Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Monday 6 December 1920, page 3

KAY'S Lineeed Compound' of over 50 yoeare proven efficacy for Coughs, . Colds, IrQnchlitie, etc,

NOTICE, ANY Pereon TRESPASSING with Dog or Gun on Ellaogowan Estate will .be PROSECUTED,

'Portland Sub-Branch Retur".ed jSoldiers' Asuoalalon AQUATIC C(ARNIVAL B1)X1[1%G DAY h AMonday, D..owa ber 27th, 1920 f PROGRAMME - To start at 1.80 SMOTOR BOAT RACE, e handicap, 28ft and under, n open to all Fishing Boats. 1- Ist Prize £2/ o/ and Trophy h valued at £2/2/ (gift of Ferro d Marine. Engine Co.) ; 2nd, if £1110/o ; 3rd £I. . Entry 5/, . three boats or no race 2 DINGHY RACE (pairs.) - st, £i ; 2nd ,of/. Course r 'about half a mnile. Entiy 2/ n t 3 DINGHY 'RACE (singles) ,e 1st, 15/; 2nd; 5/. Course . ;.:about.half.a mile...-Entry 1/ hb 4 DINGHY RACE (ladyand it gent.) ist,:: 10/;' 2nd '`5/ Course about half az mile Entry 1"/ SWIMMING EVENTS. I- 5 rooyds. CHAMPIONSHIP C 1st, 30/;. 2! d, IO/. Enitry 2/ . 6' 'yds. HANDICAP. boys S :"'; uder 17 years. Ist, Io/'; nd1 5/. Entry I/. 7 tooydsR HANDICAP. I1st, izb/o.: nd, 5/. Entry i/ 8 5oyds. CHAMPIONSHIP, n boys under I6 yeairs.', 1st, n Io/; 2nd,;5/; Entry If / 9 HIGH DIVE. Isr, 15/; 2nd, 5/. Entry if i to GREASY POLE t ii GRACEFUL -DIVING SI12 LONG DIVE a 13 DUCK HUNT Prizes of Io/ Ist and 5/ 2nd will be given in the four latter events. Entry for each I/ K. S. ANDERSON, Hon. See. SC(ondah Sports & St ow Society ANNUAL C ARNAV AL:" CONDAH MISSION STATION MONDAY,' JANUARY 3, 1921 HoasE, AThLETIC AND NOVELTY EVENTS HORSE EVENTS. Stewards: J. Lindsay, H. MlcKinnon, and H. Bannam. r. Single Buggy Horse, 1st los;, 2nd Ss 9 2. Maiden Horse, over Hurdles, sst i1 £, and 7s 6d. 3. Single Buggy Pony, 14 hands a.u., 1 1st los., znd 5s. D 4. Maiden Pony, over Hurdles, i4-z t a.u., ist LI, and 7s. id. S5. It-stone Hack, tst nos., and 5s. S6. Horse over Hurdles (open), 'st l L£ Ss., and 12s. othd ' 7. Pony Hack, 14 hands ia,u., 1st tos, and 5s. 8. Pony, over Hurdles (open), -'st ,t 5s., and 7s. 6d. 9. Ladies' Hack, rst ros., and Ss. • so. Best Bareback Rider over Hurdles, ist rSs., and 7s. 6d. I.. Victoria Cross, rst Lf, and 5s. rz. Tilting in the Ring, 1st los, and 2/6 1J. Walk and Trot (no pacing allowed). Ist ios., and Ss. 14. Flag Race, 1st sos., and as, 6d. 5I. Pony Hick, 13 hands a.u., zst ios., and Ss. 16. Bending Race(open), Ist sos, and z/6 I?7. Bun-eating Contest on Horseback, ast 15s., znd as.' 6d. s8. Musical Chairs on Horseback.' st 5s., znd 2s. Ibd, No Stallions allowed to compete in Hack or Buggy Classes. ' Entry so per:cent, of first piis mday.e ATI-ILETIC EVENTS. V.A.L. Rules in Running Events. Stewards: Messrs. D. Coustly, B. Mil- w lard, and N. Field. D Starter: Mr. J. Arden. a. Novice Handicap, soo yds., rat ?s, on and 7/6 wl z. Sheffield Handicap, 530 yds., rst z 5/,. u 2nd rt7/6 , ' 3. Handicap Hurdles, 33o yds,, rast Ls. io&, and a/6 ' 4. Lake Condah Handicap, 44o yds., sat .l to/, znd a2/6 5. Boys' Race, under s4 yrs, st4/, Rnd / 6. Girls' Race, under i4yrs, ast /,.znd r/ 7. Siamese Race, srat ,o/ 8. Old Buffers' Race, 75 yards, rst ro/, 2nd 2/6 9. Running High Jump, rst zs/, znd 5/ Entry fee lo per cent. of rst prize money Entries close with Secretary on sth December, :igzo.-" NOVEL'SY EVENTS. Stewards: Messrs. W. King, J. King,. D and G. Bannam. r. Sheep Guessing Competition, "st sos. Entry, 6d. -2. Kicking Football f Gqoal, ?st eos. En iy, as. " . .. 3. Throwlhgat Wtcket, ist go1, Entry sq 4. Docapitating th6 Roo,sto'. t S s; Entry, 6d. '" ' 5. Pillow Fight, ist sa, Entry, 64. -6. Stepping Chain, rst 5s, lFntry, 6d, , K w,. T.?O4qT, Soeqr.tary tlu

