Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Wednesday 12 March 1902, page 2

Eatablished Ai?!ust 1841. -0 which is Inorsorato z he Wartlandr #titrar. -o_ Published at Brwltand Every Monday Wed nesday, and Frirdar Evenino. VWEDNESDAY, nMARCH I2, 1902. BOLWARRA STATE SCHOOL. - The pupils at this school having considerably increased in number, the Education department decided to make it a full time school. MIr Thomas Collier, who has been the head master both of this and the Gcrae school for the past 15 years. will now, we understand, take charge of Gorae, or, as is more likely, be removed to a larger school elsewhere. The child. ren of the Bolwarra school regret they will lose Mr Collier's services, and on Friday last, which was the day of the annual inspection, they took the oppor. tunity of presenting M'r Collier with an address, and a very handsome tea-pot as a parting present, Mliss T. Woods having been chosen to perform the pleasing ceremony. Mr Collier was quite unaware that he was to be the recipient of such a handsome present, but feelingly thanked the children for their kindness and ex presstd his regret that be was about to depart from Bolwarra school and his pupils. We curselves wish bMr and Mrs Collier every prosperity, and will be glad to hear Mr Collier will be promoted to a larger school in this distlltg,

THil WEATHER coptinues dull and cool with a continuance of wind oif the sea which should please the most ardent seeker after a full and plentiful supply of the pure and unadulterated briny, HARVEST FESTIVAL. - On Sunday Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held in St, Stephen's Church, As usual the inside of the church was nicely dressed for the occasion. A number of mernhers of the choir, assisted by some members of the congregation, took the task of displaying the flowers, fruit and produce generally sent in for the occasion, and we must admit that it is questionable if ever the handiwork in this line has been surpassed by any previous effort-good indeed as has.been those of former years., Entering by the North door the effect was striking, but the West approach was by far the most comprehensive, still the two views were entirely different, and we must lean to the picture open to view from the North.-west part of the church. From this position a great part of the dressing in the chancel, the communion table, the altar rails, the choir seats, the pulpit, the time-honored but old fashioned clerk's reading desk, and the christening font were all well within the range of a comprehensive view as a whole, and a pretty picture it made. For display and sweet effect, however, the christening font and the reading desk were distinctly in evidence. The desk was dressed with an abundance of the products of the orchard, the kitchen garden, the farm, while harvest w's represented by the scythe, the sickle, the hay. rake, &c., and on it were also the ripened and manufactured results of the wheat and the oat in particular, Reposing in the Baptistry, and viewed through the open door, was the christening font, dressed in greenery and bedecked with sweet flowers most suitable to the purity for which it is introduced into church work, A subdued light, itself most in keeping, lent a further charm to the picture, and tended to mellow the tone to one of a deliciously light pink.like nature, and giving a pretty back ground to the more advanced life as viewed by the fruits of the harvest immediately in front in the church itself. As we have already stated this corner of the pretty church was sweet, and one which grew in sweetness to the eye the longer one gazed, the light and shade caused by the sun as it emerged from or was bidden by the clouds, ever lending a fascinating charm, The communion table was most becomingly laden with pure white flowers, which stood out sweetly amidst the bounteous speciruens of lovely fruit of very many kinds, while the ears of corn, the grapes and the loaf of bread were strikingly significant. The altar rails were also very nicely dressed with fruits of all kinds, while greenery was added with good taste. The pulpit bad also received very liberal attention, and here good judgment was shown. The ends of the pews were all ornamented, while the various arches told of considerable labor with pleasing result, The services on both occasions were appropriate, the hymns and lessons particularly so, The Ven. Archdeacon Allnutt conducted the services, delivering on both occasions suitable discourses. Now I a n o v n T T.