Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Monday 19 April 1909, page 2

First Issue, August 20, 1842. -0-o With which is incorporated Wre a ortUn?d ~itrror. -o at Portland Every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday Evening. MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1909. SINCE LAST ISSUE a very cold change in the weather has been experienced here. The wind changed to the south, and a bitterly cold wind with sharp showers of rain and hail were experienced during last-night. RAINFALL.-Mr. Porteous, of the Government observatory at the local lighthouse, reports his register of rain as 103 points for the 24 hours ending 9 a.m. to-day. LEAVING PORTLAND.-The notice in our last issue applying for a transfer of the license of Mac's Hotel from Mrs Durose to Mrs Walker was an unwelcome surprise to Portlanders generally, as it suggested the removal of Mrs Durose from Portland. That the supposition is perfectly correct will be heard with general regret. During her occupancy of Mac's Hotel Mrs Durose has earned the name of a capable hostess in every respect. The large hotel was well filled thrnuighnut the summer-overflowing at times-and on all hands nothing but the highest satisfaction at the management throughout was heard. Personally Mrs Durose was a great favorite with all, visitors and townspeople alike, and her determination to make a change will be very much regretted. It is pleasing to be assured that the only cause for the change is a desire to be nearer to her relatives and friends. Miss Collins also accompanies Mrs Durose, and here another general favorite at Mac's will be missed. There is good consolation, however, in the assurance that the above vacancies will be well filled in Mrs Walker and her two daughters, who come with the highest credentials to worthily fill the responsible offices of those leaving. The best wishes of Portlanders will accompany those leaving, and equal popularity may be expected by those Just arrived. ANOTHER NAval CORPS.-It has been proposed to form a Junior Naval Cadet Corps in Portland, and as Portland is one of the few privileged places that the Minister of Defence has approved of a corps being formed, it should be taken the utmost advantage of. WarrantOfficer Mutton could not give us definite details yet, but he says it will be on similar lines to the Senior Naval Cadet corps, only, of course, composed of younger members. HEATH CROPS.-In many instances the potato crops on the heath at the south of the town are being dug. and from what we can learn, although fairly large yields are obtained in some cases the crop as a whole is not up to the usual standard for quantity. Mr A. Dawkins has a nice display of both potatoes and apples in Mr G. Fisher's fruit shop. These are well worth inspecting, but Mr Dawkins could add other specimens in rape and onions which would interest visitors and townspeople alike. TRANSFERRED-Although not unexpected it will be somewhat unwelcome news for our readers to learn that Mr James Long, State school teacher, has been transferred from the Bolwarra school to that at Apsley. The change means advancement for Mr Long, but Portland is losing a good citizen. He has the best wishes of Portlanders for success in his new sphere of labor, OUR CEMETERIES.--At the last meeting of the Portland Cemeteries Trust the question of improvement of the South Cemetery engaged a good deal of attention. The proposal to secure the balance of the reserve on the east side resulted in further enquiries to be made forth. with. The fencing of at least the north and the west lines was practi. cally agreed upon. The idea is to provide a cyclone fence with wire netting added. This will render the fence fire and rabbit proof, and at the same time be light and ornamental. Another desirable proposal is the survey of the whole of the ground and an accurate map prepared showing the size of each allotment and of those disposed of. BESSIEBELLE SPORTS.-A full report of these .pnorts has reached us from our correspondent, but we are compelled to hold same over till next issue. POSTPONED.-In order to prevent clashing with Narrawong the Bridge water concert fixed for the 5th May has been put baclk to Friday, the 7th May. CONCERT, ETc.-The committee of St. James' Church, Tyrendarra, have decided to hold a concert and coffee supper at the Narrawong Mechanics' Hall on Wednesday, May 5, the proceeds to be in aid of the church. A good programme will be presented and a real good night's outing should result, particularly as the moon should make travelling pleasant. DANCING, ETC.--Those desirous of receiving lessons in fashionable dancing, deportment, carriage, etiquette and such like will find a notice elsewhere from Miss Gaffney, Hamilton, who has had a long experience in such teaching. The complete returns in connection with the Easter railway traffic shows that for five days 124,063 tickets were issued at the three metropolitan stations. This is an increase of 2790 on the number recorded last year. The revenue 8hbWo fn hIcr.ase of f341,

