condah--Mr R. McKenzie. MR. HiAROLD LEARMONTH, Sworn Valuator for Thirteen Counties In the State of Victoria. A. E. Smith & Co. (A. E. SMITH. Auctioneer and Sworn Valuerl Stock and Property Salesmen Financial and lnsurance Agents Represented by H., H. EDDIT'M Property, Stock and Clearing Sales Con, ducted in all parts of the State Trust Monies to Lend-Special Attention given to the Negotiation of Loans - on Broad Acres. ACGE s , ORA. I.P. Society Stischan, Murray and Sharnon Ltd., Woolbrookers, Geelong New Zealand Insurance Co. Ltd. Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Ltd Wm. Cooper and Nephews Ltd.Sheep Dip.WHY WHY PAY RENT? Another Proposition. i Acre Land, 6roomed House, handnd position. £450 or offer considered. WYATT & CO. Why Pay Rent ? A CHEAP HOME FOR £260 Or Offer. Apply WYATT & CO. BALLARAT PIG- MARKET. EVERY WEDNESDAY. Coles & Pullum SALESMEN. .) ZASONS why ycu should consign your ,1 Live Stock to Colos and Pullum:1. Bl!Iarat is the Biggest Market. 2. Coles; and Pullum do the biggest business. 3. Our District Agente save you all consignment troubles. 4, We act strictly as Selling Agents on Commission only - not as private dealers. Our district Agents are :Mr. V. L. WA'ISON. Portland. Mr. FItANK MOORE, Hevwood, Mr. C. C, BUUKNALL,. Dartmoor. NOTE and Cattle Sales, Every Tuesday. Pigs. Every Wednesday. Diry and Store Cattle and Horses, Every Friday. SPECIALLY NOTE-A truck to take Pigs for the IBallarat Market will leave Portland North on Mon. day, Dec. 4. 1922, at 2 p.m. IntendinKg onsignees please arrange with Mr Watsoa' vithout delay. X. L WATSON STOCK, LAND &. ESTATE - AGENT. Henty-Street PORTLAND AGENT FOR . COLF.S & PULL.UM STIH Bll risHI INSURINCE CO, PEAR.VON, ROWEL SMITH & CO . PHONE . "57 Inteading Purchasers of P'ortland Houses or Allotmentl would hn well adloced to Inspect my list beflore decldlig. Trust Monies:to Lend at Current Hates Dalgety & Co. Ltd Gawler Street, PORTLAND STOCK, STATION & GENERAL AGENTS PIIONRc - Ofee. 80 : Private Residence, 68 C S. S ANDPEISON, .sprepena?lye BACK TO POHTLAND OPEN TENNIS - TOURNAMENT Will be held on WEBLEY COURT COMMENCING SATURDAY MORNING NOVEMBER IS, at 9 80 1. ENTI,lRmN'S SINBi,? CIIAM'P'IONSiiIP'. Let:si. fi :I slvyntlag? sets. First Prize, Troephy. Entry 2/6, 2. LADIES' SINGLR CHAMPIONRIP. Ilost of 3 vets, First P'rizn, Trophy. Entry 21. 3. GEIN'TLEMEN'S DOUBLE HANDICAP. RHet of 3 sets, First Prize, Tyophles. Entry 41 a plr. 4. LADIES' pQUBBl3 HANDICAP. Hesat of ; sets. Frst Pyleo, Trophies. Entry 1/a pair ' 5. LADIES' ANOD GCE;N' LEMNS DIOUBLES HANDICAP. Beetout of 3 sets. First Prize, Trophies. Entry 4/ a lpair. ENTItlES CLOSE with the Secretury, Max. II. Campbtll. FRIDAY, NOV. 17. at 8 p.m. iEntrices may be made singly or i sgn ti or etil Jocal Tepnos lubs are cordially Invitedl toi'tsl'e part. i events open to amateurs only. The conmileb reserve the right to refuse any entry. Players may ie ro.hardlcapped after first match. ~Tprnamont c:omrlttee-Messrs V, R. ''Bradbury, O . G.,Pettit. Max. H. CampbeIll anil Miss V. Lspa,

