Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Thursday 16 November 1922, page 3

II F. OAKLANDS, N.S.W. 818 acres. . (£2 due Crown). n mile rail. Ii miles, Coorabin Conlfielde (head 'proposed' VictorIan rail extension), virgin red and grey soils, heavy yielding and carrying (edge plain), all ready for plough, securely fenced, 'new concrete house. 5 rooms, verahdaha, bath tubs, etc., sheds. ynrda, watered by here (beht water, unlimited supply), manin rnd, all conditions conipletad.. PRIICE: £2110/ per acre, present title. A. WEST. Urana, N.S.W. Public Notice M IR. J. J. MUIRI?'IT desires to :announce that' h hahns disposed of ils Carrying Business to,MRI O. N.. BACHIIE LOR, and solicits the same liberal pattron? age for hil Succesor as was accorded hi?d;

Hedditch & Coughlin. Central Garage Percy-st. Portland CARS r1! 03K .3111w3E DA.Y OR NIGHT 1/1 per Mile. ALL AcCEssoaIEis STOCKEb D, Motor Car and :,ntor Cycla Englncorinic. and Farm Machiiory. Repairs Executed by -First-class Mechanic In. the Wrkshop or on the Farm. PHONE: 83 BUSINESS:NOTICEI 'ON. HNRL-DAY oi..lNiGHT. Mu'run CAR ? DRAGS. CABS ua.UGGies AN' H0as 'as Trips arranged to. BtLOW H-oLs, CAP Nt-?OiN,. AND UOTI?tl' PLACS "c . Stock 'of Motor. Ty! es Tubes and Benzine on had? : , All Orders left at Stables cairefully attended tbo. Gouil,Careftil. Driver Phone 11 , ` F. A. FRANKS, Proprietor L. G. MINO G UE AIGISHES to Notify the Public of Port. V land and Snrroundinii Districts that' he has COMMENCED.3USINESS, in his NEW PREMISES GAWLE -t STRE IE'Tr He soilicits a continuance of the Patronage S""so liberally bestowed iln the past :.TERMS r1RIC'TLY CASH 1FIRSTCLASS SMALLGOODSMAN Emoe oYEI "MALLGOODS A SPECIALTY Phone 92 Hedditch & Coughlin ,HOUSE, LAND & COMMISSION AGENT Percy' Street, opp. Os-I bourne Bros. lHouses and Land For Sale and To Let Local Agent frr- -Bailey Bros.. Produce. Merchants and Shipping'Providors, Melbotrnu City Mutual . Life 2Assuranre-roa.ewn]s collected Norwich Uaion Fire N. Le Rlgg Farm and Station Supplihes Crown Sepiiators, M3uncl 'Chaffctitters, Alston Windmills. &c. Wiacher's Manures. International Harvester Co. Ltd.--A quan. tity of Second.harndMachinery for sale Phone: 90 .k. 'Trrtea.l • Solicit, 1. J.' L. WYATT & Co AUC'L'IONEfi:,." L.AND,. , STOCK ,.&, GENERAL' COMMISSION AGEN'TS Corner Julia & B6ntinek' Streets, Portland : Auction Sales conducted In any part of the Sttite.: 'i'Welhave a list of very 'fne FAn;.s and HOUSE PROPERTIES fort Private Said,, of which intending buyers would be well advised'to inspect-before making a purchase . AGENTS Ol- ., 'The Trustees.' Executors abd Agency Co Ltd.,of 412 Collins street, Meilbourne The General Accident. Fire and LIfe,Assurance Corporation Ltd., 21 Queen street, Melbourne The State Accident Insurance OtHr.e g QGuarantoeed by: theGovernnent) "' " H. V. Mcnfa Sunshine Popular Farm Implements' A0 CRES, wire nletted, 4.roumed House, Hathroom and Wash.house (new), Shede; Stables. PRICE £7E50. . . .WYATT A CO.. CHURCH SERVICES St. Stephn's' Church' IPoRTLAND'S 88th ANNIVEnRSARY. a 8 .m.--Memorrl Etuehnristr SII a.m-l-Mattns-',Cn mmomoration .of f Old Pioneers." . Soloist : Mr' .lighotti 7 p,m.-Fettal Evensong.. Sermon -"The Vislon and the Tak'." e .. Solotst: Mr W, Bell,. TsTH .VICAr. Bridgnowater I r m.l . WIi r, .ay, : nl -S:A' l IRUNION us (hclriuhl Gr 'nd?aistnd Sehoal UWll, 8 to o pin. ; :coas C-hu411ch : SUNDAY NEXT ' rSIG ITITH ?T[-'A NNI NERSA ltY . Rv,. W# ,'BORAiNd; ,.u.A.,. B13 D iey Ch ' ' , ;'. urch. NOVEMBER liu. ,H?IEN T'Y DAY 11 a.m.-Rev Jpseph Snell t 2.80 p.m,- UrnvelIng Ceremony 7 pm -Rev. Jossph.Snell 8 p.m,-Holy Communion Salvation Army ODDFI.LLOWS' HALL,' IIFNTY ST. . PORTLAND;.' .'E Services 11 n.m.'and 7 p.m; . Surilay BSchol 2 p.m. . 'I ''"'ADJUTA?+?LWtafaxlAMNn " ' LIr?TMANTr SMXTHi.