-Thc following schedule was filed in the office of the chief clerk, Hamilton, on baturday:David Millard, of Milcown, labourer and rabbit trapper. Causes of insolvencyPressure of creditors, losses in dealing and adverse judgments some years ago, Liabilities, £162g z/4; assets, £3; deficiency, £16a26 1/4. Mr E. H. Atkinson, assignee, ST. TAMES' CHURCH, TYRENDARRA.For years those having the management of this church have held an annual picnic, which has proved one of the most enjoyable features of the year, On this occasion, in addition to the picnic and the sports usually indulged in, there will be what is termed an exhibition, and unger such a title there will be cormipetitions in fruit, vegetables, home and dairy produce, needlework, and horses in action generally. Prizes will be given in each, and from what we hear, good all round competition will be shown. The zgth inst. is the date chosen, and as the distance is" only about x6 miles, a large number should visit from Portland. THE GREENWOODS,- l'he playgoing public of Portland may anticipate a treat on Monday and Tuesday, r7th and 18th of March, when the Greenwoods world. renouned company will make their first appearance here in the Library Hall. The Greenwoods form undoubtedly the most unique combination on tour, being, with a few exceptions, composed of entirely one family, They are thus enabled to present a perfection of detail-a general,ensemblage rarely met with in travelling companies, Miss Maribel Greenwood, was, when quite a child, a pupil of the great American actress, Miss Louise Pomeroy, and a protege of the Hungarain violinist Edward Remenzi, who prophesied a wonderful future for New Zealand's daughter of genius, as he named her. Miss Greenwood besides being a gifted actress, is endowed with a v?rv beautiful soprano voice, which has beeJn c.refully trained, Miss Agatha Greenwood is efjually talented as her sister, and her performance of "Tina" in Melbourne was most highly spoken of. Indeed the appearance of the sisters there caused quite a furore in musical and dramatic circles, Mrs Green vood herself is a finished artist, and is said to be unequalled in comical character parts, while Mr Bobt Greenwood asststs her capitally in supplying the comical element, Mlr Greenwood will introduce some of the latest American successes, Other members are Misses Nora and Reberta Greenwood both attractive young ladies with charming voices, and Messrs 1V. Baird, C. Power, T. Pye, and little Charlie Williams. Although mentioned last, this very young gentleman is one of the strangest cards in the show. His singing and acting is said to be simply marvellous in so young a child, and his appearance is invariably hailed with.de. light audjapprobation. The performsnue ot the Gareenwoods leans towards the operatic style, a fact made desireable for the display of the beautiful voices of the ladies. The Greenwoods come to us with a wvorld wide reputation, They are not a cpmpany of yesterday, and whereever they appear their names become a household word. We can safely pro. mise intending patrons a true evening's thorough enjoyment and a regular feast of music and melody. MIONTHLY meeting of the Portland biro Councril lo.mrrow,

REMSovING A BUILDING.-One of the items necessary for the carrying out of the business at the pier station, is the re. moval of the large building used for goods inwards and outwards. This structure is not only to be removed, but it has to be given another angle which will secure an additional line of rails, The work has been in hand for some time, A new foundation has been prepared, and all being in readiness the building is to.day being, by the aid chiefly of screw-jacks, removed almost bodily into its new position. SUDDEN DEATH AT WALLACEDALE.Mr Malachi Waters, village settler, died very suddenly at Wallacedale on Sunday (writes our Condah correspondent). Waters and his wife attended mass held in the Wallacedale hall on Sunday morn-ing. After the service, it was thought he had gone home, when he was found to be missing. Some hours after several boys found the dead body of Waters in one of the outhouses behind the hall. Deceased had resided in this part of the district for a number of years, and had attained a good old age, and had of late been drawing the old age pension. He was of a cheerful disposition. The body was removed to his late residence, and a magisterial inquiry will be held. M.U.I.O.O.F.-The annual movab!e committee of the above will hold their sittings this year at Geelong, at which P.P.G.M. W. T, Bennett, of the Poit. land lodge, will be one of the representetives for the Port Fairy District. STEAMER SAILINGS.