Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Friday 6 December 1912, page 2

Wanted Servants, Lost & Foun To Let and For Sate. WANTEI -Good Useful Girl as Generan Serv; t. Apply Miss McLeod, "'Claremont.' 1 1OUND-::rooch. Owner ..,vesame dt by pal mg far advt. Appy "Guardan" office.Sr Sr O-LET.--Good 13-Roomed House, con j veniently situated to Beach. Apply, John Kean. To-Let. ri 1 well-known Boarding Establiahment, Victoria House, containining 2( rooms, Tyre street. Particulars, T. IIHUXLEY. . To Let or For Sale. I) E3IDENCE, " Maguire'u," Otway L street, Portland. Apply Arthur E. Fielding, Solicitor, Portland. I ATED.-Poultry in any quantity. W Apply Mac's Hotel. frO-LE'1 or For Sale-IHouses, South S Portland. Apply J. L. Wyatt. Sroesslonal &liuslness lDirectorate A Ipecial cheap charge ia made for notice' 'ndor this head not exceeding three lines, SIIPPING A FAMILY BUTGCIIH IB -OsnouMasS Ieos. Pecrcy Street. Pnr and. S. WTEPHIIEN'S ClURCH. SUNDAY, DI)CEMBDER 8, 1912. CANON CARIMII:HAEI L will Pren:h in the Smorning and the R ev. F. T. C. Reynolds, ref Clunes, lu the evening. PREBIYTERIIAN CIltURCH SABBATH NEXT, Pieacher.-Rev. Wm, Tait, M.4, Morning 11 I Evening 7. IMTH'ODIST CHUIRCH PORTLAND SUNDAY NEXT, DEC. 8, Mr. W. J. Williamson, L,L,B. Will PREACH In the Morning at xr, and R]ev. John adams in the Evening at 7, A CORDIAL WELLCOIME TO ALL, BAPTIST CHUB.CE. PERCY STREET Rev. HT. A. Horsiall. W ILL 'IREACH in the above Church on W UNlJAY Morning and Evening To Let lOR1€ A TERM, " Avonmore," West I Portlind. Brick residence and Thirty Acres of Land. For particulars, apply T. E. C. IIENRY. Notice. A IEWARD will be given to any person or persons who will give information that will lead to the Conviction of the person who cut the Naval Cutter's Cover. O. JONES, W.O. Portland Racing Club. A PPLICATIONS, addressed to the President, are invited up to 12 noon on 12th inst. for the position of Secretary. :Salary-Ten Pounds per annum. Bullock Teams Wanted For Pile Hauling, DEANS MARSII AND FORREST DISTRICTS. Full particulars, Pettitt Bros., Geelong, To Let by Tender. SPLENDID FARM for Grazing and Agriculture, containing 312 acres,with 7 toomed house, wool iand machinery sheds anld stable, divided intou paddocks, kno.vn as "lFairview," allot 7, eec A, parish of Drik Drik. Term two years. Posescssion in autumln. 'lTenders close :31st December, 1912. Apply, J. C. JOIINSON, Greenwald. The Stud. LL persons indebted to me for Stud .. Fees for the years 1910, 1911, are otlified that if not paid by the 7th DecemLer proceedings will be taken. S. DEVLIN, Gurae. Shire of Portland. kI ENDERS will be received at Heywood S.up till 11 a.rn.. on THURSI)AY, 12TI DECEMIJEIt for P'urchase of Fencing on Blidgewater road, between lMickey's and Allen's, T. F. H. MURIPHY, Engineer. Shire of Portland. ANNUAL MEETING. I OTICE is hereby given that the Annutl IMeeting of the Council will be held at Haywood,at 12 o'clock noon on TliURISDAY, the 12th December, 1912. The statement of accounts may be inupccted at the Shire oifice, Walook, PortloLd, by all interested. T. E. TULLOH, Secretary. Portland, 2Gth Nov., 1912. To Let. :'200 ACRES GOOD GRAZING. - J. CUNDY, HEYWOOD. 'LINSEED COMPOUND" Trade M: ark of Kay's Compound sseonce of SLinseed for Coughs and Colds. 'LINSEED COMPOUND" for Coughs and colds. Relieves Asthma and difficult breathing. "LINSEED COMPOUND" for Coughs and Colds. Loosens phlegm, aljaya irritation.

The Charge of the Bargain Brigade. BARGAINS to right of them, .;.;:i , BARGAINS to left of them, BARGAINS in front of them All the town wonders But STUBBS never B3lundcrs. He has just Bought from a leading Manufacturer, a remarkably Cheap lot of READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS at prices that will surprise the keenest of Bargaina Hunters. The Goods compries everything that is Newest and Best in Costumes, Skirts, Blouses,,. Children's Dresses, Pianafores, and a Beautiful Lot of Ladies' Underclothing. Always remember the fact that .F. ,A. STUBBS specialises in READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS, and thcrefore his prices cannot be beaten. A Large Assortment of Manufacturer's Samples to arrive next Tuesday DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. F. A. STUBBS Roeady-to-wear Specialist, JULIA STREET, FORTLAND, SGreat Yalue in the. , Crockery In5 Section._____ Recent purchases now to hand unable us to show the latest and most desirable designs in decorations and shapes. Dainty goods at desirable prices Great Variety of Jugs from Gd up. Tea Sets from 7s Gd. Teapots-Gd upwards. White Dinner Sets-Made up to Suit. Jardenaires in Great Variety. Bedroom Sets-from 7s Gd a Set. Basketiwaare New Goods, .........New Shapes, Baskets for all occasions. Hand Basket, oval [shaped, is 3d up. Round Basket, from is Gd to 3s. Worked baskets, lined and unlined, from is 3d Fancy Colored Baskets from is 3d. Picnic Baskets, great variety of styles. Dress Baskets from 2s. Special Display - OF-. , MILLINERY -AND -Dress Good s, Newest Effects :: -IN -AT Campbell's,Pioneer Pioneer House, PERCY STREET.'' '':: TO THE INHABITANTS OF PORTLAND AND DISTRICT W. VIVIAN Practical Saddle & Harness Maker, Desires to intimate to the general public that he has purchased the well-known and old established business in Portland for so:many years carried on by the late Mr. E. ADAMS, and trusts to receive the support of. the Residents of Portland and District, Up-to-Date and Extensive Stock. Y'our Watronaee Respectfully Solicted.