A DESPICABLE TRICK. - A malicious trick was played upon a Camber well printer on Wednesday, a nur ber of cards being printed with grossl3 indecent verses, and with the printer's name affixed, and posted to a number of residents in Camberwell and district. The missives were received by the first post on Wednesday, the recipients being various clergymen, prominent business people and the police. The cards were in each instance enclosed in the ordinary secretive envelope, and the handwritings of the addresses was disguised by being printed with a pen, The unoffending printer was soon after waited upon by the receivers of the cards for an explanation, one and all of them denouncing it as a diabolical act. The affair was immediately placed in the hands of the local police, and also Detective Kiely, who are making every effort to trace the perpetrator. FoOTrsALL.-The opening match if the football season will be played on Wednes. day Iext between the Naval Militia and West Pertland. The admission will be:a silver coin, and the proceeds will be in aid of ilhe hospital. The team to represent the Militia will be Heezlewood, Duetlnt (2), Hardy, Cooper, McCuspie, Stanford (2), Guy (2), Lmnagan, O'Connor, Bailey, Bush, Beames, Keiller, Drew, Jerrett (2), Hemers, O'Brien. WVest Portland-Hogan (2), Parker, Newton (2). Sheenan, Jennibgs (2). Gorton, Vickery (2), Kent, Gibbs, Teller, Laurie (2), Heddltch, Lightbody, Rodgers, Oakley, Johnson (2), Feuduloff. Osatrart.--The death sle reported from Casterton of Mr. Joseph Leaks, proprietor of the Gleuolg ,Hotel in that town. Mr. L.t.*. - r . ll known in Portland he having carried on business In tue condon Hotel in this town for some time. Mr. Leake's death was noc entirely unexpected, although the illness which resuited in his death :was only of short duration. The deceased leaves a fairly large family, the members of which are all grown up. PRaSaesNTtr o.--On Friday evening last the members of St. Stephen's girls' confirmation class waited upon the Misses McLeod at their residence, "Claremont," and presented those ladies with a small token of appreciation of their kindness In mtking their (the girls') confirmation veils and in other ways assisting to prepare them for the sacred rite. The tokens took the appropriate form of silver thimbles, and alth?ugh their intrinsic value was small they were accepted in the spirit in which they were given, that of gratitude, which, like mercy, "Blesses him that gives and him that takes." The Misses McLeod are leaving Portland this week for an ex. tended visit to New Zealand. FIas MEsAT.-On Friday last several carcases of beef at Messrs. Osbourne Bros'. butchering establishment in Percy street attracted considerable attention on uccount of their extraordinary richness. Tihe internal cavities were choked with stalactites and stalagmites of suet, while the whole of the exterior was thickly coated swith layer upon layer of fat, and the meat itself wsee juicy enough to make the most finical of epicures' mouths water. This splendid moat, we are proud to say, did not come from Meorino Downs or Manthem, but from our own heath lands. The cattle were bred and reared by Mr. Arkell at South Portland on the allotment known as the "Nine Acres." FtEE LeuRAnv,-Bn ordinary meebing of the committee was held on the 10bh insb., when there were present Messrs. H. Goldsmith (in the chair), T. G. Henry, J. H. Rew and 0, French. The treasurer's report was received and adopted, and accounts to the amountof £12 16s 10d were passed for payment. The librarian reported no books out overtime. Ib was decided to subscribe to theo' Sydney Bulletin" and the "Ado. laide Observer" for six months. A letter was read from the Chief Secretary relating to a photo, of Lord Northcote, and it was reported that the photo. arrived broken and was returned. A letter was received from Cyrus E. Brooks, advising dispatch of sic books promised by Mrs. Jackman. The books had since been received and acknowledged. Mr. Fielding's resignation from the book committee was received with regret. Mr. T. E- C. Henry wrote inquiring if the hall was available for skating on the same terms and conditions as previously. To be informed that it was; also that the charge for dancing olasses (tuition only) was 2/6 per hour in day time, and 3/ at night. VALEDICTroRY.-Ou Saturday afternoon, at the Richmond Hotel, Mr. T. Dickson was made the recipient, on behalf of himself and wife, of a set of carvers and a tra . Or. J. R. Woods occupied the chair and made the presentation. Mr. Dickson acknowledged the gifts in suitable terms, and expressed his regret that he was leavring Portlad end the district. However, his wife's health domnunded it, and he had to pull up his stakes and depart for elsewhere. FRtUITow ecns' AassocTrox.Ti The "annual meeting of the Portland Frultgrow. ers' Assoclation will be held at the London Hotel on Thuredey evening next. Besides other importaut business, Mr. Barton will make a proposition relative to the storage and shipment of fruit. A large attendance is requested. AccounTs await payment to the followIng at the local Sub.Treasury:--J. 5. Levis, Fred Spencer, Kato Smith, Samuel Thompeot, san., Campbell and Sons, E. W. Heoddlteh, J. H. Slooman, F. William. We ARE PLEASED to learn that Mr FP. Fl Gummow has made such excellent progress since the operation recently performed on him that his medical advisers regard his condition as most satisfactory. Another operation will bo carried out on Sunday, and it is confidently anticipated that this will effect a complete cure.--"Spectator."' In the inter-Stato bowling contest Vie. toria beat Now South Wales by one point. Mr A. F. IHanlon offers a reward of 1 for the return of a grey mare branded SJ Messrs Thomson, Brake and Co. give a gw notice to-day regarding their autumn T?Ea following land has been declared tevailable for selcction:--Parish of Drik Drik--493 acres third class, I8 miles from Hcywood. There are 1,002,982,970 acres of unused Crown lands in Australia. Another Antarctic expedition will be undertaken in 1911. The total quantity of hemp exported from New Zealand during 1908 was 132,535 bales, and for thi year 76,027 bales,

