Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Thursday 16 November 1922, page 2

Portland's (ala Week. PROGRAMME OUTLINED, Arrangements are all eomplete for Portland's great birthday party, which begins this evening. and the energetic secretary (Mr J. L. Wyatt) reports everything " A at Lloyd's." Heavy bookinge of seats for the special train bave been notified by the Tourist Bureau in Melbourne, 'and the houses of accom.. modasion in the .town are full to overflowing. Already many of the Come.backs have arrived, and may be distioguished by the little blue ribbon which is on issue to them. The weather. which previously had been sultry, broke on Wednesday, and light rain feil, but later appearances give promise of bright days for the carnival. The business p ople have risen to the occasion splen. didly, and their premises present quite a gay appearance under the efletat of the painter's brush, which has been budily occupied for the past month. Some very fine window displays are also in course of preparation, and by to-morrow evening the old town will be agog, The arch of welcome at the intersection of Julia and Bestlock streets is well on the way to completion, and yesierday the posts were placed ID position and thei woodwork erected. Today, the finish. log touches were given to the structure, whieb makes a very impoag spectacle,'' and a credit to those who have taken the work in hand. The special train' from the city, which no doubt will be crowded, is timed to arrive at about 8,30 o'clock too.lght, when an official welcome by the Mayor, on behalf ct the people of Portland, will be extended to the hemscomers. The following day will be occupied by the Mayor and Mayoress' reception in the morning, the flower show in the afternoon and evening, in addition to the entertainment of the party of .Parliamentarians, who will arrive by the ordinary train on Thursday evening. Saturday, really speaking, is the real gala day, the arrival of the 'Commonwealth fleet, regatta and torchlIght procession in the evening combining to make a gelaxyal evants which will long be remembered. In the morning, visitors will be shown over the hosiery mills. A special train from Hamilton will convey excursionists from that district to the seaside for the day, and returo again at 9 p.m. after the procession. Details in connection with the latter have received minutest attention at the bands of a willing band of workers, and a display worthy of the occasion should result. Tableaux, decorated motors, equestriaca and, pedestrians will make up she processlon, which will assemble at the Royal Ho;el corner at 8 30o and msr'b through the main thoroughfares to a spot adjacent to the Botanical Gardens, where the boo., fire will be lit. Sunday (Henty Day) is a day of church reunion, and approptiate services by the various denominations will be held, In the morning, at St. Stephen's, an Old Pioneers. Service will be conducted by the Vicar, and Scots Church will celebrate its 8oth anniver. sary on that day, when Rev, W. Borland will preach on three ocessioust At Wesley Church, in the afternoon, au impressive ceremony of unveiling:' . memorial window to fa len soldiers is to be performed by the President of the Methodist Conference (Rev, J. Snell), Monday (a public holiday) will be a day of bustle, and is crammed full of important fixtures. At8.3o in the moroing a well organised pageant will commemorate the landing 'of the Hentys at Portland Bay. Immediately following is the "Back to School" and unveiling of the boner roll at the Portland State School, and in the afternoon the Henty memorial (which bas just been completed by .Mr Daie, of Casteston), will' be unveiled by the Minister of Lands (Me. Oman), and subsequently the Prince's Hlghway declared open. A banquet will finish up a most strenuous day. On Tuesday, the P; & A, Societ)'s gymkbana will take place, this evebt being preceded by a fancy dress proceassion, commencing at I 30 pm, At night Ihe *' Old Tiame'" dance should provide an enjoyable few hours. Wednesday .will' be given up to motor trips round Portland, tennis, golf, croquet and other forms of recreation, and in the evening the grand reunion social will afford an opportunity of renewiog old time acqueantances and pleasant social intercourse, Thursday will be children's day on the beach, the" concera at night bringing the week's festivities to a close.