Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Wednesday 18 December 1912, page 2

Wanted Servants, Lost & Founa , To Let and For Sale. L OST-At the Picnic races or in the Portlan'. train on Friday last, Gold Cable or Ch in Bangle. Reward on returning same to "Guardian" office. . OR SAL:E -Cow. Good . -. Young Calf. Ti ial given. Apply this office, COW-Juat in-For Sale. Apply to -"Guardian." T'OR SALE-Young Cow near Calving; .L also, three heifers, Apply "'Guardian." .. ANTED-General. Wages ls, Apply Sbliss Enscoe, Merino. 1] ANTED-A Smart Boy. Good wages. W T. Huxley, News Agent. TO-LET.--Good 13-Itooned House, conveniently situated to Beachb. Apply. John Kean. To-Let. r ;11I well-known Boarding ELtablishment, Victoria Hlouse, containining 2 rooms, Tyre street. P'articularb, T. HUXLEY. To Let or For Sale. -- ESIDENCE, " Maguire's," Otway street, Portland. Apply Arthur E. Fielding, Solicitor, Portland. W ANTED.-Poultry in any quantity. Apply Mslc' i otel. rgO-LEI_ or For Sale-House., South Portland. Apply J. L. Wyatt. rofelssional &;usinlscess ilrectorate A ipecial cheap charge Is made for notices ndor this head not exceeding three lines, SHItl'PING A FAMILY BIUTCHERB 7 --Osnousan Baon, Percy Street. Per and. Piano Tuning. I I AITI'IIUR IROBINSON, I'rofeuL.L lonal P'ianoforte Tuner, of Melbourne,.is now in Portland. Anyone requiring their pianos attended to will oblige by leaving word at the Club Ilotel, Portland. Portland Regatta. A PUBLIC MEETING will be held at the Town Hall, on THURSDAY EVENING, 19th inst., at eight o'clock, for the purpose of conelderingtholding a IRegatta at an early date. F. MARSHALL,°T Convenor. Narrawong Common. SPUBLII ,I I CETING will be held in A Library llail, Narrawong, on Saturday, DECEMBIEIC 21, at S p.m., for the purpose of nominating Managers for Narrawong Cornron for ensuing twelve mon ths. RIOUT. I'. CARR, Sec. Allen and Errey, Timber Merchants, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. H&MIL'TON AND PORTLANDI ,Estimates given for work of all descriptions in Portland and District. !'hone 131, .llamiton. Miss Gertrude AIIlnutt, L.L.C.M., , (Matriculated Hlonors) University Conservatoriurn. Pianoforte, Organ, Violin. Harmony and Counterpoint. S- To Let "OR A T'EI'L. " Avonmore," West 1 I Portland. lirick residence and Thirty Acres of Land. For particulars, apply T. E. C.. IIENIY. Xmas Goods. Xmas wioods JUST OPENED at Tlie "Gu?tardianr." STATIONERYI and Fancy Goods Depot, BENTINCK STREET. A Call Solicited. HBTWOO D MEONTHLY MrAa~aT. THiURSDAY, JAN. 2, 1g93. V. Learmonth & Co I-A)ILL hold their Monthly Sale on the S above date at Hanlon's yards, when boy will offer $hoep. Cattle, Horses, &c. Eatrles Invited "LINSEED COMPOUND" for Coughs and Colds. Loosens phlegm, al. ays iritation,

