Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Thursday 3 June 1920, page 2

shionable Eress MOST FAVUURIID FOR THE PRI, SE NT' SiASON. A Our Select'on for the Winter Season is particu.larly fine, Fabrics of recognised Lquility that can be relied upon for good-service. M As prices still are- advancing, we urge that early selection is advisable. 54 inch Heavy Cloths, suitable for Coats and Costumes, in Brown;,Nayy,.. Mole and Grey at 10,'6. . 418 inch Velour Cloth, in Navy, Mole.and Light Navy, at 15/6 yard 40 inch Black Watch Tartan, at 1016 andc12;9 yard 48 inch Serges, in Saxo, Brown, Navy and Black, Special value at 13/6 yard 64 inch 'Cremo All-Wool Gabardine, something Special for Coatumos, at 22/6 We have just opened up all tbe NEWEST SHADES in Crep e Ceh ine;" Mastic, Pretty Dark and Light Navy, Pink, Brown, and Black for evening wear. 40 inch Heavy Tweeds. in Greys only, at 3,9 and 5/3 yard Velveteon, in all colours, from 3/11 to 8/11 yard Ladies' Dark Tweed Coats, latest cut. Collar and Belt, at 60/- each Ladies' Dark Wool Tweed Coats, smartlycut and well made, at 47/6 to 8i Girls' Tweed Coats, all sizes in stock, from 37/6 to GO/- each Ladies' Heavy Tweed Costumes, for Winter wear, from G55/ to 95/ . Ladies' Gabardine Costumes, Now Styloa, and well cut, at only 4716 to 85/ d PORTLAND STORES, 0 h P "'TYY. LTD. PI'rcy-strCct---- Post box No. 6. 'Phone No. 5. S. . -Winter : :OI W SIEOWTINTG- .AT ': . S Campbell and MeLean's ~i ' i' * * '':* ,SPECIAL VALUE IN * * * Dtress. Goods, Bianlkets, Ladies' Coats, Golfers. . . _ , '' ' . PIONEE I. HOUSEI ',. Jollhn Campbell IS NOW SHIlOWING A SPLENDID SELECTION OF DRESS GOODS. -- This Depqrtment is. specialized, *Good value is shown '-here in FABRIcs for. Summer Wear in both Wool an'd Cotton.:Dress Material. ' - MANCHESTER DEPARTMENT - , Itelflable G'oodl onily Sfalked. Paramount Values in Calicots, Sheooeting, Tabie Lamink, Tuweul;e, d'rtara, Cretonnue. Theso lines wore bought some tilneigo and shoYW up woll against present prices'and I am giving ' ; : my Customnur theao advantages. *. .- sao'W ROOM GOODS -Choico Millinory,: ~lainbla 'and IRady-to-Woar lts--th- very latest and up-to. 'datr. This Dcef'irthont Will displuy also a line assortment of anidls' and * ,ihlilren'.H MHlindry, Ladle'Csnetumeu, Frocks, Costs. SKIItTS ThRe litst stiylen, well made and finished. BLousEH-,Jap Silk; Crupe'de Chino, Vllo. MUSaIN-These are . dantv' n l'very special value. The famous '. Wailrnera" Cii)raets, rust proof, all sizes in "" several styles. S - CLOTHING DEPARTMENT- . Men's and Boys' Slits-ThIo value hero is excellent. . Felt tllats. Fashion S"Shirts, Tennie Shirts, Wearing Shirts, Odt Value; unprocurable , today at the prices.' S ---Inspection Invited, --. * 'Phone 17, . JOHN CAMPBE.LL, .:I;. c..t,. S "

The OMEGA Watch The Iftatchf ,/lchklas Aerit .World~fam.? for accurary " nd.prrIrct Connlruction, n Ni"cel' cse. 7 . ewela, GO i?I 15 iewela .GO/- Orderb mail Sold with utmost guarantee. Stowart Daweon's Swanston St.. Melbourne.

