Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Wednesday 29 December 1909, page 3

Xmas Holidays. -4~---Our last issue had scarcely been circulated when the streets of the town began to be gay by the large number of children joyously scampering about, eager to ascertain how best to spend the shilling saved up for Christmas presents. As the evening advances Paters and Maters were also on the streets, and till after.I0 o'clock the various business places were unable to close the doors through the demand for goods by customers. The cause of this was no doubt due to many who, unthinkable like, had left their purchases to the last minute, thus detaining the employees much longer than should have been the case. - It is all very well for those who wish to have as little trouble as possible with their goods, and consequently leave their purchases to the last moment. But what about the masters and the employees who had a busy week previously and a'heavy day to wind ud with. Surely they are entitled to consideration. However, the train, was as usual, late and thanks are, perhaps, due to those late, shoppers as the streets were kept brilliantly lit till about train arrival. This caused the flow of population towards Bentinck street and later on to the vicinity of the Post Office, where, commencing at 11 o'clock,the members of the Portland Public Band rendered a most suitable programme. The.wind was fresh and cool from the South-East, and under the shelter of the Post Office several hundreds of people wore entertained by the generosity of the bandsmen. One item especially was of a touching nature, the hymn "0' hear us when we cry to Thee, for those in peril on the sea." The Waratah was in the minds of many present, and the hymn was rendered all the more touching through that mystery. The music by the band appeared to be better than usual and was the subject of favorable comment. The shops were all brilliantly illuminated and many reforrodito such with the remark that 1'ortlandor's were not afraid of the coal strike. One lamp, however, in Percy street, stood out as evidence of,so one wag was heard to say "another indication of the shortage of coal." The general dressing was satisfactory all round,but many of the window displays, in the fruit, toys and such like lines,had a topsy turvey appearance. The utmost good behaviour prevailed, and Christmas,Day was ushered in peacefully. Christmas Day was one of the most pleasant as regards' weather. A bright suniny day with an atmosphere more of early spring than thatof summer. Services were hold as usual in some of the churches, while, as a whole, the calm of the Sabbath appeared to prevail. Sunday was another day marked for delightful weather. A large number of visitors-the train beingpacked throughout-arrived on Friday night, while further additions were made on Christmas night. This addition to our population was pleasingly in evidence in the various churches throughout Sunday, while dozens were to be observed enjoying the ozone from the sea. The little ones paddled, and older ones did so, only a little more so. Others enjoyed a sail in the many pleasure boats,the conditions for such being perfect. The stroll along the cliffs,both north and south, was one which could not fail to be a treat indeed for our inland friends,and many took advantage of such. The various other places of resort were also in demand, and generally a most delightful Christmas and .Sunday were Portland's experience. Boxing Day broke with indications for a touch of summer. Later on-he wind shifted from north-east to north, and the temperature at once shot up. The heat, however, did not last long, as the wind quickly passed right round to. south, and a delicious cool breeze was experienced the remainder of the day. During the afternoon some races of model yachts took place, which provided amusement for a good many, visitors ineluded. The results of these were:Yacht's over 2ft Gin-Mr J. Lannigan's Columbia 1,MrPatterson'sThelm 2. There were 12 starters: The Meteor and Thistle were the leading boats,but did not weather the mark on the now pier. Yachts under 2ft. Gin-Mr R.. Grant's Columbia 1, Master G. Mackinnon's Poppy 2. About 20 boats started, but the race was a failure. At night asocialfollowed by a dancowns held in the Library HIall under the ausplces of the Model Yacht Club. Although the weather was not to6 pleasant for the dance the evening, as a whole, wasan enjoyable The Dunkell-HIamilton Excursion on Boxing Day arrived wll utp to time with a large niumber of excursioinaists' from all stations. The weather inland was hot,but on arrival here a WX~auntc c chUa:ilg was felt, although at the time Portlanders were complaining much of the heat. The visitors, mhowever, were able to appreciate the weathcr' in Portland. In "various ways they passed the day, chiefly, of course, in the immediate vicinity of the beach. The Botanical Gardens was one of the popular spots, as while being within a stone throw of the sea, provides abundance of shade by large trees,alsograss plots, to say nothing of the pleasure to be derived by an inspection of Curator Couch's fllowers, shrubs, and suchlike. Boating, sailing, and rowing was very g00eneral and the half-hour on the briny, which was like asea of glass, was very much enjoyed. When it is said that over 1000 visitors were in the town on Monday it can readily be estimated that the sea shore in front of the town proper was a busy scene. So far as we can learn no accident took place, and those who had to return homo bf the excursion regretted thatthe extremely pleasant day at the seanside had terminated.so soon. Of course a number of visitors came with the intcetion of remaining, and 'dolightful weather should now be expected.