"ENTERPRISE HOUSE." Campbell & McLean Are now making their FIRUST SH OW -OF & Summer Drapery, &c. SEE 'OUR' WINDOW DISPLAY -FOR TIIELatest in Dress Goods. Inspection :Cordially Invited. CAMPBELL AND M0LEAN, DRAPERS AND OUTFITTERS, Percy Street. The Charge of the Bargain Brigade. BARGAINS to right of them, BARGAINS to left of them, BARGAINS in front of them ; All the town wonders But STUBBS never Blunders. , T ,i He has just Bought from a leading Maniifact'rer,'a remharkably Cheap lot of READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS at prices that will surprise the keenest of Bargain Hunters. The Goods comprieb everything that is Newest and Best in Costumes, Skirts, Blouses Children's Dresses, Pianafores, and a Beautiful Lot of Ladies' Underclothing. Always remember the fact that F. A. STUBBS specialises in READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS, and therefore his prices cannot be beaten. A Large Assortment of Manufacturer's Samples to arrive next Tuesday DON'T FAlL TO SEE THEM. F. A. STUBBS Ready-to-wear Specialist, JULIA STREET, PORTLAND, Special Display MILLINERY : -AND -Dress Goods. Newest Effects -IN i mming s .. J. Campbell's, Pioneer House, PERCY STREET. - . TO THE' INHABITANTS OF PORTLAND AND DISTRIOT W. VIVIAN Practical Saddle & Harness Maker, Desires to intimate to the general public that he has purchased the well-known and old established business in Portland for so:many years carried on by the late Mr. E. ADAMS, and trusts to receive the support of the Residents of Portland and District. Up-to-Date and Exitensive Stock. Tour Patronage R.espectfully Soliolted.

Just a Reminder of the ealy approach of the FESTIVE SEASON. S We have anticipated the wants of everybody with a fine collection of Xmas Dainties Xmas Delicacies. ;GREAT ~\i

Christmas fair NOW ON. Christmas Fruits. Imported Currants 7d Mildura Raisins id and Ed Sultanas 9d1, Muscatels 1/3d1 New Dates 5d, New Figs in boxesHd Xmas Cakes. Our Own Special Block Cake, 21b block at 1/4 each. Swallow and Ariel and Peak, Frean an Co's Xmas Cakes 1:3 to 3/ Plum Pudding 1/3 to 3;. Peak, Frean and Co's. Swallow an Ariels, and Long's Biscuit Sp)ecialties i groat variety. Xmas Deserts. Preserved Apricots, 'eari, Pineapple: Peaches, Preserved Ginger in glass jars i! Jelly Crystals. 1 i per dozen Strawberry Coasorve 1/3 per tin Christmas Cordials. Dixon's and O.K O. Raspberry Vinegar Lime Juice, Lemon Squash. O.T. Punch &c.. at 1;3 per bottle. Brooks' Lemon Squash 1i6

New Goods and Great Variety. Xmas Sweets. Cadbury' , Mu rray's and MacJlubecrtson 'a Be ft Chocolate in choicest form. Fresh supplhes forward regularly. Cadbury's and lacRobertson's Chocolate in darntypackets and ornaments from Gd. Xmas Meats. a Ox Tongue 2 9 and 1O9, Sheep tongues 113 Anchovy and Bloater Paste in glass jars l10d, Boiled and Roast Beef and mutton in 1 and 21b tins, 9d and 1:3. Farmers sugared cured anms, 12 to 11b each. Farmer's d mild cured bacon, machine cut in rashers, S1, per lb. Farmer's Pork German 1/ lb Doll Land. Toy Land. B1ring the young folk along and see this 1 great display. Xmas Stockings filled with an assortment of Toys, Gd and 1i each. Mechanical toys, Magic'Lanterns.Trains, Tea Sets, Teddy Bears, Pianos, Boxed Tools, Carts, Furniture, and lots of other delightful Toys from 3d to 10, each. A marvellous collection of dolls of every description and all prices, from 3d to 10/. Picture Books in great variety from Gd each.

THe Portlan Stoie Pkty., Jtdd.