Always Reliable Commonwc ~,th .... :.:t: . . ;r ,, f1,,,a - U SAVINGS - ":: TMET. DEPOSITS reccived from of,.: .i,;lnj up,~ans. Interest at. the rate of Three Per Cen t. per annu:?l ;iowed: on all Depbsitziup" tob 300. ,~.rc.rie.: :w pe,,n at iocal Post Offices thrnughnl-t practicrJly h ve wv de of Victoria. Mrelboutrr e Aentlcy 317 '.OL:N;S STRE?.T. : ,rlbh?u,,, i?t /y , ).:' 3SON t1!LL'.Ht, Governor .ENTERPRISE HOUSE." Campbell & McLean Are now making their FIRST SHOW -OF & Summer Drapery; &c. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY -FOR TIIELatest . in Dress Goods. Inspection Cordially Invited. CAMPBELL AND MCLEA N, DRAPERS AND OUTFITTERS, Percy Street.

J. L. WYA TT, Aulction?cr, Stock, .station 'r;al General Conimissioni Agesnt,PORTLAND PORTLAND and at HAM?ILTON. uctllon Hales of Flt anu Store Sh.:cp and Catile, Ibrge and small estates, farm and town properties, held In any part of the stale. Private Hales of Stock and Properties arefu ly conducted. AGENT The tloneral Aeclden Fire and Life Assurance Corporation Ltd., of Perth, Scotland. H, V. MlKay's Farm Implementai Binders and blowers, Drills, Chaflcutturs and Ilorsoworks, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Ploughs, Stump umps. Dise Ploughs, Rollors, Iron gates, (orn Crushers,Olls, &c, Corner Jilia and Beotiuck Streets, PORTLAND. PORTLAND MARKET. In .Sale Yards at rear.of.Royal Hotel Thursday, December 12. AT 2 O'CLOCK. J; , L. WYATT W ILL offer for sale by public auction at 2 o'clock, as underHorses, Sheep. Cattle, DRIK DRIK. Saturday, Dec. 7, 1912. Show .Sale. HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP P. Learmonth & Co W ILL hold a Special Sale as above on the above date, when they will offer : 170 Fat Merino Wethers 25 Speyed Hereford Heifers 17 Autumn Dairy Ie'ifers, good sorts 12 Speyed Cows, good condition 8 Steers, 3 years 6 Steers, 2 years 6 Heifers, dairy sorts, 2 years 12 Yearling Steers 1 Hereford Bull, Murndal bred 1 Shorthorn Bull 2) Horses, comprising 2 and 3 year olds Draughts, Fillies, Geldings and Delivery Sorts Full particulars in future issue. HE E3WOOD ErJONTHLY M.ARB?.T. THURSDAY, JAN. 2, 19g2. P. Learmonth & Co ,I !ILL hold thei'r ionthly Sale on the NV aboVd date at ianlon's ? yards, when hey will ffer . Cattle, .illorsesi &'c" • Entries Invited

LEELING POORLY? Just dragging around? Tired all the time? Languid, depressed, discouraged? Do not stimulate; that will only make had matters worse.', Take a tonic, a regular tonic, and one entirely free from a scohol.,Taker -"1j r1 . Io$p.Boal so r~es You'will'soon:feel?the galn'all through your'ystem. 'And you will keep the gain, too.: Ask your doctor, and do as he says.' .To get the most out of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, your bowels should be regular. Correct any tendency to constipation with Ayer's Pills. Dose, just onepilll at bedtime. Phepored by DR. J. O. AYER a 00.., Miss Gertrude AIlnutt, L.L.,C.M., (Matriculated Honors) University Consorvatorium. Pianoforte, Organ, Violin. Harmony and Counterpoint. ESTABLISHED 1860. Portland Tailoring Establisment Winm. T. Bennett MERCHANT TAILOR, E3ent2iz.o l: Street, Is NOW SHOWING his -NE-W Summer Goods, Just Received Latest and Fashionable Tweeds, Coatings, Suttings, and Overcoatings. Special Lines in Tailor Made Overcoats at LOWEST PRICES. Also Macintosh Overcoats. S?lts Completed at Shortest Notice from £2 10s Cash. Fit, Stylo and Workmanship Guaranteed "LINSEED COMPOUND? for ,Coughs and Colds. Of proven efficacy for chest complaints,

"LINSEED COMPOUND." The Stockport Remedy forOoughs and Colds, Q9f Q yeqra"' grgyan ocacy,