During a recent storm off the coast of Western Australia, four pearling vessels were lost, and their crews-24 Malays-were drowned. Mrs. W. Murphy has been the successful candidate in an examination held by the. Municipal Clerks' Board at Wodonga. Amongst the cargo on the steamer Aidenham, which'sailed from Sydney for Hong Kong on Wednesday was 19 boxes of specie (£20,000), shipped by Chinese. Major-General Rload, the Commonwealth Military Inspector-General, will return from his visit to Great Britain and America this week. He is coming by the steamer Makura. It has become evident that the new central railway station will be insufficient to deal with the whole of the railway traffic. An extention of the new station on the east side of Swanston street, where Prince's Bridge station is, issuggested. Some miners employed at the New Prince of Wales' mine, Eaglehawk, agreed to submit themselves to the searching system, on the understanding that the searcher submits himself to be searched by any person appointed by the men. At Rockhampton on Monday a boy named Albert W. Rouse was sitting on the Alexandra railway bridge, when his hat blew off. In attempting to catch it he overbalanced and fell into the Fitzroy River and was drowned. There was a strike at the Lodge Estate lienty:hnfnr, Vl0uu-,*. -run men demanded a half-holiday every Saturday afternoon, and as Mr Gibb would not make the concession they struck work. They were paid their cheques and then left. A party in a launch had an amusing experience between Sorrento and Portsea on Saturday evening. Mistaking the launch for an enemy, the men at Fort Franklin opened fire on her, and she was then chased into Sorrento by a torpedo boat. A group of members of the Russian Council of the Empire is endeavouring to reduce the number of public holidays in Russia by 36. They urge that such a reduction would save many million roubles. The clergy are vigorously fighting against the proposed reform. During the strikes and coal famine of 1906-7 the importance of developing the coal mines of Western Canada was realised. Surveys of the Alberta coalfields have lately been made, which show that there are 40,000,000,000 tons of marketable coal in the district. An Afghan named Dost Mahomet, residing' at Rooburno, was quarrelling with his European wife, when the brother of the latter interposed. A quarrel ensued, and a younger brother of the wife, Harry Grigo, struck Dost on the head with a piece of jarrah, smashing his skull. Dost died next day. "Mr W. Short, the King's Trumpeter," says the "Westminister," "went out to Australia to judge in the musical departmont of the great annual competition held in the golden city of Ballarat. He said Australians did not realise the full valueof the bands they possessed. Their excellence was quite a revelation to him." Dr. Naylor, who recently succeeded to the position of medical officer at the Ararat Hospital for Insane, has inaugurated a minstrel troupe of about 20 male and female attendants and nurses. They hold a performance on the 28th instant for the patients, which promises to be a great success, Mr. Maclean, one of the new settlers at Strathkellar, met with a severe loss on Monday last,, Taking advantage of the warm day Mr. Maclean was burning off stubble, The gale which sprang up with sudden violence carried the fire across the fire break made round the stacks, and one containing a large quantity of hay and another a straw stack were destroyed. The death is reported from HIorsham of Mr. John Bushby, a councillor and former resident of the Wimmera shire. Deceased, who was 78 years of age, was a native of Cumberland. He first arrived in the Wimmera in 1849, being engaged at St. Mary's Lake Station, Mount Arapiles. Ten children and eleven' grandchildren survive him. Rear-Admiral Bridges, owner of the Trawalla estate, told a deputation on Wednesday that he had no intention of cutting up any more of the property at present, as he considered he had met the local demand by offering 5000 acres for sale by public tender. He recommended the deputation to use its influence to get the Closer Settlemont Board to tender for it. At the meeting of the Federated Progress Association at Daylesford on Thursday the following was included in the business:-Mr A. Blakey (Hamilton) moved"That this association and representatives of country districts view with alarm the growing policy of centralisaltioiin the mattor of railways and expenditure in public matters, and deem it necessary to take action to ugo upon the country representatives of the state Parliament the necessity of conserving country interests'for the welfare of the whole state."' The resolution, having been :seconded by the Rev. E. H. Scott (Alexandra), was carried. The Postmaster-General (Mr. Thomas) has written to the Canadian Deputy Postmaster-General, who is visiting Auntralia, regarding the all-red steamship route. He stated that if a conference between Great Britain,.Canada and Australia was held on the subject, the Australian representative would be instructed to urgb that the vessels of the line;,.both.on the Atlantlec and the Pacific, should be owned by the Governments interested.The The Postmaster-General states that if the Federal Ministry is defeated in Parliament, it will request the Governor-Genieral to grant a dissolution. The ordinary general elections are not due until about March or April, and asthe Federal political outlook is not at all clear, there has been some talk'of what might happen should the dissolution spoken of by Mr. Thomas be granted. It is the Intention of the Minister of Agriculture to endeavor to revive the ioultry expoet trade. This trade has practically disappeared, and the reason ts said to be the lackof expert instructors. There are two delpartmental poultry cxlprta?d? Hawkins and Mr Iiurt, but Mr Hawkins has also hnadl the duty of organising the farmers' clasacs, which has taken up a large portion of his tlime. Ie has been rclievcd of this work and during the present year will devote his whole time to supply information to poultry breeders at the yanious ~entrcs,