Always Reliable Commonwealth : Bank of Australia SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. DEPOSITS received from one Shilling upwards. Interest at the rate of Three Per Cent. per annum allowed on all Deposits up to £300. Agencies now open at local Post Offices throughout practically the whole of Victoria. Melbourne Agency: 317 COLLINS STREET. Melbourne, 15th iuly, 1912. DENISON MILLER, Governor ' You can't get better than the Best-- . OLAR Goods all stand the Test!" OLAR BOOT POLISH.-Large family Tin. Black or Tan. NIb., 6d. OLAR METAL POLISH.-Liquid or Paste. Contains no acid, 6d. OLAR LINO POLISH.-The World's Biggst and Brightest Floor Shine. Ask for Dance's. Extra large tin, 1/.. OLAR HARNESS DRESSING.Liquid, "Self-shining. Imperial pint, 41. OLAR CURRIER'S FAT BLACK. OLAR WAX INK and OLAR ENAMEL INK.-Superior quick Ink. for ShoemakeL',s use. 6d L DUVERGLER'S Polishing Wax Black Harness Dressing. I/COMPOLAR for Harness.--As eed ,. by the Metropolitan Fire Brigads . IhalaTnIRD sOLE AI[ENTI W V- VI r P 11T POIL?ýE .A.11rDI

J. L. WYATT, Auictioneer, Stock, rtation and General Commission Agent,PORTLAND PORTLAND and at HAMILTON. Auction Sales of Fat anu Storo Sheep and Cattle, large and small estates, farm and town properties, held in any part of the state. Privato Sales of Stock 'aud Properties arcFu ly conducted, AGENT The General Acciden Fire and Life Assurance Corporation Ltd., of Perth, Scotland. H. V. McKay's Farm Implements, Bindors and blowers, Drills, Chaflcutters and Iorseworks, Disc Harrows, Cultlrators, Ploughs, Stump umps, Disc Ploughs, Rollors, Iron gates, Corn Crushers,Oils, &c, Corner Julia and Bentiack Streets, PORTLAND. PORTLAND MARKET. In Sale Yards at rear of Royal Hotel LAST SALE OF YEAR. Thursday, December 19. AT 2 O'CLOCK. J. L. WYATT W ILL offer for sale by public auction at 2 o'clock, as under1 Boy Horse 2 Ponies 2 Forward Springers 1 Pure Ayrshire Cow 1 Jersey Springer, first-class 2 Dry Cows 8 Forward Slips 5 Suckers poultry and Sundries

ESTABLISHED 1850. Portland Tailoring Establisment Wnm. T. Bennett MERCHANT TAILOR, e-?Zin l;r ] treet, Is NOW SHOWING his -NEW Goods.Just Just Received 'Latest and Fashionable Tweeds, Coatings, Suttings, .,and Overcoatings. Special Lines in Tailor Made Overcoats at LOWEST PRICES. Also, Macintosh Overcoats. Salts Completed at Shortest Notice from £M' l0s cash. Fit, Styls and Workmiansiip Guaranteed To Let by Toender S PLENDID FARM for Grazing and O Agriculture, containing 312 acres, with 7 roomed house, wool and.machinery sheds and stable, divided into 8 paddocks, known as "Fairview," allot 7, sec A, parish of Orik Drik. Term two years. Possession in autumn. -Tenders close 31st December, 191?. Apply; J,' C. JOHNSON, GrOonwald,

E Stops falling hair. No mistake about this. Use it, and you will be greatly p icased with its prompt p -Uin. It also cleanses the scalp, .:nd prevents the formation of dandruff. It improves nutrition of hair-bulbs, making them produce a luxuriant growth, and it gives a fine, soft finish to the hair. Never colorsthe hair. Ask your doctor and do as he says. To have beautiful hair, the general health must be good. - Keep the blood pure and rich, and liave the nerv·es strong and steady. Ayer's Sarsaparilla will certainly do all this for you. Prepar DII.3. Ct. AY?P? & Co.. 71.,w.U. 'd, ... . MI. A. ---· --?V v v v,--- ---C OURSELVES. IN order to enable the members of our stair to participate in the Christmas and New Year Holidays, the following arrangements will apply. The "Guardian" will be issued early on Christmas morning,and all notices for that issue must be in our hands not later than 9 p.m. on the 24th. There will be no issue of the " Guardian" on the 27th or January 1.