WANTED-COMFORTABLE ROOMS. Sitting Room, 2 Bedrooms (,near Post Officea. from December 22 till.March. Apply, stating rent, to A.W,, Post Office, Minyip. % ANTED-WAITRESS. Commercial Hotel, Port Fairy. F OR SALE-Tip Dray, Wheelbarrows, Emery Grinder, Lawn Mower, Butter Churns, Ice Cream Churn, Empty Boxes. Malcolm'm Second-hand Shop. FOR SALE-Two Good DAIRY COWS in full milk. Apply Wm., Poland, Portland. -94 ACRES on Hleywood road, unim. proved, but good land; ideal for orchard, seven miles out.-Sandy., "The Retreat," opposite Clergy Rest (near Hospital), POR pALE-SPRING CART & BAR1 NEoS, Cheap, Apply WYATT & Co ORE SALE-Quantity of Selected CAR. I'- MEN and CLARKE'S MAIN CROP SEED I'OTATOES. ANDERSON & Co,. [wIOR SALE - SETTINGS OF EGGS.Black Orpington. 5!: Lnrge White Dock, 3/: Rhode Island Game Cross. 31; Turkey, 716 Malcolm's Second-hand Shop CHEST. of Drawers and Duchesses for sale. Malcolm's Second.hand Shop. BABY CARRIAGES FOR HIRE. Maecnlm's Second.hsud Shop. 1 OST-OILSKIN OVERCOAT, Apply Malcolm's Second-hand Shop, FOR SALE-A few Choice BUILDING ALLOTME'NTS. Splendid high position, liberal terms, 51 per cent. Wyatt and Co. W ANTED KNOWN-Variety of Useful Articles at MALCOLM'S SECONDHAND SHOP, Pera.'-tree: (pposite Club Hotel.d Carpet Sweeper. Pictures. Commodes, Tabl?s, Lamps and Clocks, Sewing Machines, Bedsteads, Mattresses. ac.. all in good order. Inspection Invited. Onen afternoons only and Friday nights SIIPPING ANt PAMILY BUTCHERS, Osnouaxo Bos., Percy Street, I ortland, I OST-GOLD BANGLE, between Gar. dens and Percy St. Good reward. Apply This Office. To Lot. FURNISHED HOUSE for` 1 year or more. every convenience; pantry, bath room, wash-house, ýte,, and 6 good rooms ; magnificent. view, good garden, back arnd front verandahs. - Sandy., "The Retreat," opposite Clergy Rest (near Hospital). The above desirable Property is also For Sale, Look Out for WILKINS' Great Coupon Competition, COMMENCING THURSDAY NEXT, AND CONTINUING TILL CHRISTMAS Winning Numbers will be announced in These: Columns. Memorial Window I )edi.cation. WESLEY CHURCH. Sunday Next, at 2.30 p.m. REV. JOSEPH SNELL, Military Chaplsin and Presirlent of the : Conference, will officiate. Overture by Portland Orchestra. Anthem by the Choir. Memters of R.S S.I.L.A. and Fathers' Association specially invited. -Mothodiatr Re-Union, WESLEY CHURCH. Monday,'; Nov. 20th. The I'rebldae t's Subject :--"'The Secret of the P,)wer of Methodism," SPECIAL MUPIC By TH, CHOI(, ORHRESTRA'and MISSI EST, COME and iSING OLD TIME HYMNS and MEET OLD FRIENDS AT SUPPER. V. It, BRAIDBURY, Mini-ter, CON I)AR SHo W WEONESDAY, NOV, 29th. ENTRIES CLOSE NOVEMBEIR 23rd, Sptlednlps Post Free. J. H. ULACK, Secretary. Back to Portland, S IMI'ORTANT A Comp? titors.Ap ing pert it Proces' lop pleasq. leqv naonq with Colijn. help Qo. lnioornp or W'. fefitlrno, Aberdeen. Linn. Portland to" London, s.. MATATUA Will sail frorm Portland about 4th Decemher, tkkitg wool and t*Dhral inIvrI'. For flrcther pitrlhttlero apitPly to Elghtieth Anniversary. .SUNUAY NEXT er s ei. .t 1m and , 7 pm.. con. 'urne. -" + ' Re-Union Social IN SCOOl. IIALL on Monday Evening, Nov, 20 ALL WELCOME. Nature's cures for sature'a ills--Hlopburn Spa Water. Try a glass at the Warntab Cafe,

Wanted ANYONE with ACCOMMODATION to adAtse Secretary Back to Portland at his Bentinck street office by 7 p.m, THIS EVENING. The Reunion Banquet ON MONDAY NIGHT IS FOR BOTH LADIES & GENTLEMEN TICKETS-7/6 each. For Sale by Tender. CtIIELL of a Fonr-roomed House at rear S"of Dellar's Produce Store, in Percy Street. Tenders close November 28th. G. T. DELILAR. Percy Street, Portland. 2Bth Anniversary Portland Social Amusement Club. 1)AST MEMBERS of the above are reJlquesed to communicate with the Secretary. Town Hall. 'ortland. on or before Saturday, 18tn November. Hamilton and Western District College. OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION RESILIENT SCHOLARSHIP, £60. ýi|ENABLE for 2 years at £30 per ennurn. L Open to boys of 14 years and under. Competitive examination at College. WEDNESDAY. 