WELL AMD STRONG What a )graicl thlri.t.lin for women to be, will an ' stron?)" The Ladeia' College of Iloalth hag brought, forward a hpmo treat= ment th it has rostorod thousandrt.tln heel I rat a triflling onat. Those interbred oio find out all about It If they sandt two penny atamps to Dept. 40, Ladles Collego of oealth,j $O Blisa.' blth etroet, , olbourno

SHIPPING. Steamer's Sallings. ins (Weather and other circumstances per mitting.) Melbourne to Portland S.S. Casino, Early. Portland to Melbourne- A S S.S. Casido, For Sailing Date, apply ' LocalAgent. Passenger Fares,-Single Saloon only Melbourne, 15s; Port Fairy, 4s 6d; War- j' rnambool.6s,. .D C. G. CATHELS, e Agent at Portland, Telephone No. 3, DENTISTRY VAR. w. 0- TRURAN fRiecorded by Dental Board of Victoria.) GAWLER STREET, Portland, I:. ,MAY BE CONSULTED DAILY; ARTIFICIAL TEETH, a CROWNS, BkIDGE WORK, .. Sainless Extractions GOLD FIL:INGS A SPECIALITY I Uours-10 a.m. till 5 p.m. Heywood Visited R.egularly. Date of next visit-, If6 THURSDAY, JUNE 10th Shire of Portland. NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS. '0 person will be untitled to be enrolled in respect of any property unless before or on the Tenth day of June all sums payable in respect of any Rates made three months or more before such da in respect of such property have been Thoe Secretary will attend at the Shire Of1ice, Portland, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, on the days 2nd to 10th June (Sundays and holidays excepted) to receive Rates. •. T. E. TULLOH, Secretary. Portland, 17th May, 1920, B1LLARAT PIG MARKET. EVERY WEDNESDAY. Coles & Pullum, SALESMEN. I1 EASONS why you should consign your 1 Live Stock to Coles and Pullum: 1, Ballarat is the Biggest Mariket. 2. Coles and P'ullum do the biggest business. &. Our District Agents save you all Sconslgnment troubles. 4,. We act strictly as Selling Agents on Commisaton only - not as private dealers. Our district Agents are : Mr.. Vi L. WATSON, Portland. Mr. FRANK MOORE, Heywood. Mr. C. C. BUCKNALL, Dartmoor. INOTE-Sheep and Cattle Sales, Every Tuesday., Pigs, Every Wednesday, D0iry.; and Store Cattle and Horace, Every Friday, SPECIALLY NOTE A truck to take Pigs for the .Ballarat. Market will leave Portland North on Mon day, 7th June, 1920, at 2 p.m. Intend ing 2onstgneoe please arrange with Mr. Watsonz without delay. P.. Learmonth & Co .uotioneers and Valuers; ISTrOCK rATION Ab~I FINANCIAL. AGENT'S. IHAMILTON, CASTERTON. AND S' . JULIA STREET, -· PORTLAND. CiTOCK SALES : - Heywood, Condab, U ., igby, Dergholm and Myamyn mon thlyy. e .Clearing Sales conducted in any part of the State. Loans Negotiated at lowest rates. Representatives and Agencies: S:".'ortland-Mr G. It. Moore. Casterton Branch.-Mr. James Henry, Sioywood-Mr F. IH. Moore. S'Cdndah-Mr ItR. McKenzie. S'Di\attmoor-Mr C. C. Bucknall,. SMR. HAItOLD LEARMONTH, Sworn Va'luator for ThirtaeealCountles in the S State of Victoria., Newspaper Notioe, O -j and after Monday, April 0th., . ,,the "Ago" and "Argue "will be'iil per copy. Saturday's issue 2d as at presewt.. No: further qqarterly accounts ,Wpllitbo. alloweod, ualeea paid.in advance, '.R; (;, il Satisfactory arrangements can besnadoi with the undersigned. All:overdue accounts must be paid holefr. the' 4tth of this month, or delivery, of papers will cease. GEO. C. LEAR,' Authorised Agent, Portldnd. S IUISINESS NOTIUCE. ITAVING Purohals tie LVERY STABLES. I' Buslnees from Mr. J. Hickey, at Mac's hotel, Portland, I will be pleased to cater for all old cnustomors, also noew ones. ON HIRE, DAY OR NIIIT, ' MOTOR CAR, DRAGS, CABS, BUGGIES ANo -HORSES. Trips arranged to BLOW HOLE, CAPE NELbON, S and other places. Stok 'of" 1VIrtor Tyros, Tibes, ,nanid. Benznne on hand ,.I ordesi left at Stables carefully S.attended to. Gopo. CAnuuL. Danlvans, II.PliOmi II. F a, A. n K P l ra . I e FROPRIETOR, S TRY TIE "GUARDIAN" OFFICE l For Cards, Programmes, Ballbeade Poalte?r, HaIndblile etc,

