Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Wednesday 12 March 1902, page 4

Plun Puddlar. Loes dlnmnylng tothelav argo bour?wite than tbo ordinrry Engllh and French tecipes for Christmas plum pudding, with their long lists cf ;tlh Inpred',nt, is tihe following for a ilainor but still excellent pudding: Inirselante-on-u cupful of sugar, ono-quarter of a pouni of roalsii, a cupful ct butter, n hblf poLnd of ourants, 83j cuptuls of flower, a littie citron s:iced, 4 eggs, the wbite? and yolks beontn sepa. ratoly. Put in u teaspoon!ul of saloratus, with ono-half cupful of oriunm. Flour the Walslns, ourrante and olLron beforo a ding to the mixture. Boll it tOrc houors in a loured cloth. Servo with brandy sauce. Deck the pudding with holly and serve in p flaoi made by pouring brandy over and ighting it Just oefore entering the dining rom, and you will hIavoduly obsorved one hellgbtful and picturesque feature of the Chritmas feast.