", ENTERPRISE HOUSE Campbell & bcLean Are NllOw rolino"hi, New Spring' & Summer Goods NEW SPONGE 'CLOTH:S 1 . .IN & FANCY NEW CREPES & ZEPHYRS Solnme CIIOIClI .MATI ' RIAA~ i t the L)test St;ripes and ' ,,hecl ks in Skirt and: Dress Lengthis. :;,. ONE ONLY IN EACH SHADE AND PATTERN We have alsi' opehed a Very Choice SelecHoi6 of . Creme, Lace Curtains & Nets • ' " H , . ', ' ' 1011. ][1l'B ;T . 'J CaLmpbell and MeLean, Percy Gtreet, - Portland Conou mmktbg : lan sralia HEIAD OFIqR BSDNEY. OPEN FOR ALL OLASSEB OF G;ene al .Banking Business In the Prrf.clpl Ciies and Towns of AustralIa and Rabaul (New Brltan); London (2). ' .Savings Banksepartmernt : at lII i .anches, :ndSavlns .ank Ag ionlols .?80 Post Ofalcs throughout Aultralia, and at Papua, New Brlilln, Solomon, and noher Islands of the Pacitic. 3% Interest on Depoelts up r, £1,000. 8% Intereeteon Amnount over :'.ý,a up to 51,800. JAMES KELL, SIr DENISON?C.??LER, M.O.M, . " eputy u Oovernor . G ernor

. -------~-------- - ·- "" ."+- - .1 Back - to - Portland Visitors Ar- invited to Inspect our Stocks ofCrockery, Glassware & Cutlery TUMBLERS 9/, 12,. 15/. 17/. 19.'6 doz. CUPS & SAUCERS 12/. 15/ doz ETS JUGS 9/, 121? ,At. DAINTY GILASS BOWLS & DISHES AT BEDROCK PRICES - Best English 271. 33/ di. FLOWER P0'S 81. 1/3 2/ & 3/ each. ODU CUPS 7,6 doe, JARDINERES 20', 2P/6 11/6 & 32/6 each. -4 i S11EFF.AE.iD CUTLERY SETS CARVERS from 161 s-r. DESSERT KNIVES from 35/ o&, TABLE KNIVES from 40/ doz. 4JA1i At F-1l4rU I tI PIREMEiRV? I G .JAIA 59, 8'. 10/6, 15.6 doz. Here are a few, suggestions for The Beach, Picnic & Reunion Parties SSweet and Unsweetened Assorted Biscuits. Afternoon 'Tea Biscuits' nd Wafers, Family Plain.. Soed aud Eruit Block Cake, Schweppes' Aerated Watder, Best SBrands of Cordials and \Vines and Spirits +A T *'T, PO .AN A Real Good C'np of Tea is assured with OLFE'S ROBUR,. NECTAR oR GOLDEN SPARKSR A ' r o 9, P. . Box No. 4, Anderson & Co. ixtenld a; very liear!y W el.-· coiaime t--) )l11d Portlindikrs ' ........ 'r "IhrP No 9, P.O. Box No. 47, ' - + + " '' i " W hlilst in Porl and DON'T FAIL TO SEh. BTUBBS' Display of Australian i .rg i lhe crursy of M1SSRS GEO, A. BON1& .CO.., Hosiery hanufactuharers, we have secured a Window ^Display of ;'^ WE ARE.SECM DONLY TO BUCKILEY NUNN' S, MELBO•RTR *IN SCIJRNING THIS FINET BXHrYBTRy .-1 M;R.'O'^ :' S: TUBBS'