Wanted, Lout, Founid, To Let, dc.. BiUOCIK Land, good .position I cheap. B Wyatt &C. . (1 QMFORT'ABLE little tiome.'ch'itip.120, S.Neat.villa, good poeitinn £440, worth inspectin ' Well uiilt residence, in choice positoldni £T0. : Apply Wyeattnd Co. , S HIPLING "ao irFMIt Y 'BUTOHERS ' : OsBOti? : 'BnoSia. Porpy *Sltroot? !ortland' "OUNG GIRL.wants S1 TUATION as GntppretaI 6r'' t rii/U hh9ld Duties: Apply.thl:Ofitde, ' ,., " FlRS. : ALE:.. .. (ASSEY ?HARRIS BINDER, Massey 'i1. : SPRING-"tOOTH Mlassey-Harris .DRILL,' LttuAow PLOUGII., All in first class ortie.Aply T. ITICKEY In the OI3FEtL'PWS' HALL o.. JUVE ( E WCL4 4'.i t( 50'pro, • FRID¥Y , 25th 'JUNE, ' A'T' whlcli the Lantst and "mnos IUp.to -':DatgDanilng il be.taught Special attention to begtnners '. , ADULT"GLASS 8 trl' ,.0'p, Diggers' .ConeeI :a nd anese, Moni'dy, .7h June. 1920, Iri aid ofith?e Cfib'i Funds. CdNCERT'et ·.u'clodk. DANCE to . pl low. "Pifca2 d' ". ;t: E 216/, ahd .GOOD1PROCR'AMME and M.USIC0, • . Now;Pe1fortndre to lleywood. ' A.'G. i3OWSTEAD.,.: . ' Hon. Sec. CASTERTON SUB-BRANCXr' R,S S.I.L.A. 'PINIC RACE `CLUB. RACE MEETING To in.u liltL ON TUilE ·C'aterton Racecourse "ON MONDAY J. ,JUNE,. 1920 S(KING'SI3iRTiIDAY.. £P2w roPIES;ý ,2 PROG RANl ME 1, H1 4DICAP TRIAL STAKES.-Fivo furlong's, ', LFor hriseit.thna.thve never won.a stake exceeding '£5.' Minimum weight, st 7Ib. Firt, Trophy .value 6 ; second, Trophy value £1. Entry 2. BRJSII'IIURl~LE RACE :-A Hloatdi t. ..ca., ' About M?.o miles.' Midimum weight, etst:7lb.!: :irst; 'rophy. vaolse £0, ; second, Tr?glhy value £2.. Entry, r3, I ELTY "PO.'O RACEI~ - Special wleights aind distance. :audlealp. Five furlongs, Limitt. .onies to" rln full diotqnce. 14,2anu. leight to beo Sgivep.at timq.o ;e try. Poniea?wbhqo hoightq4 are i~ten incori'dctly at time of "entry'wll be 1oe-hiendicpped. First,' Tn'opby Viale £G0.;'.. second, "Thojphy .alue £1, Suinimum ,weight, .9et, Entry, ,,....... ) 4. ANZAC CUP':;-. AHandicap., About one mile.' Minimum weight, 9st 7?be. Fih st, Trophy value "£10: second, Trophy, value £2, Entry, 10s. 5, LAPIES' P3RACELET.-A Handicap, Six furlongs.' Lady nominators, To boe 'dden' by returned soldiers, who must be approved of by the Stewards Minimum'• eiglt,,, 10st 71b. .First, Trophy .value 1Q second, Trophy value £1. ,Etry; G s, 6, OP?EN. IHACK -'R'AE.-A Handicap. 'Five" 'fdrlonge:'. 'Minimum weight, sJt. 71be. 'Fli t;~1'.Trophy value £6 ; seoend, Trophy. .alue £1. Entry, 6s. -, i'. N ?I)t, ?TIONB Fi[it AI;r EVENTs muo bhe *s in t of '.li~ddS.?otth'e?,Secretary tiot later ih f1920 Cop.p. l1Bh *ODAY, 1st "JUNE, Al' N~ippartiofls ipush ba accompapid. by t.pn ec e? r.x.y , f ..? w Ib ou t , w bich th Th ( " fiinlt'td~t 6rdri ' the bo right' to& ,rrosotlln'otnry submJitted to or~foratltn. rhte ?fo0'iv?vesAie to:i bdecili4ed ol Tht *A~ J.unti't4 tb~Nahsthor date a)s the m?t?es y Jiro(. nay dro : " Tho wiener !"any race ofter the docla re ratiggqo wpights to carrg 71bsn extra; twO or n~eho selh' rarc1ilb 1 e xtra. V;R CG- Rulos sbritly adtlheredto. .: :"?.f .· •• ?:: IIloni Secretary. FOR d JR , CHILD'S CHEST TROUBLE% iY -iHGO)ING. COUGH, tore VW hrot, croup, bronchiti,, and even e en*iy and pneumonia, are kipl , ,at by ofuee w e ol , um~whic a 'es tabit howe ikethireat sell tety dip uee, gs, here lt 4(cik cim edh Pep. nol , quc y end a ucot, nad keei ti-re tirrhi clear of jhlegmlt tiey moothe shd IfortlF tie deliate trtdmb n'oe which line, thd sir iabci'ttnm throatto lunre, and dea tiny ikea diat reerierm. wlhicr stiact tire leec poet it the ihroal and chdi. Wllen sveilthrem'i ariy tendency to cough, or io , lrseieor orener a r the thnat, giv - • euild.Pepaalrei. 1 hO 3. per lin