-There are some alterations to-day in the sailings of the steamers trading with this port, which shippers should note, RECENTLY SEVERAL FIRES have oc. curred in the Fitzroy and Collingwood districts under suspicious circumstances. The last occurred on Monday at the pre. mises of Mr. Jones, undertaker, Ccllingwood, when property valued at £2oo was destroyed. In several cases it was noticed that a man named John, Martin was always first to give the alarm. He was employed by Jones as a casual hand and the detectives.decided to arrest him when he confessed that he had set Jones's place on .fire, and also another house in Cambridge-st., Collingwood, but denied having caused other fires, It was understood that he was under a mistaken im. preesion that he would receive a reward for being the first to report fires. SINcE HIS VISIT to Portland at the official opening of the deep water pier; the Mayor of Mount Gambier (Dr. C, C. McDonald) has become a warm ad. vocate of the railway to Portland, as he is convinced that the Government will do nothing to further south-eastern in. terests by a broad gauge railway or local port. The merchants of Adelaide, how. ever, are moving in the direction of forcing action upon the Government, and have decided to concentrate the attention of candidates upon the question at the forthcoming general elections, WEIR AT CONDAH SWAMP.-A work of great importance to the settlers on Condah Swamp was completed on Mon. day. Last year an experiment was made in daming back the water by a temporary embankment composed of sand bags, and the eflect of this was so satisfactory that it was determined to carry out the work on a larger and per. manent scale.. The Government were approached in the matter by the Port. land Shire Council, and after a good deal of negotiation it was arranged to give the council a grant on condition that the weir was constructed under their supervision. This has now been accomplished by Mr W. D. Rundell, contractor, and the re. suit should prove a boon to the residents, The weir is built at .the intersection of the Louth arm with the north arm on the main drain, and it is fitted with six flood gates and a footbridge. It has the effect of damming the water back along the drain to the extent of about li miles, an advantage which perhaps only those familiar with the swamp can thoroughly appreciate, -HAMILTON STOCi MARKET.-Messrs, Laidlaw and Fenton report under date Saturday, March 8":-Owing to tae continued dry weather very few sheep are coming in to the yards, and to-day was no exception to the rule. The few fat sheep penned brought full market values, and buyers went away unsupplied for this class of stock. Store sheep realised full late rates and we disposed of all yarded. Cattle are still in good request, and there was good competition to-day, thus enabling us to dispose of nearly all yarded at prices quoted, Fat cattle are in good request through the yards, BuIl locks of fattening ages are also wanted, SWEPT OUT TO SEA.-At Ocean Beach Newcastle, on Saturday afternoon, a Russian Finn named Karalainen, went in to bathe, and in the presence of a large number of people on the shore was cars tied out to sea by the under-current. Has struggles with the breakers lasted for over a quarter of an hour, A young man named Rutledge, who could swim very little, volunteered to go out with a life-line, but it was soon evident that if he persisted there would be two victims instead of one, and be was hauled in; This is the place where a woman lost her life under similar circumstances a few weeks ago. AccouNTs.-The following accounts awaited payment at the local subtreasury this morning for J. Mills, J. R8 M. Tunnock, The world's oat crop is worh annually £205,oo0ooo, A meeting of the Decentralisation League is called for to-morrow night at 8 o'clock. The Victorian gold yield for last month was 57,318 oz. Great Britain has I,95r,ooo domestic servants earning £68,5o00,ooo per annum, The Government is providing coir springs for the new pier at Portland. The New Zealand custonms receipts for the past eleven months excceded the estimate by £0o,0oo. Mlr, George \o'les is, owing to ill health, resigning his position as handicap! per of the Victoria Amateur Turf Club. It is claimed for the House of Representatives that 15 of its memsbers, or no fewer than onc-thir;d of the whole, arq total nbstainers,

Foxes are very numerous in the district between Sale and the mountains. They go about in predatory hordes and are becoming a serious menace. The Prime Minister expresses the opinion that Tattersall's latest proposal to'evade the anti-sweep law, will be unsuccessful. In any case ihe states that the will of Parliament must be carried out. At a sale of blood stock on Monday the chief prices realised were :-Goorge Frederick. 280 guineas; Tarquin. .o5 guineas; Kaimate, 200 guineas; The Admiral, 230 guineas; Progredior, 250 guineaq ; Limber was passed in at zooo guineas, 725 guineas being the best offer. The body of a man named Edward Lonehan, has been found four miles from Piangobla station, Collarendabri, New South Wales, lying face downwards, and wrapped in blankets. It is supposed that he got bushed and perished from thirst, At the meeting of the Maryborough council, on Thursday, Cr Pollard said it had been discovered that a lot of rats were being brought to Maryborough by the railway. He moved that the board of health be asked what action had best be taken, and also that the railway authorities be written to. The motion was carried.