13th DEC., 1922. Local examination arranged if necessary. Applications to be lodged by MONDAY, 4th DEC. Conditions and further particulars from the Headmaster, or H. B. MALCOLM. Hon. Sec. Australian Labor Party E1x-Sen. Findlay Wall spenk on FEDER4L POLITICS in the Oddfellows' Hall. PORTLAND. on FRIDAY EV'NING, 17th NOVEMBER. At 9 o'clock, R. CoUTTS, Secretary Portland Branch A.L.P. Portland Brass Band W ILL PLAY SELECTIONS in the ROTUNDA on SUNDAY AFTER. NOON, NOVEMBER 19, at 2 p m COLLECTION'IN AID OF BtND FUND Back-to-Portland Reunion Social To be held on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd In the Drill Hall. itonntions of Cakes. Sandwt'hea anti Milk will be thankfully received at the Hell during the afternoon. Don't fcrget to come as well in th4 Evening and meet all old friends, anJ make the Reunion a greant buccobu. Portland Golf, Club BACK TO PORTLAND DAY WEDNESDAY, 22nd NOVEMIBER, Morning - Men's Singles, Ladles' Singles Afternoon- Mixed Doubles E. J. SILVESTER, Hon. Secretary. BOXING AND VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM MONDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 20th Next Gordon Hotel H. SCHUN'KE (Glppslsnd Champion) VERSUS J. MITCHELL S(EX.NAVY) 15 Rounds I' H LIMI, NARIE3 SOUN(iS by Mr Bell and Mr I. Stubbs, CURNET SOLp, Mr H, Grlnham COMEDY SKETCH, Maeras G. Osbourne and P. Pitcher BAND .IN ATTENDANCE. PRICES - 51- 3f- 21- (Plus tax) hItrserved Seals no extra chares, IReferee, Mr H. V. MeLsod. Timekeeper, Mr G. Moore. LADIES WELCOME C. PHILLIPS. Promoter. -lPENING PRINCES HIGHWAY DOUBLE CUORNeH, MONDAY, 20th. '22 fi?lHE Council will be pleasedl if Carl. .ownera attendihg the e ililjna of the ljpntyMprmortll tt Mootday afternoon ne'ct ilTr's{ace their cars at the dtsposal of the Council for the purpose of taking thone desirous of witnesalng tbhe Official O8nigof the i'rille'" lhobwy.,to the 1. E. (. IIENRY, .. Town Clerk. MVie ... H.eenzo Cough Aaiyono 'un, in a rew tmtmntt. tnodht a family supply of ae good ClonhI, Col,, Infltenra and Rnre Throat Remedy as monoey can htty. All that hltq to Iohe do le to add HEENZO to swctcotetoi water, accord. ing to directions supllplied In thin way Itaera get ne mutch ottprlor cough mixture for a cotple t. shlling as would cost anything from 12s to £1 If bought In the ordinary way in a lot of little I'ottlen. Nothing .,lae uivet uttlenr itlidC fro, Cotughs ad CtlCt., ..[enio' CotIl¶ Iironds sweeten the roat nd aoothethhe throat. Try them. OR PIH 'iV SALE - 40 ACRES (30 cleart ed, hed nod permanently wtored, ntteTte, htandy to town, Apply WAT/TI, KNO?vr.--.q rtltqvoclnrns ant Warts WithoUt aAt hu umhdlg rcliaap'potitJ ment, try a bnttle of thequaeensinnd cattle. man's remarkable dlarovery known as "bWAMI'."' Just try and rse results. "Swamp" is obtainable for 1t6 from all leading chemiste tnd stores everywhere. -d..dk - ,

Back to Portland AT a. meeting of the Comnmittee of. the' above, it was unanimously decided to invite the Storekeepers and Traders ..of' the town .to C LO S i, their respective places of business on MOND \Y, the 20th inst, and at i o'clock on,, TUESDAYi 'the 21st inst The Townspeople are also :asked to 'come along and so help to make our REUNION a success and a pleasure to all our Home Comers. J, IL. WYATT, Sec.

BUGs AND COCKROACIIES To DESTIOY.-Thebent prop ration known I "l Bure a." h Any of theoe inOsets that get touched with p the above chemical must give q p thel liven, there is no en saI. "ugheat" I. C olqn te le t n ( e qulte a i ole.n. old by It jouff C~ilihieL anU ktrea,~-AdVt,