SCON I)Al? . Saturday, June 12, 1920. -FOR-? UNRESERVED". SALE. Srapery, Grooerles, Boots and S.llhoes, Haberdashery, *Crock ry, and S. uhdries. 3 On Account of Mr. P. PITCHER, Storekeeper, Who is Leaving the District,." .LEA? ONTH & CO.. have received : ductions, from Mr" P, Pitcher, .Sorckeceper (who'is leaving the district), I of Cowidah, to sell by Public Auction, as above, ' ' The' Wholo? of his Stock and Trade of General Storekeeper. PTLECTORAL REVISION COURT.-E. . J: E. NICHOLAS. Clerk of the Revi sion Court, hereby gives NOTICE that a REVISION COURT for the purpose of REVISENG the SPECIAL GENERAL LIST:4a ELECTORS for the PORTLAND DIVISION :of. the' Electoral District of Glendlg, will be -held at .the COURT HOUSE, PORTLAND,-. on WEDNESDAY, the 30th JUNE; 1920, at 10 a.m., and .a Revision Court for Revising the same List of Electors for the HEYWOOD DIVISION of the Electoral District of Glenelg will no hold at the COURT HOUE.,. HEYWOOD, on WEDNESDAY, the 30th, JUNE, 1920, at 2 p.m. MR. PARKINIiSN. ,.; urgaon Dentist, G ?A.WIJER " S TRE ET, .(Next Dr. Slciman'sa P:O'R T L A.N D', Mlay.b, (onsualted lDilly at sutrgery, S.Colllton Hlouse, Percy Street. Hours-9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Heywood visited every Thursday 'o: urs-10 to 12. 'tUQNE No. 44. Painless Dentistry. ARTIFICIAL TEETH, GOLD CROWNS, GULD INLAYS, R?IDGE WORK, Eic. * MR. HILL (Bay Street, Port.Melbourne,) Recorded Dental Board of Victoria, I ...?ILL"VISIT' PORTLAND on ) Monday and Tuesday, • June 14th and 15th,. , Atl3aaeily St.,;'SOUTi, PORTLAND, S .... .~ 'ALL DAY, SAnd,?'t?I?C4.io?i?G n TUESDAY, April 14th, ALL DAY.'. .HEY-WOOD, WEDNESDAY, Juno 16, 1 p.m, to 6 p.m. MR. . JOE 1 8I.N E S E .II.E BALIS T, Milton Street, Hamilton, SSQUCC.ESSFULLY treatse .Rheumatism, ' Sciatica, Epilepsy, Asthma, Nervous Disorders, e:tc., and all External and In a tornal Diseases." o MR JOE W'ILL VISIT PORTLAND EVERY MONTH, and: may' be'. consulted at' the HOTEL ROt YAL from 2 p.m. June 2nd. to 2 p.m. June 4th. I'IJILLV NOTICE. 0o ITAVING been medically, advised to 1i. GIVE UP BU3SINESS, the whole of my Large.Stock of Boots and Shoes ' will b0 offered "to'th'e Public for Cash over the Counter at Less 'than' Wholesale Frices :l of to day. "d hc.th?l; allowed'on all sales. r. tS is a Genoulne Claranee, so SON'T ? Is8 Ir. , OUT'STANDING. ACCOUNTS MUST ,E P&I tAD' at' ONCE; othorwise they will he b'haided toamy Solicitor for collection. Ir ,!' ollitis, 'ulia st,, Portland know's how: liablec tht skin is to sufferi ,rbm disfiguring ;ottclhes and crupttios; anti how liable It Is, abs. oCtget cut anld hurt in .ll .oodlttom al1 o ifilea , home, at worl':,satd at play?. '.There ls't a , wotanl .it tlhe honlce, or £ man in OUte setreet, but ZAM -I;UJ to-day or to- nlorrow. it llan' bet to chleck n ?alddlllel on ,III:'hlht of klt disIease, to solothe Snott! Iel asuisty cut oi Ihrs, tore m v. an l !ihtl pl , tupl le or anre; to stresn'gthlen l ? s E lirl,'d jotit, or to "tuS sitU" :? spa For all tIse. hlitns the re's a ottuing like SIUB Il r;. Board and Residence, OOMFORTABLE BOARD and LODGING Apply MISs BURSTON, Porcy.stree t, Portland.