-·- Rabbit i Traps ro "' Victor " and "Lanes " .. 42 Md doz., Pins for Rabbit Traps ... .. ?,T . d? z? Did Yon Knob That we asll the following goodsa?Earth Scoops Grinder a Ploughs.. "Iwan " Poetbole. Bone liI ... Sedd Drills Diggers' Lifting Jacks Stocks and Dies Pumps "Iron . go" Har- Pipe Cutters Piping r ?vs Anvils. Forges,&c Maize Shellers Cultivators .Proprietary Limited "FOR FARM & OICHARD TOOLS. 682.88 COLLINS S'TREET, MEIBOURtNE Brownies and Kodaks are Christmas gifts that "please the most A Kodak or Brownie is a Christmas present that will receive the warmest approval. ,You, too, should get a" Kdildiký-then instead of a few days, or a week: 6r two, of enjoyment that will fade 'quickly from your memory you will be able to make pictures that will save yotiur liday for you to live over and over again. GIVE KODAKS TO: GROWN-UPS BROWNIES TO THE CHILDREN

So f.t as cenvenience is con. cerned there is no camera to compare witl the Vest' Pocket Kodak-which can *be worn like a watch and is never in the way. It takes pictures I3 a 2, inches that can be easily anlaried. Price, 54/6. The Autographic Kodak Juriesrarsa extrmely popular eameras-four models all the aine except in. mize. The No. I for pictures 25 a 3x. inches. Price, 98/.; No.'IA for pictures 24 x 44 inches.

pietures 21, a 4 izAJG . Prlse, 85/1I f: .NS..3A1 f p.uicard ýudwureu. 3y ! * The Briuwa. are i£m.,ueww.4 cam--o. of cx'rcia simplicily ? 1u. 4,4U. O iu* uw)wuio itae. picturesl 0 a 25 iaenlu and only coat. 14/64 " 0thh. Box Brownies at 11/6, 24/. med 32/-. Foldiig Aut.g aphiLs Brownies-built like' Kedah* -horn 5a/. to £51151-.

Obtainable from all Kodak Doalers, *j iifreo'soae3 iI yv t'wv,.

Salon .'. Royal. C. E. BOURBAUDI, Hairdresser and Tobacconis t PERCY STREET. rnHR above has much loeasure in Inaforml a T thO people of Portland that the {lo un will be UltENKD for I3UdINESS on the ti61 DKRCOKMIEH, and hopes to receive a fair share of patronage. The bualneos in the Saloon will bo eohducts d on the most hiygionlo prinolplo, All tow. Is will be secrillwrd by a new process, ,for the comfort of wailtig patrons tHo SHloon is furnislehed with Upholstered Tbcatro. Obairs. TOBACCOG, O?IARSI, CIGARITTES of thoe eost Urands. RAZOR RTRIOPd, COMIUS, U3ItSHES, 8OA PS, and numerousa other Toilet Artlales,' ano FISHIlNG TAOKLE kept lo stock., Razo a Promptly and Carefully eot MOTOR CAR (No. i4888) DAY OR NIGHT. 1/- PER MILE. '.utsang Visiting and Shopping Parties;. 4w.* per hour up to special distances. Private' arrangements mae' .for Wedaing Parties, etc. C HICEY Ietorned Soldier, Proprietor. PIIONS 20, KAY'S 'Litlacoe 'Commnne,,l' for Coughs Cu;ds, a.,d Is,,.a.. phlegam,, allays irrlta. -%

WELL AND STRONG VWhat a grand thlng:it l for women, to be well and strong? Toe' Latdles' College of Health has brought forward a home .treat. ment that has restored-thousands to health at a trltllng ceot.: 'Those interested can ind out all about It. Ifr, .y seond two peenny stamps to Dept',4G.'Ladte" College of loalth, 46 YMUf. sbth stroct, Molbourne The OMEGA Watch The.. 1'atch 'ofal'ath/e! tri 6 m 'World-famed for aeuracsy . and eerfeetceon.t "rkel eaa r 7 ewelt, to . Sold wlth ptmeul suarantee. Stoewart Daweon', Swanatou Sl.. Melbourne. YoalWIIl bue rovided with livery tIhing C&LQAN. and U.P-TO-lDATB -AT-. C. SMITH'S (LAT? 'i A, F.) JULIA' STREET, PORTLAND. S UAVING, HAIR-CUrtTING, Eto., by otoilent hands, RAZORIt GROUND and SET, or IILLIAri K OOn UP STA ' 9 TABLES. 2 TABL5t. A Visit Will Satdisy, TRY THIE d"GU'A bIIAN " OFFIC)} Flor Ctrd/, Progralnm 8, Blll?r"al ., V'otster, Hlapl4billt qtc