AUCTION SALES SPEGIAL CATTLE SALE KI(NTBRUK. ?" FRIDAY, JUNE ~ith 550 - CATTLE - 550 Including-. 3 and 4 year BULLOCKS, SPEYED f COWS, DAIRY COWS, STEERS, and YOUNG CATTLE. :E. SMITH & CO. will Sell by Auctlori l as above. Drags leave Portland on" morning of Sale. Intending buyers requiring seats are requested to advise FarrTa Stables on Thursday. I3BRIDGEWAT'IER MONDAY, 2Mst JUNE 1920. 3"0 CATTLE 300 A E. SMITH & CO. will Sell by Auction . as above. rsr Further Entries invited. FULL PARTICULARS LATER, Furniture Sale I&' WEDNESDAY, 9th JUNE, At 2 o'clock sharp. ON THE PREMISES, "CLAREMONT," JULIA STREET. J L. WYATT & CO, favored with in s. tructions from Miss MCLEOD, will Sell by Public Auction, on the above date, as under Cheat Drawers, Mangle, Piano, Vienna Chairs. Chippendale Chairs, Single and Double Washstands, Mirrors., 5 soets Bedroom Ware, Commode, Sewing Machine, Wire Stretchers, Single and Double Beds, Tables, Foot Bath, Tubs. Baths, Fenders, Dish Covers, Kerosene Stove, Lamp Stand (with Lamp), and numerous other articles. 1mo Terms-STRICTLY CASH. NOTICE is hereby given that, after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, APPLICATION will be made to the Supreme Court of Victoria, in its probate jurisdiction, that LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION of the Estate of WILLIAM PETERS late of Tyrendarra, in the State of Victoria, Farmer, de-ceased, Intestate, may be granted to JAMES PETERS, of Tyrendarra, in the said State, Farmer, Brother, and one of the next of kin of the said deceased. Dated this 27th day of May, 1920. W. J. WILLIAMSON, LL,B., Portland. HELLO, THERE! WAIT A MINUTE, WHERE ARE YOU GOING ? WHY, TO THE Potato, Vegetable and Apple Show. . 200 ENTRIES. 200 . DON'T MISS IT. D O [W O R O TV (FRIDAY). L AFTERNOON and EVENING. FREE LIBRARY HALL. . MUSICAL SELECTIONS." ADMISSION, 11, J. KIEL, Hon. Sece e Methodist Church. SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, REV. H. H. WILLIAMS, Sunday School Department, will conduct Ir Services. Also address Teachers and Friends on Sunday School Work on Monday Evening at 7.80 p.m. RABBIT SKINS. TW E are the AGENTS for the largest TT Cutters of BHatters' Fur in Austra. i laeila, and are Direct Buyers of Good, Fresh d Rabbit and Hare Skins in unlimited quantities. Trappers are invited to consign their Skins direct to us at Spencer-street Rail way Station, Melbourne. Prompt payment at full market prices, No commission. Further particulars and addressed labels cn application to S. V. NEVANAS & CO, PPTY.LTD. 509 Collins-street, Melbourne, Shire of Portland. BRIDGE CLOSED. NOTICI is hereby given that the Bridge . over STOKE RIVER at DIGBY Is CLOSED against traffic whilst repairs are being effected. R. L. NANKIVELL, Shire Engineer, 8th April, 1920. Sunday Services 81'. E TEP L EN'S CHURCH FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8 a.m.- Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Litany, Holy Communion and Sermon. 7 p.m.-Evensong and Sermon. Ta? VICAR. SCOTB CUUICH SUNDAY NEXT. 11 a.m.-Echoes from the Assembly Q 7 pm.-Chrelstlanity and Labour. (5 t,The Christlan Ideal. RnaV. Wi TAIT, M.A.

For Children's HIacking Cough, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.

For Influenza Colds tako Wood's Groat.Peppermint Cure.

For Chrooic Chest Complaints, Woods' Groat.Peppermint Cure.

Woods' Great Peppormint Cure, For Coughs and Colds, novor faiUl